Allamakee co. IAGenWeb Project - School Records
last updated 10/01/12

School Index

Waterville High School 1923-1960

History - Graduates - Superintendents - Principals - Teachers
School Board - Janitors - Cooks

History of Waterville High School

Waterville HS Alumni Reunion, July 2, 1989 Waterville HS Alumni Reunion, July 2, 1989
Alumni Reunion, July 2, 1989
Mistress of Ceremonies, Muriel Bakkum

The Waterville Consolidated School was organized in 1920 with the rural school districts of Paint Creek Township, with Gabe Pederson as the first President of the school board. This was one of the earliest consolidated districts in Iowa.

The school building was erected in 1921-1922. It was a three-story brick building with the first floor having five rooms, the second floor, seven rooms and the third floor had five. It had a steam heating plant that would take 100 ton of coal per year. The cost of the building was $85,000.000.

The school opened September 5, 1922, with 43 students in High school, including 3 Seniors, 7 Juniors, 10 Sophomores and 23 Freshmen. There were 146 students in the grades. The teaching staff consisted of 5 High School and 4 grade school teachers. Mr. L. Hagie was the first Superintendent. The school colors were old gold and purple. This was changed around 1933 or 1934 to blue and white. The "Tigers" was the school's team name. Waterville High School Girls went to State Basketball Tournaments at least 8 times. The music department was outstanding in music contest also, and presented many fine musical programs. Waterville High School presented many students who developed very successful careers.

In 1952-53, the new addition was added to the building, providing a new gym, four classrooms, industrial arts area, and the larger lunchroom and kitchen.

In 1959, the Harpers Ferry School closed and some of these members came to Waterville. In 1960 the last class graduated from Waterville. Today we have a fine Elementary School with 130 students attending here in 1989.

~Taken from history written by Margaret Monserud, printed in the Waterville High School Alumni Reunion program, July 2, 1989

~Source: Waterville High School Alumni Reunion Program, July 2,1989
~Contributed by Linda Rees for Allamakee co. IAGenWeb
~Transcribed by S. Ferrall


This handwritten notation was written on the lists of graduates & other Waterville HS staff:

"These lists are as complete as our memories would allow. Please forgive any omissions or inaccuracies."

Graduates & Class Mottos 1923-1933

"Build for character, not for fame."

Asleson, Alice
Kelley, Norbert
Kelley, Donald

"Out of school life, into life's school."

Aslesson, Josephine
Ellefson, Geneva
Hanson, Alf
Hendrickson, Adeline
Pederson, Rolfe
Slattery, Nellie
Swenson, Bernice
Vorseth, Gilma

(no class motto given)

Asleson, Norval
Griffith, Lola
Hagen, Leonard
Hagen, Mabel
Lea, Abraham
Melcher, Lester
Pederson, Alfred
Roese, Iva
Ryder, Marie
Unseth, Agnes
Wyse, Helen

"Finished, yet beginning."

Anderson, Rudolf
Busness, Gladys
Eadie, Walter
Gavin, Leona
Jacobson, Carlton
Larson, Emma
McCormick, Adeline
Narum, Edwin
Roese, Merle
Svebakken, Alice
Thias, Anna
Vorseth, Clarence
Wareberg, Hermes
Asleson, Gene
Asleson, Leona

"Do more, wish less."

Brady, Mary
Ellefson, Norman
Jeglum, James
Lea, Christine
Lea, Florence
Narum, Kartha
Olson, Otto
Ryder, Helen
Svebakken, Pearl
Tysland, Louella
Svebakken, Clarence
Swenson, Stella

"Character is the cornerstone of sucess."

Boardman, Lucille
Brady, Alice
Ellefson, Josephine
Erickson, Ellsworth
Erickson, Carol
Gavin, Laurayne
Hermanson, Earl
Hermanson, Miranda
Jacobson, Manuel
Kelly, James
Kolsrud, Harris
Lashway, Ruth
Pladsen, Ruth
Robey, Irma
Snitker, Ronald
Tysland, Vera
Unseth, Eivind
Walters, F. Vivian
Wiedenmann, Kathryn

"Success crowns patient effort."

Bulman, Eldon
Kelly, Carl
Kelly, Lawrence
Ness, Lester
Olson, Othello
Wyse, Watson
Gast, Alice
Goettel, Lois
Hagen, Cora
Hermanson, Mildred
Narum, Thyra
Pladsen, Olive
Swenson, Myrtle
Thies, Violet

"Climb though the rocks be rugged."

Busness, Lester
Iverson, Herman
Pufahl, Paul
Svebakken, Bernard
Dillon, Helen
Jeglum, Inez
Jacobson, Isabel
Kolsrud, Myrtle
Monserud, Verna
McGeough, Regine
Pladsen, Alphild
Pladsen, Agnes
Snitker, Ruth
Unseth, Dagny

"Sunrise, not sunset."

Atall, Helen
Brady, John
Cole, Dorothy
Dumben, Maxine
Ellefson, Raymond
Ellefson, Viola
Goettel, Lloyd
Bulman, George
Hancock, Catherine
Jacobson, Althea
Kelly, Leon
Lashway, Herbert
Odegard, Marion
Schmieden, Meta
Tysland, Clifton

"Tonight we launch, where shall we anchor?"

Desmond, Madonna
Erickson, Alton
Gavin, Evelyn
Gunderson, Mildred
Hagen, Walter
Huffman, LeRoy
Huffman, Neva
Kinley, Monica
Klees, Helen
McGeough, Grace
McGeough, Mercedes
Monserud, Wylvia
Odegaard, Alf
Olson, Olga
Palmer, Dorothy
Rathbun, Lawrence
Roese, Irma
Surom, Herbert
Svebakken, Roy
Swenson, Alma

"The higher we climb, the broader the view."

Anderson, Carrie
Ellefson, Alton
Huffey, Vinton
Iverson, Arden
Jenson, Ruby
Johnson, Marlin
Kelley, Joseph
McGeough, Charles
McGeough, Mary
Nelson, Robert
Pederson, Victor
Svebakken, Melia
Tysland, Charlotte
Wurtzel, Inez

Graduates & Class Mottos 1934-1942

"Out of school life, into life's school"

Brady, Margaret
Erickson, Dorothy
Erickson, Merlin
Ellefson, Laurayne
Frank, Margaret
Geottel, Alice Mai
Gunderson, Orval
Gates, Norman
Hagen, Gladys
Kelly, Geraldine
Melcher, John
Monroe, Thomas
Spinner, Chester
Wareberg, Dorothea

"Not on top, but climbing."

Jacobson, Arden
Kehr, Ruth
Kolsrud, Harriette
Larson, John
Lea, Harriet
Moodie, Hazel
Pladsen, Carrol
Pladsen, Mavis
Roe, Orrin
Shields, Helen
Spinner, Rita
Svebakken, Elvira

"Build for character, not fame."

Asleson, Hazel
Gilbertson, Alta
Gronna, Gertrude
Huffman, Wm.
Hermanson, Vivian
Iverson, Muriel
Kolsrud, Alton
Kolsrud, Ernest
Leas, Dales
Lloyd, Clair
Leikvold, Lloyd
McGeough, Donald
Palmer, Thelma
Rathbun, Kenneth
Schager, Arla
Seale, Lester
Wareberg, Joyce

"Launched, to be anchored where?"

Fredendall, Verdun
Gilbertson, Helen
Melcher, Arden
Gronna, Robert
Glynn, Ray
Hanson, Virgal
Hanson, Ruth
Kolsrud, Caryl
Larson, Vernon
Mettlille, Edward
Mettille, Charles
Gunderson, Gordon
Monserud, Grace
Puls, Jean
Unterberger, Cletus

"Hitch your wagon to a star."

Ellefson, Carma
Fredendall, Esther
Gronna, Norma
Gronna, Clarallen
Goettel, John
Gavin, Clem
Hanson, Harriet
Hermanson, Irene
Johnson, Wm.
Kolsrud, Lloyd
Mathis, Raymond
Mooney, James
McGough, Ray
McGeough, Gertrude
Molitor, Francis
Olson, Helmer
Peters, Anita
Strand, Gillman
Spinner, Roy

"Upward and Onward."

Bjerke, Ordell
Erickson, Vernon
Ellefson, Verdun
Hill, Olivia
Kehr, Margaret
Knudtson, Harriet
Kolsrud, Lila
Leas, Evelyn
Leas, LaRene
Leiran, Norman
Pederson, Alfra
Rathbun, Hartley
Unterberger, Raphella
Larkin, Donald

"Today decides tomorrow."

Cahalen, Jerry
Chapman, Sidney
Christianson, Beulah
Christianson, Verna
Deal, Marlin
Gjefle, Arlene
Grangaard, Walter
Gruber, Donald
Haehlen, Dorothy
Jacobson, Anna
Johnson, Donald
McCormick, Emmett
Mooney, Vincent
Olson, Amy
Peters, Marjorie
Sorenson, Katherine
Spinner, Theodore
Unterberger, Alberta

"Today we follow; tomorrow we lead."

Fredendall, Donald
Gilbertson, Gordon
Gjefle, Lillian
Gronna, Dorothy
Hanson, Doris
Heffern, Cletus
Lorentson, Margot
Melcher, Noel
Molitor, Clarice
Monserud, Alfred
O'Hara, Frances
Pederson, Rhoda
Sorenson, Elva
Steiber, Frederick
Swain, Dorothy
Young, Bobby

"Out of school life, into life's school."

Bratrud, Orville
Hagen, James
Hancock, Gertrude
Hill, Harlan
Huffey, George
Iverson, Ordell
Kolsrud, Marcella
Mathis, Morris
McCormick, Mary
Monserud, Wilmer
Odegard, Lawrence
O'Hara, Dorothy
Sorenson, Norma
Swain, Ruth
Tysland, Clarice

Graduates & Class Mottos 1943-1951

"Life is what we make it."

Cahalan, Rose Marie
Dee, Iona
Ellefson, Truman
Fredendall, Dean
Gast, Phyllis
Goettel, Arlyss
Glynn, Coila
Grangaard, Bernice
Huffey, Beatrice
Johnson, Mary Louise
Jones, Grace
Krapfl, LeRoy
Lloyd, Cyril
McGeough, Loretta
Pederson, Leonette
Sorenson, Olive
Spinner, Howard
Steiber, Bernard
Thorsen, Norman
Tysland, Joseph

"Hitch your wagon to a star."

Busness, Mildred
Collins, John
Cowell, Duane
Hagen, Howard
Kelly, Gerald
Kolsrud, Dale
Krapfl, Rose Mary
Larkin, Urban
McCormick, Gene
Rood, Phyllis
Seele, Lyle
Sorenson, Evelyn
Thorsen, Glenn

"We cross the bay, the ocean lies before us."

Collins, Grant
Gavin, Eunice
Gjefle, Norma
Hanson, Evelyn
Hess, Palmer
Huffey, Esther
Jacobson, Gordon
Larkin, Dorothy
Leas, Eileen
Leas, Lucille
McNally, Odine
Melcher, Ivan
Sheridan, Janet
Strub, Vincent
Thorsen, Arline
Wachter, Evelyn
Hogan, Madonna
Corrigan, Cyril

"Tonight we launch, where shall we anchor?"

Anderson, Gladwin
Cowell, George
Deal, Harold
Grangaard, Adeline
Hancock, Hazel
Hillshiem, Arleen
Iverson, Darlene
Knudtson, Lorraine
Lau, Don
Leas, Eldon
Lorentson, Lilly
Seele, Dorothy
Schmidt, Herbert
Snitker, Donald
Wilder, Hartley
Mathis, Vincent
Collins, Bill

"The future will belong to those who prepare for it."

Anderson, Ruth
Behning, John
Bender, Darlene
Bratrud, Margaret
Corrigan, Mark
Hartong, Vivian
Heffern, Donna
Johnson, Joyce
Kelly, Jean
Larkin, Catherine
Kolsrud, Clyde
Olson, Marcella
Deal, Harold

"With the ropes of the past, we'll ring the bells of the future."

Anderson, John
Anderson, Lorraine
Cowell, Marcella
Deal, Elberta
Heffern, Donald
Huffman, Shirley
Jacobson, Richard
Jones, Lucille
Kelly, Harlan
Kolsrud, Bernard
Larkin, Cyril
Leiran, Willard
Mathis, William
McGeough, John
Schmidt, Janet
Sorenson, Marilyn
Thorsen, Theodore
Wendell, Kenneth

"We have climbed the shortest ladder; the longest is left to come."

Ellefson, Marian
Huffey, Lotus
Huffman, Helen
Jacobson, Robert
Johnson, Betty
Kelly, Zelpha
Kolsrud, Carlton
Kolsrud, Jean
Krapfl, Paul
Kuhens, Culver
Neuhring, Oliver
Roldson, Ruby
Ryder, Mary L.

"The World steps aside and lets pass the person who knows where he is going."

Anderson, LaVonne
Baalson, Eilene
Corrigan, Wayne
Heffern, Robert
Jacobson, Marian
Krapfl, Ethel
Lau, Gerald
Mitchell, Norma
Nelson, Norma
Palmer, Allen
Palmer, Norbert
Ronnfeldt, Walter
Seele, Helen
Teslow, Donna

"Give the world the best you have and the best will come back to you."

Baalson, Clarence
Baalson, Clarice
Brazell, Robert
Christianson, Betty
Fellows, Albert
Hahn, James
Halverson, Roger
Hultgren, David
Larkin, James
Mathis, Jean
O'Brien, Mary
Schlake, Ronald
Schmieden, Wayne
Svebakken, Janet
Thies, Darlene
Thias, Eugene
Thorsen, Wilbur
Wolfe, Allan

Graduates & Class Mottos 1952-1960

"Not merely to exist, but to amount to something
in life."

Bulman, James
Busness, Charlotte
Corrigan, Patrick
Hall, Rodney
Hartong, Bernadine
Hesla, Rudolph
Jones, Knaruth
Kolsrud, Joyce
Kelly, Tady
Kuhens, Galen
Larkin, Jeanette
Leiran, Richard
Lier, LaVonne
Nelson, Joan
Ness, Leona
Wolfe, John

"He who speaks sows, who listens reaps."

Brazell, James
Corrigan, Robert
Hagen, Alan
Hamm, Barton
Krapfl, Bernice
Larson, Robert
Nelson, Olive
Neuhring, Corneliz
McGeough, Mary Ann
Mitchell, Darrell
Mitchell, Jack
Moe, Atkin
Nelson, Jean
Palmer, Jane
Palmer, JoAnn
Palmer, Robert
Roldson, Conrad
Snitker, Marlene
Slattery, Thomas
Wurtzel, Horbert
Kolsrud, Merlynn

"Our aim: success; our hope: to win."

Anderson, Wilbur
Boardman, Richard
Corrigan, Richard
Hamm, Kenneth
Hesla, Myron
Lau, David
Sorenson, Ordell
Thompson, Curtis
Vorseth, William
Surom, Herbie
Fellows, Nancy
Kolsrud, Marilyn
Palmer, Sandra
Ryder, Betty
Teslow, Romana
Tolander, Eleanor

"The timber lies before us: let us build."

Berns, Charles
Bulman, Anthony
Halvorson, Donald
Johnson, Clarke
Jones, Everett
McGeough, Richard
Ronnfeldt, William
Bulman, Jean Ann
Ewing, Bonnie
Freese, Paula
Hagen, Helen
Hagen, Mary
McGeough, Catherine
Mitchell, Marlys
Wagner, Shirley
Wolfe, Bevverly
Yohe, Danelda

1956 - class photos
"Don't say go, but go thyself."

Boardman, Barbara
Dehli, Philip
Gullickson, Jean
Jacobson, Vicky
Lau, James
Livingston, Marian
Ness, Helen
Ness, Howard
Odegard, Elaine
Odegard, Gordon
Slattery, Donald
Vorseth, Duane

"We have reached the foothills; let us climb."

Anderson, Everett
Asleson, Rose Marie
Bloxham, Rodney
Buege, Shirley
Christianson, Carlton
Corrigan, Jim
Dehli, Herb
Decker, Charles
Eddy, Sharon
Jones, Frances
Livingston, Robert
Krapfl, Gary
Mathis, Colleen
Mitchell, Richard
Pufahl, Gary
Schlake, Chester
Svebakken, Gene
Teslow, Dean
Vorseth, Betty
Wurtzel, Dean

"They conquer who believe they can."

Anderson, Margaret
Christianson, Jim
Freese, Roger
Hartong, Marjorie
Jones, Barbara
Keatley, Melvin
Kolsrud, Janet
Lier, Bob
Mathis, Gerald
Monroe, JoAnn
Nelson, Howard
Nichols, Charlene
Pufahl, Nancy
Schlitter, Jim
Slattery, Ellen

"He who hesitates is lost."

Asleson, Kenneth
Boardman, William
Hagen, Norma
Hogan, Robert
Easley, Elaine
Iverson, Shirley
Jones, Carol
Livingston, Peggy
Lloyd, Robert
Luster, Charles
McCormick, Donald
McLeese, Jan
McLeese, Jean
Odegard, Roger
Robison, Archie
Saddler, Jim
Schlake, Janann
Valley, Roger
Wagner, James
Williams, Kenneth
Wolfe, Mary

"The reward of a thing well done is to have done it."

Bealson, Marilyn
Buege, Janice
Bulman, Betty
Christianson, Carl
Dehli, Karen
Eadie, Karan
Fellows, Linda
Hertrampf, Patricia
Jeglum, Boyd
Johnson, Patricia
Kolsrud, Carolyn
Mathis, Cletus
Mathis, Robert
McGeough, Margaret
Mitchell, Charles
Mitchell, Joyce
Roldson, Helen
Monroe, Karen
Schlitter, Violet
Odegard, Evonne

Waterville Underclassmen 1960 - Kindergarten through Junior class

Waterville Superintendents & Principals 1923-1960


Hagie, L.L.
Wilson, Hary
Laughlin, Laurence L.
Ortale, Louis
Culbertson, Maude
Reher, E.P.
Collins, John
Bunting, Orville C.
Hall, Earl E.
McLeese, Robert


Funkhauser, Roy
McCormick, Isabella
Omens, Leland
Culbertson, Maude
Brannon, J.C.
Collins, John
Fornell, Frances
Bliesmer, Emery P.
Sturm, Harold
Nauman, Wm.
Pelleymounter, Bernard
Miller, Kermit

Waterville High School Teachers 1923-1960

Hagie, Mrs. L.
Maxwell, Mr.
Palmer, Margaret
Karl, Dorothy
Johnson, Miss
Jeglum, Mr.
Hastings, Mary
Hungerford, J.B.
Linder, Ruth
Helle, Corine
Palmer, Dorothy
Lenhart, Bert
Halverson, Mr.
Moore, Margaret
Phillips, Mr.
Swenson, Irene
Ferguson, Marie
Tjossum, Sydney
Bell, Ruth
Dunn, Zillah
Olney, Mary Alice
Moe, Grace
Norskog, Anton
Wright, Dorothy
Clauson, Walter
Callahan, Monica
Ried, Lily Jean
Schafer, Mrs. Chester

Wentwick, Merlin
Ford, Miss
Opfer, MinnieDawson, Elta
Quamme, Stella
Bleufuss, Frieda
Hayes, Herb
Eyestone, Bernard
Lein, Arvid
Nereson, Marjorie
Dolan, Marjorie
Kwoleck, Florian
Weiss, Mrs.
Ellingson, Orlando
Pearson, Leland
Lincoln, Harold
Brown, Constance
Jacobson, Mr.
Granger, Darlene Wolfe
Wright, Eunice
Bowers, Bob
Hook, Marian
Sage, Peggy
Bright, Mrs.
Keifer, Lloyd
Bailey, M.Z.
Bliesmer, Mrs. E.
Parnell, Mathilda
Heikens, Joy

Gronna, Dorothy
Traugott, Richard
Traugott, Mrs. R.
Brainard, Ray
Simondet, Douglas
Collins, Catherine
Pelleymounter, Frances
Iverson, Mrs. D.
Brooks, Roberta
Moen, Dale
Geilenfeld, Gene
Strampe, Harlan
Strampe, Mrs. H.
Yohe, Don
Monserud, Norma
Primmer, Glen
Baalson, Clarice
McLeese, Mrs. R.
Blankers, Laurens
Troy, Horace
Grosshiem, Helen
Lyonberger, Norma
Breitbach, Alan
Stamper, Vic
Smoot, LaTrelle
Slattery, Tom
Lindbloom, John

Waterville School Board Members 1923-1960

Pederson, Gabe
Anderson, Jake
Arneson, Pete
Gronna, Theo.
Busness, Ed
Kelly, Wm. H.
Kelly, James
Robey, Ray
Carlson, James
Tysland, Joseph

Kolsrud, Sever H.
Glynn, Sam
Jacobson, Theo.
Sorenson, Olvin
Thompson, Ella
Kolsrud, Ben
Lau, Gordon
Eadie, Gilbert
Fellows, John
Anderson, Rudolph
Hagen, Leonard

Sorenson, George
Palmer, Everett
Larkin, James
Nelson, C.V.
Kolsrud, Gilman
Slattery, Larry
Busness, Lester
Thomson, Lester
Ellefson, Everett
Basley, Herb

Waterville School Janitors & Cooks 1923-1960


Hilleshiem, Grover
Hansen, Albert
Hagen, Grant
Leiran, Emmert
Lund, Jene
Halvorson, Orrin
Halvorson, Vic & Ruby


Hanson, Mrs. Albert
Seele, Mrs. Helen
Grangaard, Mrs. Mabel
Busness, Mrs. Fern

~Source: typewritten pages, unknown source, unknown date ca1960
~Contributed by Linda Rees for Allamakee co. IAGenWeb
~Transcribed by S. Ferrall


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