increasing influence that co-operation in general will gain through his loyal support.
As mentioned before, co-operation and sticking together (in elegant English) is the farmer's only means of getting a square deal from the world.
Not as a co-operative association, exactly, but yet in the spirit of true co-operation, the Crystal Springs Clay Products Company was organized and financed by a number of men in the community who realized that the greatest saving lay in utilizing our own raw materials, and that the more products that can be made at home, the greater is the benefit to the people.
The pit where the brick yards are located contains a large amount of especially fine clay. This, by the expert knowledge of the manager, Hans Koch, is being made into clay products that are proclaimed by disinterested parties to be the best of their kind in the state. With the shortage of coal it has been hard for the company to supply even the local demand. We suggest that you place your order now for material you will need for next summer's building activities.

Brick Yard
"Well, as far as I'm concerned," says Geo. J. Nielsen, "I haven't much of a business in Kimballton any more, so I suppose I really don't belong in that booklet; but if we can do something to tone the town up a little, I'm certainly for it."
That's the right spirit and anyone with so much community feeling is entitled to a place here.
Mr. Nielsen is one of Kimballton's earliest citizens. He came here thirty-five years ago. We asked him what the first thing was that he could remember about Kimballton.
"I thought that it was a better town then than I do now," he remarked, but added honestly, that it was probably because he was easier to satisfy. Mr. Nielsen ran a hardware store for several years, then delved into real estate and many's the farm that has changed hands on his account. Mr. Nielsen is still in the real estate business; everything is a little quiet just now, but wait until we get over the hill we're climbing, and there'll be something doing.
PETER J. BERTELSEN Standard Oil Company
Next in line is everybody's friend, Peter J. Bertelsen. He came here twenty-seven years ago and started his first business as a blacksmith in 1895. Mr. Bertelsen is now the local agent of the Standard Oil Company and has worked up a fine business for himself and the company in this territory. His annual sales have run as high as $70,000.00 a year.
You must see the Standard Oil Company's ad in the supplement, "What Our Merchants Have to Offer."
Mr. Bertelsen says his first impressions of Kimballton registered on his brain as follows: "Herregud, er det en amerikansk by?" Byut they have changed since then.
During his years here he has realized that for sweet and wholesome home life, Kimballton as a town is unsurpassed. Love of home, of family, and even of neighbor is here a rule rather than an exception. For a motto for the town he suggested: "I like to live in Kimballton."
Mr. Bertelsen is at the present time president of the Immanuel Church.

Main Street
GEORGE S. FAABORG Clothing Store
Mr. Geo. Faaborg is another of our old-timers in citizenship, though not in years. He started in business here twenty-three years ago in the Esbeck Hardware Store with a line of dry goods and clothing. Later on he built the store now occupied by T. G. Muller and put in a general merchandise stock. This store was later sold to Jokum Jensen and Mr. Faaborg spent a year in business in Audubon, returning to Kimballton in 1904.
Mr. Faaborg has had several businesses since then, but is now again in the clothing business. His store is the "Home of Good Clothes and Courteous Treatment," and through his kindness and courtesy and his willingness to always give his customers full value for the money spent, Mr. Faaborg holds a large number of loyal customers. His son Jasper has been assisting him in the store and is making a name for himself with some of his effective window decorations. Many complimentary remarks were overheard last year regarding the Xmas decorations in the Faaborg store. No doubt they will be equally effective this year. Look for them when you get to town Friday evening, December 15th. [cont'd on next page]
Transcribed by Cheryl Siebrass, August, 2021. View original page image at top; click to enlarge.
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