More Historic Audubon Street Scenes
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Above, Main Street, Audubon, Iowa. Used divided back postcard, postmarked Aug. 15, 1910, Farnhamville, Iowa.
Addressed to Mr. Ed Monson, Gowrie, Iowa. Message reads: "Think the cards fine send the rest as soon as possible. John Warner."

Broadway Looking East, Audubon, Iowa. Postally unused vintage divided back postcard.

Above, Broadway Looking West, Audubon, Iowa. Divided back postcard addressed to Miss Francis Jones, Morrill Maine. Waldo, Co.
Message is dated 9/3/09 and reads: "This is the main st of the town am now looking for a place to get a bite to eat. Love to all. Uncle Chas."

East Division St. North, Audubon, Iowa. Unused vintage divided back postcard.

South Park & Court House, Audubon, Iowa. Used divided back postcard, postmarked 1952, Audubon, Iowa. Message written July 16, 1952 at Audubon, Iowa: "Why not give an address when you write, even if not in U.S.A. I am in the second week of a Class Center here--Ed 310 & Ed 133. Glad to hear from you. Love, A. S."

Divided back postcard of South Park Place, Audubon, Iowa with handwritten message in Danish. Addressed to Mrs. Anie Rasmussen, Marne, Iowa Box 114.
The handwriting isn't always completely clear, but message appears to read:
"Kaere Moder, Hvordan har du det, skriv et par og lad os det vide, gaar Frank til Skole eller hvad bestiller han, es den noget du mangler. Moder saa skal du sige til, Jeg haaber da at du er nogenlunde rask og at Frank bliver lidt hjem vire(?) has dig am Aftenen. Jeg faar dd(?) planty. Og til mig selv, dine Høns har ogsaa begyndt at laegge aeg. det gaar bedre nu siden vi solgte Mette hun var saa slers(?) ved den anden. Jeg skal nok skrive igen snart. Chris lide det udmaerket. det er vist hvad han var fodt til liv vel. Anna"
Very rough translation: "Dear Mother, How are you, write a few lines and let us know if Frank goes to school or what work he does, if there is something you need, Mother then you have to say. I hope you are fairly healthy and that Frank is home with you a little in the evening. I get dd(?) planty(?). And to myself, your chickens have also started laying eggs. Things are going better now since we sold Mette she was so close to the other. I'll probably write again soon. Chris likes it very well, it is what he was born to do. Anna"

Vintage divided back postcard postmarked at Audubon and addressed to Mrs. Louis Wald, Almena, Kansas.

Contributed by David Shedlock, July-September, 2019.