THOMAS B. WAY (son of SETH, grandson of HENRY, great-grandson of PAUL, great-great-grandson of JOHN, great-great-great-grandson of WILLIAM, great-great-great-great-grandson of AARON, & believed to be the great-great-great-great-great-grandson of HENRY ) THOMAS B. WAY was born November 15, 1805 in Center MM, Guilford, North Carolina. May 30, 1812 5-30-1812 Seth & son Thomas rocf (received by certificate) Center MM OH; Sarah & daughters Lydia & Hannah rocf Center MM OH. (NOTE: During the War of 1812 Seth Sr. was disowned by the Quakers because he helped in military operations. He helped build the blockhouse in Green Twp (township) Wayne City IN) November 05, 1821 Land Record: In the 1st land entries for Green Twp Wayne City Thomas is listed as having the following land - T17R13E E1/2 SW Sec 1 80 acres - Nov. 5, 1821. This land was very close to several other Ways. Thomas would have been quite young when he acquired the land but it might have come through his father, Seth, who had some land that in the same section. October 30, 1823 He married SARAH TAMER MASSEY in Wayne County, Indiana. August 14, 1824 He was discharged from the Quakers. On 4-10-1824 the meeting complained that Thomas married contrary to discipline and he was discharged 8-14-1824 September 10, 1824 His first child, David S. Way, was born .In Wayne County, Indiana. About 1826 His second son, Mayberry M. Way, was born in Wayne, Indiana About 1828 His third son, Benjamin Way, was born in Wayne, Indiana. About 1830 His fourth son, James Smith Way, was born in Wayne, Indiana. 1830 Green Twp (township), Wayne City, Wayne County, Indiana CENSUS: Thomas had in his household 3 white males under 5; 1 between 5-10 (which would have been David); and 1 between 20-30( which would have been Thomas himself). White females - 1 between 20-30 (Tamar, his wife); 1 between 15-20 (Perhaps a hired girl or maybe a sister living with them?). 1832 A baby was born and died in Wayne, Indiana. Thomas Cranor Way, referred to as Thomas Way Jr. In the 1850 census, appears to have been born between 1833 and 1836. His parents lived in Indiana until about 1837, then in Illinois until 1839, so he could have been born in either place. September 22, 1834 A daughter was born, named Mary Jane Way, in Wayne, Indiana. 1837 to 1839 He moved from Wayne County, Indiana (about 1837) to Illinois, where the family stayed for a short time. 1837-1838 William Seth Way was born in Illinois 1839 He brought his family to Benton County, Iowa, in 1839. His son David's obituary states: "Thomas Way settled on a farm in Polk township in (1839). The early history of Benton county is replete with mention of the part he took in the early organization of the county government. When he came to the county at that early date the county was a part of Linn county and was not set apart for a number of years after his settling in Polk township." >From page 117 of Pioneer Recollections - Benton County: "The name of Thomas Way is historically associated with the county. He also came in 1839. When a homeseeker was looking for land, he was always hospitable and ready to show him the best land in the locality. He was charitable and generous to a fault." >From page 90 of the History Of Benton County: "... Somewhat later in 1839 Thomas Way settled near Lockhart, and still later accessions to the neighborhood were received in the persons of James Downs and Thomas and Price Kendrick. ... Thomas Way, who has been mentioned as one of Lockhart's neighbors, also became one of the most popular men in the county, and held a number of public offices. He was hospitable, almost to a fault. His ambitions to have the county seat located on the farm which he bought at a later day near Vinton has already been described. "Uncle Tom," as he was generally called, moved to California during the gold excitement of 1849." 1840 An infant was born and died in Iowa in 1840. August 10, 1842 John Asbury Way, the last child known of, was born in Iowa. >From page 282 of the History Of Benton County: "The first term of the district court was appointed to commence on the last Monday in August, 1846, another election for county officers having been held on the first Monday of the month; but a clerk of the district court was not elected until the following March. Upon the day named James Downs, the new sheriff, and Jonathan R. Pratt, district clerk pro tem, with eighteen grand and seventeen petit jurors, assembled at the cabin of Thomas Way, two miles northeast of the present court house; but that was as far as the proceedings progressed for the holding of court, as Judge James P. Carleton, who was to have presided, did not put in an appearance ..." >From page 114 of Pioneer Recollections - Benton County: "... to locate and establish the seat of justice of the County of Benton ... The site selected by the commissioners was in ... Northport. ... February 12, 1848 ... the name was then changed to Vinton ... a special act was passed, ordering an election to be held in April, 1849. An equal number of votes were cast for the present site, and for one on the farm of Thomas Way, on the opposite side of the river, three miles northeast of Vinton. A second election was held the following August, and the seat of justice was removed to it's present location." >From pages 282 & 283 of the History Of Benton County: "... Although there was a county seat, no court house had yet been built; so "Uncle Tommy" Way's log house was again honored, and a session actually commenced May 31, 1847." >From page 115 of Pioneer Recollections - Benton County: "The first term convened May 31, 1847, at the cabin of Thomas Way, which was then considered the best house in the county. Mrs. Way removed the kitchen utensils to a sheltering tree, for the session of the court. ... The court dispatched the business rapidly, and adjourned at the second day's session. As was customary in that early day, the jug was brought forth to strengthen the bonds of good fellowship, and the result may be guessed at. The second term of court was held at the same place, and opened April 24, 1848. An interesting transaction of that session was the repudiation of the county debt. The county was unable to pay the outstanding warrants; in fact they had become worthless, and Mr. Way suggested that the court relieve the county of its indebtedness by burning all the warrants and records, which was done accordingly, with 'neatness, accuracy and dispatch.' " >From page 283 of the History Of Benton County: "Way's cabin was in the midst of thick timber, and to make room for the august assemblage, Mrs. Way removed her pots, kettles & other household utensils to the shelter of a neighboring tree. Having done this, she coolly seated herself on a stump near the open door of the cabin and gazed with respectful wonder at the collection of learned heads assembled within to administer the law to the backwoodsmen of Benton county. The judge was perched on a three-legged stool, behind a rough deal table (the only one in the house) at the farther end of the little room. At the left of his honor, seated on a low milk-bench, with his books and papers spread out before him, was Simison, the clerk..." >From page 291 of the History Of Benton County: "The grand jury was called and sworn ... the jury found a number of bills, one of which was lodged against open-hearted Uncle Tom Way for selling liquor to the Indiana. Undoubtedly, like many other early pioneers, he was technically guilty, although his more usual custom was to offer his jug & his larder freely to red man & white, minister or horse thief, bond or free. While he lived in the country the log house of Mr. & Mrs. Way was open to all, & this large hearted sociability & liberality more than once threw a suspicion over the character of Uncle Tom that he was a real pal of the outlaws himself; but the cloud never rested on the good old man overnight. As testified to by his old neighbor and friend, Mr. Rice, the foreman of the grand jury, which reestablished law in Benton county, Thomas Way was "one of the most charitable, open-hearted, generous men I ever knew." He was one of the characters of these times who lightened and braced the hearts of the pioneers and helped to lift them bravely over their hardships and dangers. 1850 Federal Census, IA, Benton Co., District No. 11, page 53B, line 28, family/dwelling #28: Thomas WAY 43, male, farmer, real estate =$1000, b. NC Sarah [J?] WAY 44, female, b. IA (Indiana was abbreviated as IA) Daniel O. SLUPER 24, male, farmer, real estate =$500, b. VT Thomas WAY Jr. 17, male, farmer, b. IA, attended school Mary Jane WAY 15, female, b. [ILL? IA?], attended school William WAY 13, male, b. IA, attended school John A. WAY 09, male, b. IA, attended school James WAY 20, male, farmer, real estate = $600, b. IA, attended school >From pages 291 & 292 of the History Of Benton County: "But Uncle Tom had a son Berry, and he was a horse thief & desperado; also the cause of the indictment which the grand jury placed against the father. During the election of 1849 Berry Way assaulted Tom Kendrick & nearly killed him. He was arrested & taken before Justice Cox, of Marysville, with whom Uncle Tom arranged to allow his wayward son to plead guilty & pay a fine of $5 & costs, a goodly portion of which was to go into the pocket of the squire as fees. Justice Cox assessed the fine accordingly & accepted, in payment, county warrants at their face value, thinking that they would be readily received by the commissioners of the school fund to whom they were legally paid. But when he tendered them, Commissioner E.H. Keyes refused to take warrants at full value which he could sell for only about $0.30 on the dollar, & demanded good yellow gold. Thereupon Justice Cox was wroth. He paid the gold into the school fund, but, as he considered that Uncle Tom was responsible for his loss, he made the complaint against him of selling liquor to the Indians which the grand jury voted as a true bill. "Uncle Way was arrested, as a matter of form, and there was a general stampede among his neighbors to see who could first get on his bail bond. Before the day fixed for the trial, the following year, he had decided to go to California & his family had already started. Uncle Tom was ready to remain & be tried, but his friends urged him to leave, feeling certain that the charge against him would hold & agreeing to pay his bail. He started, but, to the surprise of his neighbors, on the day fixed for his trial he rode up to the court room & dismounted from his horse, being convinced, he said, that he would be acquitted. "On the trial, the principal witness appeared to have had a complete lapse of memory & the jury disagreed. James Harlan, then prosecuting attorney, became convinced that Way could not be convicted, & suggested to the court an assessment of the costs against the defendant. Uncle Tom agreed to this, paid over about thirty dollars, mounted his horse, wrung the hands of his warm friends who had gathered around him, bade them a husky good bye, and rode away, never more to be seen in Benton County." >From The Way Family (author unknown): "Thomas B,. Way was a California pioneer. He crossed the continent by the most rugged transportation, either on foot, Horseback or ox-drawn wagon, from NC to the Pacific Coast. He left Iowa with his family in May 1852, came across the plains and over the Rockies, arriving in Illinoistown, now Colfax, California in October 1852. Here, like the other men of his Overland Caravan, he tried his luck at prospecting, mining and teaming until the fall of 1857, when he again moved on, this time to the promising shore of a secluded mountain lake, now called Clear Lake, where they arrived October 28, 1857. They acquired a large tract of land two miles from what is now Upper Lake, California. Here they made friends with the neighborhood Indians, who for years found employment and stability in working on the ranch, helping with the crops, care of the sheep and other livestock. He built a two story house of logs with living quarters on the bottom floor. It became a stage stop, with the upper floor used for guests. Descendants still lived on and owned the land in 1968. Thomas and his wife are buried in Upper Lake Cemetery." October 07, 1871 Thomas B "Uncle Tommy" Way died in Upper Lake, Lake County, California. |
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