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BUSINESS SUMMARY. (CONT'D)![]() DRUGS.A. H. Roberts & Co. have one of the best stocks of drugs, medicines, stationery, toilet goods, etc., that may be found in the west. During the past season this firm has erected an addition 25x30, making their store room 25x80, while they yet find it necessary to utilize a large portion of the second floor for stock. The firm is among those eminently successful.
The Palace Drug Store, by O. J. Houston, is a model of both neatness and elegance, to which our citizens direct the visitor with justifiable pride. The store is lacking in nothing in stock or appointments to compliment the name.The Brick Drug Store, as custom has appropriately designated the establishment of Dr. J. F. Cloughly, is likewise one of elegant and costly furnishings. It has been established since 1884, but the business has been most prosperous. The building, shown on another page, erected for the special purpose, is one of the best in the city. A plate glass front is one of the features of its substantial and fine finish, while the interior is replendent with rich decorations. W. H. Cowles carries a good stock of watches, clocks and jewelry, and does all kinds of repairing promptly and at reasonable rates. O'Connell Bros. also display fine goods in this line, and have first-class workmen at the bench. They also keep a large and varied stock of musical instruments. Wm. Cloughly, in connection with his drug store, carries a stock of jewelry. In this line the Messrs. Scott Brothers conduct the only business here located. They have an immense stock, occupying two floors of the building shown on another page, which is 25x80 feet. Their stock contains a fine line of upholstered goods of all kinds, in which they have a large trade. Although they have no competitors their prices are so reasonable that those who have sought bargains in the cities of the state have found the cheapest and best at home. They carry a large assortment of caskets and do embalming by a method which has proven eminently successful. HARDWARE.
John Reinemund has, during the past season, erected an addition 25x40, making his netire storage and sales rooms 25x120. His building is well and conveniently appointed and thoroughly stocked.Seth Paine also has an extensive hardware establishment, and has an increasing trade. In connection therewith he handles agricultural implements, giving especial attention to selling and repairing the improved self-binders. Transcribed February, 2025 by Cheryl Siebrass from History of Audubon and Audubon County, Iowa, The Eden of the West, 1887, pp. 40-42. |