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Benton County, Iowa
Birth Certificate Index 1909 - 1921

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Name Birth Date County Mother's Maiden Name Certificate # Box #
Daggett, Leland Leroy 02 Mar. 1913 Benton Sheldon 62 B2064
Dailey, Wendell Leroy 27 Oct. 1916 Benton Hizer 96 B2065
Daily, William Kenneth 06 Sept. 1910 Benton Hiser 249 B2064
Dake, Catherine Lavonne 05 May 1912 Benton Thrasher 433 B2064
Dake, Donald Floyd 07 Mar. 1914 Benton Meskemen 94 B2065
Dake, Myron Carl 15 Sept. 1918 Benton Thresher 110 B2066
Dake, Thelma Leona 02 Nov. 1913 Benton Thrasher 63 B2064
Dake, Willis E. 01 Feb. 1909 Benton Ellsworth 37 B2062
Dannels, Richard Devere 19 Mar. 1915 Benton Watson 102 B2065
Darland, Thelma Evelyn 29 May 1919 Benton Strait 104 B2067
Daugherty, Ralph Wing 02 June 1913 Benton Arford 71 B2064
Daughhetee, Maxine Donley 09 June 1921 Benton Donley 58 B2068
Davies, Eulalie F. 15 May 1913 Benton Ware 68 B2064
Davis (Baby Boy) 19 Oct. 1920 Benton Franklin 446 B2067
Davis, Carolyn Louise 07 Sept. 1911 Benton Ockenfels 239 B2064
Davis, Charlott Mae 06 Aug. 1914 Benton Bassett 107 B2065
Davis, Ferdanand C. 25 Feb. 1909 Benton Ockenfeltz 326 B2064
Davis, Francis Charles 13 Nov. 1916 Benton Ochenfels 100 B2065
Davis, George Alexander 18 Aug. 1914 Benton Conway 106 B2065
Davis, Harvey Everett 20 Feb. 1921 Benton Meyers 59 B2068
Davis, Hazel Marie 25 Oct. 1918 Benton Okenfeltz 111 B2066
Davis, Isabel Marie 02 Mar. 1916 Benton Bassett 106 B2065
Davis, Ivan Joseph Jr. 31 Mar. 1921 Benton Wagoner 60 B2068
Davis, James Edward 24 Feb. 1918 Benton Losey 112 B2066
Davis, Kathleen Dean 11 Oct. 1918 Benton Gron 113 B2066
Davis, Margaret 24 Apr. 1910 Benton Smith 334 B2064
Davis, Margaret Hellen 15 Oct. 1912 Benton Ockenfels 157 B2064
Davis, Pauline Frances 17 May 1915 Benton Ockenfels 92 B2065
Davis, Robert Eugene 18 May 1919 Benton Schnoor 106 B2067
Davis, Roy Herbert 18 Mar. 1912 Benton Myers 175 B2064
Davis, William Gale 05 Apr. 1921 Benton Losey 61 B2068
Dawson, Burle Martin 13 May 1921 Benton Bartz 62 B2068
Dawson, Delores Elizabeth 01 Dec. 1910 Benton Allen 158 B2063
Dawson, Gladys D. 25 Dec. 1914 Benton Green 104 B2065
Dawson, Harry Orend 01 Dec. 1910 Benton Allen 159 B2063
Dawson, Kenneth Rivington Jr. 20 Dec. 1909 Benton Chestre 222 B2062
Deam, James Ira 16 Nov. 1915 Benton McConkey 96 B2065
Decker, Roy Leo 12 July 1920 Benton Christensen 288 B2067
Deerr, Byron Jr. 26 Dec. 1918 Benton Halopek 117 B2066
Deerr, Crystal Maxine 02 May 1918 Benton Janes 118 B2066
Deerr, John Kenneth 09 Oct. 1914 Benton Janes 97 B2065
Degood, John Gould 29 Apr. 1909 Benton Gould 260 B2064
DeGrote, Alvin Benjamin 22 Jan. 1909 Benton Bouges 354 B2064
Deitz, Vernon 14 Feb. 1916 Benton Frye 91.5 B2065
Deklotz, Louis John 16 July 1920 Benton Hessenius 289 B2067
Delfs (Baby Boy) 28 July 1916 Benton Bird 446 B2066
DeLong, Nathaniel 07 July 1911 Benton Jurgens 397 B2063
DeLong, Walter Carl 17 June 1914 Benton Brantner 102 B2065
Demmel (Baby Boy) 06 Nov. 1911 Benton Jansen 125 B2063
Demmel, Cecil William Carl 31 Aug. 1914 Benton Bohmke 99 B2065
Demmel, Elsie Minnie 26 Oct. 1910 Benton Berger 367 B2064
Demmel, Ernest William 31 Mar. 1916 Benton Barger 94 B2065
Demmel, Florance 17 Jan. 1910 Benton Bohmke 204 B2064
Demmel, Gerald Albert 02 Apr. 1916 Benton Jansen 107 B2065
Demmel, Gladys Hannah 08 July 1911 Benton Bohmke 80 B2064
Demmel, Ivan Henry 07 Mar. 1919 Benton Berger 107 B2067
Demmel, Leland Myron 15 Nov. 1917 Benton Bohmke 87 B2066
Denight, Charles E. 12 Sept. 1918 Benton Bergner 119 B2066
Denight, Raymond Francis 04 Mar. 1915 Benton Burgner 88 B2065
Dennies, Thelma Ardella 23 Sept. 1920 Benton Schultz 395 B2067
Denny, Bernadene Avalon 22 Mar. 1921 Benton Barkdoll 63 B2068
Denune, Beaulah Arlene 25 May 1911 Benton Strachan 53 B2064
DeNune, Eloise N. 01 July 1918 Benton DeNune 120 B2066
Depoy, Genevieve Marie 12 Feb. 1912 Benton Richart 26 B2064
Derifield, Clarence Earl 16 Oct. 1918 Benton Thomas 115 B2066
Dever, Geraldine Winona 03 June 1917 Benton Darland 86 B2066
Dever, Lyle LaVon 05 Oct. 1914 Benton Darland 105 B2065
Dexter, Howard Wayne 30 Mar. 1909 Benton Stanard 93 B2062
Dickenson, Alice W. 12 July 1915 Benton Friese 97 B2065
Dickenson, Arnold 10 Jan 1921 Benton Friese 64 B2068
Dickenson, Florence Anna 11 Sept. 1914 Benton McSwiggin 101 B2065
Dickenson, Lawrence Lewis 11 Sept. 1914 Benton McSwiggin 100 B2065
Dickerson, Charles Thomas 01 Jan. 1909 Benton McSciggen 350 B2064
Dickey, Bert 03 July 1916 Benton Gray 104 B2065
Dickey, Dorothy 08 Nov. 1918 Benton Gray 121 B2066
Dickey, Glenn E. 24 July 1909 Benton Gray 228 B2062
Dickinson, Dorothy Ileen 26 Mar. 1921 Benton McSniggin 65 B2068
Dickinson, Ferne Alma 14 June 1909 Benton Friese 251 B2064
Dickinson, Louis Glenn 16 Sept. 1916 Benton Moore 102 B2065
Dickinson, Neva Alice 05 Dec. 1909 Benton Moore 438 B2063
Dickinson, Robert Joseph 01 June 1918 Benton McSwiggin 114 B2066
Dickinson, Sarah 15 Nov. 1910 Benton Moore 327 B2064
Dickison, Ethel Josephine 25 Mar. 1921 Benton Fry 66 B2068
Dickson, Alta Mae 30 Aug. 1911 Benton Fry 432 B2063
Dickson, Mildred 20 Jan. 1917 Benton Case 88 B2066
Dieckman, Verna Catherine 20 Nov. 1912 Benton Bernhard 293 B2064
Diehl, Donald Kenneth 28 Feb. 1911 Benton Beem 241 B2064
Dierks, Leon Harine 21 Apr. 1909 Benton Meyer 236 B2062
Dietrich, Gladys 23 Sept. 1915 Benton Anderson 99 B2065
Dietrich, Glen Howard 06 Jan. 1919 Benton Happel 109 B2067
Dietrich, Leona 25 Apr. 1921 Benton Happel 67 B2068
Dietrich, Lucille Mae 06 Jan. 1919 Benton Anderson 108 B2067
Dietrick, Donovan 18 Oct. 1916 Benton Hopple 98 B2065
Dietrick, Helen LerVon 06 June 1920 Benton Smalley 229 B2067
Dietz, Ellen Elizabeth 15 Mar. 1919 Benton Fry 110 B2067
Dietz, Everett 02 Jan. 1915 Benton Frye 100 B2065
Dillon, Emma-Gene Irene 23 Aug. 1915 Benton Amburn 94 B2065
Dillon, Harold Travis 21 Nov. 1919 Benton Robbins 111 B2067
Dingman, Abbie LaVone 18 July 1915 Benton Boots 101 B2065
Dingman, Dora Leone 10 July 1915 Benton Culver 95 B2065
Dirks, Joseph Ludwig 23 Feb. 1915 Benton McLaughlin 98 B2065
Ditzler, Dorothy Mae 08 Mar. 1921 Benton Bostian 68 B2068
Ditzler, Richard Edmond 22 Oct. 1918 Benton Croft 122 B2066
Ditzler, Robert Eugene 10 Dec. 1912 Benton Kratosky 403 B2064
Ditzler, Walter Ernest 16 June 1915 Benton Kratoska 86 B2065
Ditzler, Wilber Paul 01 Apr. 1912 Benton Schild 162 B2064
Dixon, Clara Katherine 06 May 1909 Benton Good 48 B2062
Dixon, Robert Donald 03 Dec. 1918 Benton Dixon 123 B2066
Dixon, Rose Lavene 28 Feb. 1912 Benton Primmer 42 B2064
Dixon, Velva Earnestine 29 May 1911 Benton Good 129 B2063
Dodd, Alma A. 1911 Benton Cash 50 B2064
Dodd, Anna Neoma 18 July 1911 Benton Stammer 304 B2063
Dodd, Charles Elwood 28 July 1916 Benton Cash 103 B2065
Doearing (Baby Boy) 17 May 1919 Benton Donley 112 B2067
Doerzman, Florence Laurette 27 Dec. 1910 Benton Paul 288 B2063
Dolak, Joseph 31 Dec. 1909 Benton Hiabak 206 B2062
Dolak, Margret F. 22 Dec. 1910 Benton Hrobak 162 B2063
Dolak, Marian Lois 23 Nov. 1912 Benton Hrabok 379 B2064
Dolak, Mary 22 Nov. 1912 Benton Hrabok 378 B2064
Dolbey (Baby Girl) 07 Sept. 1920 Benton Fergeson 394 B2067
Dole, Gertrude Elizabeth 07 Aug. 1915 Benton Rowbough 103 B2065
Dolge, Bernice K. 05 Oct. 1910 Benton Rieck 20 B2063
Dolge, Dorothy Arline 06 May 1918 Benton Rieck 124 B2066
Donels, Leon Ardel 26 May 1914 Benton McVay 95 B2065
Donley (Baby Boy) 13 May 1919 Benton Langham 114 B2067
Donley (Baby Girl) 09 Oct. 1911 Benton Haines 131 B2063
Donley, Beulah Blanche 30 Mar. 1917 Benton Langham 78 B2066
Donley, Edith Noma 14 Sept. 1917 Benton Hains 80 B2066
Donley, Marion William 01 July 1913 Benton Bingaman 418 B2064
Donnan, Duane Dee 15 Aug. 1909 Benton Schuett 377 B2064
Donnan, William Walter 15 June 1911 Benton Schultt 287 B2063
Donnelly, Francis Raymond 16 Mar. 1911 Benton Kelley 81 B2064
Donnelly, Harold Martin 03 Apr. 1913 Benton Kelly 64 B2064
Donnelly, Leo Robert 28 May 1915 Benton Kelly 89 B2065
Donnelly, Thomas P. 30 Jan. 1909 Benton Kelley 142 B2062
Donohue, Francis Leonel 18 Feb. 1916 Benton Winters 99 B2065
Doorak, Josephen 13 Jan. 1918 Benton Doorak 137 B2066
Doran, Allice M. 06 Aug. 1912 Benton McMichael 416 B2064
Dorlan, Leola Marjorie 15 July 1915 Benton Albert 105 B2065
Dorland, Floyd Wendel 14 Jan. 1915 Benton Strait 91 B2065
Dorland, Floyd Wendell 14 Jan. 1916 Benton Strait 105 B2065
Dorman, Samuel Edward 24 May 1912 Benton Smith 338 B2064
Dornon, John Gray 29 Dec. 1912 Benton Gray 355 B2064
Dorsey, Charles Garfield 09 May 1918 Benton Jensen 125 B2066
Dorsey, E. O. 10 Apr. 1916 Benton Peterson 92 B2065
Dorsey, Eva Sept. 1917 Benton Petersen 81 B2066
Dorsey, Henry George 23 Sept. 1916 Benton Jensen 93 B2065
Dorsey, Louis Jensen 08 Jan. 1920 Benton Jensen 15 B2067
Dorsey, Marion Devee 20 July 1916 Benton Dorsey 101 B2065
Dorsey, Ruth Evalyn 21 Oct. 1918 Benton Petersen 126 B2066
Doty, Keneth 24 Feb. 1915 Benton Henkle 104 B2065
Douglas, Morris Joseph 20 Nov. 1913 Benton Reid 419 B2064
Douglass, Donald Reid 20 Jan. 1917 Benton Reid 92 B2066
Doupel, Anna Elizzabeth 02 Nov. 1909 Benton Heppe 125 B2062
Doupink, Adolph Joseph 21 Apr. 1909 Benton Kouba 267 B2064
Doupnik, Emil Elvin 04 Dec. 1915 Benton Kile 93 B2065
Doupnik, Georgine Ruth 18 Aug. 1910 Benton Kouba 284 B2063
Doupnik, Theophile 12 May 1914 Benton Macek 98 B2065
Dowler, Bert 25 Nov. 1910 Benton Pettit 214 B2064
Dowler, Russell Dale 15 Aug. 1913 Benton Carter 420 B2064
Down, Geraldine 27 Apr. 1917 Benton Swaim 79 B2066
Downey (Baby Girl) 16 Jan. 1921 Benton Richardson 69 B2068
Downey, Goldie Irene 20 Mar. 1919 Benton Richardson 116 B2067
Downing, Beulah Mildred 25 Sept. 1909 Benton Donley 25 B2062
Downing, Curtis DeVeve 23 June 1919 Benton Roce 117 B2067
Downing, James Lester 25 Aug. 1913 Benton Donly 60 B2064
Downing, Lorain 09 June 1917 Benton Donley 90 B2066
Drahos, Alby J. 25 Dec. 1910 Benton Tehan 178 B2063
Drahos, Emily Louise 23 Apr. 1918 Benton Pesek 127 B2066
Draper, Clarence S. 02 Oct. 1913 Benton Johnston 69 B2064
Draper, Frederic Johnson 26 July 1911 Benton Jensen 3 B2064
Drilling, Frest Glenn 18 Jan. 1909 Benton McKee 23 B2062
Drilling, Herbert Wheeler 1916 Benton Wheeler 91 B2065
Drilling, Nicholas Preston 26 Sept. 1912 Benton Drilling 286 B2064
Drilling, Thelma Lavon 20 Oct. 1910 Benton McKee 313 B2064
Drinovsky, Winnifred Almeda 08 June 1921 Benton Eirp 70 B2068
Driscol, Arnold Grant 03 Nov. 1918 Benton Bedard 128 B2066
Driscoll, Harold F. 28 July 1913 Benton Snow 70 B2064
Driscoll, Oakley Harrrington 27 Sept. 1909 Benton Harrington 61 B2062
Driscoll, Theron Wallace 14 Nov. 1918 Benton Snow 129 B2066
Duda, Adaline Valentine 14 Feb. 1918 Benton Kohash 130 B2066
Duda, Francis 01 Apr. 1913 Benton Janoscky 66 B2064
Duda, Leo George 26 Oct. 1920 Benton Koseh 447 B2067
Dudek, Edward 19 Sept. 1915 Benton Hess 87 B2065
Dudek, Ernest 07 July 1913 Benton Hess 67 B2064
Duet, Jacob Henry 15 Mar. 1920 Benton Wearda 92 B2067
DuFrene, George David 22 Apr. 1918 Benton Boyle 131 B2066
DuFresne, Hazel Virginia 18 Feb. 1918 Benton Trego 132 B2066
DuFresne, Lola May 23 Dec. 1912 Benton Trego 295 B2064
Dufresne, Ray 13 Jan. 1911 Benton Bogle 457 B2063
Dulan, Meryle Maxine 15 Feb. 1918 Benton Inler 133 B2066
Dulan, Ray Leroy 24 June 1919 Benton Jenler 113 B2067
Dulin, Hazel Marie 15 Sept. 1917 Benton Whitmore 94 B2066
Dumpert, Lusele Elisabeth 15 Jan. 1912 Benton Reder 59 B2064
Dumpert, Marcalla M. 06 June 1915 Benton Reder 90 B2065
Duncalf (Baby Girl) 24 Aug. 1919 Benton Files 118 B2067
Duncalf, Bernard Leslie 24 Apr. 1913 Benton Cummins 61 B2064
Duncalf, Delbert George 10 Jan. 1912 Benton Files 305 B2064
Duncalf, Helen Louise 31 Mar. 1917 Benton Cummings 85 B2066
Duncalf, Joseph Raymond 09 Nov. 1914 Benton Files 103 B2065
Duncalf, Leo Paul 05 Apr. 1920 Benton Cummins 152 B2067
Duncalf, Loren Robert 10 Apr. 1917 Benton Files 83 B2066
Duncalf, Lucile Catherine 03 Oct. 1910 Benton Files 69 B2063
Duncalf, Raphael Edward 11 July 1917 Benton Hayley 84 B2066
Duncalf, Ruth Agnes 17 Oct. 1910 Benton Cummings 70 B2063
Duncklee, Clark Alonzo 05 Nov. 1910 Benton Seely 358 B2064
Duncklee, Delbert Irmal 01 Nov. 1917 Benton Robbins 82 B2066
Duncklee, Reno Frank 22 Apr. 1913 Benton Seeley 65 B2064
Dunckler, Sherman Ernest 14 Mar. 1916 Benton Robbins 97 B2065
Dunkelberger, George Henry 03 July 1918 Benton Mengel 134 B2066
Dunkelberger, Vera Marie 08 Mar. 1920 Benton Mengel 93 B2067
Dunkleberger, Hazel Elizabeth 21 Jan. 1916 Benton Mengle 95 B2065
Dunlap, Maxine 06 Mar. 1920 Benton Swalm 94 B2067
Dunshee, Wade Allen 19 Mar. 1912 Benton Willey 204 B2064
Dunston, Cleo Maxine 18 Nov. 1917 Benton Peterson 93 B2066
Dunston, Clifford Lyle 19 June 1917 Benton Wyckoff 91 B2066
Dunston, Lorna Idella 08 Nov. 1918 Benton Wyckoff 135 B2066
Durklee, Vivian Pauline 1909 Benton Selby 100 B2062
Durr, Bertha 26 Dec. 1918 Benton Haloupek 116 B2066
Duspira, Vlusta B. 05 Mar. 1912 Benton Jalesky 385 B2064
Dvorak, Flonon L. 08 Sept. 1912 Benton Polka 412 B2064
Dvorak, Irene Mildred 05 Oct. 1912 Benton Petra 184 B2064
Dvorak, Richard E. 03 Nov. 1914 Benton Polka 96 B2065
Dyal, Evlyn Ella 20 Aug. 1917 Benton Kersten 89 B2066
Dyrland, Glenda Bernice 11 Nov. 1911 Benton Vikre 471 B2063
Dzrland, Cleo Lovonne 05 Oct. 1919 Benton Paulson 119 B2067
Certified copies of Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, and Marriage Licenses are available from
the Department of Public Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics, Lucas Office Building, Des Moines, Iowa or from the County Recorder.
source & permission granted by State Historical Society of Iowa; original transcript

Page Last Updated: Tuesday, 20-Feb-2018 18:03:05 CST

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