updated 04/20/11
Civil War Soldier
Calvin Augustus Robey

Pvt. Calvin Augustus Robey, ca1864
Calvin enlisted at Rossville, Iowa in Company
K, First Iowa Calvalry in February of 1864. He was 19 years
old. I would think that this is when his picture was taken.
Calvin went south with his regiment. He spent
two and one-half years in the Western Army, engaging in
scouting, charging on towns, firing on the rebels, and
expelling them. After Lee surrendered, Calvin returned to
farm in Allamakee County, Paint Creek Township. He attended
many of the reunions of the Grand Army of the Republic. In
1868 he kept a diary of important events and was still doing
this in 1913 at the time his biography was published. It is not known
what became of his diaries. I might add that his habit of
keeping a daily diary was passed down to his grandson,
Creston Calvin Kelly. I have a collection of Creston's
diaries from the 1940's through the 1960's.
Letter from Calvin A.
Robey to his mother
Camp near Little Rock, Ark.
Nov. 20th, 1864
Dear Mother,
I received 2 letters from you 3 or 4 days ago but I
did not answer immediately for I had just written to
you. I am well and healthy as I ever was. I feel
lonely but we have lots of fun at nights when we are
in Camp. It is bed time now but I run around this
evening.Now I must write this letter for I am
detailed for duty tomorrow. I am going to do
dismounted duty for awhile. Our horses is run down so
it is not safe to ride them. They are so weak. There
is danger of them falling while on a charge. I will
do Camp duty. It has been very disagreeable
soldiering for a week past - cold and raining but it
cleared off this morning, quite pleasant. The boys
are very merry in Camp tonight singing and amusing
themselves. You wanted to know what I done with my
money. First place, Ben Stanley did not draw enough
to pay his debts. He bought a horse and gave $125.00
for him and that horse was not worth 125 dollars. He
gave $25 to the man for him to take him back. He was
in debt to the Soldiers considerable also so he asked
me to loan him some money. I told him I would not
lend any if I could get a chance to send it home. The
Rebs keep tearing up the railroad and there was
danger of getting it stoled, for there was
considerable money stoled. I let Ben have 20 dollars
which he is to give me 25 for pay day.I also let some
of the other boys have some. I sold my watch for 25
dollars to our quarter master. I have 60 dollars
coming to me from the boys. It would be safe to
express money now but the Rebels know when we are
paid and watch their chance to get the mail.
November 21st. It is very cold here today for this
country, it froze last night. I have a Bible and
Testament that I picked up at the time of the
excitement here this fall. I will send it to Sarah
for her to keep so she may watch the post office. The
Arkansas River is raising very fast. The Government
has a pontune Bridge as escape. It is built on flat
boats so it raises with the water. It is a good
bridge.We are building good winter quarters. We build
3 log houses together and use the middle for the
kitchen and dining room so you see we have things
handy. I must stop. I have been to town this forenoon
on duty. I must work the rest of the day at our snug
little dwellings. Give my best respects and well
wishes to all the Family and write as often as you
can.Excuse this scribbling for my hand is very cold.
Yours very truly,
C.A. Robey
I will send this BILL but it is not worth five cents!
Letter source: Original letter sent by Calvin
Augustus Robey to his mother, Caroline (Porter) Robey
November 20th, 1864 while he was in the Union camp near
Little Rock, Arkansas during the Civil War.
Photo source: Contributor's personal collection
Contributed by Connie L. (Kelly) Ellis, gg-granddaughter of
Calvin A. Robey. Connie's email address can be found in the Surname Registry
for Robey.