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Portrait and Biographical Album of Benton County, Iowa
Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887

ALONZO L. HOPWOOD, of Vinton, Iowa, is a native of Pennsylvania, born in Connellsville, Fayette County, May 28, 1843. He is the fourth son of Rev. James and Louisa (Littell) Hopwood. Louisa (Littell) Hopwood's grandfather, Custer, on the mother's side, was a first cousin to Gen. George Washington, their mothers being sisters. They were daughters of Col. Joseph Ball, of the Revolutionary War. John Hopwood, the great-grandfather, was of English descent, and a German Baptist or Dunkard preacher. He was one of the first men to cross the Alleghany Mountains, there being nothing but an Indian trail to follow. He settled in what was afterward known as Fayette County, secured a tract of land, laid out a town and called it Hopwood. The grandfather, Moses Hopwood, also lived and died in Fayette County. Rev. James Hopwood, the father of A. L., was a Methodist preacher, a successful worker, a man of good ability, highly respected by the church and the people. He was very strong in the faith. There were ten children in his family, all of whom grew to be adults but one son, John; Moses W., a graduate of the Medical College of Philadelphia, served in the late war and died at Iowa City in the winter of 1880-81; William D., who enlisted in the 22d Iowa Infantry, served until the close of the war, and died from disease contracted while in the service; Catherine, now the widow of Dr. Joel Gans, residing at Huron, Dak.; Sarah M., wife of Lieut. John H. Nesmith, of the 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry, who served until the close of the war, was wounded in the neck on the 19th of February, 1865, at Ashby Gap, Va., while a scout; ninety-five out of 125 men were killed; he was in the battles of Cedar Creek, Winchester and Fisher's Hill; she is now a resident of Western, Linn Co., Iowa; A. L., the subject of this sketch; James M., who enlisted in 1863 in the 22d Iowa Infantry, and is now residing at Kearney Junction, Neb., engaged in the drug business; Thomas M., now living at Holdrege, Phelps Co., Neb., where he has resided three years, editing the Nebraska Nugget; Mary L., now residing at Faulkton, Dak.; she graduated at Western College and was engaged as a teacher for some time; Jennette Belle, a graduate of Western College, is now at Holdrege, Neb., a teacher in the graded schools. In April, 1861, Rev. James Hopwood moved to Iowa County, Iowa, where he preached occasionally, and in 1879 came to Vinton, where he died March 4, 1881.

A. L. Hopwood was educated at Madison College, Uniontown, Pa., and after some years' residence in Iowa entered the office of Dr. C. C. Griffin, of Vinton, and subsequently took a course at Michigan University, Ann Arbor. In the fall of 1871 he formed a partnership with Dr. C. C. Griffin in the drug trade, and since that time has been engaged in the drug business.

On the 12th day of September, 1878, our subject was married to Kate Locke, a daughter of J. B. Locke, of Vinton, Iowa. They had been married but little less than a year when Mrs. Hopwood died, leaving one child — Lucius Locke. She was an estimable lady, a sincere Christian and a member of the Presbyterian Church, of Vinton. A. L. Hopgood was again married, Oct. 5, 1882, to Miss Florence Zollinger, of Sterling, Ill. They have one child — Mabel. Mrs. Hopwood is a highly educated lady.

Our subject has been identified with Vinton since 1868, and for some years has been one of the leading business men. He is now extensively engaged in real estate in Iowa and Nebraska.

Source Citation: "1887 Benton County, Iowa Biographies"  [database online]  Benton County IAGenWeb Project. <>
Original data: "Portrait and Biographical Album of Benton County, Iowa." Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887, p. 219-220.
Transcribed by: Sue Soden. Submitted to the Benton County IAGenWeb Project on January 28th, 2009.  Copyright © 2009 The IAGenWeb Project.

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