Sand and grit in a concrete base--
A friendly smile on an honest face--
The spirit that helps when another's down,
That loves its neighbor, and loves its town--
That's Pep.
Some people do the best they can to help correct matters that are wrong; others just sit back and criticise the efforts of those who try to do. Where do you belong?
Remember it's better to be a geyser than a mudpuddle!
The supreme art above all other arts is the art of living together justly and charitably. There is no other thing that is so taxing, requiring so much education, so much practice, as how to live with our fellowman. All skill and knowledge aside from that is as nothing without it. The business of life is to know how to get along with our fellowman.--Henry Ward Beecher.
A town is what you make it.
People who complain that they are not understood are already too well understood.
Good thoughts never come to those with bad actions.
"Where did you get those trousers?" a traveling saleman asked a young man who was passing by wearing a remarkably short pair.
"Got 'em where they grew," remarked the young man indignantly.
"Then," said the saleman, "you pulled them a year too soon."
A small church was sadly in want of general repairs, and a meeting was being held to raise funds for that purpose.
The minister having said that to do the work $500 would be required, a very wealthy (and equally stingy) member of the congregation rose and said he would give one dollar. Just as he sat down a lump of plaster fell from the ceiling and hit him upon the head, whereupon he rose hastily and called out that he had made a mistake--he would give fifty dollars. That was too much for an enthusiast present, who, forgetful of everything, called out fervently, "O Lord hit him again."
Lord Barrington was instruction the new colored servant in his duties, adding, "Now, Zege, when I ring for you, you must answer me by saying, 'My Lord, what will you have?"
A few hours afterwards, having occasion to summon the servant, his lordship was astonished with the following:
"My Gawd, what does you want now?"--Virginia Reel.
Miss Cora was taking her first trip on the train. The conductor came through and called for the tickets. Cora gave up her ticket. A few minutes later the butcher-dog coming through called: "Chewing Gum!" "Never," cried Cora bravely. "You can take my ticket, but not my chewing gum."
I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good thing, therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show to any fellow human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.--Grellet.
Be strong!
We are not here to play, to dream, to drift;
We have hard work to do and loads to lift.
Shun not the struggle--face it; 'tis God's gift!
Young Lady (entering office): "Father, dear, can't you come over to have dinner with me and my husband?"
Papa: "Your husband! Are you married?"
Young Lady: "Why yes! Don't you read the papers, papa?"
"Hör, Johan," sagde Underofficerens Kone en Dag, de sad og spiste til Middag; "Jeg synes nu Du har arbejdet for andre saa laenge. Skal vi ikke pröve at spare saa meget, at vi kan köbe en gammel Kanon og saa begynde for os selve til Foraaret?"

Transcribed by Cheryl Siebrass, August, 2021. View original page image at top; click to enlarge.
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