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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Benton County, Iowa
Eden Township 1878 Biographies
Transcribed by Carleton Ealy.
Copyright © 1998.

ABRAHAM, A., farmer, Sec. 26; P. O. Vinton.

AKE, D. C., far., Sec. 1; P. O. Vinton.

ALLHIET, M., far., Sec. 33; P. O. Vinton.

ANDERSON, H. J., far., S. 24; P. O. Vinton.

APPLETON, GEORGE, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 3; P. O. Vinton; born in England Dec., 1836; came to this country in 1853, and came to this county in 1874; has 340 acres of land, valued at $10,000. Politics, Republican. Married Flora I. Henry; she was born in Ohio March 6, 1839; mother of three children -- Ora M., born Aug. 3, 1863; Jennie, born June 9, 1868; Frank, born April 8, 1875. Emigrated from England, when he was about 18 years old to Canada; lived there one year; thence came to Clinton Co., Iowa, and lived there twenty-two years; thence to Benton Co., where he has resided since; when he came to this country, he had not a dollar, but by industry and economy, has made himself a comfortable home, and is one of the solid farmers of the township. Was in the Clinton militia of Iowa. Mr. A. handles fine stock; he paid $150 for a yearling, of Prof. Knapp, of Vinton.

BAIRD, F. M., far., Sec. 34; P. O. Vinton.

BELLER, DAVID, farmer, Sec. 19; P. O. Vinton; was born in Fayette Co., Ohio, Jan. 13, 1834; came to this county in 1856; has 360 acres of land, valued at $11,000. Belongs to the M. E. Church. Married Rachel C. Barton; she was born in Knox Co., Ill., Feb. 17, 1841; mother of four living children -- Archie M., Egbert A., Ocea B. and Marshall. Emigrated from Ohio to Peoria Co., Ill., in 1850; lived there seven years; then went to Benton Co., where he has since resided; came here among the early settlers a poor man, with $90 in his pocket; came when the prairies were wild, and has seen them developed into the most beautiful farming counties in the State; he is one of the enterprising farmers.

BELLER, WM., far., S. 19; P.O. Vinton.

BENNETT, SYLVESTER, farmer, Sec. 17; P. O. Vinton; came in the Spring of 1866; has 268 acres of land, valued at $8,000; born in Richfield, Conn., Feb. 29, 1832. Politics, Republican; belongs to the M. E. Church. Married Hattie A. Wilson; she was born in Allegany Co., N. Y., June 2, 1848. Emigrated from Connecticut when he was 5 years old to Maumee Co., Ohio; lived there a short time; went to Washtenaw Co., Mich., and remained a short time; thence to Wayne Co., where be lived twenty-seven years, then to Benton Co. Enlisted in the 21st Mich. V. I., Co. K; was at the battle of Nashville; was cut off by Hood from Sherman's army; went by way of Washington to North Carolina, where he joined Sherman; also at battle of Bentonville, at the surrender of Johnston; also at the grand review at Washington; was mustered-out at Detroit, Mich. Has a good prairie farm and comfortable home; he lives on what is called the Mound, the highest point in the county; can see into five different counties.

BLOCHER, H. S., farmer, Sec. 26; P. O. Vinton; was born in Bradford Co., Penn., April 5, 1847; came to this county in the Fall of 1868; has 120 acres of land, valued at $4,000. Politics, Republican. Held the offices of Town Clerk and Assessor. Member of the Presbyterian Church. Married Polly Gamble; she was born in Carroll Co., Ill., Oct. 20, 1847; mother of two children -- Estella May, born Jan. 7, 1870; Burton H., born July 10, 1876. Left Pennsylvania with his parents, when he was 2 years old, and came to Lee Co., Ill., where he lived about nineteen years; thence to Benton Co.; came here, and made himself and family a good home by his own exertions.

BOGLE, V., farmer, Sec. 1; P. O. Vinton; was born in Giles Co., Va., Oct. 28, 1826; came to this county in 1852, in the Spring; has 220 acres of land, valued at $8,800. Politics, Republican. Held the office of Justice of the Peace. Belongs to the U. B. Church. Married Malinda Searls; born in Canada May 28, 1834; mother of one child -- Orson; was born July 19, 1860. Emigrated from Virginia when he was 8 years old, to Washington Co., Ind. lived there ten years; thence to Cedar Co., Iowa lived there eight years, then came to Benton Co.; was the first settler in Eden Township; was here about a year before any other man; was on the first Board of Election held in this township; there was not, at the time he came here, a house between here and Blairstown. The first post office was held by Mr. L. F. North. Has hauled wheat to Iowa City for 30 to 40 cents per bushel; hauled one load, could not sell it, and left it with a miller to be ground; said when he came again he would pay him for it; the next time he went to the city he called for his money, but could not find man, money or flour. Helped to organize the town; had the choice of the name of the town, as he was the oldest settler. Mr. V. is in good circumstances, and one of the sound men.

BONESTEEL, N. D., farmer, Sec. 24; P. O. Vinton.

BOWERS, H. S., far., S. 36 P. O. Vinton.

BOWERS, J. N., far., S. 21 P. O. Vinton.

BREWER, W. H., far., S. 3; P. O. Vinton.

BROWN, SAMUEL, ret. far.; P. O. Vinton.

BRUNDELL, JOHN, far., S. 34; P. O. Vinton. Butcher, John, far., S. 1; P. O. Vinton.

BUTTERFIELD, J., far., S. 3; P. O. Vinton.

CHAFFIN, DAVID, farmer, Sec. 8; P.O. Vinton.

CALL, JAS., far., Sec. 16; P. O. Vinton.

CHENOWETH, I. N., farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 2; P.O. Vinton; born in Vermilion Co., Ind., March 15, 1827 came to this county in the Fall of 1853; has 160 acres of land, valued at $6,400. Held the offices of Supervisor and County Treasurer. Married Rebecca A. Hunsicker in 1850; born in 1828; mother of six living children. Mr. C. has a beautiful orchard of 2,500 of the choicest fruit, with which he spends most of his time; was the second settler who came into Eden Township, Mr. V. Bogle being first; was at the first election held in the town; held at J. M. Inman's. Mr. Bogle and Mr. Chenoweth were the first two persons who wintered in the township.

Chenoweth, J. W., far., Sec. 2; P. O. Vinton.

CRANSTON JAS. A., far., Sec. 36; P. O. Shellsburg; born in Guernsey Co., Ohio, May 14, 1823; has 225 acres of land, valued at $6,750; came to this State in 1854, and came to this county in 1873; belongs to the Presbyterian Church. Married Caroline F. Brown in 1853; she was born in Vermont Feb. 28, 1828; mother of four children --Cullen J., born Jan. 17, 1862; James O., Nov. 29, 1864; Mary J. E., May 14, 1869; Caroline E., Sept 7, 1863. Emigrated to Linn Co., Iowa, in 1854; remained there over Winter; thence to Clinton Co., where he lived about eighteen years; then came to this county; while he was in Clinton Co., he engaged in the mercantile business, dry goods, and groceries; afterward, went into the grain and agricultural implements business.

CRAWFORD, HENRY, farmer, Sec. 12; P. O. Vinton; born in Elkhart Co., Ind., Oct. 25, 1832; came to this county in the Fall of 1854; has 150 acres land, valued at $4,500. Held the offices of Town Clerk and Town Trustee. Married Susan Shaffer; she was born in Lycoming Co., Penn., July 27, 1833; mother of three children -- Arthur, born June 9, 1865; Alice, May 9, 1867, and Nora, Oct. 7, 1871. Emigrated from Indiana with two yoke of cattle; was twenty days on the road; were about fifteen inhabitants in Eden Tp.; when he came to this county there were only one blacksmith shop and a few small buildings in Vinton.

CRAWFORD, JAMES F., far. and stock raiser, Sec. 12. P. O. Shellsburg; was born in Elkhart, Ind., Oct. 24, 1834; came to this county in March, 1856; has 220 acres of land, valued at $8,800. Held the office of Justice the Peace, etc.; is one of Directors of the Eden Fire Insurance Co. of Benton Co. Married Margaret Spurgeon; she was born in Fayette Co., Ohio, Feb. 21, 1838; mother of nine children, eight of whom are living -- Hannah L., born Oct. 18, 1859; George, Aug. 3, 1861; Edwin S., June 19, 1865; Clara M., Oct. 28, 1867; Charles W., Sept. 25, 1869; Elmer F., Nov. 2, 1872; Estella M., Nov. 17, 1874, and Mattie, Oct. 16, 1877; Albert, born Sept. 3, 1863, died Aug. 21, 1864. Came direct from Indiana to this county, where he has resided since. His father entered the land where he and his brother now live, in 1851; was at the first election in the Tp., and voted his first time for John C. Fremont; there were fifteen at the election. Has held all the offices of the Tp., and is one of the Directors of the Insurance Company of Benton Co. Has a fine prairie farm, and is in easy circumstances. Has seen the county from a wild prairie develop into one of the finest farming counties in the West.

DAKE, BENJAMIN, farmer, Sec. 4; P. O. Vinton.

DAVIS, D., far., S. 12; P. O. Vinton.

DAVIS, P., far., Sec. 10; P. O. Vinton.

DETHLEP, F., far., S. 28; P. O. Vinton.

DETHLEIFS, J., far., S. 27; P. O. Vinton.

DETRICH, JOHN, far., S. 11; P. O. Vinton.

DETWILER, ELIJAH, far., S. 33; P. O. Vinton.

DETWILER, J. C., far., S. 33; P. O. Vinton.

DEWALT, JONATHAN, farmer, Sec. 1; P. O. Vinton; born in Lycoming Co., Penn., Aug. 4, 1825; came to this county in 1856; has 372 acres of land, valued at $11,000. Married Magdelena Sweely; she was born in Lycoming Co., Penn., Dec. 31, 1829; mother of nine living children -- Catherine M., born Jan. 23, 1861; Emma T., Nov. 27, 1852; Mary E., Aug. 2, 1854; Aurrilla, Dec. 16, 1857; Harvey G., June 18, 1860; Ada, Sept. 19, 1862; John H., Jan. 29, 1867; Jennie D., Feb. 17,1870; Charles P., Oct. 26, 1872. Emigrated from Pennsylvania to Stephenson Co in 1854; lived there two years; thence came to Benton Co., Iowa, where he has resided since. Mr. D. came here when it was new; has made a good home and fine farm; has made it by his own exertion; is one of the solid farmers of the township.

MILLING, J. A., farmer and mechanic, Sec. 16; P. O. Vinton; born in Blair Co., Penn., Dec. 31, 1833; came to this county in the Spring of 1851; has 167 acres of land, valued at $5,000. Republican; belongs to the United Brethren Church. Married Elizabeth Leamar in 1854; she was born in Blair Co., Penn., Nov. 16, 1837; mother of four children -- Henrietta (now Mrs. Silas Slaybaugh), born May 24, 1857; Emma J., born July 8, 1858; Mary C., May 23, 1861; Sarah A., Sept. 16, 1863. Came direct to this county from Pennsylvania in 1851; came by water from Pittsburgh, down the Ohio River to Cairo, then up the Mississippi to Muscatine, and by wagons to Benton Co; when he came here had but 50 cents in his pocket, and what he has made has been by his own hard work; has a good farm and is in comfortable circumstances.

DIXSON, S. H., far., S. 21; P. O. Vinton.

DODGE, E. S., farmer, Sec. 2; P. O. Vinton; born in Portage Co., Ohio, June 28, 1820; came to this county in 1854; has eighty acres of land, valued at $3,000. Politics, Democrat. Married Lette A. Taylor; she was born in North Carolina Aug. 1, 1829; mother of three children -- Cornelius, Augustus C. and William G. Enlisted in Co. A, 28th Iowa V. I.; was in the battles of Mansfield, Red River Expedition, Knoxville and Old Oaks; was discharged on account of poor health; went to California in 1852; crossed the plains with ox teams; was on the road four months; when be returned from California came by water by way of New York. When he was 16 years old, shipped from Buffalo, N. Y., with Capt. Owens; was on the lakes seven years; when he first went to Chicago there were about 3,000 inhabitants. Augustus C. Dodge married Laura Seeley; she was born in Stephenson Co., Ill., May 2, 1854; mother of one child -- William Le Roy, born June 27, 1877.

DOWNS, R. W., far., S. 16; P. O. Vinton.

EGLSON, LEVI C., farmer, Sec. 18; P. O. Vinton.

EGLSON, W., far., S. 18; P. O. Vinton.

ELLISON, GEO., far., S. 2; P. O. Vinton.

ELLSWORTH, W. O., farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 15; P. O. Vinton;. born in Jefferson Co., N. Y., April 18, 1820; came to this county in 1854; has 205 acres of land, valued at $8,200. Politics, Democratic; belongs to the M. E. Church. Married Adeline Smith in 1843; she was born in Jefferson Co., N. Y., April 24, 1818; is the mother of four living children -- Martha A., born Jan. 22, 1844; S. G., born Oct. 10, 1848; Christianna, born Feb. 27, 1852; William A., born Dec. 19, 1862. From New York State came to Stephenson Co. Ill.; lived there nine years, then came to this place, where be has remained since. Mr. E.'s family was the fourth family that came into Eden Tp.; was one of the Judges of the first election held; built a log shanty the first year; came out and moved into it the same year; he now has a good, comfortable house, and is well off; he came in here when he had to rough it, and knows what a pioneer life is.

FEBLEKORN, CHRISTIAN, far., S. 28; P. O. Vinton.

GEORGE, ISAAC O., far., S. 18; P. O. Vinton.

GREEN, C., far., S. 19; P. O. Vinton.

GUBBEN, O., far., S. 26; P. O. Vinton.

GREGG, M., far.; S. 18; P. O. Vinton.

GROSESSENBACHER, J., far., S. 21 P. O. Vinton.

GROVERT, H., far., S. 24; P. O. Vinton.

GROVERT, J., far., S. 23; P. O. Vinton.

HAGERMON, M., far.; S. 28; P. O. Vinton.

HARRIS, J. W., far., S. 20; P. O. Vinton.

HENRY, H., far., S. 26; P. O. Vinton.

HERBST, H., far., S. 32; P. O. Vinton.

HILL, H. C., far., S. 14; P. O. Vinton.

HILL, J. M., far., S. 15; P. O. Vinton.

HILL, S. A., farmer, Sec. 17; P. O. Vinton; came to this county in 1868 was born in Northumberland Co., Penn., Aug. 12, 1832; has eighty acres of land, valued at $2,400. Married Allada Galoway; she was born in Lycoming Co., Penn., June 22, 1852; emigrated from Pennsylvania to Stephenson Co., Ill.; lived there fifteen years, then came to this county, where he has resided since; raises on an average 1,500 bushels of corn and 175 bushels of wheat. Mr. H. has a fine prairie farm, and has a good home. Mr. and Mrs. Hill belong to the Presbyterian Church at Vinton.

HOECK, H., far., S. 35; P. O. Vinton.

HUGHEY, E., far., S. 20; P. O. Vinton.

INMAN, ORVILLE, far., Sec. 15; P. O. Vinton; born in Delaware Co. , N. Y., April 24, 1837; came to this county in 1858. Has 200 acres of land, valued at $8,000. Married Henrietta McCormick in 1865; she was born in Lycoming Co., Penn., Aug. 8, 1841; mother of three children -- Martha, Ashley and Charlie. Emigrated from New York to Stephenson Co., Ill., in 1847; lived there eleven years, then came to this county. Enlisted in the 28th I. V. I., Co. A, as private, was promoted to Sergeant; was in the battles of Port Gibson, Champion Hills, siege of Vicksburg, Jackson, Miss., on the Red River Expedition, at Winchester at the time Little Phil. took his ride of twenty miles, and the last battle the regiment was in was at Cedar Creek. Mr. Inman has a good farm and buildings and a comfortable home.

IRWIN, JOHN C., far., Sec. 17; P. O. Vinton; born in Mercer Co., Penn., Sept., 23, 1837; came to this county in 1864. Has 290 acres of land, valued at $8,700. Politics, Republican; belongs to the M. E. Church. Married Amanda Beller; she was born in Ohio, Oct. 31, 1842; mother of five children -- Lemuel W., born March 28, 1865; Minnie E., May 20, 1869; Perry C., March 17, 1872; Susan E., July 17, 1874; John A., Feb., 18, 1872. Emigrated from Pennsylvania to Jackson Co., Iowa; lived there fifteen years, thence to Benton County, where he has resided since. Enlisted in the 9th Iowa Inf., Co. D, as private; was promoted Sergeant; was in the battles of Pea Ridge, Chattanooga, siege of Vicksburg; was at Lookout Mountain, Atlanta; was in the service over three years; discharged just before the march to the sea; mustered out at East Points near Atlanta, Ga.

KNUTH, CHARLES, farmer, Sec. 21; P. O. Vinton.

KNUTH, WM., far., S. 22; P. O. Vinton.

KRETZER, C., far., S. 22; P. O. Vinton.

KUHN, PETER, far., Sec. 1; P. O. Vinton; born in Washington Co., Md., June 18, 1818; came to this county in October, 1853. Has 2 acres of land, valued at $7,000. Belongs to the United Presbyterian Church. Married Elizabeth Sweet; she was born in Highland Co., Ohio, June 21, 1820; mother of four living children -- John, born May 23, 1850; Emeline, May 3, 1852; Henry, Jan. 27, 1854; Washington, Jan. 1, 1857. Emigrated from Maryland to Fairfield Co., Ohio; stopped a short time; thence to Scioto Co., Ohio; lived there eighteen years; thence to Benton Co., where he has resided since. Was at the first Election and was one of the men who helped to organize the township. Built the third house in the township, and was the third settler; when he came to Eden, there was not a house, fence, or tree in sight; now a fine farming country, under the best of cultivation; came here poor, with the balance of his neighbors, and has made a good home.

LAMER, DAVID, far., S. 1; P. O. Vinton.

LEVERICH, G., far., S. 8; P. O. Vinton.

LOWE, F., far., S. 16; P. O. Vinton.

McGINTY, W., farmer, Sec. 21; P. O. Vinton.

MARKHAM, A., far., Sec. 14; P. O. Vinton.

MARKHAM, C., far., Sec. 3; P. O. Vinton.

MARKHAM, D., far., Sec. 8; P. O. Vinton.

MARKHAM, W., far., Sec. 3; P. O. Vinton.

MARTAIN, R.L., far., S. 10; P. O. Vinton.

MEEKINS, J., far., Sec. 20; P. O. Vinton.

NENABER, HARMON, Sec. 33; P.O. Vinton.

NARBER, LUTHER, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 9; P. O. Vinton; born in Stephenson Co., Ill., April 11, 1852; came to this county in 1857; has 160 acres of land, valued at $6,400. Mr. N. is a young man starting out; has a fine farm, good stock and stands well to be with the solid farmers of the county; has one of the finest groves in the township, of three acres; has a good spring in his hog yard, making one of the best places for raising pork.

NENABER, H., Sr., Sec. 33; P. O. Vinton.

NENABER, H., Jr., far., S. 33; P.O. Vinton.

NICHOLS, J., far., Sec. 33; P. O. Vinton.

POTTER, SYLVESTER, farmer, Sec. 20; P. O. Vinton; was born in Canada Oct. 25, 1828; came to this county in the Fall of 1864; has 360 acres of land, valued at $12,000. Married for his first wife Mary E. Niles by whom he had one child --William N., born Jan. 22, 1858; for his second wife, married Flora Blanchard; she was born in Onondaga Co., N. Y., Feb. 13, 1848. Mr. Potter left Canada in 1854; came to Ogle Co., Ill.; lived there about ten years; thence to Benton Co. Raises on an average, 150 acres; corn, 6,000 bushels; wheat, 800 bushels; oats, 1,200 bushels; turns off 100 head of hogs yearly. Mr. P. is one of the substantial farmers of the county; has a fine residence and a beautiful location.

ROACH, JOHN D., farmer, Sec. 30; P. O. Vinton; was born in Cornwall, England, July 4, 1832; came to this county in March, 1870; has 120 acres of land, valued at $3,600. Politics, Republican. Married Elizabeth P. Rich; born in England Jan., 1839; mother of six children -- Elizabeth M. C., Blanch C., Sarah, John, Hellen S. and Thomas. Emigrated from England in 1844 to Mineral Point, Wisconsin; thence to Dodgeville; lived there twenty-three years; thence to Benton Co., where he has resided since; has ninety acres under cultivation, and is in good circumstances.

RANSDELL, MARGARET L., MRS., Sec. 2; P. O. Vinton; was born in Indiana. She married Thomas C. Ransdell from the same State in 1848; they came to Benton Co. in 1865. He was killed by the falling of a tree in December, 1865, leaving six children -- Isaac J., Mary C., David, Anna E., Emma J. and Edith A.; lost six children.

RANSDELL, ISAAC J., far., S. 2; was born in Johnson Co., Ind., April 21, 1852; he lived there thirteen years, then came to Benton Co., with his parents, in 1865; he lives with his mother and sisters, and manages the home farm.

SANDERS, J. B., farmer and stock raiser, S. 11; P. O. Vinton; was born in Vermilion Co., Ind., July 1, 1833; came to this county in 1851; has 425 acres of land, valued at $10,600. Politics, Republican. Held the office of Constable and Township Trustee. Married Mary Rogers; she was born in Vermilion Co., Ind., Dec. 18, 1834; mother of six, children, four of whom are living -- Willie F., Frank L., James C., and Kate L. Emigrated from Indiana in 1851, to Benton Co.; was the first Postmaster in Eden Tp.; there were only three houses in Vinton at the time he came here, not a shanty in Eden; was at the first election held in this township; thinks there were from fifteen to twenty votes cast; has been in Vinton seven years, to give his children a chance at school; raises on an average about 2,000 bushels of corn, 500 bushels of wheat, 500 bushels of oats. Mr. S. came here a poor man; knows what it is to lead a pioneer life; has accumulated a good property.

SANDERS, W. B., far., S. 13; P. O. Vinton.

SHRADER, A., far., S. 34; P. O. Vinton.

SEEFELD, C., Sr., far., S. 33; P. O. Vinton.

SEELY, STEPHEN, farmer, Sec. 11; P. O. Vinton; born in Columbia Co., Penn., Aug. 28, 1816; came to this county in 1875; has 227 acres of land, valued at $12,000. Politics, Republican. Married Eliza Ann Hodgson; she was born in New York Aug. 14, 1826; mother of nine children -- Angeline, born Jan. 1, 1846; Orin, born Aug. 5, 1848; Charles, born Aug. 7, 1850; George, born Jan. 28, 1851; Almeda, born April 7,1853; Laura, born May 2, 1851; Granville, born Sept. 7, 1855; Ashley, born Jan. 10, 1867. Emigrated from Pennsylvania to Richland Co.; lived there four years, thence to Ogle two years; helped to carry the chain to lay out Oregon and Dyersville; thence to Stephenson Co., Ill.; lived there thirty-five years; thence to Benton Co., Iowa, where he has resided since; has a fine orchard with the choicest fruits; has a beautiful farm, and is one of the sound farmers. Had a son in the 46th I. V. I.

SEEMAN, J., Sr., far., S. 27; P. O. Vinton, SEUCH, EUSTUS, far., S. 29; P. O. Vinton.

SHAW, J., far., S. 19; P. O. Vinton.

SHELDON, HARVEY, retired farmer, S. 19; P. O. Vinton; born in Rutland Co., Vt., Jan. 27, 1801; came to this county in the Summer of 1854; has 120 acres of land, valued at $5,000. Politics, Republican; held the office of Justice of the Peace for eight years; belongs to the Presbyterian Church. For his first wife, he married Adeline Troupe; born Aug. 13, 1813; mother of six children, three living -- Harriet, born Aug. 3, 1831; Electa, born Oct. 28, 1833; Julia, born March 30, 1844; Mrs. Adeline Sheldon died Jan. 11, 1848; for his second wife, he married Mary Boyington; born in Windsor, Vt., and died in March 1849; had one son -- John N., enlisted in the 24th I. V. I., Co. E, Sept. 18, 1862; was in the Red River Expedition under Banks; took sick, got down to the Mississippi River, where he died and was buried on the west bank of the river. Emigrated from Vermont in 1828 to Western New York; lived there ten years, thence to Kane Co., Ill.; lived there about sixteen years, then came to Benton Co. was at the first election of the township; helped to organize the town; was amongst the earliest settlers in this township.

SITEIN, F. H., far., S. 22. P. O. Vinton.

SMALTZ, CHAS., far., S. 33; P. O. Vinton.

SMITH, H. H., farmer, Sec. 4; P.O. Vinton; born in Jefferson Co., N.Y., June 16, 1823; came to this county in 1868; has forty acres of land valued at $1,200. Politics, Democrat; belongs to the M. E. Church. Married Gertrude J. Cole; born in Fulton Co., N.Y., May 11, 1820; mother of one living child -- Eddie C., born May 5, 1858. Emigrated from New York State to Sheboygan Co., Wis., in 1855; lived there six years; from thence to Kendall Co., Ill.; lived there seven years; thence to this county, where he has resided since.

SMOCK, ABRAM B., far., S. 7; P. O. Vinton.

TAMM, FRED., farmer, Sec. 36; P. O. Vinton.

TASHNER, GOTTLEAB, far., S. 27; P.O. Vinton.

THOMPSON, JOHN K., far., 8.9; P.O. Vinton.

TOOMS, JESSIE, far., S. 5; P. O. Vinton.

VILES, J. S., farmer, Sec. 15; P. O. Vinton.

WILSON R. H.,, farmer, Sec. 14; P. O. Vinton; born in Fairfield Co., Ohio, Nov. 9, 1827; came to this county Oct. 6, 1856; has 485 acres of land, valued at $14,550. Politics, Democrat; belongs to the Presbyterian Church; been a member twenty-five years. Married Isabelle J. Evans; born in Brown Co., Ohio, Jan. 27, 1835; mother of seven living children --Elmer E., born June 27, 1859; Jerome E., April 2, 1861; James P., July 14, 1863; Margaret A., Sept. 27, 1865; Archibald F., Aug. 30, 1868; Annie R., Dec. 11, 1870; Phoebe A., Jan. 3, 1872. Emigrated in June, 1836, to Hadcock Co., Ohio; lived there twenty years, then came to Benton Co. Raises from 5,000 to 6,000 bushels of corn, 1,000 bushels of oats, and 1,000 bushels of wheat yearly, on an average.

YOUNG, CHRISTIAN, farmer, S. 12; P. O. Vinton.

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