1943 Moulton High School Graduates
For a larger view of the 1943 Moulton High School Class Photo click on the image. It will open in another window.

Top Row Left to right: Opal Decker, Elizabeth Rutliff, Gerald Ryan, Helen Bland, P. E. Pyle, Superintendent; Doris Childs, Robert Moulton, Deloris Kirby, Garold Lindley
Second Row from Top: James Horn, Margaret Swartz, Billy Ward, (School Photo), Richard Anselme, Daisy Kirby, Frank Waggoner, Jr.
Third Row from Top: Robert Daniels, Bonnie Oldham, Mary Davis, Dorothy Childs, Guy Burton, Marilyn Daniels, Arthur Gaither, Lorraine Moore
Bottom Row: Celesta Sparks, Junior Stites, Slvah Swing, Colleen Stober, Ilene Starr, Virginia Purdum, Betty Morrow
Photographer: R. C. Link Studio
~~ Contributed by Alice and Wayne Daniels