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AUDUBON. (CONT'D)![]() THE SHERIFF'S RESIDENCE.Audubon has been very fortunate in securing two of the greatest railways that cross the state, without expense to the city, which of itself is a fine compliment to the country, showing that it affords a desirable and remunerative business. The Chicago & North-Western and the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific railways furnish direct communication with all points East, West, North and South. They run fast trains twice, daily, in each direction, and have in many instances demonstrated their willingness to favor our incorporation. Between the two lines there is merciless competition for business, proving an advantage of great importance to travelers and shippers. Better rates may be secured here than at any point between Omaha and the Mississippi river, as none have two as great competing lines catering for their business. This has proven an immense advantage to business men, as it enables them to make better prices to customers than it is possible to give at neighboring trading points. To manufacturers or wholesale dealers this will prove an advantage in itself that will place the city in independence above any and all competition. The railroad facilities of Audubon are among its superior points of excellence, and insure its continued prosperity as a trade center. The rapid development of the county and town has been demonstrated, but it must not be understood that the spirit of progress has yet rested. During the summer just past the tools of builders have been kept busy in erecting new buldings of both private and public nature. Among these we might mention the Audubon Roller Mills, the new High School Building, Pound's Carriage and Wagon Factory and Plow Shops, the Commercial Bank block, Reinemund's brick, fire-proof hardware store, referring only generally to the improvements of public buildings and the erection of several of the handsomest residences illustrated in these pages, making an aggregate outlay of $65,000.00. While Audubon has never experienced a growth which might be denominated a boom, it has from the date of its location enjoyed a steady, healthy and substantial development. Each year has been attended by material growth, such as has as regularly encouraged faith in the town and county. Each year has seen increased investments of capital, and has noted many additions to our population. All that has tended to increase our business circle has been planted upon a solid basis, and has added as well to the wealth of the country. The guise of a boom has ever been discouraged, the more substantial growth having proven in every way so satisfactory. To prophesy future booming would be out of place, and serve no purpose, but we may be pardoned for modestly foreshadowing the yet greater and more substantial growth that years of the near future will witness. These years will compose the most prosperous period in the history of the town, as all will be constructed ona most substantial adn enduring plan. Transcribed February, 2025 by Cheryl Siebrass from History of Audubon and Audubon County, Iowa, The Eden of the West., 1887, pp. 37-38. |