Gilbert L. Daines, son of Lafe
Daines of this place , writes us from Foochow, China,
and orders the Mirrior sent to him. The
young man is in the U.S. Navy and is getting along
nicely. ~ Lansing Mirrior, June 9, 1905
~contributed by Paul Moritz (deceased)
Waukon Man U.S. Champion
Local marksmen in army circles have been attaining
honors for themselves and Waukon in late years by
bringing back trophies and medals and championship
records from state contests, but the biggest honor of
all has been attained by Sergeant Charles M.
King of this city, who at Camp Perry, Ohio,
last week won the individual rifle championship of
the United States. He also won the president's trophy
match, another signal honor. His reward will be gold
medals and several hundred dollars in prize money.
King was in competition with over 100 of the best
marksmen in the army and navy. His score was 285 out
of a possible 300 points and was made at different
distances up to 1,000 yards. His score is the highest
ever attained. He is still at Camp Perry with the
Iowa team. Sergt. King is but 24 years of age and
works at the blacksmith trade when home. He has been
one of Co. I's expert riflemen ever since his
enlistment several years ago and has sided in winning
the numerous regimental and company trophies held by
Company I during late years. He also holds the
championship of the Iowa National Guard which he won
a few weeks ago. -from the Waukon Democrat
~Decorah Journal, September 5, 1911
~contributed by S. Ferrall

Photo caption: In the national rifle shoot just
concluded at Camp Perry, O., the navy team won first
honors, with the National Guard team a close second.
The photograph shows the National Guard men firing as
skirmishers. The inset is a portrait of Sergt.
C.M. King of the Iowa State National Guard,
who won the all-round rifle shot championship of the
United States. He lives at the little village of
Waukon, Ia., and is a blacksmith by trade. The
sergeant won first honors in the national individual
match and also in the grand aggregate. His score was
565 hits out of a possible 600, and included slow,
rapid and skirmish firing.
~Celina Democrat, September 29, 1911
~contributed by S. Ferrall (photo was cropped by
Notes: Charles Mathew King, s/o Mathew & Mary
(Miller) King, born April 1, 1886. Discharged from
Co. I, 53rd Infantry, Iowa Nat'l Guard 2/4/1912.
Married Esther J. (Johnson) Stull, d/o John Johnson
& unknown on 10/26/1916. Charles (d. 1961) &
Esther (d. 1976) are buried in Evergreen-Washelli Memorial Park,
Seattle, King Co., WA. (sources: Ancestry.com
databases: 'Iowa State Dept. of Health, Delayed
Certificate of Birth' & 'Iowa Marriage Records'
and Find a Grave)
Bob Langheim of the
S. S. Penn. at San Pedro, Calif., arrived yesterday
on a couple of weeks furlough to visit home folks,
the Will Langheim family, and other relatives. He
likes the Navy and is still with Ray Sweeney
and Jimmy Seeley, the latter coming
to Dubuque for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mart Seeley. Ray Sweeney did not get home at this
time. ~Allamakee Journal, December 6, 1939
~contributed by Ann Krumme
Postville Man, Prisoner
Freed - DuWayne Bulman Returns to U.S. - Home Soon
Postville, Ia - DuWayne Bulman, reported missing in
action in North Africa in February, 1943, and freed
by the allied advance into Germany, has arrived in
the United States and will be home soon, he informed
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Bulman, by telephone
this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. M. Gass, Postville, are awaiting
word from their son, Sgt. LeRoy Gass, who was taken
prisoner in the same engagement that Bulman was.
Other Postville men held prisoners by the Germans,
but about whom no word has reached here since the
German surrender, are Sgt. Charles Doerring, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Doerring, and Sgt. Irvin Olson, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Olson.
DuWayne's brother, Sgt. Howard Bulman, was recently
awarded a bronze star for achievement in the battle
of the Belgian bulge. The citation said his squad was
given the mission of building road blocks, and
despite flying debris and gunfire of the enemy he
moved injured men to places of safety.
~Dubuque Telegraph-Herald, May 20, 1945
~contributed by S. Ferrall (the photo of DuWayne
Bulman was printed with this news article)
Waukon Ten Allamakee county men have
received orders to report at Des Moines April 2 for
The men are Paul Ryan, Kenneth
Flage, Thomas Mullaney and Norman
Seitz, Waukon; Armand Wuenecke,
New Albin; Eldon Molitor,
Dorchester, Donald Mettille,
Dubuque; Milton Gramlich and Wayne
Snitker, Lansing, and Charles Ewing,
Postville. ~Cedar Rapids Gazette,
March 2, 1951 ~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich
Waukon Seven Allamakee county
men will report in Des Moines Wednesday for
induction. They are; Roger Wiltgen,
Waukon; Gene Ewing,
Postville; Cletus Welpert and Robert
Middendorf, Lansing; Gregory Schulte,
Dorchester; Leroy Jones, Harpers
Ferry, and Norman Renk, New Albin ~Cedar Rapids Gazette, October 26,
1951 ~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich
Waukon James Lunderman,
stationed at Mainz, Germany, has been promoted to
Postville Joe E. Muchow, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Muchow of Castalia, has been
promoted to corporal. He is stationed at Tacoma,
Waukon John Leschensky is
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Leschensky;
while on leave from the navy at San Diego.
Postville Gene Rims, a navy
man stationed at Great Lakes, Ill., visited his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rima, last week. Donald
L. Heckman, so of Mr. and Mrs. Arbie
Heckman, has been promoted to private first class. He
is stationed at Fort Ord, Calif.
Waukon Pfc. William Stock is
spending a Christmas furlough with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Stock. He will report Lake Charles,
La., Dec. 30.
~Cedar Rapids Gazette, December 9 & 23, 1951
~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich
Waukon Pfc. Kenneth
Walsh is spending a furlough with his
parents here. He will leave June 9 for Germany.
Sgt. Frederick C. Zimmerman, who served in
Korea more than a year, is spending 30 days furlough
at home. Upon completion of his furlough, he will
report to Fort Sheridan, Ill.
Postville Lt. Allen Olson is
spending a leave with his brother, Clifford Olson,
and his family.
~Cedar Rapids Gazette, May
18, 1952 ~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich
Postville Sgt. Robert
Pearson returned to Washington D. C., last
week after spending a furlough here. Edward
Waters, Y 3/c, who has been serving aboard a
ship in the Pacific, is spending 30 days leave with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Waters. Leo
Schroeder has been promoted to sergeant,
according to word received by his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Schroeder. He is stationed at Victorville,
Calif. Cpl. Hall H. Roberts son of
Mrs. Florence Roberts has returned to the United
States from Germany. He is hospitalized at Valley
Forge army hospital, Phoenixville, Pa. Cpl.
Willis L. Schulz of Camp McCoy, Wis., is
spending a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Emil Schulz. Airman Floyd W. Schulz,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil C. Schulz, is completing his
indoctrination course at Lackland air force base,
Texas. Seaman Donald D. Harris, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Obert Harris, is serving aboard the
USS Helena, a heavy cruiser which has been shelling
Red supply lines, transportation facilities and troop
concentrations in Korea. Sgt. Dale Meyer
is enroute to the States from his Pacific base and
expects to receive his discharge in September
according to word received by his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Meyer. Airman (1/c) Leo R.
Schroeder is spending a 30-day furlough with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Schroeder. He is
stationed at Victorville, Calif.
~Cedar Rapids Gazette, August 10 & 17, 1952
~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich
Waukon Two Waukon navy men
have won promotions. They are John J.
McCormick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
McCormick, promoted to radioman 3/c aboard the USS
Andromeda, an attack cargo ship, and Ronald
Hastings, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester E.
Hastings, promoted to personnel man 1/c aboard the
USS Newman K. Perry, a destroyer. William
Baxter son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Baxter,
who served in Japan for 17 months, will received his
discharge soon. Wayne Kolden has
been discharged from the army.
Postville A 2/c Wayne L. Walter
is attending a school at Scott air base, Ill. He
recently spent a furlough with his parents, Mr. and
Karl Walter. Sgt. Lyle E. Willman,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Willman, is now stationed at
Edwards air base, Calif. Marine Sgt. Jim
Malone is spending 19 days leave here. He is
stationed at Camp Pendleton, Calif. A 2/c
Floyd W. Schulz is now stationed at Camp
Kilmer, N. J. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil
Schulz. Charles H. Heins, aviation
electronic man in the naval air force, has been
awarded the Air Medal for meritorious achievement in
Korea. He was cited for service from Dec. 14, 1951,
to March 5, 1952, while a member of a patrol plane
crew. He completed 20 missions over enemy territory.
Waukon Emmett J. Slattery,
son of Mrs. Mary Slattery, is serving as a hospital
corpsman (1/c) on an LST operating as a part of the
navy amphibious transport division. Kenneth
Halverson, son of Mrs. Murtin Halverson, has
completed his basic training at the Lackland, Texas,
air force base.
Postville Pvt. Roland E. Meyer
has reported to Fort Bliss, Texas, after spending a
furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Meyer. Sgt.
Lillian Erickson has returned to Hamilton
air base, Calif., after spending a 30-day furlough
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Erickson. Lt.
William R. Palmer has returned to Barlingen
air base, Texas, after visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Palmer. Donald E. Bugenhagen,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bugenhagen is attending a
school at San Diego. He has been serving aboard a
hospital ship. Cpl. Donald W. Martins
is now stationed at Red River arsenal, Texarkana,
~Cedar Rapids Gazette, June
23, 1953 ~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich
Waukon Capt.
And Mrs. Frank Tims, with their two sons are
visiting here. Mrs. Tims is the sister of Carolyn and
Dorothy Helming. Capt. Tims, a Korean veteran who has
been stationed at Antwerp, N. Y., will soon be
transferred to Germany. His wife and sons will stay
at Waukon for a few months. Airman 1/c and
Mrs. Dean Bulman recently became parents of
a son in England where Bulman is stationed at
Cambridge. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alton
~Cedar Rapids Gazette, August 16, 1953
~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich
Prisoner of War Cpl. John E.
Ryan, 24, of New Albin got his wish granted
Tuesday night, but it was nearly two years late. Cpl
Ryan was one of 133 Americans who walked through
Freedom Gate in Panmunjom Tuesday evening. Ryan and
two others brought to 40 the number of Iowans freed
by the Communists in the current prisoner exchange.
Cpl. Ryan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett J. Ryan of New
Albin, was a prisoner for 33 months. Nearly two years
ago, after he had been a captive for a year, his
parents received their first letter from him. In that
letter Cpl. Ryan said I hope they bring this
war to a close so we can all go home. That
letter was dated Nov. 22, 1953, and now he is on his
way home. The other two Iowans freed Tuesday night
were Pfc. Frank Briggs, 21 of Des Moines and Cpl.
Louis Stick, Jr., 21, of Davenport. Cpl. Ryan was
graduated from St. Patricks high school in
Waukon. He enlisted in the army in October, 1948, and
served 18 months. He was recalled to active duty
Sept. 19 1950, and was sent to Japan in October. On
Nov. 15 of that year he was sent to Korea where he
was captured on Dec. 3. He has three sisters and a
brother. Cpl. Ryans father said Wednesday that
the family plans a big birthday celebration when his
son returns home. Cpl Ryan was 24 years old last
~Cedar Rapids Gazette, August
26, 1953 ~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich
Postville Edwin A.
Winter. Navy BM-3 is expected to be on leave
and visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Winter in
September. The navy man is now in the United States
after serving in Japan and Korea. Floyd W.
Schulz, airman 2/c, requests that his mail
now be addressed to him c/o P.M. New
Waukon Cpl. Donald *Nelper
son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nelper, is recovering from
an operation performed in Korea.
Monona Mrs. Allen L. Bacon
20, has been named civilian of the week at New
Castle, Del., where she is a clerk and court reporter
for headquarters, 4710th defense wing legal office.
Her husband, an airman 1/c, is assigned to the base
photo lab.
Postville Milo L. Harnack has
been promoted to sergeant first class while serving
with the 15th infantry regiment in Korea.
Waukon Pvt. Bernard J. Dougherty
is visiting here before leaving Monday for Camp
Kilmer, N. J., and then Europe. He has been stationed
at Fort Sill, Okla.
Postville Cpl. Donald W. Martins,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Laska Martins, is at home on a
10-day furlough. He is stationed at Texarkana, Texas.
Staff Sgt. Keith Evert, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Francis Evert, will leave Monday on a return
trip to Germany, where he will be stationed another
~Cedar Rapids Gazette, December 23, 1953
~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich
Names of Korean Prison Deaths
Released by U.S.
Washington - The Defense Department Thursday released
the first list of names of the 1,022 American
servicemen who the Communitsts claim died in Korean
prison camps or escaped. The Defense Department
emphasized it has no verification of the Communist
reports. Next of kin of the soldiers named have been
notified. All on Thursday's list are Army personnel.
Cpl. Wayne D. Austin, son of Charles W. Austin,
Cpl. Alfred J. Martin, son of Mrs. Anna Martin,
Pfc. Roy M. Vickery, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Vickery, Route 1, Postville.
Pvt. Paul R. Roese, son of Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Doese, Pomeroy. [transcription note: the first letter
of Paul's surname is clearly an 'R', and the first
letter of the parent's surname is clearly a 'D']
Pvt. Arden R. Wailes, son of Mrs. Beryl Wailes, 842
Eighth St., Des Moines.
~Holland Evening Sentinel, Holland,
Michigan; Friday, August 14, 1953 ~contributed by S.
Waukon Pvt. Dale E. Williams,
a maintenance and repair man, has been assigned to
the quartermaster depot in Tokyo. Pvt. Robert
Bennett is serving in Korea with the 3rd
infantry division. Pvt. Roger A. Lippe
is serving with the 3rd armored division at Fort
Knox, Ky. Three Waukon solders, Pvt. James R.
Byrnes, Pvt. Dale H. Hesse and Pvt.
Robert J. Stock, have been assigned to the
anti-aircraft artillery replacement training center
at Fort Bliss, Texas, for eight weeks training.
Cpl. Donald Welper, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Welper, has been discharged from the
army. Airman 2/c Kleo M. Westerholm
is now stationed at Lowry air base, Denver. Pvt.
Dan Walsh will report to Columbia, S. C.
after spending a furlough at home. He previously was
stationed at Fort Bliss, Texas. Pvt. Lester
C. Shogren, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Shogren, is now serving in Korea. He is a telephone
communications man. Pvt. Charles Kunpf,
son of Mrs. Martha Kunpf, is serving with 24th
infantry division in Korea. Pvt. Oliver A.
Neuhring has been discharged from the army.
He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Neuhring of
Waterville. Willard Roe, who spent a
furlough at his home here after completing his basic
training at Fort Bliss, Texas, left Friday for Camp
Kilmer, N. J. where he will be assigned to Europe.
Monona Pvt. Arno Schlitter,
who suffered fractured legs in an auto accident while
at home on furlough, is now a patient at Fritzsimmons
army hospital, Denver.
~Cedar Rapids Gazette, January 24, 1954 ~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich
Postville Sgt. John L.
Smith left for Tucson last week to spend a
few days with his parents before reporting to
California for overseas duty. His wife and children
remained here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al.
Winter. Sgt. Leo R. Schroeder, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Schroeder, is enroute to Korea.
Pvt. Gerald Hennesath, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Will Hennesath, is now stationed at Fort
Leonard Wood, N.C.
Waukon Pvt. Delbert Timmerman
is now stationed at Paris, France. He is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Timmerman.
~Cedar Rapids Gazette, May 16, 1954 ~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich
Postville Lowell
Schoeder has been promoted to corporal in
Korea. He is the son of Mrs. Lena Schroeder.
Navy Doctor, McGregor Lt. W.D. Pfeiffer,
who was called into the navy a year ago while
practicing medicine here, has completed training at
the aviation medicine school in Florida and is now on
leave. Lt. Pfeiffer and his family will go to Midway
where he will be stationed.
Waukon Cpl. Wilford J. Schulz
of Dorchester is stationed in Germany with the 9th
infantry division. Richard Boardman
and Pat R. Corrigan are taking basic
air force training at Fort Bliss, Texas. Pvt.
Lyle A. Bechtel is now stationed at Fort
Devans, Mass.
Postville Merle Meyer has
been promoted to sergeant in Korea.
Waukon Duane Cowell, son of
Mr. and Mrs. David Cowell is now serving in
Greenland. Pvt. Donald Leyse is
spending a 15-day furlough from Seattle with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Helmer Leyse. Pvt.
James Hager is now stationed at For Devens,
Mass. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hager. Cpl
Gustave Herman is at home from Camp Carson,
Colo., where he received his discharge. He served 23
months, 17 of them overseas. Pfc. William P.
Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Martin,
recently spent a seven day rest and recuperation
leave in Japan. He is stationed in Korea. Pvt.
Richard Bieber, son of Peter Bieber, is
serving as a repairman in the 964th engineer company
in Germany. James Hager, who served
two years in Japan and Korea, has returned home with
his discharge papers. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Hager. Pvt. Edward Teeling came
home from Fort Chaffee, Ark, last week to attend the
wedding of his sister, Frances Teeling. Pvt.
William Keefe has been discharged from the
service. His brother, Pvt. James Keefe,
is at home on furlough from Fort Jackson, S. C. He is
being transferred to Fort Devens, Mass. They are the
sons of Mr. Esther Keefe. Pvt. Emmet Dowdal
arrived home Thursday from Fort Eustis, Va., for a
brief furlough. He will leave Aug. 6 for overseas
~Cedar Rapids Gazette, July 11 & 29,
1954 ~contributed by Diana Henry
Waukon Sgt. Harry
Wheat and family have returned to Lincoln,
Neb. After a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. H. Wheat. After completing photo school at
Lockbourne air base, Ohio, A 3/c Lloyd
Schulte son of Mr. and Mrs. John Schulte of
Dorchester, has been transferred to Ramey air base,
Puerto Rico. Cpl. Robert Weber has
been awarded the Good Conduct medal for Aug. 6, 1952
to July 25, 1954. He is serving with the 38th anti
aircraft artillery battalion at Fort Story, Va.
Postville Robert Henning has
been promoted to corporal with the army at Budingen,
Germany. Airman Dale R. Muchow is
now stationed at Lackland air base, San Antonio,
Texas. Leslie C. Jahnke has been
promoted to corporal with the army in the Pacific
Pvt. Eugene Dreier is now stationed at Wonja, Korea. Sgt.
Lillian Erickson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Erickson, has been discharged from the WAF. Pvt.
Lloyd M. Bigler, who has been visiting here,
left Friday for Fort Jackson, N. C., for
reassignment. Lt. William R. Palmer
of Hurlingen air base, Texas, is spending a leave
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Palmer.
~Cedar Rapids Gazette, August 8, 1954 ~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich
Postville Pvts. Thomas
Hogan, Ralph Gunderson and Donald
Olson returned to Fort Know Ky. After
spending Christmas at home. Pvt. Allen Meier
returned to Fort Ord. Calif., after a holiday leave
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cloy Meier. A
3/c Dale Muchow is now stationed at Parks
air base, Calif. Pvt. Oran Engelhardt
has returned to Fort Bliss, Texas, after spending a
furlough at home. Pvt. Robert S. Heckman,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Arbie Heckman, is stationed at
Fort Monmouth, N. J. Donald E. Bugenhagen
has been promoted to petty officer second class
aboard the USS Consolation in the Pacific. He is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bugenhagen. Eugene
Severn has returned to Bryan air base, Texas
after spending a furlough with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Severn. Pfc. Eugene Dreier
is now serving in Korea. Norman A. Schroder
of the US Naval Air Center, San Diego, is spending 30
days leave at home with his mother, Mrs. Lena
~Cedar Rapids Gazette, January 9, 1955 ~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich
Waukon A 2/c Richard
Flaucher, who has been transferred from West
Palm Beach, Fla., to Scott air base, Ill., visited
here last weekend. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Flaucher, now live in Anamosa. Mr. and Mrs. James
McCormick have two sons in service. Pvt.
James McCormick is with the army at Fort
Leonard Wood; Mo. Pvt. John McCormick
is at Camp Chaffee, Ark. Robert Hansmeier,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Hansmeier, has been
appointed assistant clerk of his recruit company at
Great Lakes, Ill. Lt. and Mrs. James Malooney,
who recently returned from Pusan, Korea, visited his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Maloney. Cpl.
And Mrs. James Zeimet have returned to Fort
Benning, Ga., after furlough here.
Postville - Pfc. Ralph D. Gunderson,
son of Mrs. Alma Gunderson, is stationed in France. Robert
D. Fadness has been promoted to engineman
third class. Pvt. Milo F. Heins, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Roland L. Heins, recently was
graduated from the general carpentry course at the
specialist school, Ford Leonard Wood, Mo.
Waukon Pvt. James Knox, who
is enroute from Fort Carson, Colo., to Aberdeen
Proving Grounds, Md., is visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Francis Knox, for 10 days. SP 3/c
Thomas Campbell, who is stationed in
Germany, traveled to Fatima, Portugal, on furlough
recently. Pvt.. Virgil C. Herman,
son of Alice Herman, is stationed at Camp Chaffee,
Ark. Pvt. Edward Strabley, who was
stationed on Okinawa, has been discharged. George
Cowell, who served with the army in Germany,
has been discharged.
~Cedar Rapids Gazette, December 4, 1955 ~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich
Waukon Sgt. and Mrs.
Harris Evans are holiday guests of their
parents, Mrs. Joseph Evans and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Welper. Sgt. Evans is stationed at Fort Leonard Wood,
Mo. Also at home for Christmas is James
Johnson, son of Mrs. Jean Johnson. He is
stationed at Lackland air force base, San Antonio. Sgt.
Patrick OMalley, son of Mrs. Francis
Flynn has been discharged after service in Japan. Richard
P. Denny, SA, is attending naval radio
school at Norfolk, Va. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Denny.
Postville Lt. Col. and Mrs. Robert C.
Bachtell have been visiting in the home of
his father, Ralph Bachtell. The Bachtells are enroute
from Texas to Columbus, Ohio. Charles L.
Schulz who is serving with the navy, is home
on leave.
~Cedar Rapids Gazette, December 25, 1955 ~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich
Postville Pvt. Jerome
Schulz son of Mr. and Mrs. Malin Schulz, has
enlisted in the marine reserve. He is now at San
Diego. A 3/c Leslie Vickery is now
stationed at Sheppard air base, Texas. Pfc.
Oran A. Engelhardt of Norfolk, Va., expects
to be discharged about Feb. 1. Sgt. Wayne
Walter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Walter has
returned home from the Far East. He was stationed in
Waukon Sp 3/c Victor Evanson
of Fort Huchuca, Ariz., is home on 23 days
furlough. He is the son of Bessie Evanson of Harpers
Ferry. Cpt. Robert Van Brockin, who
was stationed in Germany, has been discharged from
the army. Thomas Campbell, who was
stationed in Germany, has been discharged from
service. Ronald Engelhardt, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Philmen Engelhardt, is taking navy boot
training at Great Lakes, Ill. Joseph Hartley,
so of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hartley is receiving
marine basic training at San Diego. Donald J.
Henry is now stationed at Parks air base,
Calif. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Henry. Capt.
Mary Plein is at home from Korea, where she
served 16 months in an army hospital. At the end of
her 30 day leave she will report at Fort Riley, Kan.
for reassignment. Pvt. Ernest Lundtved
recently was graduated from an army radio school in
Germany. He is serving in the 6th infantry regiment. Robert
Hansmeier is stationed with the Pacific
Fleet at Pearl Harbor. AD 2/c Ralph
OMear, son of Mrs. Celia OMeara,
has returned to the States from Japan and is awaiting
his discharge in California after four years service.
Hardan Herman, son of the Roland
Hermans, is in training at the Parks, Calf, air force
base. He recently enlisted for a four-year term.
~Cedar Rapids Gazette, January 22, 1956 ~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich
Postville Philip M.
Hofer, whose wife, Linda, and son live in
Postville, has been promoted to specialist third
class with the Seventh infantry division in Korea. Frank
Roberts, son of Mrs. Florence Roberts, has
been discharged from the army. He had been serving
with an airborne division at Fort Bragg, N.C.
Waukon Patrick Byrnes, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Garland Byrnes of Dorchester, is
stationed at For Lewis, Wash.
~Cedar Rapids Gazette, September 23, 1956 ~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich
Postville Thomas Hogan,
who was stationed at Fort Knox, Ky., with the army,
has been discharged. He served in the arctic area
distributing supplies. Robert A. Doering
has been promoted to private first class with the
marines at San Diego. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Doering.
Waukon Pvt. Leslie Straate is
spending a furlough from Fort Bliss, Texas, with his
mother, Mrs. Addie Straate. Colleen
ORiley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
ORiley, will report Oct. 24 at Newport, R. I.
for service in the Waves
~Cedar Rapids Gazette, October 7, 1956 ~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich

Pvt. Kenneth G.R. Brainard
Army Pvt.
Kenneth G.R. Brainard, whose wife, Janice,
lives on Rout 2, Postville, recently qualified as a
paratrooper at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, after
completing the 82nd Airborne Division's Jump school.
Brainard received his parachutist's wings after
completing the five-week course, which included five
training jumps. His father Elmer L. Brainard, lives
in Castalia.
~Postville Herald, Wednesday, November 7,
1956 ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson
~Notes: Kenneth G.R. Brainard 09/11/1936-10/07/2010,
and his wife Janice (VanWey) Brainard, are buried in
the Lena Burial Park cemetery, Stephenson co.,
Illinois. Gravestone photo. His parents, Elmer & Elsie (Schave)
Brainard are buried in the Minert (Post twp.)
cemetery, Allamakee co.
Special to The Gazette, DECORAH - Four northeast
Iowans have enlisted in the navy, the recruiting
station here announced last week. They are: Howard
Sorum, son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sorum of
Waukon; Martin Holten, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Martin Holten of Calmar; Gordon
Krambeer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Krambeer of Decorah; Merlin Bakken,
son of Mr. and Mrs. henry Bakken of Decorah.
They will train at San Diego.
~newspaper (probably Cedar Rapids Gazette)
clipping, hand-dated February 3, 1957, from my
mother's scrap book collection ~contributed by
Mary Durr
Postville Roger D. Lawson,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Cloy Lawson, has been promoted
from SP3 to SP4. He is stationed at Fort Lewis, Wash.
~Cedar Rapids Gazette, August 31, 1958 ~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich
SERVICE NEWS - Lansing -- Warren
Leyde of Lansing is taking two weeks
training with the Naval Reserves aboard the carrier Wasp.
He is on leave from his job as engineer at the
Interstate Power Company Plant here.
~Dubuque Telegraph-Herald, February 26, 1959
~contributed by Errin Wilker
Postville Robert E.
Harrington, air attaché to the American
embassy in Japan, has been made a colonel Col.
Harrington, a native of Postville, and the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Byrus E. Harrington, attended Cornell
College from 1935 to 1937 and then attended West
Point from which he graduated in 1943. He has served
in China and has been air attaché in Tokyo since
Jan., 1955. He and his wife have 4 sons.
Waukon Richard Delaney, son
of Alice Delaney, has been promoted to airman second
class at Castle air force base, Calif.
~Cedar Rapids Gazette, April 6, 1959 ~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich
Postville A 2/c John
V. Heckman returned to Whiteman air force
base, Mo., after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Arbie Heckman.
~Cedar Rapids Gazette, August 9, 1959 ~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich
Waukon Airman Leo J.
Delaney has returned home after serving
~Cedar Rapids Gazette, September 13, 1959 ~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich
Waukon A/2/c John
Martin has arrived home from England, where
he has been stationed with the air force for 3 years.
He now goes to Madison, Wis., where he will be
discharged. Pvt. Thomas Casey,
stationed with the signal corps at Camp Gordon, Ga.,
is home on a 15-day leave with his parents, the Ed
~Cedar Rapids Gazette, December 27, 1959 ~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich
Waukon Pvt. Raymond J.
Dougherty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett G.
Dougherty, is scheduled to complete his army reserve
training April 9 at Fort Eustis, Va.
~Cedar Rapids Gazette, February 7, 1960 ~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich
Postville Gary E.
Ewing and James Fadness,
recently inducted into the navy, are stationed at San
Diego. John F. Gericke, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Milo Gericke, recently inducted into
service, is with Co. 218, Recruit Training Command,
U.S. Naval training center, San Diego. Col.
and Mrs. Robert E. Harrington and family of
Washington, D.C., are visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Cy Harrington.
Waukon AA Kenneth J. Gruber,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Harris Gruber, recently graduated
from aviation familiarization school at the Naval Air
Technical training center at Memphis, Tenn. Joseph
L. Delaney, 22, has completed tractor
operation and mechanics course at the armys
European engineerineer and ordinance school in
Nurnau, Germany. SN Roger Lippes is
spending a 30-day leave at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Lippes. His tour of duty has
included Spain, Italy, France and Greece since last
October. He will report for naval school at
Bainbridge, Md., at the end of his leave.
~Cedar Rapids Gazette, June 19, 1960 ~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich
Waukon John H. Jenkins,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Jenkins, has been
promoted to private first class in El Paso, Texas,
where he is assigned to the William Beaumont general
Waukon David M. Colsch, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy L. Colsch, has been graduatied
from naval recruit training at San Diego.
Dorchester Ronald S. Beardmore,
naval airman apprentice, son of Mr. and Mrs Calvin
Beardmore, route 2, has been graduated from the
aviation familiarization course at Memphis, Tenn.
Waukon Louis Glister, son of
the Earl Glisters, has enlisted in the navy. He is
stationed at San Diego. Robert Grady,
son of the Francis Gradys, has re-enlisted in the
navy. He has been sent to San Diego. Boyd
Jeglum, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Jeglum,
has enlisted in the army. He is at Fort Leonard Wood,
~Cedar Rapids Gazette, November 6 & 13,
1960 ~contributed by Diana Henry
Postville Wayne V. Schroeder,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Schroeder, has been
promoted from specialist-4 to sergeant. He is
stationed in Washington, D.C., with the army.
Waukon Pvt. Leander O. Bresser,
son of the John Bressers, has arrived in Germany. He
is assigned to the 84th artillery second missile
battalion. Boyd Jeglum, son of the
James Jeglums, has completed a metal working course
at Fort Dix, N.J. Army Second Lt. Earl F.
Gruber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gruber, has
completed the missile officer orientation course at
Fort Bliss, Texas. Bernard Stone,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Stone, has enlisted in
the army for 3 years. He has been sent to Fort Riley,
Postville Robert Meyer, son
of the Robert Meyers, has been promoted to airman
second class at Forbes air force base, Kan. Joseph
R. Ball, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo R. Ball, is
spending a leave with his parents. He is stationed at
San Diego and was recently graduated from 9 weeks of
recruit training.
Waukon Neil White has been
discharged from the navy. He is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest White. He and his family will live in
Bayside, Va. Kenneth Gruber, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Harris Gruber, has been graduated from
the aviation electronics technical school at Memphis,
~Cedar Rapids Gazette, March 12, 1961 ~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich
2 New Albin Youths Enlist in Regular
Lynn J. Sires, 19, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond G. Sires, New Albin, enlisted in the
Regular Army for three years on January 15, 1963.
Lynn graduated from Kee High School at Lansing with
the 1962 class, and spent this past summer trapping
on the Mississippi River, and helping his father with
the bulk oil business in the New Albin area. Lynn
enlisted under the U.S. Army's buddy plan with Clyde
H. Cremer, 20, so of Mr. and Mrs. Victor W.
Cremer, also of New Albin. Clyde graduated from New
Albin High School in 1960, and was employed at the DX
service station in New Albin at the time of his
enlistment. Both Lynn and Clyde enlisted under the
Army's "Choice, Not Chance" program for
"ArmorEurope", both men being
presented with a written guarantee for their
assignment to the U.S. Army's elite tank corps, with
assignment in Europe. They were sent to Fort Leonard
Wood, MO, for their basic training. M/Sgt. Jeffries,
U.S. Army counselor for this area, assisted with
their enlistment. His office is at Decorah.
~newspaper clipping, dand-dated 1963 ~contributed by
Errin Wilker
Pfc. Jerry Plagge Stationed in
Jerry Plagge, 18-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Norbert Plagge of New Albin, is now
stationed in Cambodia. Jerry enlisted in Nov. of
1966, graduated from Kee High School in May of 1967,
and left immediately for Fort Campbell, KY., for
basic training. After 12 weeks of advanced schooling
at Fort McClellan, AL, he received a 30-day leave,
and then reported to Fort Lewis, WA. He arrived in
Cambodia on Nov. 14.

~newspaper clipping, dand-dated 1967
~contributed by Errin Wilker