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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
The IAGenWeb Project

Benton County, Iowa
St. Clair Township 1878 Biographies
Transcribed by Carleton Ealy.
Copyright © 1998.

AUSTIN, KNUDT, butcher, Watkins.

ABRAHAM, G., grain dealer and elevator and lumber yard, Watkins; born in Germany May 27, 1850. Married Christine Carsten in Germany, 1872; she was born in Germany Feb., 1854; they have four children -- Geo., Ferdinand, Anna and Otto; owns elevator, lumber yard, house and lot, valued at $3,000, and 160 acres of land in Eldorado Tp., valued at $30 per acre. Mr. Abraham came to Iowa in 1872; located on a farm, and moved afterward to Watkins; built a large store and hall, and went into the mercantile business; kept general store two years; sold out and bought the large elevator and lumber yard, where he now carries on business. Mr. Abraham kept general store seven years in Germany, and served in 101st Kaiser William's Regiment in the late war in Germany; enlisted in June, 1871, and served fifteen months; was in several battles; ranked as Lieutenant in the German army; was discharged with his regiment at the close of the war in Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Abraham are members of the Lutheran Church.

AHRENDT, JOHN, farmer, Sec. 34; P. O. Watkins; born in Germany in 1829. Married Louisa Winreben in Germany, in 1854; she was born in Germany in 1828; they have six children -- Albert, Louisa, Benhart, Matilda, Lucy and Theodore. Has 240 acres of land, valued at $35 per acre; came to Clayton Co., Iowa, in 1861; moved to Benton Co. in 1867. Mr. Ahrendt followed sailing thirteen years in Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Ahrendt are members of the Lutheran Church.

ARBUCKLE, C. B., harness and saddle maker, and partner with Mr. Stewart in the photographic viewing of scenery, farm houses, groups, etc., Watkins; born in Pennsylvania March 4, 1850; moved to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, in 1856; has been traveling and following clerking most of his life, through the entire United States; located in Watkins, Iowa, in July, 1877, in the harness business. Mr. Arbuckle was the only child north of the river in St. Clair in the days when Indians were troublesome here.

BACKER, JOHN, far., S. 1; P. 0, Watkins.

BAKER, F., far., Sec. 1; P. O. Florence.

BAKER, WM., far., Sec. 1; P. O. Watkins.

BETTS, W. H. H., lab.; P. O. Blairstown.

BIRTH, WM., far., S. 31; P. O. Blairstown.

BOBZIEN, F., far., S. 36; P. O. Watkins.

BOBZIEN, J.., far., S. 33; P. O. Watkins.

BOBZIEN, WM., far., S. 33; P. O. Western.

BODDEKER, J., far., S. 2; P. O. Florence.

BOON, FRANK, saloon, Watkins.

BOON, H., far., S. 9; P. O. Western.

BOWER, A., far., S. 35; P. O. Watkins.

BOWER, J., far., S. 35; P. O. Watkins.

BOWER, JOHN, far., S. 36; P. O. Watkins.

BOWER, WILLIAM, far., S. 35; P.O. Watkins.

BOWER, WM., Sr., far., S. 35; P.O. Watkins.

BOWER, WILLIAM J., far., S. 35; P. O. Watkins; born in Illinois, Nov., 1851. Married Julia Ringo, Jan., 1878; she was born in Wisconsin in 1856. Mr. Bower is a son of Samuel Bower, an early settler in Iowa. He works his father's farm of 160 acres; it has the largest bearing orchard in Benton Co.

BROWN, J. W., far., S. 9; P. O. Blairstown; born in Illinois in 1854. Married Clarissa Thomas in Iowa in 1876; she was born in Ohio in 1856. They have one child -- Alta Valeria. He has a share with his brothers, Geo. M. and Charles W., in 240 acres of land, valued at $35 per acre. He came to Iowa in 1874.

BUCK, JOHN, far., S. 35; P. O. Watkins.

BUCK, THOS., far., S. 35; P. O. Watkins.

BURKHARDT, ANDREW A., druggist, Watkins.

CASE, JOHN, Watkins.

CARNES, J. B., farmer and school teacher, S. 3; P. O. Watkins; born in Ohio in 1844. Married Lonie J. Hayden in Illinois in 1872; she was born in Illinois in 1846; they have two children -- Glen Lulu and Minerva I. Mr. Carnes followed school teaching twelve years and enlisted in the 62d Ohio Vol. Inft. in 1862; participated with all the engagements of the regiment, and was discharged at the close of the war. Moved to Illinois in 1869, and came to Iowa in 1878. He was Principal of the Woodhull High School in Illinois for three year. He is a member of the I.O.O.F. Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Carnes are members of the M. E. Church.

CLARK, WILLIAM, far. and stock raiser, Sec. 13; P. O. Florence; born in Ireland in 1828. Married Margret Charles in New Jersey in 1851; she was born in Ireland in 1831; they have six children -- Anna S. (now Mrs. W. P. Groff), Martha T., Joshua C., Mariah S., William J., Lizzie Jane. They have 200 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre. Mr. and Mrs. Clark and family are members of the M. E. Church. Mr. Clark came to New Jersey in 1848, lived there ten years, and moved to Iowa in 1858.

CONN, JAMES, far., S. 34: P. O. Watkins.

COMBS, MARQUIS, far., S. 8; P.O. Watkins.

COMBS, THOS. W., far.. S. 8; P.O. Watkins.

COSAD, JOHN, farmer, Watkins.

COX, J. R., physician and surgeon, Watkins; born in Columbus City, Iowa, May 20, 1853. Married Etta Cartright in Iowa City, Iowa, in 1876; she was born in Iowa City Nov. 1855; they have one child -- Albert J., born June 14, 1877. Dr. Cox attended the classical course at Cornell College at Mt. Vernon, Iowa, and took the medical course at the Iowa State University at Iowa City., Iowa, two years, and attended lectures; commenced practice in Jan., 1877, at Iowa City and Marengo, Iowa, and located in Watkins Aug. 17,1877.

CRANTZ, M., far., Sec. 31; P. O. Blairstown.

CROCKET, CHARLES, farmer, Sec. 31; P. O. Blairstown; born in Luzerne Co., Penn., Jan 19, 1841. Married Joanna Funk in Benton Co., Iowa, in 1863; she was born in Greene Co., Penn., Dec. 31, 1844; they have four children -- Ida, Annett, James Burton and Mary Bell. Have 200 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre. Mr. Crocket moved to Iowa in 1858; went to Pike's Peak in 1859; followed freighting and trading four years on the plains in the West; returned to Benton Co., Iowa, in 1863. Is a member of the Patrons of Husbandry.

DANSKIN, W. P., Postmaster and merchant, Watkins.

DANKE, J., far., Sec. 33; P. O. Watkins.

DANSKIN, GEO. M., station agt. of C. & N. W. R'y Co. and agt. for Am. Ex. Co., grain dealer and proprietor lumberyard; P. O. Watkins; born Canada Dec. 27, 1840; Married Miss L. M. Thomas in Iowa Co., Iowa, Dec. 22, 1866; she was born in New York Jan. 4, 1845; they have four children -- Euretha, Lizzie, Rolph and Flora. Mr. Danskin moved to Iowa in 1853, and located in Benton Co. in 1873. Mr. Danskin built the first dwelling house and first business building in Watkins; was the first man to commence business; built a large warehouse and commenced buying grain, and owns warehouse and lumber yard, and house and lot valued at $3,000. Mr. and Mrs. Danskin are members of the Presbyterian Church.

DELANEY, W., far.. Sec. 35: P. O. Watkins.

DOLGA, J., far., Sec. 33; P. O. Watkins.

EGENES, PETER G., farmer, Sec. 1; P. O. Florence.

EYLER, HENRY, laborer, Watkins.

EYLER, PETER, clerk, Watkins.

FALLON, JOHN, blacksmith, Watkins.

FARRALL, J., far., Sec. 2; P. O. Watkins.

FARRALL, T., far., See 2; P. O. Watkins.

FARRAR, JAS., hardware merch., Watkins.

FELLOWS, J., far., Sec. 30: P.O. Blairstown.

FETT, F., tenant far., S. 18; P. O. Watkins.

FITZGERALD, Ed., R. R. lab., Watkins.

FOWLER, A. C., far., Sec. 25; P.O. Watkins.

FOWLER, E. M., far., S. 25, P. O. Watkins.

FOWLER, J. O., far., Sec. 25; P.O. Watkins.

FOWLER, L., Professor of Music, Sec. 25; P. O. Watkins.

FREESE, CHRISTIAN, carpenter, Watkins.

FREESE, H., farmer, P. O. Watkins.

FREMML, JOSEPH, lab., Watkins.

GREESE, ALEX, far., S. 3 P. O. Blairstown.

GENSIEKE, CHRISTIAN, far., S. 29; P. O. Watkins; born in Germany Jan. 28, 1828. Married Elizabeth Hartwig in Germany, in 1851; she was born in Germany in 1825; they had seven children, five are living -Christian, Jr, Sophia, Anna, Henry and Rebecca. Has 40 acres of land valued at $30 per acre. Came to Chicago in 1853; stayed there six months and moved to Rock Island, thence to Milton Junction, Wis., and then to Benton Co., in 1869. Was in the army in Germany three years. Followed wagon making twenty-five years. Mr. and Mrs. Gensieke are members of the Lutheran Church.

GREGG, W. S., farmer and stock raiser, S. 20; P. O. Blairstown; born in Belmont Co., Ohio, July 10, 1843. has 320 acres of land valued at $35 per acre. Came to Iowa in 1843, to Pottawattamie Co., and then to Warren Co., and moved to Benton Co., in 1865.

GROOF, W. P., tenant far.; P. O. Florence.

HAMILTON, HENRY, far., S. 8; P. O. Watkins.

HALL, SAMUEL, far., Sec. 33; P. O. Watkins; born in Wayne Co., N. Y., in 1826. Married Salina C. Allen in 1868; she was born in Ontario Co., N. Y., in 1832; they have one child -- Frederick. Has 160 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre. Moved to Illinois in 1836, and came to Iowa in 1855. Mr. Hall followed railroading in early life. Came to Benton County when the county was new.

HAMILTON, Oscar, far., S. 8; P. O. Watkins.

HARTLEY, C. H., far., S. 14; P. O. Watkins.

HARTLEY, GEO., far., S. 14; P.O. Watkins.

HARTLEY, JOSIAH, far., S., 14; P. O. Watkins.

HAYDEN, A. R., far., S. 3; P. O. Watkins; born in Indiana in 1836. Married Mary Heidy in Benton Co., Iowa, in 1870; she was born in Wisconsin in 1846; they have two children -- Anzi J. and Nellie Amret. Has 320 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre. Enlisted in the 55th Ill. Vol. Inf., Oct. 30, 1861; was in the battles of Shiloh, Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, in two assaults and siege of Vicksburg, Jackson, Miss., Missionary Ridge, Resaca, Big Kenesaw, New Hope Church and Little Kenesaw; was taken sick, and sent to Rome, Ga.; was put in charge of the Hutchen House hospital; was in the Army of Tennessee, which never lost a battle; in 2d Division of the 15th Army Corps; was Drum Major of the regiment, and promoted to Regimental Commissary Sergeant; was one of the thirteen who came out of the twenty-two in the battle of Kenesaw Mountain; June 27, 1864; was discharged with the regiment; since held the office of Captain of Co. C; First Regiment Iowa National Guards, and has held the office of Township Trustee.

HAUSER, C., ten. far.; P. O. Blairstown.

HAWKINS, J. C., far., S. 31; P. O. Blairstown.

HAYDEN, C. B., dealer and shipper of live stock, Watkins; born in Fayette Co., Penn.; attended school at Madison College, Penn.; after which engaged in merchandizing and the manufacture of pig iron at Redstone Furnace. Penn; located in Iowa in 1870.

HAYDEN, W. H., tenant far., P.O. Watkins.

HECK, J., Sr., far., S. 31: P. O. Blairstown.

HECK, JOHN, B., farmer, Sec. 28; P. O. Watkins; born in Dubuque Co., Iowa, in Oct., 1833; has eighty acres of land, valued at $35 per acre. Is a member of the Catholic Church.

HELGESON, H. S., laborer, Watkins.

HENDRICKS, G. T., farmer, Sec. 34; P. O. Watkins: born in St. Clair Co., Ill., Dec. 4, 1822. Married. Rhoda Owen in Illinois in 1848; she was born in Kentucky April 3, 1829; they have nine children -- Sarah E., David S., Ann Eliza, Rosella J., Laura J., Isolina R., Ida M., Charley W. and Lola Geneura. Has 120 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre; moved to Iowa in 1852. Mr. Hendrick was Postmaster at Taylor Grove ten years; was one of the first settlers in Benton Co.; there were but two houses in St. Clair Tp. when he came in it; the deer and Indians were numerous. Mr. Hendrick is a member of the A. F. & A. M. Lodge.

HESS, LOUIS F., photographer, Watkins.

HEYDEN, H., far., S. 32; P. O. Watkins.

HOLTZ, FREDERICK, blacksmith, Watkins.

HUMBERT, G. S., far., S. 35; P. O. Watkins.

JOHNSON, JOHN, laborer, Watkins.

JOHNSON, J. C., far., S. 32; P. O. Watkins.

JOHNSON, LOUIS, shoemaker, Watkins.

JUNK, D. P., far., S. 35; P. O. Watkins.

JURGENYER, WM., far., S. 32; P. O. Watkins.

KECK, JOHN, farmer, Sec. 5; P. O. Blairstown.

KECK, DANIEL, farmer, Sec. 4; P. O. Blairstown; born in Ohio Sept. 8, 1819. Married Lavina Kern in Ohio Jan. 15, 4844; she was born in Ohio Sept. 16, 1823; they had eight children, seven are living -- Simon, Sarah, Emanuel, William, Amanda, John and Lewis. Simon enlisted in the service in Ohio; was wounded at the battle of Honey Hill; was discharged with his regiment at the close of the war. Mr. K. has 160 acres of land, valued at $6,000; has held the office of Justice of the Peace for six years. Mr. and Mrs. K. are members of the Evangelical Association. Mr. Keck moved into Iowa in 1868.

KECK, SIMON PETER, farmer, Sec. 4; P. O. Blairstown; born in Ohio Jan. 19, 1845. Married Rachel Worley in Ohio, in 1870; she was born in Ohio Jan 12, 1862; they have had two children -- Fannie Bell, born in Iowa in 1871, and Jennie Lavina, born in Iowa in 1873. Has eighty acres of land, valued at $40 per acre. Mr. Keck enlisted in Co. G, 25th Ohio V. I., in 1864; was in eight heavy battles, and several lighter ones; received a slight wound; was discharged with his regiment at the close of the war; was with Gen. Sherman's "march to the sea," and all through his campaign. Mr. and Mrs. Keck are members of the Evangelical Association.

KEIPER, MILTON, grain dealer, Watkins.

KELLY, ALEXANDER, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 4; P. O. Watkins; born in Juniata Co., Penn., March 22, 1830. Married Margret Fleming in Illinois in 1855; she was born in Pennsylvania April 22, 1831; they have ten children -- W. A. P., Clara J., Delbert F., H. Lowrie, James Seward, Lillie F., Mary E., Edward E., Theodore V. and Etta Bell. Has 640 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre. Mr. Kelly has held the office of Justice of the Peace; has been Secretary of the School Board, and Director several years. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly are members of the Presbyterian Church; Mr. Kelly is Trustee and Elder of the church. They moved to La Salle Co., Ill., in 1854; remained nine years, and moved to Benton Co., Iowa, in 1863.

KELLY, ELIZABETH, MRS., farmer, Sec. 8; P. O. Blairstown; born in Pennsylvania, in 1830; is the widow of William Kelly, died in 1871, at the age of 44 years; had eleven children; six are living -- Howard, Jennie, William, Laura, Frank and Blanche. She has 240 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre; Howard has eighty acres, valued at $30 per acre; came to Iowa in 1864. Mrs. Kelly is a member of the Presbyterian Church.

KELLY, H., far., S. 8; P. O. Blairstown.

KELLY, W. A., far., S. 8; P. O. Watkins.

KRIEGER, CHARLES, drayman, Watkins.

KROEGER, MARX, hotel and saloon, Watkins.

KROHN, TOBIAS, wagon maker, Watkins.

LAGRANGE, R. J., tenant farmer; P. O. Blairstown.

LEE, CHARLES, grain dealer, Watkins.

LINGLE, E., tenant far., P. O. Blairstown.

LINGLE, D., far.; P. O. Blairstown.

McADOW, JAMES M., far., S. 25; P.O. Florence.

McADOW, JAMES, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 25; P. O. Florence; born in Pennsylvania Jan. 8, 1820. Married Mary Wheeler in Ohio, in 1845; she was born in Dec., 1826; they have six children -- Annie, James M., C. J., Lelah N., Rachel Bell and Samuel. Has eighty acres of land, valued at $40 per acre, he came to Iowa in 1854; followed carpentering before he came to Iowa, and followed stock dealing the first twelve years in Iowa. Is a member of the A., F. & A. M. Lodge.

MCCARTY, W., far., S. 5; P. O. Blairstown.

MCCARERY, J., laborer, Watkins.

MCCORMAC, T., laborer, Watkins.

MCKINNON, W., Jr., rntr.; P. O. Florence.

MCLANE, R. O., far.; P. O. Watkins.

McNEE, WILLIAM, farmer, Sec. 24; P. O. Florence; born in Scotland Sept. 24, 1830. Married Elizabeth McKinnon in Linn Co., Iowa, in 1858; she was born in Scotland in 1828; they have five children -- W. A., John Malcom, David, Norman and Elizabeth Catherine. Mr. and Mrs. McNee are members of the United Presbyterian Church. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M.

MCQUINN, B. J., far., S. 25; P.O. Florence.

MANN, WILLIAM J., merchant, proprietor general store, dealer in dry goods, boots and shoes, groceries, etc., Watkins, Iowa; born in Germany June, 1848. Married Dora Emke in Watkins, Iowa; she was born in Germany in 1860. He came to New York in 1868; returned to Germany in 1870. Enlisted in the 11th Cavalry in Germany; served, three years and was discharged at the close of the war with his regiment came to America in 1872; located in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa; returned to Germany in 1873, and came to Iowa in 1874; bought the large store in Watkins of Mr. Abrahams, March 1, 1878, where be carries on business.

MAYHEW, H., far., S. 10; P. O. Watkins.

MAYHEW, O., far., D. 16; P. O. Watkins.

MESSENGER, J. J., far., S. 36; P.O. Watkins.

MILLER, G. A., tenant far., P. O. Watkins.

MILLER, H. T., far.; P. O. Blairstown.

MILLER, HENRY, farmer, Sec. 19; P. O. Blairstown; was born in Guernsey Co., Ohio, April, 1825. Married Miss Johnson in Cedar Co., Iowa, in 1849; she was born in Ohio; they have eight children -- H. B., William H., E. J., John W., Charles, Homer McCleanan, Edwin Lee and Carrie Asbareen. Mr. Miller was one of the earliest settlers in the State of Iowa; came to this State in 1836; located in Cedar Co.; followed milling ten years; carried on business in Muscatine two years and moved into Benton Co. in 1863. Mr. Miller has 800 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre; fine buildings, grounds, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Miller are members of the Evangelical Church.

MILLER, H. B., farmer, Sec. 17; P. O. Blairstown; born in Cedar Co., Iowa, March 16, 1851. Married Miss S. C. Herring in 1873; she was born in Ohio in 1855; they have one child -- Warren Benton. Has 200 acres of land, valued at $5,000. Mr. and Mrs. Miller are members of the Evangelical Church.

MILLER, W., tenant far.; P. O. Watkins.

MORRIS, CHARLES, carpenter, Watkins.

MOTT, M. C., lab., Watkins.

MURPHY, J., far., S. 35; P. O. Watkins.

NEWTON, WILLIAM, far., S. 11; P. O. Watkins.

NISLEY, J. K., ten. far.; P. O. Blairstown.

NOLAN, J., far., S. 16; P. O. Watkins.

NOLAN, T., far., S. 16; P. O. Watkins.

NORLAND, J. P., far, S. 13; P. O. Florence.

NORLAND, J. J., far., S. 13. P. O. Florence.

NORLAND, S. J., far., S. 13; P. O. Florence.

0'NEEL, JAMES, far., S. 17; P. O. Watkins.

PETERSON, JOHN A., far., S. 12; P.O. Florence.

PFAFFLE, A. F., painter, Watkins.

PIEPER, CASPER, far., S. 3; P. O. Watkins.

PIEPER, JOHN, far.; P. P. Watkins.

PIESTER, M., far., S. 35; P. O. Watkins.

PINGREY, AMANDA, MRS., importer, dealer and breeder of thoroughbred Short-Horn cattle and Poland-China hogs, Sec. 19; P. O. Blairstown; born in Sullivan, N. H., March, 1825. Was married in Brattleboro, Vt., in 1843, to Daniel Pingrey (now deceased); has seven children -Solon, John, Daniel, Jr., Ida, Edwin and Edward (twins) and Ada. Has 600 acres of land, valued at $35 per acre. Is a member of the Presbyterian Church.

PINGREY, D., Jr., far., S. 30; P. O. Blairstown.

PINGREY, J., far., S. 19; P.O. Blairstown.

PIRIE, JAMES, farmer, Sec. 13; P. O. Florence; born in Scotland in 1819. Married Lydia Stevens in Canada in 1854; she was born in England in 1832; they have four children -- James Stewart, William Edward, George L. and Susan Jane. Has eighty acres of land, valued at $46 per acre; he came to Canada in 1844; moved to Iowa in 1861; he followed blacksmithing twenty years.

PRIOR, H., far., S. 13; P. O. Florence.

REDFIELD, MERRITT, far., S. 30; P. O. Blairstown.

RICHARD, C. K., far.; P. O. Florence.

RINEHART, A. C., school teacher, Sec. 34; P. O. Watkins.

ROBERTSON, J., far., S. 16; P. O. Watkins.

ROWLEY, A. J., far., S. 8, P. O. Watkins.

ROWLEY, J. F., far., S. 8, P. O. Watkins.

SANDERSON, L. H., far., Sec.. 31;P. O. Blairstown.

SCHERGER, J., far., S. 7; R. O. Blairstown.

SCHMIDT, J., far., Sec, 14; P. O. Watkins.

SCHMUECKER, J., far., S. 1; P. O. Florence.

SCHOENING, C., far.; P. O. Watkins.

SCHULTE, C., far., Sec. 2; P. O. Florence.

SCHWENDER, P., far.; P. O. Watkins.

SHEA, M., far.,, Sec. 3; P. O. Watkins.

SHENENBERGER, S. A., tenant far.; P. O. Blairstown.

SIMS, S. S., carp., S. 23; P. O. Watkins.

SWICK, H. C., carpenter, Watkins.

SKILES, A., far., S. 24; P. O. Watkins.

SMITH, A. A., pump agent, Watkins.

SMITH, F., far., S. 32; P. O. Watkins.

SPRINGER, JACOB, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 36; P. O. Watkins; born in Fayette Co., Penn., Jan. 21, 1824. Married Miss E. J. McCormick in Pennsylvania, in 1846 she was born in Pennsylvania in 1826 they had ten children; four living -- Mary, Ada, Ira and Annie. He owns a large farm and fine residence, large grove and orchards, and is surrounded with all the comforts of life, near Watkins; he is the oldest settler in this part of the county; his brother James and himself were the first settlers in St. Clair Township; built the first cabin and school house; built up the first Masonic Lodge; has held most every local political office; has been for the last eight years Director of the College for the Blind, at Vinton, Iowa. His son Eugene, enlisted in the 2d I. V. C., September, 1864, and died July, 1865, at Eastport, Miss., with congestion of the brain; his remains were taken home by his father. Helped to organize the Lodges and Chapters at Cedar Rapids, Belle Plaine, and many other Lodges in this section of the country; came to Iowa in 1852; was here when the Indians were driven away by the troops to Kansas; is a member of A., F. & A. M. Lodge, Chapter and Commandery.


STOCKER, E., farmer, S. 18; P. O. Blairstown.

STRICKLING, JOHN W., far., Sec. 9; P. O. Watkins; born in Ohio Sept. 21, 1828. Married Sarah J. Greer in Ohio, in 1855; she was born in Ohio, in 1833; they had seven children; six are now living -- Oliver O., John W., Vesta N., Adaline L., Cora P. and Sarah J. Have 160 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre; moved to Illinois in 1856; stayed one year and moved to Benton Co., Iowa, in 1857. Has held the office of Township Assessor two years, and Township Trustee. Mr. and Mrs. Strickling are members of the Presbyterian Church.

SUMMER, M., far., P. O. Watkins.

SUTTER, JOHN, merchant, Watkins.

THOMAS, JOSEPH, far., S. 32; P. O. Watkins.

THOMPSON, H., tenant far.; P.O. Watkins.

THORMAN, F., Sr., far., S. 6; P. O. Blairstown.

THORMAN, F., Jr., far, S. 6; P. O. Blairstown.

THOMAN, L., far., S. 8; P. O. Blairstown.

TIPPEN, James, laborer, Watkins.

TITTLER, H. J., far., S. 27; P. O. Watkins.

TOBIN, M., far., S. 22; P. O. Watkins.

TURNER, A. R., carpenter and builder, Watkins; born in Pennsylvania Aug. 18, 1837. Married Elizabeth Bosley in Pennsylvania in 1856; she was born in Pennsylvania in 1832; they have five children -- Charles, Thomas, William, Clara Bell and Ora. Owns a house and lot, valued at $500; came to Iowa in the Spring of 1857.

TURNER, C. G., Notary Public and Conveyancer, Watkins; born in Virginia Nov. 28, 1809. Married Eliza Rose in Pennsylvania in 1832; she was born in Pennsylvania in 1812; they have nine children -- Nancy Jane, Joseph, Alpheus, Sarah, Clarissa, Edward and Charles (twins), Martha and William. Mr. Turner moved to Pennsylvania in 1831; moved to Benton Co., Iowa, in 1860; followed carpentering thirty years in the early part of his life; entered a farm of 320 acres in 1854. The village of Watkins was built on the farm of Mr. Turner; he gave the railroad company seven acres of land for a depot and the right of way; he raised over $5,000 by subscription to establish the depot at Watkins years before the depot was located, and spent a large sum of money to establish the post office, and Mr. Turner was the first Postmaster; helped to establish the first Masonic Lodge in this section. Mr. Turner has 300 acres of land, valued at $11,000, and town lots valued at $4,000. Mr. Turner has held the offices of Justice of the Peace, School Director, and other town offices. Is a member of the A. F. & A. M. Lodge. Mr. Turner made his property himself, and does not owe a dollar.

TURNER, EDWARD, farmer, Sec. 24; P. O. Watkins; born in Pennsylvania May 15, 1846. Married Mary A. Skiles in Iowa Co., Iowa, in January, 1866; she was born in Pennsylvania in 1847; they have four children -- Frank Lee, Effa May, Willie Arthur, Mary Emma. Has eighty acres of land, valued at $2,800; came to Iowa in 1861. Is a son of C. G. Turner.

TURNER, JOSEPH W., farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. Watkins; born in Fayette Co., Penn., Sept. 27, 1835. Married Rachel Leonard in Illinois in January, 1857 she was born in Ohio July 29, 1839; they have five children -- Albert Henry, Ann Eliza, Oren Wilmer, Martha Jane, Richard William. Has 156 acres of land, valued at $50 per acre; moved to Illinois in 1855; stayed till January, 1859, and moved to Benton Co., Iowa.

ULLERAIG, WILLIAM, ten. far.; P. O. Florence.

WALKER, ANDREW, far., S. 23; P. O. Watkins.

WALKER, E., far., S. 33; P. O. Watkins.

WALKER, N. T., farmer and stock raiser and dairyman, Sec. 23; P. O. Watkins; born in Rensselaer Co., N. Y., March 24, 1825. Married Nancy Arbuckle in Benton Co., Iowa, in 1856; she was born in Juniata Co., Penn., in 1838; they have two children -- Nettie J. and Frank W.; they were born in Benton Co., Iowa. Has 240 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre. Mr. Walker moved to Benton Co., Iowa, in 1856.

WAYCHOFF, J., far., Sec. 21; P. O. Watkins.

WAYCHOFF, JOHN D., farmer, Sec. 23; P.O. Watkins; born in Pennsylvania in 1839. Married Catherine Hunt in Pennsylvania in 1859; she was born in Virginia in 1839; they have eight children -- Morgan J., Mary Ellen, John E., Lewis J., Frank C., William J., George H. and Oliver L.; Has eighty acres of land, valued at $2,400. Mr. Waychoff enlisted in the 15th Penn. Vol. Cav., in 1862; was in all the engagements with his regiment; was mounted Orderly for Gen. Thomas, commanding 14th Army Corps, three months, and discharged with the regiment at the close of the war. Is a member of the I.O.O.F. Lodge. Mr. Waychoff and wife are members of the Baptist Church. They came to Iowa in 1873.

WEST, N. N. T., farmer and herder, proprietor of livery stable; P. O. Watkins; born in Albany Co., N. Y., in December, 1847; moved to Iowa in 1873; holds the office of Township Constable; owns eight horses, barn and farm utensils, valued at $1,000.

WHEELER, J., far., Sec.- 25; P. O. Watkins.

WHEELER, W. H., Justice of the Peace, Watkins.

WHITE, ED., far., Sec. 23; P. O. Watkins.

WILLIAMS, T. J., shoemaker, Watkins.

WINTER, A., far., Sec. 32; P. O. Watkins.

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