updated 02/11/2025

Military Records Index

Allamakee co. Honor Roll
Men & Women who served in WWII

Surnames N-R

Surnames A-C * Surnames D-F * Surnames G-J * Surnames K-M * Surnames S-T * Surnames U-Z

Do you have a photo or notes to add for any of these men or women? Additional names?
Send to the Allamakee co. coordinator for inclusion on this page. Please include residence in Allamakee co., birth/death dates, branch of military, etc.


Residence Notes
Nachtwey, Robert A. DR Lansing Major. US Army, 315th Medical Battalion, 90th Infantry Division. Awarded the Silver Star. s/o Franz & Lucinda Nachtwey. Obituary
Nagel, John A. Waukon  
Nagel, Robert J. Waukon  
Nelson, Alden I. Waukon  
Nelson, Clarence R. Waukon  
Nelson, Russell M. Waukon  
Neuman / Neumann, Everett New Albin  
Neumann, George LeRoy

New Albin US Marine Corps, 1st Marine Division; Private. Killed in action at Okinawa on May 2, 1945. His body was returned to the U.S. and re-buried at Peace Evangelical & Reform Cemetery, Crooked Creek, Houston co. Minn. in 1949. Obituary

Photo & obituary contributed by Erin Wilker

Neumann, Walter Henry New Albin U.S. Army, Pacific Theatre. Awarded a Bronze Star. Also served in the Reserves. Died 1959, and buried in Wheatland cemetery. Obituary
Neverman, Earl W. Waukon  
Newbauer, Kenneth W. Waukon  
Newton, Lloyd Merle Waukon / Manchester, Delaware co. US Navy. He was a cook and baker at Pearl Harbor, 1944-1945. Following his discharge from the service he was a long-time resident of Allamakee co. Obituary
Nierling, Arthur W. Waukon / Union Prairie US Army. He was drafted into service, April 1941.
Nipper, Elvin Waukon  
Nipper, Norman E. 'Nip' Waukon Junction US Army. Obituary
Noack, August G. Waukon  
Nolte, Leo L. Waukon  
Nolte, Lester W. Waukon  
Normann, James P. Waukon  
Norton, Joseph T. Waukon US Army, TEC 5, Company D, 409th Infantry. Saw duty in Rome, Southern France, Rhineland, Central Europe and Sicily. Obituary
O'Brien, John Gordon Waukon US Army. Called to active duty in November 1940. Served in various capacities until he retired in 1953. He received many decorations and medals throughout his career. His obituary gives many details of his service.
O'Brien, Leonard Waukon  
O'Brien, Raymond Cyril

Harpers Ferry US Army. He saw combat action in Northern Europe. Married Mary Irene Cavanaugh of Harpers Ferry, who served in the war as a WAVE. Obituary
Odegard, Alf T. Waterville  
Oelberg, Andrew J. Postville / Waukon Private First Class. He trained at Camp White and Camp Adair, Oregon, before going to Africa, where he was stationed for two months before going to Italy. He died September 14, 1944 of wounds received in action in Italy. Obituary
Oelberg, George R. Luana/Waukon US Army. s/o Albert J. & Emma Oelberg. Obituary
Oleson, Roy Postville  
Olloff, Arthur L. Lansing  
Olloff, Cornelius W. Lansing US Army, European Theater. s/o William & Mary Olloff. Obituary
Olloff, Donald L.

Lansing Staff Sergeant, Army Signal Corps, Service #6933464. In the 1930 US census he is living with parents Elmer & Elsie (Inman) Olloff and twin brother Richard, age 10. Died as a Japanese POW on Corrigidor Island, Philippines (site of the forced march known as the "Battan Death March" that occurred in mid-April 1942.  The island fell to the Japanese on May 6, 1942 and the men and women (many nurses) were taken prisoner. Donald Olloff was taken prisoner on May 7th and died in camp #504 on May 17, 1942.  The POW's taken by the Japanese were tortured and more than 40% died. ~contributed by S. Ferrall

Obituary & photo contributed by Errin Wilker

Olloff, Lloyd D. Lansing  
Olloff, Richard L. Lansing U.S. Army. Served in France. Twin brother of Donald Olloff.
Olsen, Joseph B. Lansing Sgt. T-4, US Army, served in the Philippines. s/o Berger & Jeanette Olsen. Obituary.
Olson, Alton Morris Harpers Ferry US Navy, duty in the South Pacific and Philippines. Obituary
Olson, Alvin Helmer Paint Creek twp. USNR, S-1; 07/13/1913-07/14/1965, buried Old West Paint Creek cemetery
Olson, Arnold S. Waukon US Army Air Corps. Obituary
Olson, Curtis Evelyn Lansing US Army Air Force, he left for the service the day after his high school graduation in 1944 and served in the European Theater in Germany. Discharged in 1946 with the rank of sergeant. Obituary & photo
Olson, Irvin J.

Postville US Army Air Corps, Sergeant. He enlisted in December 1943 and was an Aerial Engineer Gunner on a B-17 bomber. He was taken prisoner in December 1944 and held in a German camp in Nuenberg until April 1945. s/o Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Olson, Rt 1, Postville.
Olson, Leon Kenneth Postville US Navy. S-2C, Radar Operator. Served for 2 years aboard the APA 168 Gage in the Pacific.

George L. Potter (R) and his shipmate, Leon K. Olson (L). George L. Potter Sr. died in 1992 in Bogalusa, La.
~photo contributed by the daughters of George Potter SR


Olson, Lornas Taylor twp. US Army. According to the 1944 obit of his mother Sophia, he served overseas.
Olson, Robert Waukon  
Olson, Sever H. Lansing  
O'Malley, Dennis James Lansing US Navy. Obituary
O'Malley, Patrick Waukon U.S. Army Air Corps; served in the European theatre. Obituary
O'Malley, Robert J. Lansing Entered service June 25, 1942; reported missing in action in France Aug. 8, 1944. Son of James O'Malley
O'Meara, James R. Waukon  
O'Meara, Paul D. Waukon  
O'Neill, Patrick H. Lansing  
O'Neill, Robert J. Waukon  
O'Neill, Stephen Lansing  
O'Nell, John H. Waukon  
Onsager, Arnold Irving Waukon US Army. Rifleman & Dog handler. He served in Hawaii, Christmas Island and Palmyre Island. Obituary & photo
Onsager, Joseph Waukon  
Onsager, Marvin O. Canoe twp. Winneshiek co. / Postville US Army Air Corps, 558th Bomber Squadron. s/o Martin & Olga Onsager, he lived for several years in Postville. Obituary
Onsager, Michael J. Waukon  
Opfer, Carl S. Postville  
Opfer, Clarence Waukon  
Opsand, Ruth Marie Gunder, Clayton co. / Postville WAVES, enlisted 1944. Attended the Naval Training School in the Bronx, N.Y. Was a Pharmacists Mate, U.S. Navy when discharged in 1946. Daughter of Harold Opsand, graduated from Postville HS in 1938. She was married in the 1955 to Edward Edblad. Ruth died June 8, 2001 in Hillsboro, Wis. & is buried in the Marion Lutheran church cemetery, Gunder. Obituary
Opsand, Velma Hildur Gunder, Clayton co. / Postville WAVES, enlisted 1944. Attended the Naval Training School in the Bronx, N.Y. Daughter of Harold Opsand, graduated from Postville HS in 1936. Married to Morris Amundson in 1948. She died in 1990 & is buried in the Marion Lutheran cemetery, Gunder. Obituary
O'Regan, Felix Joseph Waukon  
O'Riley, Frederick C. Jr. 'Fred'

Waukon U.S. Army Air Force, 1st Lieutenant; flew with a bomber group that shot down 129 Japanese fighters and bombers during the New Guinea campaign, 1st Lt O'Riley, pilot of one of the bombers, was credited with taking down one of the Japanese planes. Awarded the air medal for "meritorious achievement" while participating in aerial flights.

~photo is from the Dubuque Telegraph-Herald, March 11, 1943

O'Riley, Vernon E.

Waukon US Navy, Lieutenant Commander; served 27 years from 1944-1971 in WWII, Korea and Vietnam.
O'Toole, Thomas REV Waukon  
Owen, Evan J. Postville US Air Force. Born in Williamsburg, Iowa, s/o Vincent P. & Mary E. Owen, he lived for several years in Postville. Obituary
Owen, Harley Duane Postville/Frankville US Army, Signal Corps. Served in Puerto Rico. s/o Eugene & Melissa Owen. Obituary
Palmer, Gerald Keith Waukon Junction US Army, surgical tech aboard the MS Pennant, an Army troop transport. Obituary & photo
Palmer, Lee H. Waukon  
Palmer, Lloyd 'Buddie' JR

Postville US Navy. Commissioned Ensign, July 1944. s/o Mr. & Mrs. L.E. Palmer.
Palmer, Merton F. Waukon  
Paulson, Henry John Postville US Army. s/o Ernst & Alma Paulsen. Obituary
Pearson, Floyd S. Harpers Ferry  
Pearson, Robert 'Bob' Postville US Navy
Peck, LeRoy D. Waukon  
Peckham, Neil Postville US Navy. Served aboard the battleship, USS Wisconsin, in the Pacific. s/o Mrs. Ruby Peckham.
Pederson, Amos J. Waterville  
Pederson, Warren Gabriel Waterville   US Navy. Obituary
Pederson, Wendel Adonis Monona, Clayton co. US Navy. Apprentice seaman. Killed in action August 22, 1942, aboard the USS Ingraham. Father, Alfred O. Peterson, RFD, Monona. He has a memorial gravestone in the I.O.O.F. cemetery, Rossville. It is inscribed "Buried at Sea"
Peters, Dayton W. Monona, Clayton co.  
Peterson, Duane Postville? US Navy. Served aboard the USS Silverstein, a destroyer escort in the Pacific.
Peterson, Harold W. Waukon US Navy, served in the Pacific Islands. Obituary
Peterson, Myron G. Dorchester Pfc.; wounded in the Pacific Theatre April 1943; s/o George M. Peterson
Peterson, Roy C. Waterville PVT 32nd Engineers. Gravestone
Peyton, Terrence New Albin U.S. Army. Obituary
Phillips, George W. Waukon  
Pierce, Donald D. Lansing  
Pierce, Harry Waukon  
Plein, Francis E. 'Frank' Waukon US Air Force. Served in the Pacific theatre and in New Guinea. Obituary
Plein, George K. Waukon  
Plein, James C. Waukon Medic, US Army, 168th Infantry, 34th Division. Awarded a Silver Star. s/o Anton & Mary Plein. Obituary
Plummer, Donald L. Waukon  
Poesch, Leslie Edward Postville Sergeant, U.S. Army. Served in France. Obituary
Poesch, Lyle C. Postville US Navy. Seaman; Co. A., Sec 3, N.T.S. His name is on a bronze plaque containing "the names of Allamakee county's World War II dead" that was placed at the court house by the Waukon Commercial Club in 1948. He died of a medical condition in hospital in Illinois in January 1944. Buried Oakland cemetery. Obituary
Pohlman, Elmer L. New Albin  
Pottratz, Dell B. Waukon US Navy. s/o Leo and Cecil Pottratz. Obituary
Pottratz, Floyd J. New Albin   s/o August & Alvina Pottratz. Obituary
Pottratz, Milton M. Lansing  
Pratt, Charles J. Waukon  
Pratt, James Francis Waukon Received the purple heart for injuries received in WWII. Obituary
Price, Edwin Ivor Waukon US Navy, serving on ships in the Atlantic and Pacific theater from 1941-45. Obituary
Protsman, John E. 'Pinky' Lansing WWII veteran (service branch unknown) Obituary
Protsman, Lawrence Lansing Army Air Corps. s/o Albert & Ferne Protsman. Obituary & photo
Protsman, Norbert M. Lansing  
Pryslupski, John J. Waukon.  
Pugh, Wayne G. Lansing  
Purrington, Herman Monona, Clayton co.  
Quandahl, Emery Waukon  
Quandahl, Nels J. Waukon  
Quanrude, Harris Decorah, Winneshiek co.  
Quillian, D.J. New Albin  
Quillin, Benedict J. Harpers Ferry  
Quillin, Earl E.

Waukon US Army, Private, 513th Parachute Infantry, 17th Airborne Division. Killed in action in Belgium January 7, 1945. Buried in plot X, row 99, grave 999, Luxembourg American Cemetery, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg. Parents, Edward & Grace (Ronan) Quillin, Waukon. Earl E. Quillin was born Feb. 20, 1924; graduated from St. Patrick HS in Waukon & attended Loras College in Dubuque. He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal posthumously "For heroic action against the enemy on 7 January 1945. Private Quillin aided in forestalling an enemy attack with supporting armor by attacking a tank with a light machine gun. He was severely wounded by machine gun and artillery fire from the tank, but pressed his assault, forcing the tank to withdraw. Private Quillin's courage and performance was clearly beyond the call of duty and in keeping with the highest traditions of the service." He also was awarded a Purple Heart.
Quinn, John W. Waukon  
Quinn, Joseph H. Waukon  
Rademaker, Dale Waukon Navy
Ralston, Gerald Lee Rossville US Army, Tech. 24th Medical Battalion, serving in the US and Japan. s/o Earl & Phoena Ralston. Obituary
Rappe, Gayhard J. Lansing  
Rathbun, Hartley Harpers Ferry  
Rathbun, Kenneth L. Harpers Ferry / Waterville US Army. Served in Italy and North Africa. Obituary
Reburn, John W. New Albin  
Reburn, Joseph Matthew New Albin US Army Air Corps, Staff-sergeant; Served with the 8th Air Force in Black Pool, England.
News clipping from the New Albin newspaper ca1945, contributed by Errin Wilker:
The Ed. Reburn family of this city are now having the pleasure of enjoying a visit from their son and brother, S-Sgt. Joseph Reburn of the U.S. Army, who arrived home Friday morning from the east coast on his first furlough and a visit to the old hometown since January, 1942. Joe has been with the U.S.T.A.A.F. in the British Isles for thirty-three months. He enlisted on January 13, 1942, receiving training at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., and at Hunter's Field, Savannah, Ga., being sent overseas the latter part of May, 1942. Joe has had many experiences and could tell a load of news, but in our talk with him did not mention much except he really liked it real well in England and found the English people hospitable. Sgt. Reburn has a 30-day furlough and has many relatives and friends to visit while home. He looks fine and his many New Albin friends are more than pleased to see him again.
Reed, Bruce T. Lansing  
Reed, Closse A. Postville  
Reeder, Donald E. Rossville Fireman 1st Class, U.S. Navy. Entered service in 1943. Was assigned to a patrol fleet operating between New York and Bermuda when killed. His name is on a bronze plaque containing "the names of Allamakee county's World War II dead" that was to be placed at the court house by the Waukon Commercial Club in 1948. Buried 1920 Addition, Oakland cemetery. Obituary
Reeder, Melvin Vincent

Waukon US Army. This article & the photo appeared in a 1980 Waukon newspaper:
"When Mel Reeder blew "taps" at Monday’s Memorial Day celebration in Waukon, it marked the 30th year that he had done so for the local American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars posts. That’s Post 62 of the Legion and Post 4117 of the VFW. A World War II veteran, Reeder was inducted Sept. 11, 1942, and discharged Feb. 11, 1946. After basic training at Camp Wallace in Texas, he played trumpet with the 154th Army Ground Force band, attached to the infantry. His most memorable experience as a bugler locally? "One time, we had a military funeral, and it was about 20 degrees below zero. When it came time to play the taps, the valves were frozen on my trumpet. I played it with first and second valves, so I had to change keys where I needed no valves." When Reeder plays for Memorial Day, someone echoes and there has been a whole succession of mostly high school trumpeters who have filled that role. In recognition of his efforts, Reeder soon will be presented with a life membership in the American Legion, Ralph D. Waters Post No. 62." ~contributed by Errin Wilker. Buried in Oakland cemetery. Obituary
Regan, Daniel Edmund Waukon US Navy - Fleet Marine Force, 9th Marines-Third Marine Division. Served in Bouganville, Marshall Islands, Guadalcanal & Guam. s/o Daniel J. & Kathry Regan. Obituary.
Regan, James Joseph Waukon Aviation radioman 3rd class, USNR. Mother, Mrs. Angela Kathryn Howes, 25 Sackett Street, Waukon
Regan, Joseph M. Waukon US Army Air Force. s/o Jerry & Katherine (Coyle) Regan. Obituary
Regan, Lawrence Paint Creek / Hanover / Jefferson twps. US Navy, Seaman 2nd Class; served "somewhere in the South Pacific" (1944); brother of Raymond
Regan, Leo P. Waukon Tec 5, DNB
Regan, Raymond

Paint Creek / Hanover / Jefferson twps. US Army, private; slightly wounded in France July 8, 1944; s/o Hugh Regan of Dubuque. Entered the service in 1943 from Dubuque. Prior to moving to Dubuque he lived in Waukon.

~photo is from the Dubuque Telegraph-Herald, August 2, 1944

~1940 census: the family is in Paint Creek twp.; in 1930 Hanover twp. & in 1925 Jefferson twp.

Reid, Richard J. Waukon  
Reinhardt, Lorence Emmett

Pvt Lorence Reinhardt

St. Olaf, Clayton co. US Army. s/o Lorence & Emma Reinhardt. He lived in Postville for many years. Obituary

~ photo is from the Postville Herald, Wed., August 29, 1945, contributed by Reid R. Johnson

Rekward, William F. Postville  
Rethwisch, Bernard P. Lansing  
Richards, Bernet F. New Albin US Army. s/o Ernest & Marie Richards. Obituary
Richards, Robert New Albin  
Richie, Leland G. Lansing  
Richter, G.B. Waukon Captain; was a Waukon attorney before entering the service; in July 1944 was assigned to the New York City Selective Servie Headquarters as chief of the legal division
Rigdon, Robert Joseph Waukon B-24 pilot, served in the China-Burma-India Theater. Obituary
Rikos, James J.


Radio Operator. Died Dec. 29, 1943. Stationed at Canton Island in the South Pacific region, he was a crewmember on a plane, which took off on a routine flight from Makin Island bound for Baker Island. The aircraft never arrived at its destination. A year after he was declared missing in action, the Navy had officially declared him killed in action. Born, Chicago, Illinois; moved to Waukon with his mother, Mrs. William (Angela) Howes, as a young child; graduate Waukon HS, 1940.

Riley, Vincent T. Waukon  
Roache, Lester Harpers Ferry  
Roffman, Leonard Lee Waukon Private 1st class, US Army, 28th Infantry. Saw action in the Ardennes, Rhineland & Central Europe. Served Dec 1943 to Dec 1945. Obituary
Robbins, Alvin Waukon U.S. Navy, cook; served in the South Pacific; the Dubuque Telegraph-Herald, 4/13/1943: "is a patient at a base hospital in San Francisco, suffering from a fractured leg and back injury sustained on duty in the South Pacific."; s/o Bert Robbins
Robbins, John A. Waukon  
Robbins, William T. Waukon  
Robinson, Elmer J. Harpers Ferry  
Robinson, Leo J. Harpers Ferry US Army. He was drafted into service, April 1941.
Robinson, Marcus John Harpers Ferry U.S. Army. Entered service 11/16/1942, separated 1/20/1945. Overseas 5/14/1943-0/1/1944. Died 1/6/1978. Buried St. Joseph/Paint Rock cemetery.
Roe, Doris Lansing  
Roeder, Clyde H. JR Lansing  
Roedl, Frank Joseph Postville US Navy. s/o Frank & Betty Roedl, he was born in Montana. Lived in Postville many years. Obituary & photo
Roese, Leo Postville  
Roethler, Walace Edward 'Waly' Howard co. IA/Waukon US Navy, Seaman First Class. Served in the Pacific Theatre. Born in Elma, IA, he lived in Waukon for many years. Obituary
Roldson, Edwin L. Waterville Obituary
Rominger, John Waukon  
Rongstad, Alfred Waterville  
Rooney, Francis J. Hanover twp. US Army, serving in Japan. Born in South Dakota, he attended schools in Hanover twp. s/o James F. & Margaret (McGeough) Rooney, he was a brother of George C. Rooney. Obituary
Rooney, George C. Waukon s/o James F. & Margaret (McGeough) Rooney, he was a brother of Francis J. Rooney.
Root, Tilden New Albin  
Rose, LaVerne Arbie Postville US Army Air Force 1942-1946. Instructor in an Army Technical school & at Ladd Air Force Base in Alaska. Obituary & Photo
Rosendahl, Norman H. Dorchester / Waukon US Army. Tech 4, combat engineers. Saw duty in New Guinea, Japan and the Philippines. Earned the Bronze Star for his service. Obituary & photo
Roth, Almon New Albin  
Roth, Hannes New Albin  
Rouster, Irvin Mathias New Albin US Navy, Coxswain on the USS Philippine Sea. He also served on the USS Mayama, the USS Daniel, The USS Wyoming, and the USS Springfield. Obituary
Rouster, Leo N. New Albin "From AAA Engineer Command in Italy: Corporal Leo N. Rouster of New Albin, Iowa, who has served overseas the past 33 months with the veteran 815th Engineer Aviation Battalion building airfields for Allied planes in the Mediterranean Theater of Operations, will soon return to the U.S. with his unit." and "Cpl. Leo Rouster arrived here last Thursday morning after an absence of about three years in the Air Corps, 33 months of which were spent overseas as a member of the 815th Eng. Avn. Bn. He is on a 30 days furlough and spending it with relatives and friends hereabouts. at present a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thimmesch. Leo wears four battle stars on his overseas ribbons, having served in Africa, Sicily and Italy and worked on more than 70 different airfields before returning to the States to be re-equipped for participation in the war against Japan. He was inducted into the service in June, 1942 and after training at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., was sent over to England where his outfit completed the first huge 8th Air Force Base. He arrived back in the States May 25th and out to Jefferson Barracks May 29th, from where he received his furlough home and to where he reports again for re-assignment. He looks fine and surely glad to get home even for what seems like a short time." ~undated New Albin newspaper clippings, contributed by Errin Wilker. Obituary
Rouster, Viola Katherine New Albin Women’s Army Air Corps (WAAC), served 09/01/1943-09/30/1945. Married Norman Wiemerslage in 1953. Obituary

Miss Viola K. Rouster, 21 year old daughter of Mr. Peter Rouster left Saturday, Dec. 26th, for Dayton Beach, Florida, where she will go into training with the WAAC. She is one of the few from Allamakee County to join and was sworn into the army October 4th at Des Moines. ~news clipping, undated, from Errin Wilker

Rubendall, Donald Larry Waukon / Luana, Clayton co. US Army. First Lieutenant. Saw action in Germany and at the Battle of the Bulge. Obituary & photo
Ruckdaschel, LaVern Postville US Army. Sergeant. Radio Operations Signal Corps. He saw service in England, France, Belgium and Germany. Awarded the E.T.O. ribbon, American theater ribbon, Europatheater operations ribboon with two battle stars and the Victory ribbon.
Ruckhaber, Albert M. 'Ole' Postville US Army.  Entered the service in the fall of 1941.
Rumph, Theodore H. 'Teddy' Waukon Served 3 yrs.; seven months were in Europe
Rumph, John Waukon  
Rumph, Gordon A. Waukon   
Russell, Arvid A. New Albin  
Russell, Delbert Lansing s/o George & Adella Russell. Obituary
Russell, Norman L. Waukon US Army. Obituary
Ryan, Edward Cornelius Waukon US Army, 280th Combat Engineers Battalion. He was stationed in Central Europe and in the Rhine Valley and fought in the Battle of the Bulge. Obituary & photo
Ryan, John W. Waukon US Navy, enlisted in Aug/Sept 1944 as Seaman 1st Class, radio technician
Ryan, Thomas New Albin  
Ryan, William J. New Albin  

Surnames A-C * Surnames D-F * Surnames G-J * Surnames K-M * Surnames S-T * Surnames U-Z


~The original 875 names on this list were published in the Allamakee Journal, Lansing, Iowa, September 15, 1943. The names were on Honor Roll Bulletin Board at Waukon.
~transcribed by Errin Wilker

Other sources used to compile this honor roll, in addition to the contributed information:
~information from news clippings, obituaries, photos & funeral memorials in a WWII scrapbook compiled by Nina Harris Swenson, g-grandmother of Sharyl Ferrall, Allamakee co. IAGenWeb coordinator
~State Summary of War Casualties from World War II for Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard Personnel from Iowa, 1946
~information from obituaries posted to the Allamakee co. Obituary Board
~information sent by Allamakee co. contributors as credited with the entry

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