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Audubon County


History > 1887 Audubon


Floral Divider Bar
THE PUBLISHERS respectfully request a careful consideration of the facts and figures here presented, believing that they reflect surpassing credit upon the county and city of which this work is descriptive. Every fact is accurately stated, and every illusion is from a photograph, so that all is positively authentic. The fact must irresistably occur to the mind of the thoughtful and faithful reader that Audubon county has all of the advantages claimed for it. It is also a fact that the county is yet in the infancy of its prosperity. Years of the future will be busy with the interesting work of development. [?Invest?]ments of capital will prove highly profitable, as surely as the sun in its revolving [???] denotes the progress of Time. Both agricultural and commercial business will yet [????]ence large growth, and the opportunities for embarking were never so inviting or [????]ing as today. There are several thousand acres of unimproved lands wich may be [????] from $10 to $15 per acre, all of the richest soil, susceptible to the highest cultiva[?tion,?] improved farms may be had for $18 to $30 per acre, and rent readily for from $2 [????] per acre. Business lines in the town of Audubon are in no particular overdone, [????] there are inviting openings for many lines not represented and which are dependent [?upon?] a large and wealthy territory for support. There is not a business or residence property vacant in the city of Audubon. Store rooms command rents of from $25 to $50 per month, and residences rent at from $8 to $20.

These conditions compose a most inviting appeal to Farmers, Business Men, Capitists, Manufacturers, Artisans, Mechanics, Laborers and all who wish to embark in business in a thriving and rapidly growing country abounding in natural advantages, amid a genial population, and in a health giving climate.

All inquiries for special or further information regarding the locality, addressed to the Secretary of the Audubon Board of Trade, Audubon, Iowa, will receive prompt and courteous attention.

NOTE: Small torn area on left edge of this page;small piece of the original page is missing, specifically the left edge of the first paragraph above. ???'s denote the torn off area.

Graphic pg. 48 Eden of the West

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Blue Divider Bar

Transcribed September, 2024 by Cheryl Siebrass from History of Audubon and Audubon County, Iowa, The Eden of the West., 1887, pp. 48.