Benton County, Iowa ~ Biography and Family Information
Ira C. Kimball
Ira C. Kimball, well known to people of Fort Collins thru his work at
Kimball's Gardens, east of the city, died at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon
at the home of his son, R.D. Kimball, at the age of 91 years. His
death was not expected, altho his health had been poor for several
years. Besides his son, Mr. Kimball is survived by two daughters, Mrs.
J.R. Kinghorn and Mrs. Carrie Johnson, both of Fort Collins; by three
sisters, Mrs. J.W. Thompson, Minot, N.D.; Mrs. Floyd Ennis, Cedar
Rapids, Ia, and Mrs. J.S. Doyle, Baldwin Park, Calif.; by nine
grandchildren, Glenn Kinghorn of Fort Collins; Mrs. Ralph Cummings,
Windsor; Mrs. Bessie Barker, Marshall B. Johnson, Harold B. Johnson,
Miss Esther Kimball, Miss Doris Kimball, Roy Kimball, Jr., and Beth
Elaine Kimball, all of Fort Collins, besides five great grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at 1:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the
Day Funeral home with the Rev. Harry G. Parsons of the Christian Church
officiating. The Masons will be in charge of the services at the
grave, burial being at Grandview Cemetery. Mr. Kimball was a native of
Stowe, Vt., born Nov. 14, 1840, the eldest of eleven children. At 12
years of age, he, with his parents and several other families, moved
after a short residence in New York state by wagon train to Iowa, where
his father homesteaded near Cedar Rapids. He was married on March 28,
1867, to Cornelia Marshall at Shellsburg, Ia. He farmed in Iowa
several years, later moving to Missouri, where he lived for about four
years. During this time Mrs. Kimball died, and the family later moved
to McCook, Nebr. In 1901 Mr. Kimball moved to Fort Collins, and since
that time has been in the gardening business with his son. It was at
the gardens that many people came to know and respect him. He gave
away a great deal of produce rather than sell it to his friends who
came there. Mr. Kimball had been a Mason for 68 years. He was raised
to the rank of master Mason in 1863. About ten years ago he was made a
life member of the Masonic lodge of McCook, Nebr. Died: 4 Dec 1931 -
Ft. Collins, Colorado
Submitted by Susan Audy, November 8, 2006
© Susan Audy
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