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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
The IAGenWeb Project

Benton County, Iowa
LeRoy Township 1878 Biographies
Transcribed by Carleton Ealy.
Copyright © 1998.

ABBOTT, WILLIAM, Constable, Blairstown.

Allen, A. F., banker, Blairstown.

ALBERSTETT, F., manager of the grain warehouse owned by H. B. Hidy, Blairstown; was born in Germany on the 7th of December 1850; came to this country with his parents in 1854; they settled in Stephenson Co., Ill., where they now reside. Mr. F. Alberstett attended high school in the above named county and received a liberal education; he came to this town in 1876, when he entered upon his duties as general manager of the above-mentioned warehouse. His father, John Alberstett, served in the regular army in Germany.

Allum, Q. L., barber, Blairstown.

Anderson, David, carpenter, Blairstown.

Anderson, F. M., farmer, Sec. 22; P. O. Blairstown.

Anderson, G. W., plasterer, Blairstown.

Anderson, Jerry, Blairstown.

Anderson, M. F., blacksmith, Blairstown.

ANDERSON, R. K., proprietor of cariage, wagon, and horseshoeing shop, Blairstown; was born in Cumberland Co., Penn., on Sept. 1, 1852; came to this State in 1875, and commenced business at this place, and worked at his trade, that of blacksmith, in De Kalb Co., Ill., previous to his coming to this place. He- married Helen Quilhot, in De Kalb County, Illinois, in 1873; she was born in De Kalb Co. in 1858; they have one child -- Francis, born in De Kalb Co., in June, 1875. Mr. R. K. Anderson's brother, M. F. Anderson, is in partnership with him in the shop; they do first-class work and are the principal firm in the business of this place.

Anderson, Richard, retired blacksmith, Blairstown.

Andrew, C. W.,. Blairstown.

Applegate, H., Blairstown.

Arreson, Peter, farmer, Sec. 30; P. O. Luzerne.

Asch, Oliver, drayman, Blairstown.

ATHEY, JAS. W., farmer, Sec. 24; P. O. Blairstown; was born in Parke Co., Ind., Oct. 26, 1829; he remained here until 1846; he then came to this State and settled in Iowa Co., in which county he remained until 1852, when he came to this county; he was early identified in the school interests in the township which he lives in, and took an active part in the organization of district schools. Has been twice married, first wife was Sarah C. Brown; they were married in Johnston Co., 1853; she was born in Ohio, and died on the 11th of November, 1865. Present wife was Minerva Haughenburg; they were married in Marengo, Iowa Co., in 1866; she was born in Ohio; Mr. Athey owns 456 acres of land; he also owns town property to the value of $2,300.

BAIRD, C., clergyman, Blairstown.

Barnhart, H. S., carpenter, Blairstown.

Barnes, W. M., express agt. and confectionery, Blairstown.

Barnes, T. F., loan agt., Blairstown.

BARNEY, M. D., farmer; P. O. Blairstown; was born in Jefferson Co., N. Y., Aug. 30, 1831; came to this State in 1866, and settled in this county. He is the present Mayor of this town, which office he has held one term previous to this; he also held the office of Town Trustee one year and School Director three years; he is a member of the Masonic order; is also a member of the A. O. U. W. He married Miss C. L. Felt in Jefferson Co., N. Y., on the 18th of February, 1852; she was born in Jefferson Co., Aug. 3, 1835; they have three children -- Flora, born in Jefferson Co., July 20, 1856; Carrie, born in Jefferson Co., April 3, 1859; Mary G., born in Jefferson Co., Aug. 14, 1860.

BASSETT, H. L., Postmaster at Blairstown; was born in Rensselaer Co., N. Y., Aug. 1, 1833; he came to this State in 1838, and settled in Fairfield, Jefferson Co., which county he. remained in until 1856; he then moved to Washington Co., and from there removed to this county in 1863. In 1870, he was appointed Deputy United States Marshal; he has held the office of Justice of the Peace four years, and has held the office of Town Assessor one year; has been Postmaster at this place two years, and has also held various other town and school offices; he has always exerted himself on the side of law and order, and is a strict temperance man. He married Miss Lydia Jones March 8, 1857; she was born in England Oct. 14, 1828 - they have had six children, four of whom are living; the living are Ida M., born in Washington Co., this State, Sept. 5, 1 S59; Harry and Bertha (twins) born in this county March 27, 1866; Thaddeus, born in this county Sept. 25, 1869.

Baty, Wm. I., far., Sec. 6; P. O. Luzerne.

BEATTIE, S. A., farmer, Sec. 28 P. O. Blairstown; was born in Washington Co., N. Y., Oct.. 28, 1821; went to Illinois and settled in Kane County, where he remained one year; he came from there to this county in 1855, thus becoming one of the pioneer settlers of this county. He married Miss Jane Battie, in Albany, N. Y., March 17, 1849; she was born in Washington Co., N. Y., in the year 1812. Mr. Beattie was the first Assessor elected in this township; at that time the townships of St. Clair, Union and Eldorado were included in this. He owns eighty acres of land, which is well improved.

BEATY, S. S., farmer, Sec. 5; P. O. Luzerne; was born in Washington Co., N. Y., July 8, 1818; in 1854, be went to Kane Co., Ill., in which county be remained a few months; be came to this township in the Spring of 1855, thus becoming one of the early settlers of this place; this township, at that time, included the townships of St. Clair, Union and Eldorado; he attended he first election here; they polled 12 votes; the expense of the election to the county was $14. He has been married twice;. his present wife was Sarah Larue, in this county, 1860. Mr. Beaty owns 164 acres of land, which is well improved.

Beckler, John, far.; P. O. Blairstown.

Becker, C. L., ret. far., Blairstown.

BELL, HENRY, farmer, Sec. 34, P. O. Blairstown; owns 400 acres of land; was born in Norfolk, England, 1831; came to this county, 1855, and located in this township, thus becoming, one of the early settlers of Benton Co. He married Miss Whitenack, in Cedar Rapids, this State. Mr. Bell visited his native country in 1866; remained one year, then returned to his home here, where he has since lived.

Bell, John, Blairstown.

Bell, Robert, Blairstown.

Bell, Thomas, far.; P. O. Blairstown.

Black, Charles, Blairstown.

BLACK, C. F., farmer, Sec. 27; P. O. Blairstown; Owns eighty acres of land; was born in Athens Co., Ohio, on 26th of November, 1851; came to this county with his parents in 1856. He married Miss Prances Lydie Dulin, in this county, on the 2d of March 1873 she was born in Franklin Co., Ohio, on 28th of January, 1853; they have had three children -- George Hiram, born 13th of April, 1875, died when 16 days old; Jennie Leora, born 26th of March, 1876; Charles Henry, born 14th of November, 1877.

BLACK, GEORGE, farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. Blairstown; was born in Athens Co., Ohio, 17th of October, 1822; in the year 1850, be moved to Indiana, and remained in that State about three years; at the end of which time he, moved to this State, thus becoming one of the pioneer settlers; be came to this county in 1856, and he has since made it his home; he has held the office of Town Trustee several years; has also been Assessor three or four years, and has held various school offices. He married Hannah Phillips, in Ohio, 1843; she was born in Athens Co., Ohio, in 1823.

Blutzer, John, far., S. 32; P. O. Luzerne.

Boehmke, William, clerk, Luzerne.

BOOK, JOHN, retired merchant, Blairstown; was born in Germany, Dec. 17, 1839; came to this country, 1854, and settled in Clayton Co., this State, where he remained until the Spring of 1864; he then came to this town and formed a co-partnership with A. J. Tangeman, and entered the mercantile business; he remained in that business until the Fall of 1874. He married Miss H. N. Washburn, in Clayton Co., this State, March 28, 1862; she was born in Livingston Co., N. Y., Nov. 8, 1841; they have two children -Jessie, born on the 1st of January, 1863, in Clayton Co.; Frank, born in Blairstown, July 21, 1865.

Boumgart, J., far., S. 17; P. O. Luzerne.

Boyd, H. J., far., S. 17; P. O. Luzerne.

Brewster, J. T., tailor, Blairstown.

BRIAN, JAMES, farmer; P. O. Blairstown; was born in Carroll Co., Ohio, Dec. 19, 1831; he came to this State in 1852, and settled in Linn Co., where be remained until 1855, when he moved to this town; lie built and run the first blacksmith shop that was in this place. He is, at present writing, a member of the Town Council, and has held various school offices. In June, 1864, he enlisted in the 47th I. V. I., in Co. C; served until the close of the war; was honorably discharged. He married Emily Wood in Linn Co., Aug. 2, 1855; she was born in the State of New York. Mr. Brian owns 160 acres of land, and residence lots in town.

Brockman, Eli, nursery, Blairstown.

Brockman, W. L., nursery, Blairstown.

Brown, A. M., lab., Blairstown.

Bruce, C. L., horse doctor, Blairstown.

Bruce, Joseph, teamster, Blairstown.

Buch, Conrad, grocer, Luzerne.

Buffington, O. J., clerk, Blairstown.

Burnet, A., far.; S. 10; P. O. Blairstown.

Burns, B., clerk, Blairstown.

Burnet, H. W., Sec. 10.

Burnet, I. G., Justice of Peace, Blairstown.

BURNET, S. G., farmer, Sec. 10; P. O. Blairstown; was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, Jan. 21, 1827; is a graduate of Woodward College; came to this State and settled in this county in 1867. A few years later, he was nominated for member of the Iowa State Legislature by the Anti-Monopoly party, and was triumphantly elected; be has also held various township offices. He married Miss Isabella A. Bromwell, in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1852; she was born in Cincinnati Sept. 16, 1834.

Bushler, J., shoemaker, Blairstown.

CARTER, JOHN, far., Sec. 24; P. O. Blairstown.

Carpenter, S. H., school tchr., Blairstown.

Case, C. E., far., S. 27; P. O. Blairstown.

Case, S., far., S. 22; P. O. Blairstown.

Cayema, J., far., S. 34; P. O. Blairstown.

Chaffee, C. E., merchant, Blairstown.

Chalupsky, F., far., S. 28; P. O. Luzerne.

Chalupsky, J., far., S. 28; P. O. Luzerne.

Chass, F., far., S. 28; P. O. Luzerne.

Clint, Alex., lab., Blairstown.

Clint, Geo., lab., Blairstown.

CLARK, THOMAS, contractor and builder, Blairstown; Was born in the city of New York Nov. 29, 1819; in 1829, he went to Somerset Co., N. J., where he worked on a farm and attended school until he was 18 years of age he then served an apprenticeship to carpenter, and learned that trade, which trade he worked at in New Jer. sey until 1845; he then moved to Peoria Co., Ill., where he followed the business of contractor and builder eighteen years; thence to La Salle Co., Ill., where he 'remained a few years, In September, 1861, he entered the U. S. Navy, and was appointed Chief Carpenter by Commodore Foote; he remained in the U. S. Navy service until the Fall of 1863, and was honorably discharged; during his service in the navy he was in eleven battles, the principal ones being the battles of Fort Henry, Fort Donelson, Fort Pillow, Memphis, and a fight with the Arkansas Ram; after being discharged, he returned to La Salle Co. and enlisted as a veteran in Cogswell Battery; he served in this until the close of the war, and was again honorably discharged; while in this battery he was engaged in the battles of Nashville and Mobile. He came to this town in September, 1865, and has since engaged in his present business; he owns his place of business, and is the principal contractor and builder in the town. He married Sarah N. Breese in Newark, N. J., Sept. 25, 1842 she was born in Somerset Co. N. J., Aug. 28, 1819; they have five children living.

CODER, DANIEL, farmer, Sec. 18; P. O. Luzerne; was born in Westmoreland Co., Penn., March 4, 1806; came to this county in 1857, and settled in Iowa Tp., thus becoming one of the first settlers in that township. During his residence there, be was elected Justice of the Peace, which office he held a number of years. He married Catharine Hauck in Jefferson Co., Penn.; she was born in Center Co., Penn., April 9, 1827. Mr. Coder had four sons in the army, all of whom were engaged in active service, and were honorably discharged at the expiration of their term of enlistment, or at the close of the war.

Colp, Thomas, lab., Blairstown.

Colp, Wm., far., S. 26; P. O. Blairstown.

Cook, Geo., agent; P. O. Blairstown.

Cook, G. E ., far.; P. O. Blairstown.

Cook, book agent, Blairstown.

Colton, H., far., S. 20 P. O. Luzerne.

Colvin, A. T., far., S. 3 P. O. Blairstown.

Copeland, Jos., agl. imps., Blairstown.

CRANDAL, G. B., loan agt.; P. O. Blairstown; born in Smithport, McKean Co., Penn., 1835; removed to Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., in 1845 thence to Louisville, Ky., in 1852 dealer, while there, in groceries; thence to Galesburg, Ill., in 1853; there lost his health, and attended school - returned to Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., in 1855; attended school and teaching; thence to Galesburg, Ill., in 1856, improving land and teaching; thence to Fremont, Steuben Co., Ind., in 1857; remained seven years, with the exception of one year spent in Northern Wisconsin for his health, clerking, teching and merchandising; thence to Benton Co., Iowa, in 1865; since when he has been engaged in his present business; has a farm on Sec. 8, Homer Tp., of 160 acres, and other property at Blairstown, Benton Co. Married Emma J. Brown, in 1858; she was born in Steuben Co., Ind., March 26, 1841; her children were Herbert B., born in 1859; Emma E., born in April, 1873. Emma J. died in April, 1873. Married Mrs. A. Mason, Des Moines, Iowa, March, 1874; .she was born in McKean Co., Penn., Dec. 12, 1838; they have one child -- George B., born Dec. 12,1874. Politics, Republican.

CRANDELL, William H., farmer, Sec. 26; P. O. Blairstown; owns eighty acres of land; was born in Clinton Co., Penn., Jan. 4, 1840; came to Warren Co., Ill., when he was 16 years of age, in which county he remained until 1868; he then came to this county. During the war of the rebellion he enlisted in Company A, 102d Ill. V. I.; was honorably discharged. He married Miss Mary Preston, in Toledo, Illinois, in 1867; she was born in Missouri in 1843; they have three children -- Chas. Henry, Frank Preston and Amy.

Cummings, Loren, Blairstown.

DANOPNIK, FRANCIS, far., Sec.27; P. O. Blairstown.

Dellzell, Charles, farmer, Sec. 35; P. O. Blairstown.

Dellzell, D. P., farmer, Sec. 35; P. O. Blairstown.

Dellzell, William, farmer, Sec. 35; P. O. Blairstown.

Dickey, J. S., Presbyterian clergyman, Blairstown.

Ditto, Goo. F., carpenter,. Blairstown.

Ditzler, E. J., merchant, Luzerne; was born in Schuylkill Co., Penn., Aug. 13, 1832; in 1852, he went to Ohio, and remained there until the Fall of 1855; he then went to Will Co., Ill., in which county he remained until the Fall of 1856; he then came to Cedar Rapids, this State, and remained about four years, at the end of which time he returned to his former home in Pennsylvania, and after remaining there a short time, he returned to Cedar Rap. ids, and bought grain there until the year 1860; thence to Mechanicsville, where he engaged in the same business until 186-1; from there he went to Buckeye, and engaged in the grain trade until 1867; he then moved to this town (Luzerne), and his was the first mercantile house erected in this place; he carried. a full line of staple and fancy dry goods, groceries, hardware, ready-made clothing, hats, caps, boots, shoes, etc.; he also deals extensively in grain. Mr. Ditzler was the first Postmaster at this place, which office he. held a number of years. He married Miss Maria Williams, in Tama Co., this State, in 1866; she was born in Miami Co., Ohio, in 1842; they have five children-Sheridan, born in Ruckeye, this State; Myrtle, born in Buckeye, this State; Edwin L., born in this town; Loyd Sydney, born in this town; Lawrence Bird, born in this town.

Dodd, H. H., laborer, Luzerne.

DODD, W. K., farmer, Sec. 19; P. O. Luzerne; was born in this county, 1861 his father, T. M. Dodd, was born in Tennessee, 1829; he came to Johnson Co., this State, 1847, thus becoming one of the pioneer settlers of that county. While in that county he married Miss Mary J. Kellar, 1851; she was born in Franklin Co., Ohio, in 1830; a few years after their marriage, they moved to this county and located in this township. Mr. Dodd died at his residence in this township, the 27th of May, 1876; his widow, Mrs. Dodd, still resides on the estate.

Donahue, James, saloon keeper, Blairstown.

Drake, D. T., laborer, Blairstown.

Drinkert, F., Prop. Central House, Blairstown.

ECKERT, DAN., carpenter, Blairstown.

EARLY, P. H., ticket agent and telegraph operator for the C. & N. W. Ry., Blairstown; was born in Northumberland Co., Penn., Feb. 1, 1852; came to this town in 1872; has followed the business of telegraphing eight years; has been ticket agent four years. He married Maria Kirby, in this place, Jan. 11, 1874; she was born in Geneva, Ill.., in 1853; they have one child -- John Edward, born in this town on the 16th of Dec., 1874.

Eddy, A. W., far., Sec. 26; P.O. Blairstown.

Edson, O. S., retired farmer, Blairstown.

Egen, D., far., Sec. 6; P. O. Luzerne.

EHRED, W. H., insurance and marble agent, Blairstown; was born in Petersville, Northampton Co., Penn., on the 21st of Oct., 1840; in 1859, he went to Wisconsin, in which State he remained until 1861; then he returned to his former home, and remained there until 1867; he then came to this county; during the time he was in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, he was principally engaged in the mercantile business and teaching school; during his residence in Blairstown he has held the offices of Town Recorder and Alderman a number of years, He married Miss Mary E. Wehr, in Marshall Co., this State; she was born in Carbon Co., Penn., on the 31st of May, 1845; they have three children-Claude T., born in Blairstown on Oct. 26, 1870; Frank W., born in Blairstown on March 28,1874; Miry A., born in Blairstown on March 16, 1876. Mr. Ehred represents the following insurance companies: the Farmers' of Cedar Rapids; the Germania American of New York, and he also represents the marble works of Searles & Baxter, Cedar Rapids.

FARREL, JOHN, farmer, Sec. 20 , P. O. Luzerne.

FERMAN, ROBERT, far., Sec 11; P. O. Blairstown; owns 580 acres of land; was born in Lancaster Co. Penn., on the 20th of Jan., 1835; in' the year 1847, be went to Ohio, where he remained until the Fall of 1851, when he went to Henry Co., Ill., where he remained until the breaking-out of' the rebellion. He enlisted in 112th I. V. I., Co. A, on the 9th of Aug., 1862, and was honorably discharged on the 20th of June, 1865; he was in many severe engagements; the principal ones being the battle of Atlanta. siege of Knoxville, Resaca, Allatoona, Nashville, Wilmington and Raleigh. After the war was over, he came to this county, and has since made it his home. Is one of the Township Trustees at present writing, and also is the present incumbent of the office of School Treasurer. He married Miss Rebecca Hayden, in Henry Co., Ill., on the 10th of April, 1864; she was born in Indiana, in 1841, on the 16th of February; they have four children -- Frederick William, born in this county on 15th of Aug., 1866; Lora Louise, born in this county March 28, 1869; Corwin Kent, born in this county Dec. 57, 1872; Cordie Estelle, born in this county May 5, 1877.

Eichmeyer, Fritz, lab.; P. O. Luzerne.

Elias, Chas:, far., Sec. 1; P. O. Blairstown.

Elias, Chas. H., far., Sec. 1; P. O. Blairstown.

Felt, G. W., stock-dealer, Blairstown.

Field John T., drayman, Blairstown.

FITZGERALD, M., druggist, Blairstown; was born in Winnebago Co., Ill., Sept. 29, 1854; came to Boone Co., this State, in May, 1866, and to this town in September, 1875. Mr. Fitzgerald is undoubtedly as good a druggist as there is in the county; he keeps reliable drugs, medicines and chemicals, and everything necessary to complete a neat, tasty, and at the same time a large and finished stock.

Fitzgerald, P. C., harness maker; P. O. Luzerne.

Flygler, John L., far.; P. O. Luzerne.

FOSTER, B. F., Blairstown; was born in Sandusky Co., Ohio, Sept. 6, 1833; one of the earliest settlers of this county, and erected the first frame building in this part of the county; carpenter and joiner. First wife was Martha Morford; present wife was Jane Davis; they were married in Iowa Co., this State - she was born in Illinois in 1834.

Fox, And'w, far., Sec. 30; P. O. Luzerne.

Frantz, A. D., far., Sec. 10; P. O. Blairstown.

Frantz, N. N., butcher, Blairstown.

Frantz, Sam'l G., far.; P. O. Blairstown.

Frantz, Wane, renter, Sec. 9; P. O. Blairstown.

Frantzman, Jacob, far., Sec. 13; P. O. Blairstown.

Frenzel, H., baker, Blairstown.

Funk, Joseph, far.; P. O. Blairstown.

Funk, William, far.; P. O. Blairstown.

Furnes, C. C., broker, Luzerne.

Furnas, J. M., M. D., Luzerne.

GEISKING, H. F., gardener, Blairstown.

Goodenough, Levi, retired stone mason, Blairstown.

GOULDING, JAMES, farmer, Sec. 18; P. O. Luzerne; was born in Monroe Co., N. Y.;

when a boy he entered a carpet store and occupied the position of salesman several years. He married Miss Anna McGlaw in the city of Buffalo, N. Y., June 4, 1858; she was born in 1840; after their marriage, they moved to Chili, seven miles west of Rochester, where he owned a farm; he then engaged in farming, which occupation be has principally engaged in since; they moved to this county in 1869; have nine children -- Patrick James, Maria Agnes, Katie A. C., Anna F., Laurence R., Amelia Elizabeth, Joseph E., Henry A. and Walter B. Mr. Goulding served in the New York State militia seven years; he entered as private and was advanced to the rank of Sergeant Major. He owns 140 acres of land one and a half miles from Luzerne.

Goss, G. W., miller, Blairstown.

GOSS, MILO G., telegraph operator for C. & N. W. Ry. Co.; was born in Dodge Co., Wis., Feb. 8, 1857; has followed the business of telegraph operator three years; he came to this town February, 1878.

Greer, W. A., blacksmith, Blairstown.

GREER, J. F., retired hardware merchant, Blairstown; was born in Wayne Co., Ohio, in 1835; he went to La Salle Co., Ill., and stopped in Mendota about two years; came to this county in 1859. He married Miss Elizabeth King, in Michigan, in 1860; she was born in Kane Co., Ill., in 1844. During the war of the rebellion, Mr. Greer served in Co. C, 47th I. V. I.; he was honorably discharged; he had one brother (James V.) in the army; he was killed in the siege of Atlanta; he belonged to Co. G, 13th I.V.I.

GREULICH, F. A. H., merchant and dealer in general produce, Luzerne; was born in Seneca Co., Ohio, in 1846; came to Johnson Co., this State, in 1852, in which county he remained eighteen years; he came to this county in 1870, and engaged in his present business at this place. He married Miss P. O'Donnell in Iowa City, Johnson Co., this State, in 1870; she was born in Maryland.

Grosvenor, B. F., prop. Central House, Blairstown.

GRUNEWALD, W. J., farmer, Sec. 11; P. O. Blairstown; was born in Germany in 1838; came to this country in 1853, and went to New Jersey, where he remained until 1864; he then came to this county, and it has been his home since. He married Mary Kupp in Vinton, this county, Dec. 7, 1868; she was born in Germany in 1849; they have had four children -- William J., born in this county Nov. 8, 1869; Charles Ernest, born April 10, 1871; Henry, born Sept. 29, 1873, died aged two months; Henry Julis, born Dec. 17, 1871. Mr. Grunewald owns 162 acres of land.

HALSTEAD, M. S., Blairstown.

Hadler, C., farmer, Luzerne.

Haines, D., far., S. 21; P. O. Blairstown.

HAYNES, JOSEPH, farmer, Sec. 21; P. O. Blairstown; owns 200 acres of land; was born in Greene Co., N. Y. the 4th of November, 1812; in 1835: he went to Peoria Co., DI., where he remained until 1855; he then came to this township and located on his present farm. He married Miss Sarah A. Miner, in Peoria Co., Ill., on the I I th of October, 1840; she was born in Ross Co., Ohio, on the 6th of September, 1822; her father, Thomas Miner, was one of the pioneers of this county; he was born in Greene Co., N. Y., in 1798, and came to this county in 1854, and made it his home until his death which occurred at his residence in this township, on the 19th of April.

HANFORD, H. M., proprietor of Blairstown flour mills and grain dealer, Blairstown; was born near Rochester, N. Y., in 1833; while he was a child, his parents moved to Will Co., Ill., in which county the subject of this sketch remained until 1860; he then went to California, remaining one year, at the end of which time he returned to Will Co., Ill., and remained there until 1862, thence to this county in the same year and engaged in the grain trade in this place (Blairstown); was also engaged in the general mercantile business; became proprietor of the Blairstown mill in 1866, and it has been under his supervision since.. He married Miss M. B. Keyes, in this county, in 1866; she was born in Linn Co., this State, in 1842. Mr. Hanford has held various town offices in this place.

Hannen, J. B., far., S. 35; P.O. Blairstown.

Hanson, Tim, laborer; P. O. Luzerne.

Hanson, Claus, laborer; P. O. Luzerne.

Hanson, Fredrick, farmer, Sec. 35; P. O. Blairstown.

Hanser, John, com. merch., Blairstown.

Hanser, Tim, butcher, Blairstown.

Hartung, A C., blacksmith, Blairstown.

Hartung, G. W., stone mason and plasterer, Blairstown.

HARTUNG, HENRY, proprietor of livery stable, Blairstown; was born in Beaver Co., Penn., April 20, 1848; came to this town in 1865, and established himself in the business of general blacksmithing and the manufacture of buggies and wagons, which business be continued in until August, 1877, when he engaged in his present business. He married Miss Julia Ellis in this county, June 20, 1869; she was born in Pennsylvania; they have one child -- Alphe M., born in this town Sept. 1, 1870.

Hartung, M., proprietor of Pennsylvania House, Blairstown

Hartung, John, retired farmer, Blairstown.

Hartz, George W., farmer, Sec. 35; P. O. Blairstown.

Hartz, I. K., Sec. 36; P. O. Blairstown.

Hartz, S., far., Sec. 35; P. O. Blairstown.

Hartz, Solomon, Sec. 36; P. O. Blairstown.

Hayden, A. L., far., Sec. 2; P. O. Blairstown.

Hayden, J. M., far., Sec. 1; P. O. Blairstown.

HAYDEN, J. M., farmer, Sec. 1; P. O. Blairstown; owns 160 acres of land; was born in Fulton Co., Ill., Dec. 13, 1849; came to this county in 1876. Was married to Miss Emma Thayer, in Knox Co., Ill., March 25, 1877; she was born in Virginia Jan. 30, 1852.

HAYES, C. S. dealer in watches, clocks, jewelry, silver and plated ware, spectacles, etc.; repairing and engraving a specialty; Blairstown; was born in Vermont Feb. 18, 1855; he came from there to Cedar Rapids, this State, where he was engaged four years in the jewelry business; he came to this town in 1876, and established himself . in the same business, and he is the principal jeweler in town.

Hayes, J., teamster, Blairstown.

Hevener, Frank, farmer, Sec. 22; P. O. Blairstown.

Hevener, Samuel, farmer, Sec. 22; P. O. Blairstown.

Hevener, Samuel, farmer, Sec. 22; P. O. Blairstown.

Heck, E. D., far., Sec. 27; P. O. Blairstown.

HECK, JOHN, farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. Blairstown.; was born in Columbiana Co., Ohio in 1821; he came to this State, in 1866, and located in this county. He married Cathrine Greenamyer in Mahoning Co., Ohio, in 1846; she was born in Columbiana Co., Ohio, in 1820; they have four children -- Ephraim B., born in Columbiana Co., April 2, 1848 (he married Miss Sarah S. Lunenberg in this county, Dec. 25, 1873; she was born in Johnson Co., this State, April 29, 1856; they have had two children -- Theodore E., born. June 27, 1874, died aged 2 years 1 mouth and 27 days; Alvin Roy, born April 27, 1875); Simeon R., born in Columbiana Co., Aug.18, 1852; Melissa E., born March 18, 1856; John Theodore, born in 1860, died March 26, 1864. Mr. John Heck owns 160 acres of land, and they are well improved.

HECK, R., farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. Blairstown; owns 320 acres of land; was born in Columbiana Co., Ohio, in 1828; came to this county in 1864, and settled in this township; he has held the office of School Director several years. Married Samantha Rupert, in Columbiana Co., Ohio, in 1855, in which county she was born in 1835.

Heck, Simmion R., far., Sec. 22; P. O. Blairstown.

Heinrich, C. A., far., Sec. 1; P. O. Blairstown.

Heldebrand, Adam, far.; P. O. Blairstown.

Henry, M., Com. Highways, Blairstown.

Henry, O. S., renter; P. O. Blairstown.

Henry, Willis, Blairstown.

HERRING, GEORGE (deceased). The subject of this sketch was born in Trumbull Co., Ohio, Dec. 27, 1822; he embraced religion and joined the Evangelical Association when he was 13 years of age, and remained a faithful member of the same. On Dec. 26, 1850, he married Miss Susana Keck, in Mahoning Co., Ohio; she was a native of that county, and was born Jan. 28, 1827. Mr. Herring hearing the glowing reports of the Northwest, and being favorably impressed with the advantages to be derived in a new country, came to this State in April, 1863, and was among the first settlers in the vicinity of Blairstown; after being here some time, he was licensed as a local minister, in which capacity he served the church faithfully until death; he was at the head of the building of an Evangelical church at Blairstown, to which he contributed liberally, and which has been a great blessing to the community; he also contributed largely toward the erection of the Blairstown Seminary. During, his life, he was an extensive dealer in real estate, and accumulated a large property; failing in health, he removed to Texas in the Spring of 1875, hoping that the change of climate would improve his failing health; but finding that he kept getting worse, he returned and went to Alton, Ill., in which place he remained until May, 1876, when he returned to this place (Blairstown), where he remained until his death, which occurred Aug. 8, 1877. Many are they that will long cherish his memory for his unbounded generosity and large heartedness; he was ever giving, and many are his liberal acts; his walk was upright, and his honesty and character without reproach. Such is the record left by him that we could fill a volume of recitals of his good deeds and his labors as a minister of God; but no words that we could employ would add any new luster to the character be bore in the community where he lived so long.

Gone where shadows ne'er gather nor sorrows come
To darken the sky of the spirit home, far away, far away.
Farewell, Christian friends, fare thee well.
Where angels dwell
Is now thy home, with sainted one unite
And echo through that world which hath no night,
Redeeming love.
Gone from his partner's sight,
Whose clinging heart
Can scarce depart
From the one loved through each changing year,
From the one who in death is still more dear than when in life.

Mrs. Herring is still a resident of this place (Blairstown), and their family of four children all reside in this county; the children are M. S. Herring (whose biography we give in another place), born in Trumbull Co., Ohio;. Samantha C. and Amanda M. (twins), born in Columbiana Co., Ohio; (Samantha C. married H.B.Miller; they reside in St. Clair Tp., this county; Amanda M. married J. A. Rank; they reside in Le Roy Tp., this county); Laurella J., born in Columbiana Co., Ohio.

HERRING, M. S., was born, in Trumbull Co., Ohio; he came to this county with his parents, George and Susana Herring (whose biographies we give in another place)', in 1863; is a member of the Evangelical Church.

Hess, R,, laborer, Blairstown.

Hickson, I. M., far., S. 25; P. O. Blairstown.

Higley, G. W., restaurant, Blairstown.

HOEBEL, LOUIS, hardware merchant, Blairstown; was born in Stephenson Co., Ill., Dec. 17, 1842; he came to this town in 1868, and engaged in his present business. He married Kathrine Sauer, in Freeport, Ill., in 1865; she was born in Baden, Germany, April 30, 1845.

HOEBEL BROS., proprietors of the large hardware store and tin shop, Blairstown; this is one of the best business houses in town; it in 24 feet wide and 180 feet long; the front, seventy feet, is stocked with an extensive stock of hardware, stoves, tinware and everything to be found in a first-class hardware store; the back 110 feet is filled with every desirable agricultural implement; back here is iron, barbed fence wire, nails, ropes, belting, etc.

HOEBEL, PHILIP, hardware merchant; was born in Germany on the 19th of Dec., 1828; came to this country in 1842, and settled in Stephenson Co., Ill., in which county he remained until 1868, when he came to this county and engaged in his present business. He married Elizabeth Holch in Freeport, Stephenson Co., Ill., in May, 1858; she was born in Germany in 1837.

Hoeck, Frederick, far.; P. O. Luzerne.

Hoeck, William, far.; P. O. Luzerne.

HOEPNER, FRED., dealer in wines, beer and cigars, Luzerne; was born in Germany, 1846; came to this country in 1868; Mr. Hoepner has traveled extensively, has been all through the Northwestern States, and in California, British Columbia, New Jersey, Washington, Oregon and Nebraska; he visited several of the principal cities of each of the above named places, and in this State, be engaged in his present business, at this place, on the 1st of Jan., 1878.

Koffman, Henry, retired farmer, Luzerne.

Hogan, S. R., farmer, P. O. Blairstown.

Holaday, W., mfr. fanning mills, Blairstown.

Hooker, H. C., Blairstown.

Horne, O., banker, Blairstown.

Howard, Perry, teamster, Luzerne.

Howard, Samuel, teamster, Luzerne.

Hutton, R., laborer, Blairstown.

ILTEN, HENRY, hardware merchant, Luzerne.

JACKSON, JOHN, laborer, Blairstown.

Jacoby, C., far., S. 33; P. O. Blairstown.

Jennings, C. G., school teacher, Blairstown.

Jones, J. E., far.; P. O. Blairstown.

Jones, J. I., far.; P. O. Blairstown.

Jones, M. B., renter; P. O. Blairstown.

Jones, N. J., M. D., Blairstown.

Jones, W. H., far.; P. O. Blairstown.

Judle, F.. far., S. 33; P. O. Blairstown.

Justus, D. A., farmer, Sec. 27; P. O. Blairstown.

KEEPER, JERRY, laborer, P. O. Luzerne.

Kellar, John, farmer, Sec. 30; P. O. Luzerne.

Kellar, M. L., farmer, Sec. 30; P. O. Luzerne.

Kelley, James, merchant, Blairstown.

Kern, Samuel, blacksmith, Luzerne.

Kern, Christof, farmer, Sec. 29; P. O. Luzerne.

Kiehn, Peter, shoemaker, Blairstown.

KITE, O. P., farmer, Sec. 2; P. O. Blairstown; owns one-fourth section of land; was born in Page Co., Va., in 1837; came to this State in the Spring of 1855, and settled in Cedar Co., where be remained until 1865, when be came to this county. He married Miss Susan Kiser, in Cedar Co., this State; she was born in Page Co., Virginia; they have a family of six children.

KING, JOHN D., attorney and counselor at law, Blairstown; was born in Morrow Co., Ohio, Nov. 17, 1839. At the breaking-out of the war of the rebellion he enlisted in Company A. 33d Illinois V. I., Aug. 21, 1861; was honorably discharged in October, 1864; his discharge shows that he was engaged in thirteen pitched battles, among them being the battles of Jackson, Champion Hills, Black River, Vicksburg, and a series of battles around that place. He settled in this town in the Spring of 1866, and was admitted to the bar in 1873; since which time he has been engaged. in the, practice of his profession at this place (Blairstown); at the bar, Mr. King is regarded as an able lawyer, a man of sound legal judgment and high professional honor. He married Miss Sarah L. Cooper, in Whiteside Co., Ill., Aug. 9, 1863; she was born in Morrow' Co., Ohio, Feb. 24, 1837.

King, S. T., clerk, Blairstown.

Kluss, Frederick, farmer, See 5; P. O. Luzerne.

Kluss, F. H., far., S. 5; P. O. Luzerne.

Knecht, Ed., gardener, Blairstown.

Knecht, R., gardener, Blairstown.

Knorr, John, drayman, Luzerne.

Koba, Peter, far., Sec. 29; P. O. Luzerne.

Kohlman, Christ, farmer, Sec. 6 P. O. Luzerne.

Kowas, Joseph, farmer, Sec. 21 P. O. Blairstown.

Kurst, Augustus, far. P. O. Blairstown.

LAMB, DENNIS, section hand, Blairstown.

LAMOREE, P. S., farmer, Sec. 7; P. O. Luzerne; was born in this county in 1855. Married Miss Margaret Hudson in this county, in December, 1875; she was born in 1853.

LAMOREE, STOUGHTON, retired farmer, Luzerne; was born in Broome Co., N. Y., in 1818; when be was 16 years of age, he went to Plainfield, Ill., where he remained about eighteen months, at the end of which time he went to Peoria Co., Ill., in which county he married Miss Eliza Minor, in 1844; she was born Aug. 18, 1825, died Feb. 5, 1851; his present wife was Miss Rosanna Sheets; they were married in Stark Co., Ill., Oct. 26, 1851; she was born in Switzerland Co., Ind., in 1830. Mr. Lamoree came to this county in the Spring of 1855, and was elected member of the first Board of Supervisors in this county, in which capacity be served two years. He owns 353 acres of land, besides his fine residence, in which he resides at Luzerne.

Larkins, P., far., S. 29; P. O. Luzerne.

Larne, Isaac, broom maker, Blairstown.

Larson, Paul, lab.; P. O. Luzerne.

Larson, Thomas, far.; P. O. Luzerne.

Laubach, F. G., harness mkr., Blairstown.

Law, G. W., far.; P. O. Blairstown.

Learch, Wm., butcher, Blairstown.

Lee, Fred B.,. far.; P. O. Blairstown.

Lehr, Enos, merchant, Blairstown.

Lehr, J. M., merchant, Blairstown.

Leonard, H. M., lab., Blairstown.

Lipe, H., surveyor, Blairstown.

LONG, D. N., retired minister, Blairstown; was born in Somerset Co., Penn., May 17, 1813; in 1835, be was licensed minister of the Evangelical Association, and successfully labored in the States of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Ohio; in 1860, he came West and located in this State; he followed his ministerial duties in this State and Minnesota several years. He married Susanna Flickinger, in Cumberland Penn., in 1842; she was born in Lancaster Co., Penn., in 1817; they have three children living - Belinda E. (now Mrs. J. Troutman), Susanna C. and Cynthia (now Mrs. Frank Leohner). Mr. Long owns 452 acres of land, and residence and three town lots.

Lynch, P. H., Justice of Peace, Blairstown.

Lyons, J., far., S. 36; P. O. Blairstown.

McCARTY, JOHN, Principal Blairstown Academy, Blairstown.

McCoy, F. A., keeps billiard hall, Blairstown.

McElroy, M., far., S. 26; P. O. Blairstown.

MACKLIN, O. P., painter, Blairstown; was born in Mahoning Co., Ohio on the 5th of June, 1841; went to Madison, Wis., in 1861. In 1862, he en. listed in the 23d Wis. V. I; saved until the close of the war; was honorably discharged; his discharge shows that he was engaged in the battles of Chickasaw Bayou, Miss.; Arkansas Post, Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Black River Bridge, siege of Vicksburg, siege of Jackson, Cross Roads, Cane River, Jackson, Spanish Fort, Atlanta, Blakely, Alabama, and was all through with Gen. Banks, in his Red River Expedition; he was mustered out in Madison, Wis. He then returned to his former home in New York, and remained three years; he then came to this town , and has resided here since. He married Julia Hitchcock, in Portage Co., Ohio, on the 5th of Nov., 1868; she was born in Canfield, Ohio, in 1845; they have had three children -- Freddie W., born Oct. 28, 1871, died Aug. 16, 1873; Judson V., born Nov. 21, 1873; Hattie D., born Sept. 24,1869.

Matter, E., retired farmer .

Meaks, F., far, S. 33; P. O. Luzerne.

MERRIMAN, C. B., Merchant, Blairstown; was born in Henry Co., Ill., on the 20th of January, 1839; moved to this county in 1866, and settled in St. Clair Tp., where he engaged in farming until 1875; he then moved to Blairstown and engaged in his present business. He married Miss Raser, in Henry Co., Ill., on the 8th of Dec., 1861; she was born in Ohio, on the 14th of July, 1841. During the war of the rebellion, Mr. Merriman answered his country's call for recruits to defend the flag of the union of our fathers; he enlisted in Co. K, 112th Ill. V. I., in Aug., 1862, and was honorably discharged in July, 1865; during the time he was in the service, he was engaged in seventy-two skirmishes aside from the following battles: Franklin, siege of Knoxville, Mt. Sully, Lenora Station, Louden, Bear Station, Charleston, Town Creek, Wilmington, Goldsborough, Raleigh and Greensboro, N. C., in which battle Gen. Johnston surrendered to Gen. Sherman.

Mess, E., far., S. 6; P. O. Luzerne.

Meyer, C., far., S. 18; P. O. Luzerne.

Meyers, George, farmer; P. O. Luzerne.

Meyers, Harmon J., butcher, Luzerne.

Meyer, J. H., butcher, Luzerne.

Meyocks, John, far., S. 6; P. O. Luzerne.

Mickulaki, J., far., S. 33; P. O. Luzerne.

Miller, Harry, carpenter, Blairstown.

Miner, Hiram, far., S. 21; P. O. Luzerne.

Moeller, H. D., far., S. 16; P. O. Blairstown.

Mondle, C., far., S. 19; P. O. Luzerne.

Moller, Rudolph, merchant, Luzerne.

Moore, E., far., Sec. 31 P. O. Luzerne.

Moore, H., far., Sec. 32 O. O. Luzerne.

Moore, W. C., far.; P. O. Luzerne.

Morey, Austin, laborer, Blairstown.

Morey, G. W., carpet weaver, Blairstown.

Morris, J., far., Sec. 18 P. O. Luzerne.

Mosier, D., Ear., Sec. 3 P. O. Blairstown.

Mosier, J. S., far., S. 3; P. O. Blairstown.

Muller, C., far., Sec. 32; P. O. Luzerne.

NAUMAN, J., dealer in hardware, Blairstown.

Neibes, J., far., Sec. 6; P. O. Luzerne.

Nelson, Carl, laborer, Blairstown.

Nelson, C., far., Sec. 32; P. O. Luzerne.

Nelson, H. P., laborer, Luzerne.

NELSON, J. A., proprietor of boot and shoe shop, Blairstown; was born in Mercer Co., Penn., 9th of Jan., 1829; came from there to Peoria Co., Ill.; remained there until 1829; he then went to Colorado, where he remained until 1862; he then returned to Illinois, and lived in Peoria until 1864; then he moved to Moline, Ill., remaining there until March, 1865; he then moved to this town, where he has since followed his business of boot and shoemaking. He was a member of the Town Council, four years. Married Lucy A. Robinsaft, in Peoria Co., Ill., on the 28th of April, 1858; she was born in the State of New York Aug. 8, 1834.

Newmeyer, H., far.; P. O. Blairstown.

NICOLAISEN, PETER, farmer, Sec. 29; P. O. Luzerne; was born in Denmark In 1812. In 1832 he enlisted in the Denmark standing army is Corporal and remained in the service until 1838; was also a member of the militia of that country from 1838 until 1851. He married Miss Hansine Paulina Maria Dethmer, in Copenhagen, Denmark (which was her birthplace); she was born in 1805; they came to this country in 1851; lived in New York three years; came to this county in 1854; they own 82 1/2 acres of land; they have one child living in this township-Petra Hansine; she married R. Olsen, in this county in 1868. They own 108 acres of land.

Nichols, A. J., far., Sec. 33; P. O. Blairstown.

NIELAND, HENRY, far., Sec. 5 P. O. Luzerne; owns 320 acres of land; was born in Germany, in 1821; came to this country in 1854, and settled in Clayton Co., this State; remained there until 1865, then moved to this Tp., which, has been his home since. He married Mary Lemmerinmann. in Germany, in 1846; she was born in 1824. Mr. Nieland entered the army, in Germany, in 1842, and served until 1848.

NISWONGER, M. L., merchant, of the firm of Niswonger & Thomson, dealers in fancy dry goods, notions ready made clothing, hate and caps boots and shoes, etc., etc.; Luzerne. Niswonger was horn in Westmoreland Co., Penn., in 18401 came to this State in 1865; remained one year in Cedar Rapids, Linn Co.; came to this town (Luzerne) in 1866; commenced business here in 1869, and has been Postmaster at this place seven years. Married Miss Elizabeth Kooser at Mt. Vernon, Linn Co., this State. in 1866; she was born in Somerset Co., Penn., in 1842; they have three children -- Jennie, born in this county in 1867; Craig born in this county in 1870; Maggie, born in this county in 1877. During the war of the rebellion Mr. Niswonger enlisted in Co. D, 15th Penn. Cav., in 1862 was honorably discharged at the close of the war in 1865; he was in many severe skirmishes, and in the battles of Stone River, Chattanooga and Chickamauga.

O'BRIEN, THOS., teamster, Blairstown.

Ohge, Charles, wagon maker, Blairstown.

Olson, Rasmus, farmer, Sec. 19; P. O. Luzerne.

O'SULLIVAN, J. B., Principal of public school, Blairstown; was born in Columbiana Co., Ohio, July 16, 1847; moved with his parents to Jo Daviess Co., Ill., in 1852; thence to Jackson Co., this State, which county he made his home for twenty years; he followed his profession as teacher a number of years; he came to this town in April, 1876; was appointed Principal of the school in Sept., 1876. Was married to Miss C. T. Davey, in this place, Nov. 14, 1876; they have one child -- Mary Winifred, born in this town Sept. 12, 1877.

Overbeck, John, far.; P. O. Luzerne.

OVERBECK. J. A., farmer; P. Luzerne; was born in Clayton Co., this State, Sept. 8, 1854. He married Miss Mena Wencel, in Luzerne, this county, March 3, 1878; she was born in LeRoy Tp., this county, May 28, 1858. Mr. J. A. Overbeck's father (Wm. Overbeck), was born in Germany, where he married Louisa Kramer; they came to Clayton Co., this State, in 1845, thus becoming one of the pioneer families in that county. Mrs. J. A. Overbeck's father (F. Wencel) was born in Germany; he married Louisa Kollman; they came to this county some time previous to 1858, and were among the first families that settled in this portion of the county.

Overland, Jesse, engineer, Blairstown.

PAINE, JAS., harness maker, Blairstown.

Pasko, Charles, farmer, Sec. 28; P. O. Blairstown.

Pasko, John, farmer, Sec. 28; P. O. Blairstown.

PIERCE, G. R., merchant, Blairstown; was born in Wales Nov. 3,1842; he came to this country with his parents in the Spring of 1843; they settled in Wisconsin, in which State he remain until the breaking-out of the war of the rebellion. He then enlisted in the 9th Wis. Battery; served three years and three months, during which time he was in many severe engagements. After being honorably discharged from the service, he went to Minnesota, where he remained, until 1872, when he came to this town and engaged in the mercantile business, which business he still continues in. He married Miss Elizabeth French, in this town Feb. 7, 1877; her father, the Rev. Ozro French, came to this county in 1864, and had pastoral charge of the Congregational Church until his death.

Pelly, Patrick, far., S. 9; P. O. Blairstown.

Peters, Henry, shoemaker, Luzerne.

Peterson, N. P., far., Sec. 29; P. O. Luzerne.

Poulson, Samuel, far.; P. O. Blairstown.

Pratt, A. S., far., S. 30; P. O. Luzerne.

Probert, W., dealer in agl. imp., Blairstown.

REISER, CHARLES, farmer, Sec. 3; P. O. Blairstown.

RANK, J. A., farmer, Sec. 13; P. O. Blairstown; owns 280 acres of land; was born in Jefferson Co., Penn., Feb, 5, 1850; came to this county in 1867; in 1874, Mr. Rank was licensed traveling minister of the Evangelical Association, which avocation be continued in for three years, traveling principally in Benton, O'Brien, Osceola and Iowa Cos. He married Amanda M. Herring, in this county, Sept. 14, 1876; she was born in Columbiana Co., Ohio; they have one child -- Orena Z., born June 29, 1877.

Reiser, H., far., S. 3; P. O. Blairstown.

RICHARDSON, R., of the firm of R. Richardson & Son, druggists, Blairstown; was born in Berkshire Co., Mass., July 27, 1831; he came to this State in 1867, and settled in this county in 1872; he came to this town and engaged in the grain trade, which business he continued in until 1873, when he established himself in the drug business, which business he still continues in. Though not an aspirant for political honors, he has held various township offices, and was the nominee of the Greenback party in this State for State Representative. He married Miss Mary F. Britton, in Wyoming Co., N. Y., Feb. 2. 1851; she was born in Herkimer Co., N. Y., March 23, 1832; they have two children-Cora L., born in Wyoming Co., N. Y., April 17,1854; she married John Van Metre; he was born in Pickaway Co., Ohio: March 16, 1846; he came to this State in 1855; in the year 1868, be commenced the study of law, and was admitted to the bar in 1870; he speedily came forward to a leading position at the bar; his success in the profession was almost without precedent; in January, 1874 he formed a co-partnership with John D. Kin-, the firm being, known as Van Metre & King; this firm continued until a few days before his death, which occurred Jan. 31, 187 6; he was a fluent speaker, and his addresses to a jury were always effective, his intercourse with the bar was always marked with the utmost dignity and courtesy, and no man ever saw him betrayed into a wrangle with the opposing counsel or the court when trying a case be was never a promoter of litigation, never made the court of justice an engine of oppression or used it as a weapon to further his own ambition and gratify personal malice or spite; but, on the other band, he endeavored whenever it was possible to harmonize disputes without resorting to courts. George A. Richardson was born in Wyoming Co., N. Y.; April 27, 1857; he entered into partnership with his father a short time ago; they keep a first- class drug store, and have a variety of drugs, medicines, paints. oils and everything to be found in a first class drug store.

Rickert, J., lab., Blairstown.

Rieke, C., far., S. 12; P. O. Blairstown.

Ritter, F., barber and confec'y, Blairstown.

Rocker, Win., far.; P. O. Luzerne.

Rosa, Frank, far., S. 33; P. O. Blairstown.

Rosburg, C., far.; P. O. Luzerne.

Roswag, J., far., S. 17; P. O. Luzerne.

Rupp, Jacob, lab., Blairstown.

Rupp, John, retired far., Blairstown.

Russell, A., far., S. 36; P. O. Blairstown.

SALISBURY, HIRAM, far., S. 16; P.O. Blairstown.

SANDERSON, LEVI, painter, Blairstown; was born in Oneida Co., N. Y., Feb. 28, 1847, from which State he went to New Jersey, where he remained six years; he then went to Wisconsin, in which State he remained a short time. He enlisted in Co. I, 22d Regt. N. J. Vols., on the 1st of September, 1862; served nine months, and was honorably discharged. He came to this town in 1867, and has since followed the business of painting.

Sanderson, W. M., lab., Blairstown.

SAYERS, REUBEN, farmer, Sec. 19; P. O. Luzerne; was born in Athens Co., Ohio, Dec. 29, 1844; when he was 10 years of age he moved to Morrow Co., Ohio, with his parents; thence to Williams Co., same State, in which county his parents still reside; he came to this State in 1869, and settled in this township. He married Miss Mary Carpenter, in Williams Co., Ohio, in 1866; she was born in same county in 1842; they have three children -- Sarah, born in Williams Co., Ohio; Rauel, born in this township; George, born in this township. Mr. Sayers owns 1361 acres of land, one and a quarter miles from Luzerne; it is well improved.

Schwarz, C., retired butcher, Blairstown.

SCHMIDT, OTTO, druggist, Luzerne, was born in Germany in 1841; came to this town in 1869; engaged in his present business at this place in 1873; Mr. Schmidt keeps a full stock of pure and fresh drugs, paints, oils, articles of toilet, and everything to be found in a first-class drug store.

SCHREADER, HENRY W., proprietor of the Luzerne House, Luzerne; was born in Prussia Sept. 10, 1840; came to Stephenson Co., III:, when a boy. He married Miss Eva Sauer, at Freeport, Oct. 9, 1862; she was born in Baden, Germany, March 20, 1843. Five years after their marriage they moved to this county and purchased a farm of 160 acres on Sec. 14, Kane Tp., which farm they still own; they resided on this until 1876; he then purchased the Luzerne House and engaged in keeping hotel, which is his present business. They have six children living -Sophia, Theresa, Julius A., Mary A., Kathrine Elizabeth, William Herman.

Schreader, John, saloon, Blairstown.

Schuhmacher, GEORGE, farmer, Sec. 12; P. O. Blairstown; .owns 200 acres of land; was born in Baden, Germany, Jan. .5, 1828; came to this country in 1846; he lived near Rochester, N. Y., for a short time, then went to Erie, Penn., where be remained until 1867; be then came to this county, and has since resided in it. He is one of the present Board of Township Trustees, which office he has held for several years; he has also been the occupant of various other town and school offices. He married Miss Kathrine Fesilie in Erie, Penn., in 1850; she was born in Baden, Germany, May 22, 1822; they have a family of ten children, all of whom are living.

Schultz, John, far., Sec. 86; P. O. Blairstown.

Scovil, S. C., far., Sec. 11; P. O. Blairstown.

Seveik, J., far., Sec. 20; P. O. Luzerne.

Sear, Reuben, far., Sec. 19; P. O. Luzerne.

Shay, B., far., Sec. 30; P. O. Luzerne.

Sheets, Win., blacksmith, Blairstown.

SHINN, A., Deputy Sheriff of this county, also City Marshal of Blairstown; was born in Mahoning Co., Ohio, in 1838; came to Blairstown in the Fall of 1863; was appointed Deputy Sheriff in the Fall of 1876; has been City Marshal since the Spring of 1874; was elected Constable in 1872, which office be has held since. He married Miss Linah Ellyson in Mahoning Co., Ohio, in 1858; she was born in Stark Co., Ohio; they have four children living -- Wm. H., John, Mary, Frankie.

Shinn, H. Win., farmer; P. O. Blairstown.

Shirley, Charles; P. O. Luzerne.

Shirley, Milton, Constable, Luzerne.

Shierman, C., clerk, Blairstown.

Shoenberger, Jacob, far., Sec. 2; P. O. Blairstown.

Shoenberger, M., far., Sec. 2; P. O. Blairstown.

Shreeves, J. R., Cashier, Blairstown.

SHREEVES, B. W., banker (firm name, Shreeves & Tipton), Blairstown; was born in Franklin Co., Ohio, Nov. 24, 1831. He married Miss Mary Ramsey, in Fulton Co., Ill., in 1856; he came to this State in 1865, and located in the vicinity of this town; he engaged in his present business (that of banking) in April, 1865; has held various offices; they have three children -- John R., born in Fulton Co., Ill., April, 1858, and is Cashier in the bank; Hattie, born Jan. 8, 1875; Jessie, born Dec. 9,1876.

Shuck, J. D., jeweler, Blairstown.

Shuhard, Charles, far., Sec. 31; Luzerne.

Shuhard, G., far., S. 31; P. O. Luzerne.

Shuhard, J., far., S. 31; P. O. Luzerne.

Silliman, John, merchant, Blairstown.

Silliman, S. P., bookkeeper, Blairstown.

Silliman, W. S., merchant, Blairstown

SIMMONS, D. J., farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. Blairstown; owns property to the value of $1,000; was born in Parke Co., Ind., March 8, 1838; came to Johnson Co., this State, in 1849, and to this county in 1855, and settled in this township. There were not over ten families in this township at that time, and the surrounding country was comparatively a wilderness. He married Mrs. Martha A. Dill, in Linn Co., this State, Dec. 4, 1864; she was born in Fountain Co., Ind., Nov. 6, 1832; her father, R. G. Harbert, came to this State in 1844; in 1846, he settled in Linn Co. During the war of the rebellion he enlisted in 37th Regt. I. V. I.; served until the close of the war; was honorably discharged.

Simpson, J., baggage master, Blairstown.

Smith, C. D., retired farmer, Blairstown.

Smith, Frank S., laborer, Luzerne.

Smith, G. H., far., S. 10; P.O. Blairstown.

Snider, John, wagon maker, Blairstown.

SNOW, W. S., Blairstown; was born in Pennsylvania, April 21, 1829; went from there to Ohio, 1836; remained there until 1851; he then went to California, and remained until 1854; in the Fall of said year, he came to this county; in 1862, he moved to this town, and in 1864-5, he was engaged in the mercantile business. Was appointed Postmaster of this town in 1863, which office he held until 1866; was elected Mayor in 1874, to which office he was elected three consecutive terms; he is a member of the School Board at this place at present writing; he has also held various other town and school offices. He married Miss Harriet P. Dwight, in Cleveland, Ohio, on Jan. 27, 1852; she was born in Hampshire Co., Mass., June 3, 1831; they have one child -- Nina Belle, born in this county Aug. 8, 1859. Mr. Snow owns 350 acres of land. Mrs. Snow owns residence in town and several town lots.

Snyder, F. E., cabinet maker, Blairstown.

SPICER, S. S., H. D. (deceased); was born in Waterbury, Vt., Jan. 25, 1852; graduated at the St. Louis Medical College in 1873, and has since practiced medicine in this place. He married Miss Elsie Porter, in this town, May 1, 1877 she was born in Illinois, April 7, 1856 her father, the Rev. G. D. Porter, born in March, 1805, in Juniata Co., Penn.; in his youth he prepared himself for the medical profession, and entered the practice thereof; but about this time he commenced' the study of theology, privately with Father Hutchinson of Mifflin, and a short time afterward became one of the earliest students in the Western Theological Seminary after being licensed in 1830 or 1831, lie for a time preached in Monongahela City, and thence removed to Newbury, where he was ordained and installed by the Presbytery of Huntingdon, in Nov. 1833; a few years later, he became Pastor of Centre and Millerstown Churches, where he was much respected and his labors successful; he came to this State in 1851, where he followed big labors several years; be then moved to Crow Meadow Church, Ill., where he labored four years; in the Winter of 1866-7, he arranged to supply statedly, the churches of Blairstown and West Irving in the Presbytery of Vinton; here he labored until his death, which occurred on 17th of Dec., 1867.

Hark! the golden harps are ringing,
Sounds unearthly fill his ear;
Millions now in Heaven singing,
Greet his joyful entrance there.

Sprinkle, S., far., S. 12; P. O. Blairstown.

Starbuck, Abe, laborer, Blairstown.

Starbuck, J. M., laborer, Blairstown.

Starbuck, S., farmer, Blairstown.

Stary, Adam, far., S. 30; P. O. Luzerne.

Stary, C., far., S. 30; P. O. Luzerne.

Steffenson, A., far., S. 30.

STERLING, J. S., farmer, Sec. 4; P. O. Blairstown; was born in Livingston Co., N. Y., in 1822, in which county be remained until he was 17, years of age; he then shipped on a whaler, and followed a seafaring life for five years, during which time he sailed around the world, and was in many of the principal seaports of the world; after resigning his duties on the rolling deep, he went to Michigan, where he remained some years; he also lived in Ohio some time. In 1845, or thereabout, he went to Winnebago Co., Ill., in which county he met and married Miss Juliette Pennock, in 1846; she was born in New York in 1825; they moved to this county in 1856, and located in this township, thus becoming one of the pioneer families in this part of the county; they have two children -- Carrie F., born in Winnebago Co., Ill., in 1855, (she married James Shuck); Frank P., born in this county in Sept.; 1862. In 1866, Mr. Sterling and family visited Colorado and other portions of the West, and were absent several months; he owns 200 acres of land, which is nicely located and well improved.

Stewart, N., far., S. 9; P. O. Blairstown.

STONESIFER, E. M., farmer and stock raiser, Blairstown; owns 600 acres of land in the vicinity of this place; he was born in Harrison Co., Ohio, on the 31st of Dec., 1824; when he was 15 years of age, he went to Jefferson Co., and remained there until 1857; he then went to Louisville, Ky., in which place he remained about eight years; from there he came to this town, and it has been his home since. He married Miss Catharine A. Black-, in Jefferson Co., Ohio, in May, 1847; she was born in Westmoreland Co., Penn., in 1825.

Story, D., tar., S. 13; P. 0, Blairstown.

Story, G., far., S. 13; P. O. Blairstown.

Story, W. S., far., 13; P. O. Blairstown.

Stoufer, B., far.; P. O. Blairstown.

STUDT, PH., REV., Pastor of the Lutheran Church, Luzerne; was born in St. Clair Co., Ill., in the year 1841; he .remained in said county until his 22d year; he then went to St. Louis and commenced studying for the ministry; he attended Concordia College at that place (St. Louis) four years, -at the end of which time he graduated; was ordained minister in 1866; since which time he has had pastoral charge of the Lutheran Church at this place (Luzerne). He married Miss Sophia E. M. Tatge, in Iowa City, this State, on the 10th of Nov., 1869; she was born in Kendall Co., Ill., on the 13th of March, 1852; they have had four children -- Julius C. P., born in Luzerne on the 11th of Sept., 1871; Henry F., born in Luzerne on the 30th of March, 1873, died in infancy; August J., born in Luzerne on the 14th of Oct., 1874; Martin G. W., born in Luzerne on the 5th of Nov., 1877.

Tadge, Conrad, farmer; P. O. Luzerne.

TAEGE & ILTEN, dealers in hardware, stoves, tinware, cutlery, etc., Luzerne; Wm. Taege was born in Cook Co., Ill., in 1866; came to this county in 1875, and engaged in the hardware business in this place. Henry Ilten was born in Cook Co., Ill., in 1851; came to this county in 1874; engaged in the hardware business in 1875. He married Miss Katie Buch, in this town (Luzerne), on Oct. 1, 1876; she was born in Kane Co., this State, in 1859. Mr. Ilten is also engaged in the grain trade with Mr. Buch.

TANGEMAN, A. J., farmer, Blairstown; was born in Mercer Co., Ohio, Jan. 21, 1833; came to this State in 1846, and settled in Clayton Co., in which county he remained until 1864; be then came to this town and engaged in the mercantile business with John Book, in which business he remained until the Fall of 1874; since that time he has principally followed farming. He has been a member of the School Board two years; he has also been a member of the Town Council three years. He married Elizabeth Buch in Clayton Co., this State, in 1857; she was born in, Germany; they have seven children -- Anna M. K., born in Clayton Co., Sept. 21, 1858; George F., born in Clayton Co., Oct. 73 1860; Mary E., born in Clayton Co., Dec. 21, 1862 John R., born in this town April 27, 1865; Martha L., born in this town Sept. 2, 1867; Elizabeth W., born in this town Nov. 23, 1869; Fannie Amelia, born in this town Oct. 3, 1876. Mr. Tangeman owns 443 acres of land, and a residence and several lots in town.

Tangeman, William, far., Sec. 7; P. O. Luzerne.

Tege, Wm., farmer; P. O. Luzerne.

Thiele, Henry, harness maker, Luzerne.

Thomson, M. J., merchant, Luzerne.

Timm, John, saloon. Luzerne.

Tipton, T., banker, Blairstown.

VAIL, C., attorney, Blairstown.

Vanscoyee, Aaron K., farmer, Sec. 32; P. O. Luzerne.

Voss, H., restaurant, Blairstown.

Vottler, John, shoemaker, Blairstown.

Vottler, M., shoemaker, Blairstown.

WAGNER, Frank, P. O. Blairstown.

Wagner, J. K., M. D.. Blairstown.

WAGNER, W. B., M.D., Blairstown; was born in Dauphin Co., Penn., Feb. 5, 1818; he worked on a farm near Harrisburg, Penn., until his 19th year; during this time, he attended school in the Winter, but the grade of school being low, be derived but little benefit; at the age of 21, he began preparing for the ministry, and in the year 1841; he entered the Conference of the United Brethren Church as traveling minister, and in that capacity, labored for seventeen years, preaching principally in Pennsylvania; in 1856, he moved to this State, and successfully labored in Muscatine County; during his ministry, he devoted much of his time to the study of medicine and preparing himself for practice; in 1857, he removed to Lion Co., Iowa, where lie engaged in his new profession, which profession he has since continued in; he has a fine library of over 600 volumes, from which he has gathered a store of knowledge; he still retains an abiding interest in his religious denomination, and has always been an ardent supporter of Western College, their denominational school, and served as one of the Board of Directors, Executive Committee and as President of the Board a number of years; he removed to this place in April, 1876. He married Barbary Rank in 1842, and has the following family -- J. K. Wagner, born Oct. 23, 1843; is now a practicing physician at this place; was in the 2d Iowa Cav., during the war of the rebellion; he married Miss Jenny Swiney in 1871; Anna M., born April 29, 1845, died Aug. 5, 1845; Emma C., born Sept 6, 1846; she married Wm. P. Henderson; George M., born Nov. 4, 1848; William A., born Nov. 6, 1850; John W., born Feb. 24, 1852; Benjamin F., born April 28, 1854; Edward C., born Aug. 1, 1856; James H. S., born April 21, 1858. Mr. Wagner is to be truly termed a self made man; beginning without education, he has, by his own unaided industry and perseverance, fitted himself for a life that has been useful to others as well as himself.

WALLACE, J. P., editor and proprietor of the Blairstown Independent; was born in Caldwell Co.. Mo., May 20, 1843; come to Madison Co., this State, in 1855, and to this county in 1868. Married Miss M. A. Guthrie, in Dallas Co., this State, in 1866; she was born in Richland Co., Ohio.

Weeler, P., far., Sec. 18; P. O. Luzerne.

Wehr, S., retired far.; P. O. Blairstown.

Weil, Frederick, far., S. 2; P. O. Blairstown.

Wernnay, J. F., grain dealer, Blairstown.

Will, Henry, far., S., 10; P. O. Blairstown.

Wilcox, D. L. W., lab., Blairstown.

Wilson, W. J., teamster, Blairstown.

Wing, John, teamster, Blairstown.

WISE, J. K., lumber merchant, Blairstown; was born in Union Co., Penn., April 30, 1829; he came to this State in 1839, with his parents; they settled in Cedar County, in which county he remained until 1850; he then went to Muscatine, and remained there three years; returned to Cedar County, and after remaining some time, he again went to Muscatine, and remained three years; he came to this town in the Fall of 1865, and engaged in his present business (lumber merchant); he is the only lumber dealer in the town. He has held the office of Mayor one term. Married Miss Emma Hanslip in Muscatine, this State, in Sept., 1858; she was born in Leeds England, in 1834; they have three children living-Charley H., born June 17, 1859; Emma J., born Oct. 3 1870; Jennie May, born in 1873.

Wittrock, Henry, retired farmer, Luzerne.

Wood, Henry, carpenter, Blairstown.

Wood, P. J., carpenter, Blairstown.

YERGER, J. F., Evangelist minister, Blairstown.

YOCOM, D. S., of the firm of Yocom Bros. & Millhouse, dealers in lumber, doors, sash, blinds, grain, standard farm machinery, etc., etc., Luzerne. Mr. D. S. Yocom was born in Belmont Co., Ohio, Jan. 10, 1834; when he was 10 years of age, he moved to Morgan Co., Ohio, with his parents; he remained in Morgan Co. until 1869, when he came to Mahaska Co., this State; came from there to this county in 1871, and engaged in his present business. During the war of the rebellion he enlisted in Company D, 97th Ohio V. I.; was in several skirmishes and in the battle of Perryville; he was honorably discharged in February, 1863. His wife was Miss Emily A. Hamilton; they were married in Bad Axe, Wis., in 1856; she was born in Morgan Co., Ohio, in 1835; she died in this town June 29, 1876; they had two children -- N. H. Yocom, born June 15, 1859, and Mary Lincoln Yocom, born April 14, 1865.

YOCOM, W. W., of the firm of Yocom. Bros. & Millhouse, dealers in lumber, doors, sash, blinds, grain, standard farm machinery, etc., Luzerne. W. W. Yocom was born in Morgan Co., Ohio, in 1848; came this town (Luzerne) in 1869, and engaged in business with present firm in 1874.

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