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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Benton County, Iowa
A.T. Andreas' Illustrated Historical Atlas of the State of Iowa, 1875
Engraved & printed by Chas. Shober & Co., Props. of Chicago Lithographing Co.
Published by the Andreas Atlas Co., Lakeside Building, Chicago, Ills.

Note: Most of these people are listed in the 1878 Biographies. Variant spellings are listed under notes.

Name Index
   Surname        Initials      Township      Section     Acres      Notes
   Allbaugh       S.            Eden               23        85
   Anderson       H.J.          Eden               24       333
   Anderson       J.            Florence            1       240
   Armstrong      T.G.          Fremont            15       490
   Athey          J.W.          Le Roy             24       456 1/2
   Aungst         S.            Taylor              6       210
   Baggs          A.W.          Taylor             27        80      Boggs
   Bart           S.B.          Benton             33       140
   Beepe          J.            Taylor             29       160      Beebe
   Beller         D.            Eden               19       285
   Bergen         I.            Big Grove          10       560
   Bergeson       L.U.          Florence            6       159      Bergeson, L.W.
   Bets           J.            Bruce               3       165      Betts
   Bickford       H.            Kane               26       200
   Bixby          A.P.          Canton             10       243
   Black          G.            Le Roy             23       180
   Black          T.C.          Canton             35       200
   Blass          G.            Monroe              3       160
   Bowe           R.L.          Canton             25       200
   Bowen          P.            Homer               2       400
   Bower          J.            St. Clair          35       200
   Bridge         J.            Homer              25        82
   Bridge         J.            Monroe             25        82
   Brockman       E.[R.?]       Canton             35        80
   Brown          W.H.          Monroe              4        80
   Buchan         D.            Florence            2       126
   Budd           J.L.          Canton             28       400
   Burrows        J.            Monroe              9       160
   Carlilse       L.M.          Bruce              31       377
   Chapman        R.            Jackson            10       411
   Chase          E.G.          Homer               9        80
   Chenoweth      J.N.          Eden                2       158      Chenoweth, I.N.
   Chinn          J.P.          Big Grove          12       819
   Cobb           J.L.          Kane               31       150
   Coburn & Bro   M.A.          Kane                8       640
   Conley         A.            Florence            2       160
   Conley         A.            Florence           21       160
   Conley         R.            Monroe              7        90
   Coovert        J.V.          Big Grove          11       130      Covert
   Coovert        S.P.          Big Grove          13       211
   Corbett        W.            Taylor              3       306
   Cotten         J.            Cedar               8       430      Cotton
   Cottrell       W.            Harrison           29        40
   Cottrell       W.            Harrison           30        35
   Coutts         E.            Taylor              9        80
   Cox            J.            St. Clair          28       320
   Culp           A.            Jackson            20       310
   Culp           A.            Jackson            30       133
   Davis          H.            Jackson            18       262
   Dean           A.N.          Le Roy              1       183
   Dewalt         J.            Eden                1       360
   Dice & Ford                  Canton             16       240
   Dickson        J.            Big Grove          21       *05
   Doebel         C.            Fremont             8       460
   Downs          R.N.          Eden               16       3*2      Downs, R.W.
   Dukes          F.P.          Eden                4       292
   Dukes          F.P.          Taylor             27       200
   Eaton          J.            Jackson             1        80
   Eaton          J.            Jackson            12       160
   Edmonds        J.            Taylor             22       193      
   Edmonds        J.            Taylor             23        87
   Eggleston      L.C.          Eden               18       130      Eglson
   Ellingson      E.            Florence            5       408
   Ellsworth      W.O.          Eden               14        80
   Ellsworth      W.O.          Eden               15       202
   Ellyson        H.H.          Big Grove          13         ?
   Farrell        J.            St. Clair           2       360
   Fauts          I.            Harrison            2        20      Fouts
   Fike           C.C.          Monroe             33        80
   Findlay        J.            Homer              18       300      Finellay
   Ford & Dice                  Canton             16       240
   Forsyth        J.D.          Harrison           13        40
   Fowler         E.M.          St. Clair          25        50
   Francis        A.W.          Polk               20        80
   Francis        A.W.          Polk               21        20
   Freeman        G.            Benton             27       100
   Fretzs         H.            Bruce              24       150      Fritz
   Fretzs         W.C.          Bruce              13       160      Fritz
   Fuller         J.H.          Kane               32       180
   Furnas         R.            Le Roy             31        53
   Furry          J.L.          Cedar              13       144
   Gamble         N.H.          Eden               22        80
   Garey          J.W.          Homer              16       160
   Gay            J.R.          Bruce               9       120
   Gibbons        A.            Florence           23        80
   Gibbons        A.            Fremont            34       160
   Gift           R.P.          Eden                5        76
   Gift           R.P.          Taylor             32       160
   Gilchrist      J.S.          Taylor              4        80      Gilchrist, J.E.
   Gingrich       G.            Cedar               4       168
   Goslin         H.E.          St. Clair          16       160
   Grover         H.M.          Big Grove          13       270
   Grovert        H.J.          Eden               24       730
   Guinen         T.            Florence           23       120      Guinan
   Guinn          H.            Iowa               34       940
   Hake           G.W.          Polk               18       160
   Hall           H.F.          Big Grove           9       327
   Hall           S.            St. Clair          33       160
   Hamilton       H.            Jackson             8       160
   Hamilton       Hays          Jackson             5       925
   Hanlen         S.            Monroe             18       177
   Hanna          A.H.          Big Grove          21       400
   Harmon         M.S.          Homer               1        85      Harmon, H.S.
   Harper         J.W.          Harrison           15        80
   Harper         J.W.          Polk                4       673
   Harper         J.W.          Polk                6         -
   Harrington     W.            Florence           36       165
   Harris         J.W.          Eden               20        83 1/2
   Hawley         J.            Polk               21        80
   Hawley         N.            Monroe             25        85
   Heath          R.            Canton              3       334
   Heck           R.            Le Roy             23       280
   Heller         J.            Jackson             2        90
   Henkle         A.S.          Jackson             7       375
   Hill           S.A.          Eden               17       152
   Hilton         B.A.          Jackson             6        49
   Hite           F.            Canton             18       180
   Hixon          L.            Le Roy              8       320
   Horton         C.T.          Benton             15         ?
   Houghton       J.A.          Florence           22       169
   Houghton       M.T.          Homer               6       390
   Hoyt           D.            Canton             16        80
   Humbert        G.S.          St. Clair          35       280
   Humphrey       M.            Florence           26       165
   Inman          H.L.          Eden                9       175
   Inman          J.M.          Benton             15
   Inman          J.M.          Benton             16
   Inman          J.M.          Eden                2        43
   Inman          J.M.          Eden               11       320
   Inman          O.            Eden               15       230
   Irwin          J.C.          Eden               16         -
   Irwin          J.C.          Eden               17       280
   Jenks          J.            Cedar              36         -
   Jenks          J.            Taylor              6         ?
   Johnson        D.            Fremont            14       400
   Johnson        S.            Jackson             8       207
   Joy            S.D.          Polk               19        80
   Joy            S.D.          Polk               30       120
   Joyce          J.            Jackson            16       105
   Joyce          J.            Jackson            22        80
   Keller         A.            Taylor         No. 34        80
   Kile           N.            Cedar          No.  6       565
   Kimball        G.            Benton             33       130
   King           J.H.          Homer              20       160
   King           S.            Cedar              25       510
   Kizer          S.            Polk               11        18      Kizer, A.
   Lamb           H.J.          Cedar              14       600
   LaRue          C.C.          Big Grove          33       320
   LaRue          J.J.          Big Grove          33       480
   LaTourette     M.            Canton             17       265
   Lester         W.            Iowa               11       520
   Liebsch        J.            Polk                2         -
   Liebsch        J.            Polk                4        63
   Likens         J.            Polk               16       160
   Locke          J.B.          Taylor             28       200
   Long           D.N.          Eldorado           33       525
   Long           D.N.          Union              10        80
   Louderbaugh    H.T.          Big Grove          16       180
   Lowe Jr.       F.            Eden               16       167
   Lyon           E.B.          Bruce               1       250
   Martin         R.L.          Eden               10       240      Martain
   Mayes          W.P.          Bruce              24       162
   McAdow         J.M.          St. Clair          25       100
   McCulley       J.            Polk               21       120
   McElhany       S.A.          Harrison           26       200      McElhaney
   McGregor       A.            Fremont            26       320
   McGregor       T.            Fremont            35       121
   McKinnon       W.            Florence           18       126
   McLaren        A.            Florence            2       120
   McNee          W.            St. Clair          24       329
   Mead           D.W.          Harrison           12        93
   Metcalf        S.H.          Polk               16        80
   Mill           S.            Polk               35         -      saw mill?
   Mill           S.            Polk            So. 2         -      saw mill?
   Miller         H.            St. Clair          19       756      
   Miller         J.            Fremont            27       160
   Mitchell       J.            Florence            1       237
   Mitchell       M.            Florence            1       157
   Moffet         Kate          Taylor             32        40
   Morris         J.            Le Roy             18       310
   Moulton        T.W.          Harrison            9        80      ? Moulton, G.C.
   Moulton        T.W.          Harrison           12        80
   Moulton        T.W.          Polk                7       253
   Neal           J.            Canton             29       172
   Nichols        J.            Bruce               3       158
   Noble          I.            Taylor              4       245
   Nutting        I.            Homer               8        80      Nytting
   Oppelt         F.            Jackson             1       174
   Parmater       J.C.          Taylor              7        34      Palmerter
   Parmater       J.C.          Taylor              8        50?
   Patterson      D.            Iowa                9       380
   Pauley         J.L.          Harrison           35        80      Pawley
   Pauley         J.L.          Harrison        So. 2        10 1/2
   Perkins        R.A.          Bruce              21       250
   Peters         G.            Cedar              27       243
   Pfaffle        A.            Eldorado           20       280
   Porterfield    W.            Taylor             18        60      Portenfield
   Price          S.R.          Iowa               21       250
   Primrose       J.            Fremont            34       375
   Primrose       W.            Florence            3       352
   Pringrey       D.            St. Clair          19       440      Pingrey
   Purcell        L.            Jackson            31       160      Percell
   Reifenstahl    H.            Monroe             14       322
   Remington      J.            Harrison           25         -
   Remington      J.            Polk               19       220
   Remington      J.            Polk               20        80
   Revel          J.I.          Polk               20        80
   Rice           J.            Benton         No. 12       140
   Rice           L.            Benton         No. 13        20
   Richey         M.            Canton             20       185
   Roberts        R.L.          Kane               27        92
   Schenken       R.            Iowa                2       120
   Schlotterbeck  G.            Fremont            21       400
   Schmidt        F.            Union              36       160
   Schnoor        N.            Cedar              28       240
   Schoelerman    P.J.          Homer              36       240      Scholerman
   Shaw           J.C.          Big Grove          22       120
   Sherry         J.M.          Canton             17       145
   Simmon         A.            Harrison           25        80      Simmons
   Skiles         A.            St. Clair          24       240
   Smiley         E.A.          Fremont             2       160
   Smith          D.L.          Homer              18        80
   Smith          G.W.          Homer              11       170
   Smith          I.D.          Homer               8       219
   Smith          Sarah         Taylor             17       112
   Smith          W.C.          Union              18       149
   Smock          A.            Eden                7        80
   Spake          S.            St. Clair          25        40
   Spencer        A.N.          Polk                2         -
   Spencer        A.N.          Polk                3         -
   Spencer        A.N.          Polk                9        80
   Spencer        A.N.          Polk               10       400
   Spencer        C.H.          Polk                3         -
   Spencer        C.H.          Polk               10        80
   Spencer        C.H.          Polk               11       11*
   Spencer        E.B.          Benton              7       155
   Spencer        E.B.          Benton              8       120
   Spencer        E.B.          Benton             17       225
   Spencer        E.B.          Polk            So. 6       120
   Sperbeck       A.H.          Florence           15        80
   Sperbeck       A.H.          Florence           17         -
   Springer       J.            St. Clair          36         -
   Springer       S.H.          Florence           20        63
   Squires        J.            Cedar          East 7        85
   Stanley        J.S.          Jackson             7       165
   Stanton        H.            Big Grove           9       292
   Stanton        H.            Eden                4        81
   Stephen        F.P.          Iowa               35        64
   Sterling       J.C.          Le Roy              4       400      Sterling, J.S.
   Stewart        W.            Fremont            26       160
   Stocker        E.W.          Kane               36       440
   Story          J.            Homer               3       154
   Tanner         W.A.          Eldorado           35       160
   Thatcher       S.L.          Benton             13        86
   Thatcher       S.L.          Harrison        So. 2        40
   Thatcher       S.L.          Polk            So. 2        10
   Thomas         C.            Canton             21       125
   Thomas         J.            St. Clair          32        20
   Thompson       J.M.          Big Grove          32       140
   Thorn          G.W. & M.S.   Homer              16       160
   Tilford        J.            Taylor             33       117
   Tilford        J.S.          Taylor             10        40
   Tilford        J.S.          Taylor             16        95
   Tilford        J.S.          Taylor             21        80
   Tilford        J.S.          Taylor             28       160
   Tilford        J.Y.          Taylor             28        40
   Tompkins       J.            Monroe             12       309      ? Thornpkins
   Tracy          Mrs. H.       Taylor             21        30
   Tracy          Mrs. H.       Taylor             28        40
   Treanor        J.            Bruce              20       300      
   Turner         C.G.          St. Clair          26       407
   Turner         J.            St. Clair          23       147
   Ullom          W.T.          Eden               17        80
   Underwood      A.            Jackson             6       165      Underwood, E.
   Unger          L.            Bruce              26       325      Unger, H.
   Urmy           J.F.          Monroe             24       120
   Van Deuzen     M.B.          Bruce              17       360
   Van Winkle     J.I.          Monroe              9       240      Van Winkle, Isaac I.
   Vandike        H.W.          Kane               19       292      Van Dike
   Vandike        J.P.          Kane               19       280      Van Dike
   Viles          J.S.          Eden               15       160
   Walker         E.G.          Le Roy              4        42
   Walker         N.T.          St. Clair          23       240
   Ward           S.            Big Grove          16       330
   Warner         N.S.          Bruce              34       643
   Webb           C.G.          St. Clair          26       170
   Webb           F.M.          Monroe             10       160
   Wessel         H.            Iowa                8       225
   Wheeler        J.            St. Clair          25       110
   Wheeler        J.            St. Clair          36        80
   Whipple        C.            Taylor             20       303
   Whiteis        U.B.          Polk               22       160      Whitus
   Whiteis        U.B.          Polk               34       160
   Whitney        M.G.          Bruce              26       160
   Whitney        S.H.          Polk               29        90
   Wiechman       H.            Fremont             7       260
   Wilford        J.            Jackson            17        80      Willford
   Willey         W.C.          Benton             17        25
   Willey         W.C.          Benton             19
   Willey         W.C.          Harrison           36       160
   Willey         W.C.          Polk               31        76
   Williams       W.S.          Monroe             25       200
   Wilson         D.E.          Eden               26        85
   Wilson         H.            Taylor             30       152
   Wilson         J.            Monroe              7       408
   Wilson         R.M.          Eden               14       485      
   Wyckoff        E.            Polk            So. 4       200 1/2
   Youel          J.W.B.        Fremont             3       174

Transcribed by Sue Soden.
Copyright © 2007 by Sue Soden.
All Rights Reserved.

1875 Benton County Map

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