A frame building was
constructed in 1874 at a cost of $1800 to serve as a
school. It had five rooms, with one teacher instructing
two grades in each one. One room was for a two-year high
school. Two outdoor toilets were furnished. This school
was destroyed by a tornado, June 5, 1885.
The first principal was Sam Smart, followed by Levi
Green, L. Eells, Frank Rice, J.R. McKim, J.P. Conway, and
C.E. Wright. Most of these people served for only one
A new frame building was constructed in 1886. In 1901, an
addition was built.
This building was sold in five sections in 1913. The
sections were moved to lots, and were homes for Bernard
Mauss, which was Mauss Hatchery, and the homes now
occupied by Mike Ziemet, Olga Thimmesch, and Edward
Jordan. This one has been razed; in addition, a building
owned by Andrew Johnson and placed between Hosch Foundry
& Valley Ag has been razed.
A red brick school was built at the same location in
1916. Bonds were issued in the amount of $35,000.

New Albin Public School, 1917 -contributed by
Gloria Payne
A larger photo is at bottom of page
The building consisted of nine rooms.
The basement housed the heating unit, which was a direct
and indirect system. Humidity was furnished by air blown
through a curtain of water. The annual expense of fuel
was about $700. Also in the basement was a small
gymnasium complete with bleachers at either end; a home
economics room, and a classroom. The second floor had
four classrooms, and restrooms at both ends of a central
hallway. The third floor had two classrooms, an
auditorium with a small stage, a library, and the
superintendent's office.
In 1932, the teaching staff was six women and one man.
A.M. Willard was superintendent, and also taught
geometry, physics, algebra and manual training. The
principal, Miss Veronica Cull, was girl's basketball
coach, taught English, American literature and vocation
guidance. Pearl Smith taught home economics, history and
biology. Minnie Ragan had charge of the grammar
department. Ruth Calvin taught first and second grade.
Barbara Glynn taught third and fourth grade.
During the 1951-1952 school year, a large new gym with
locker rooms and a stage was built adjoining the brick
building on the northeast end. Several rural schools
closed and those districts consolidated with the town
school. The bleachers in the basement were converted into
additional classrooms.
State regulations made it necessary to consolidate with
Lansing in 1960 and the district became known as Eastern
Allamakee Community School. All high school students were
bused to Lansing and all 7th & 8th grade students to
New Albin. The buses met midway between the towns and the
drivers exchanged places and continued on to the schools.
Students in Kindergarten through 6th grade stayed in
their home town. Later, a new high school was built in
Lansing and was ready for use by the 1962-63 school year.
In 1968, a new one-story school building was constructed
in New Albin. This building contains eight classrooms, a
multi-purpose room, gym, kitchen, offices, toilets,
storage and boiler room. The building connects to the
existing gymnasium.
In 1973, more changes took place. The St. George Catholic
School at Lansing was closed and the building sold to the
Eastern Allamakee Community District. That building
became the middle school for grades 4 thru 8. All
Kindergarten thru 3rd grade students were taught in New
Some custodians who served for many years are Leonard
Schwartzhoff, and then his son, Freemont "Pete"
Schwartzhoff, Leo and Elsie Crowley and Harris
"Shooky" Fink.
When the district was first organized, it was for town
children only. Families living outside of this tax base
wanted their children to go to school, too. These
children were charged a tuition of $6.00 or $8.00 a year.
Some lived several miles away, so a horse-drawn school
bus (a large wagon with benches and top and canvas side
curtains to keep out the rain) was driven by George
Hayes. "Town kids" liked to hitch a ride, even
sitting on the top, out to the "Tile Factory,"
and then walk back to town. This "bus" was used
from about 1912-1934.
Freemont Meyer had a farm truck which he converted into a
"bus." This was used for a couple of years and
then a "real" school bus was purchased.
In the 1956-1957 school year, the hot lunch program was
started. Florence Gantenbein and Lydia Krueger were the
first of many cooks who prepared the meals in the school
kitchen. The cost was 25 cents a meal. Several students
worked for their meals by washing dishes and helping to
clean up the kitchen, getting it ready for the home
economic class to use.
N. A. H. S.
SIFTINGS (1930's New Albin High School Happenings)
A coming event, "Listen to
Leon," Junior Class play, a farce in three acts,
April 26, at 8 p.m. sharp.
The following served on the jury at the Mock Trial
Tuesday night: Mrs. Eric Jordan, Mrs. Harry Dean, Miss
Veronica Cull, Freeman Fink, Ralph Steele, Vic Irons.
The Misses Dibble, Cull and Seymour and Mr. Henry were
LaCrosse shoppers Saturday. While there, the former
purchased kitten ball supplies for the team.
Gerald Donahue is a new guitar pupil in the music
Nightly rehearsals were begun on last Wednesday evening
for the Junior Class Play.
The following people in high school have been enthused
over organizing a new orchestra April 16: Earl Moore,
Margretta Smerud, Vivian Krzbietke, James Morgan, Peter
Hartley, Evelyn Weymiller, Lois Kumpf, Dolores Meyer,
Isabella Eischeid, Ernest Freuchte, Gerald Donahue, Paul
Jordan and John Colsch. The grade orchestra members are
Vivian Loeffler, Kermit Meyer, Vincent Hurley and
Elizabeth Hartley.
Grade Notes:
1st and 2nd Grade-
Mavis Jordan and Ruth Meyer have returned to school after
having the measles.
The second grade have now started the covers foe their
number booklets.
This week the children have been interested in making
their Easter baskets, patiently waiting the arrival of
the Easter Bunny.
Other Grades-
Those receiving their quarter holiday from the third and
fourth grade room were Illogene Cavin, Rita Healy,
Phyllis Imhoff, Ruth Irons, Meta Pottratz, Delores
Sadler, Elaine Thompson, Helen Wiemerslage, Elmer Boltz,
Donald Hosch, Warren Reburn and Virginia Tippery.
Betty Irons of the fifth grade was awarded her third
spelling certificate for twenty successive perfect
spelling lessons.
Leander Loeffler of the fifth grade added his name to the
Dental Honor Roll.
The following have earned ten reading certificates and
have been awarded reading folders this week: Margaret
Reburn, Marie Jordan, Patricia Cavin, of the fifth grade;
Orval Hosch, Betty Gantenbein and Arlene Tippery of the
sixth grade.
Source: 'The First 100 Years of New Albin', 1994,
contributed by Errin Wilker