JACOB MITCHELL. Among the residents of this county who, after years of honest toil
and economy, are enabled to retire from active labor, and who are passing the sunset
of life in the enjoyment of the accumulations of an honorable past, is the gentleman
above mentioned, at present residing at Vinton. He is a native of Fairlield County,
Ohio, and was born July 22, 1820. His father was Hugh Mitchell, a native of Virginia,
and his mother, Margaret (Overmier) Mitchell, was born in Pennsylvania. They both
emigrated to Ohio while in youth, and were there married. They settled in Perry
County, in that State, where the father entered a tract of Government land of heavy
timber, and there engaged actively and energetically upon the task of opening up and
clearing a farm. He spent the remainder of his life on that place, engaged in
agricultural pursuits. In politics he was a Jackson Democrat, and was a gentleman
well posted in the political issues of the day in which he lived. The parents had
a family of six children — four sons and two daughters. Jacob, our subject, was the
eldest; Mary died, aged ten years; Benjamin is deceased; Rhoda died when four years of age, and
the demise of Hiram occurred in infancy; William is residing in Sandusky County,
Ohio. The father died in April, 1844, and his good wife in April, l867. They were
both members and earnest workers of the Baptist Church, and took an active interest
in the cause of the Master.
Jacob Mitchell is the eldest of the family and was reared upon a farm. He was
educated in a log schoolhouse, of the day and community in which he lived, and
assisted in the labors on the farm. He was married in Sandusky County, Ohio, in
1840, to Miss Cordelia Ryder, born in Seneca County, Ohio, Feb. 2, 1803, and to
their union were born four children — Rosina, wife of John Garns, who died Feb. 8,
1884; Tamson, Irving and Lewis A.
Mr. Mitchell has always followed the vocation learned in early years, and his life
has been one of honest toil. In politics he has always affiliated with the Democratic
party, and takes great interest in the success of the same, attending all local
conventions of his party in the county. In April, 1884, he moved to Vinton, where he
has a comfortable residence. During his life he has cleared and improved two large
farms, and is justly entitled to enjoy the pleasures of a life of retirement. He and
his wife are members of the Baptist Church and strong in the faith, doing the utmost
in their power to advance the interests of that body.
Source Citation: "1887 Benton County, Iowa Biographies" [database online] Benton County IAGenWeb Project. <http://iagenweb.org/benton/>
Original data: "Portrait and Biographical Album of Benton County, Iowa." Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887, p. 194 & 197.
Transcribed by: Sue Soden. Submitted to the Benton County IAGenWeb Project on January 28th, 2009. Copyright © 2009 The IAGenWeb Project.