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Portrait and Biographical Album of Benton County, Iowa
Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887

J[ohn] L. YOUEL, a member of the Board of County Supervisors, now making his home in Fremont Township, became a resident of this county in March, 1864. He is a native of Montgomery County, Ind., and was born Feb. 26, 1835. The parents of Mr. Youel were William N. and Jane (Berry) Youel, natives of Virginia, in which State they both lived to attain the age of maturity. They were married there and removed to Mongomery County, Ind., about 1830. In 1864 the parents came to Iowa and settled in this county, where the father died the same year; the mother survived four years, dying in 1868. Their union was blest by the birth of nine children, four of whom are living at this writing, J. L. being the youngest.

J. L. Youel was educated in the district schools and also attended an academy one term after becoming of age. Sept. 1, 1859, he was married to Rachel Chambers, a native of Virginia. She died March 28, 1863, leaving two children — Jane E., wife of Gilbert S. McWright, a resident of Jackson County, Kan.; and William C. In 1864, Mr. Youel, hoping to better his financial condition, came to this State and settled in Benton County, on section 4, Fremont Township, where he is at present residing and owns eighty acres of good farm land. Dec. 28, 1865, he formed a matrimonial alliance with Miss Ruth A. Tarpenning, daughter of Israel B. Tarpenning, who was a pioneer of Canton Township of 1852 and died there. She was born in Ohio April 7, 1844, and has borne our subject nine children, of one whom died in infancy. The living are James M., Addie A., Blaine T., John E., Charles D., George A., Marion B. and Arthur L.

In politics Mr. Youel is a Republican, having voted for every nominee on that ticket from John C. Fremont to James G. Blaine. He has held various local offices, giving general satisfaction, and is at present serving his third term as member of the Board of County Supervisors. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church; he also belongs to the I. L. of H., and while a resident of Indiana joined the I. O. O. F., but since moving here has not held fellowship with any lodge.

Source Citation: "1887 Benton County, Iowa Biographies"  [database online]  Benton County IAGenWeb Project. <>
Original data: "Portrait and Biographical Album of Benton County, Iowa." Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887, p. 222-223.
Transcribed by: Sue Soden. Submitted to the Benton County IAGenWeb Project on January 28th, 2009.  Copyright © 2009 The IAGenWeb Project.

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