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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Benton County, Iowa 1856 State Census Name Index

?  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

LAST NAME                FIRST NAME
Cabvil                   ?
Caddy                    James
Cagley                   Andrew
Cagley                   Anna
Cagley                   Catherine
Cagley                   Jacob
Cagley                   Jacob C.
Cagley                   Mary
Cagley                   Susan
Cagley                   Susan
Caldwell                 James N.
Caldwell                 Melaney
Caldwell                 Nancy
Caldwell                 Robert
Caldwell                 Shelden
Callahan                 David
Callahan                 David
Callahan                 Emily
Callahan                 Miriam
Callahan                 Thomas
Cambell                  Alford
Cambell                  John
Cambell                  Joseph
Cambell                  Mary
Cambell                  Mary
Cambell                  Mary Adeline
Cambell                  Mary Jane
Cambell                  Mary Jane
Cambell                  Mary M.
Cambell                  Matilda
Cambell                  Morrison
Cambell                  Robason
Cambell                  Thomas
Cambell                  Thomas
Camp                     Cecealia
Camp                     Lovina
Camp                     Samuel
Camp                     V.
Camp                     Warren
Canaan                   Asher S.
Canaan                   Electia A.
Canaan                   Isreal
Canaan                   James C.
Canaan                   John
Canaan                   Sarah L.
Canaan                   Tesher L.
Canada                   Catharine
Canada                   Henry
Canada                   James
Canada                   John
Canada                   Martha Jane
Canon                    O.C.
Canteswine               Alexander
Canteswine               Daniel
Canteswine               Davis
Canteswine               Mariah E.
Canteswine               Susan
Cantonunie               Amanda
Cantonunie               Elizabeth
Cantonunie               George
Cantonunie               Liberty
Cantonunie               Mary
Cantonunie               Wesley
Cantonwine               Abraham
Cantonwine               Charles
Cantonwine               Elisha
Cantonwine               Elizabeth
Cantonwine               Harriet
Carl                     Elisabeth
Carl                     Ellen
Carl                     James
Carl                     Jane E.
Carl                     John
Carl                     Prudence
Carl                     Simon H.
Carlile                  Abram
Carlile                  George F.
Carlile                  Maria J.
Carlisle                 A.M.
Carlisle                 C.W.
Carlisle                 Charlotte F.
Carlisle                 Daniel J.
Carlisle                 E.R.
Carlisle                 F.S.
Carlisle                 James
Carlisle                 L.M.
Carlisle                 M.J.
Carlisle                 M.J.
Carlisle                 Maria
Carlisle                 P.E.
Carlisle                 S.E.
Carlisle                 W.W.
Carpenter                Adna E.
Carpenter                Albert
Carpenter                Ellen
Carpenter                Ellen
Carpenter                Henry
Carpenter                Hiram
Carpenter                Louisa J.
Carpenter                Malinda
Carpenter                Marianne
Carpenter                Phebe J.
Carpenter                Sarah
Carpenter                Sarah A.
Carpenter                Susannah
Carter                   James H.
Carter                   Leonard
Carter                   Mary
Carter                   Olive
Case                     Amanda
Case                     Leander
Case                     Malinda
Case                     Nelson
Case                     Nelson B.
Case                     William
Case                     Zenebia
Casper                   Calista
Casper                   Mareatte
Caster                   Tobias
Cely                     Clancy
Cely                     Rebecca
Cely                     Sarah
Certly                   Ellen
Certly                   Margaret
Certly                   Mary A.
Certly                   Mary B.
Certly                   Thomas
Chaffin                  D.S.
Chaffin                  G.W.
Chaffin                  J.L.
Chaffin                  Marie
Chamberlan               Charles
Chamberlan               Helen
Chamberlan               Henry
Chambers                 Bustamenter
Chambers                 David F.
Chambers                 Elizabeth
Chambers                 James
Chambers                 James E.
Chambers                 John F.
Chambers                 John H.
Chambers                 Liddy Ann
Chambers                 Mary J.
Chambers                 Peter
Chambers                 Polly G.
Chambers                 Rebecca F.
Chambers                 Sarah
Chambers                 Sarah J.
Chambers                 William
Chambers                 William W.
Chapin                   ? M.
Chapin                   Asahel
Chapin                   Asahel G.
Chapin                   B.
Chapin                   Catharine M.S.
Chapin                   Edna E.
Chapin                   James
Chapin                   Judsin
Chapin                   Lovina
Chapin                   Lucy M.
Chapin                   M.A.
Chapin                   Stephen
Chapin                   Stephen
Chapin                   Stephen E.
Chapman                  Elizabeth J.
Chapman                  Hannah M.
Chapman                  Hiram C.
Chapman                  Joshua
Chapman                  Maria A.
Chapman                  Mary A.
Chapman                  Mary J.
Chapman                  Nancy E.
Chapman                  Parthina J.
Chapman                  Robert A.
Chapman                  Thomas W.
Chapman                  William P.
Charles                  C.C.
Charles                  Nancy J.
Chase                    Albert C.
Chase                    Cynthia A.
Chase                    Emma
Chase                    Esther
Chase                    Gamabil
Chase                    Rachusle N.
Chase                    Sarah E.
Chase                    Thomas A.
Cheever                  Elizabeth
Cheever                  Ralph
Chenoweth                Aurilla B.
Chenoweth                Franklin
Chenoweth                J.R.
Chenoweth                Rebecca A.
Chenoweth                Russell B.
Chever                   E.
Chever                   J.
Chever                   L.M.
Chever                   M.
Chever                   P.
Chever                   S.
Chever                   S.
Chever                   Wm.
Chinn                    Garret C.
Chinn                    Isaac L.
Chinn                    Joanna
Chinn                    John P.
Christian                Ann
Christian                Herbert
Christian                James
Christopher              David
Christopher              Hiram
Christopher              Hiram
Christopher              Nancy
Christy                  Adaline
Christy                  Caroline
Christy                  Catharine
Christy                  Catharine
Christy                  Henry
Christy                  Henry
Christy                  Jacob
Church                   Alice C.
Church                   Charles D.
Church                   Elizabeth
Church                   Russel
Churchell                ?Anna
Churchell                Caroline
Churchell                Frank
Churchell                George K.
Churchell                Henry C.
Churchell                Herada
Churchell                Joseph
Churchell                May
Churchell                Omer
Churchell                Peter L.
Churchell                Wm.
Clark                    Adaline L.
Clark                    Alvin
Clark                    Amelia
Clark                    Betsy A.
Clark                    Britton C.
Clark                    Byron B.
Clark                    Carlone
Clark                    Charles D.
Clark                    Cisilla
Clark                    Edmond F.
Clark                    Geo Ervin
Clark                    George
Clark                    Hannah
Clark                    Katharine
Clark                    Maria E.
Clark                    Maryetta
Clark                    Mervis
Clark                    Milton
Clark                    S.T.W.
Clark                    Willaim
Clark                    William
Clark                    Wm. B.
Clement                  Adam
Clement                  Emaline
Clement                  Jane
Clement                  Mary
Clement                  Sasser
Clement                  Sing.
Clemont                  Jacob L.
Clemont                  Rachael
Cline                    Judith A.
Cline                    Margaret
Cline                    Martha A.
Cline                    William
Clingan                  Caroline E.
Clingan                  Charles E.
Clingan                  Hewett B.
Clingan                  Robert E.
Clingan                  Robert L.
Coats                    George
Coats                    Wm.
Cochrin                  Elizabeth
Cochrin                  George C.
Cochrin                  John
Coldwell                 Catharine E.
Coldwell                 Daniel M.
Coleman                  Amelice
Coleman                  Belinda L.
Coleman                  Christopher
Coleman                  Dorla
Coleman                  Enigna D.
Coleman                  Henry
Coleman                  S.C.
Coleman                  William
Collicott                Cesse
Collicott                Delilah
Collicott                Elijah
Collicott                Elijah F.
Collicott                Eliza A.
Collicott                Francis C.
Collicott                James
Collicott                James F.
Collicott                Levina
Collicott                Lucinda
Collicott                Melinda E.
Collicott                Sarah
Collicott                Sarah A.
Collicott                Sarah C.
Collicott                Seth B.
Collicott                Silas
Collicott                Thomas B.
Collicott                William
Collicott                William M.
Collom                   John M.
Collom                   Mary E.
Collom                   Maryanne
Collom                   Wm. L.
Colman                   Emma L.
Colman                   Isaac
Colman                   James
Colwell                  Jacob D.
Colwell                  John M.
Colwell                  Lucinda
Colwell                  Nettie
Colwell                  William A.
Compton                  E.M.
Compton                  Isaac R.
Compton                  Joseph R.
Compton                  Martha A.
Compton                  Nancy
Compton                  Samuel
Compton                  Sarah
Conant                   Pedei
Conely                   William
Conley                   Andrew
Conley                   Charles
Conley                   Electa A.
Conley                   Eliza J.
Conley                   James
Conley                   James M.
Conley                   John
Conley                   John P.
Conley                   Mariah C.
Conley                   Martha
Conley                   Mary
Conley                   Mary
Conley                   Mary J.
Conley                   Michael
Conley                   Michael
Conley                   Nancy A.
Conley                   Not named
Conley                   Phillip W.
Conley                   Rhea
Conley                   Rhesa
Conley                   Rhesa Jr.
Conley                   Samuel
Conley                   William
Connell                  Amantha A.
Connell                  Daniel
Connell                  Elisabeth
Connell                  Elisabeth
Connell                  Joseph
Connell                  Joseph
Connell                  Lenora A.
Connell                  Maria M.
Connell                  Sarah C.
Connell                  William C.
Conoana                  Bridget
Conoana                  Margaret
Conoana                  Patrick
Conoana                  Thomas
Convers                  Celina
Convers                  Dennis
Cook                     Calvin
Cook                     Catharine J.
Cook                     D. McKenzie
Cook                     Dennis
Cook                     Elisabeth
Cook                     James M.
Cook                     Laura B.
Cook                     Sarah J.
Cook                     Thomas P.
Cooper                   Ida Z.
Cooper                   M.J.
Cooper                   Wm.
Corning                  Dennis B.
Corning                  Elzira L.
Corning                  Samuel B.
Cosgrove                 Patrick
Cote                     Jones
Cote                     Lucy J.
Cote                     Medora A.
Cote                     Riley V.
Cotton                   Abigale
Cotton                   Allen
Cotton                   Cyrus
Cotton                   Dick
Cotton                   Eunes
Cotton                   Isaac
Cotton                   John
Cotton                   John L.
Cotton                   Marion
Cotton                   Mary
Cotton                   Mary E.
Cotton                   Noah
Cotton                   Phidelia A.
Coughenor?               Solomon
Countryman               Alfred
Courtright               Cornelius
Courtright               Flora
Courtright               Julia M.
Coville                  Anna G.
Coville                  James C.
Coville                  James E.
Coville                  John S.
Coville                  Mary J.
Cowel                    Eldar
Cowel                    Henry
Cowels                   Franklin
Cowels                   Jonathan R.
Cowels                   Mary Anne
Cowels                   Willas
Cowels                   William H.
Cox                      E.W.
Cox                      Edmond E.
Cox                      Henry
Cox                      Jeptha
Cox                      John
Cox                      Lewis W.
Cox                      Milton
Cox                      Nancy E.
Cox                      Palina
Cox                      Thomas
Cox                      William A.
Craig                    Alexander
Craig                    Jane E.
Craig                    John
Craig                    Margaret A.
Craig                    Mary J.
Craig                    Mary J.
Craig                    Stuart
Craiger                  Martin H.
Crandall                 Lydia M.
Crandle                  Albert
Crandle                  Ellen
Crane                    Mortimer E.
Crane                    Stephen G.
Crane                    Sylvanus
Crankhite                Alfred
Crankhite                Bull
Crankhite                Ellen
Crankhite                George A.
Crankhite                Hamilton
Crankhite                Jamie M.
Crankhite                John Q.
Crankhite                Ley
Crankhite                Lucina
Crankhite                Lucinda
Crankhite                Nancy J.
Crankhite                Orrin
Crankhite                Orvel
Crankhite                Polly E.
Crankhite                Rebecca E.
Crankhite                William
Crankhite                William S.
Cranston                 Foster
Cranston                 Jane
Crapa?                   ?Jos.
Crapa?                   ?Sara
Crapa?                   John
Crawford                 Algheus
Crawford                 Calanthone
Crawford                 D.L.
Crawford                 E.M.
Crawford                 Eliza
Crawford                 Erven M.
Crawford                 Hannah
Crawford                 Henry
Crawford                 Henry
Crawford                 James
Crawford                 James
Crawford                 Jane E.
Crawford                 Jasper
Crawford                 John
Crawford                 John P.
Crawford                 Joseph J.
Crawford                 Marsha
Crawford                 Mary
Crawford                 Nelson A.
Crawford                 Phebe
Crawford                 Rebecca
Crawford                 Rebecca
Crawford                 Samuel
Crawford                 Sarah E.
Crawford                 Sarah J.
Crawford                 Stephen
Crawford                 W.S.
Crawford                 William
Cree                     John
Cross                    Anne M.
Cross                    Mary E.
Cross                    Solomon
Crosson                  Charles
Crouse                   John W.
Crouse                   Samantha
Crouse                   William F.
Crouse                   Wm. M.L.
Crow                     David
Crow                     John A.
Cue                      Alvina Jane
Cue                      Catharine
Cue                      Ell
Cue                      Francis
Cue                      Francis E.
Cue                      Hannah
Cue                      Isaiah
Cue                      James
Cue                      James
Cue                      Lewis
Cue                      Malinda
Cue                      Rachael
Cue                      Thomas
Cue                      Wm.
Cullver                  Fillmon H.
Culver                   ?
Culver                   Auston M.
Culver                   B.M.
Culver                   Commander M.
Culver                   Elizabeth J.
Culver                   H.H.
Culver                   Mag. J.
Culver                   Nancy A.
Culver                   Nancy J.
Culver                   Nathan
Culver                   Sarah
Culver                   Thomas N.
Cummings                 James
Cup                      Emeline
Cup                      Enoch V.
Cup                      John
Cupis                    Margaret M.

Transcribed by James P. Kullmer,, January, 2000
© Copyright 2000 by James P. Kullmer

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