Bernard - U.S. Air Force

After graduating from New Albin High
School, Bernard Hitchins joined the United States Air
Force on January 4, 1951. Upon completion of Basic
Training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio,
Texas, he sailed on the USS Patrick from San
Francisco, California, to Tokyo, Japan. Bernard served as
a cook during his tour of duty. On January 5, 1955, after
four years of service, he was honorably discharged as an
airman, first class. Bernard's wife Jean (Neitling), a
Eugene, Oregon native, passed away in May of this year
(2001). Bernard lives in Carmichael, California.
~Allamakee Journal, 2001;
contributed by Errin Wilker for Allamakee co. IAGenWeb
Obituary * Gravestone
Hitchins, Donald J. 'Don' - U.S.

Donald J. Hitchins was born in New Albin,
Iowa, on January 15, 1935. After graduation from New
Albin High School in May of 1953, he worked with bis
parents on the family farm on Iowa River Drive southwest
of New Albin. In January of 1955 he entered the United
States Army with five other Allamakee County men. After
Basic Training at Fort Riley, Kansas, he was assigned to
the 86th Infantry Regiment of the 10th Infantry Division.
In July of 1955, the entire division sailed from New York
to Germany on the USS General George M. Randall.
Upon arrival in Germany, Donald's regiment was stationed
in Schweinfurt, Germany, replacing units of the 1st
Infantry Division. Donald was a construction equipment
operator, but for most of his tour of duty in Germany he
served as a jeep driver for a lieutenant.
In December 1956 Donald returned to the United States and
was honorably discharged from active duty as a private,
first class at Fort Sheridan, Illinois. He was discharged
from the Army Reserve on December 31, 1962.
Don and his wife Dorothy (Moody), a native of Harpers
Ferry, Iowa, were married on June 18, 1955. They have
seven children, Kathy, Jim, Linda, Joyce, Joanne, Kevin
and Jody, and thirteen grandchildren. Don and Dorothy,
and their son Jim continue to operate the family farm.
Donald's two brothers, Bernard and Thomas, are also
military veterans.
~Allamakee Journal, 2001;
contributed by Errin Wilker for Allamakee co. IAGenWeb
Hitchins, Thomas - U.S. Army

Thomas Hitchins joined the United States
Army in April of 1954. After Basic Training at Fort Bliss
in El Paso, Texas, he completed medical training for the
Quartermaster Corps at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio,
Texas. Tom was then assigned to Letterman Hospital in San
Francisco, California, where he worked in the medical
supply unit of the hospital. In April of 1956, he was
honorably discharged from the Army as a private, first
class. Now retired, he lives in San Jose, California.
~Allamakee Journal, 2001;
contributed by Errin Wilker for Allamakee co. IAGenWeb
Obituary * Gravestone
Ryan, John Emmet, U.S. Army
John E. Ryan grew up on the family farm
near New Albin in northern Allamakee County. He graduated
from St. Patrick High School in Waukon. October 13, 1948
he enlisted in the U.S. Army. After Basic Training he was
transferred to Transportation School in Fort Eustis, VA.
Trained as an automotive mechanic, he was subsequently
assigned to an engineering unit in Alaska, where he
served until he was separated from active duty January
10, 1950.
September 17, 1950, less than three months after North
Korea invaded South Korea, John again found himself on
active duty. He was recalled in response to that
conflict, and within sixty days he would find himself, as
an infantryman, on the perimeter of one of the famous
battles of that war, the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir.
Upon activation, John was assigned to Company F of the
2nd Battalion of the 7th Infantry Regiment. After
training in Fort Devens, MA, the Regiment moved to Japan,
where the soldiers underwent a couple more weeks of
training. November 17, 1950, the Regiment landed at
Wonson, North Korea to join up with other units of the
3rd Infantry Division.
November 25, the communist Chinese entered the war in
Korea. Thousands of Chinese soldiers poured across the
border into North Korea, and quickly surrounded the
United Nations Forces at the Chosin Reservoir. The 1st
Marine Division was a specific target of the Chinese
leadership, and their objective was to totally destroy
that very effective fighting force. Badly outnumbered,
the Marines began to fight their way out of the trap, and
the 7th Infantry Regiment fought to maintain its escape
route to the sea.
Having moved in land from Wonson, John's Company F and
Company G of the second Battalion of the regiment found
themselves at Huksu-ri on the second of December.
"We were sitting ducks," John said. "We
were all spread out across the area and my company was
right out in the open on asmall mountain. We knew they
were coming. We saw them coming. Their numbers were
overwhelming compared to ours. They were attacking most
of the night, and in the morning they came in force. We
were overrun."
This was the first serious combat action the 2nd
Battalion of the 7th Infantry Regiment experienced in the
Korean War. They were in very mountainous terrain, with
temperatures around 35 degrees below zero. Most of G
Company was lost, as were most of the troops from F
Company. Most of those who survived suffered from
frostbite. John was wounded in the battle of Huksu-ri,
and was later awarded the Order of the Purple Heart.
"They rounded up those of us who were still
alive," John said. The North Koreans were infamous
for their brutal treatment of prisoners, and conducted
frequent, large-scale executions of those they had
captured. John's captors were primarily Chinese.
"They wore distinctive uniforms, with their wool
hats with the red star on the front. We spent that first
night in a field, and in the morning we started walking
north. There were only about fifteen or twenty of us. On
the way north we slept outin the open. (Korean winters
are brutal, with temperatures often dipping to over forty
degrees below zero). It seemed like we walked to the
north for several weeks, until we came to the first POW
camp by a large river.We were told that right across the
river was China. We were the first ones to show up there,
although there may have been other camps in the area that
we didn't know about. We got no medical treatment on the
way north. We were concerned about getting diarrhea, and
most of us did. The food and living conditions made it
common. Some of us got over it, but it was deadly for
those who didn't. (Dysentery, untreated by their captors,
took the lives of hundreds of American POWs in Chinese
and North Korean prison camps during the Korean War.)
"When we got to the first camp we slept out in the
open. We later got into buildings. My building had no
heat, but some of them did. We sharedblankets. They gave
us one blanket for two people. A few years ago I found a
guy in Minnesota that I had shared a blanket with one
"After the first winter, we were moved around to
other buildings and camps. It got pretty crowded at times
and it felt like you were sleeping on top of each other.
You had to find ways to occupy yourself. We got a hold of
a violin and swapped it back and forth every week between
two groups. My group had a guy from western Iowa called
Slim who was really good with the violin. He had played
the violin and sang on the radio before he went to Korea.
We could go for walks. Most of the camps had no fences.
Some tried to escape, but there was no place to go. They
always got recaptured. We could write letters, and some
of them made it home.
"We generally got two meals a day, sometimes one,
but never three. The staple meals were rice and fish head
soup. Once in a while we got some kind of barley bread.
It wasn't cooked or anything, I don't think, and it got
pretty old too. Sometimes we got a 'special' meal. I
don't know what it was, but it was better than what we
normally got.
"Things got a little better when they started the
peace talks. I was in the same place the last six or
eight months. When it came time for our release, we went
most of the way south by truck. We took a train for parts
of the trip. That was a little scary at times. All the
railroad bridges had been bombed out and they replaced
them with wooden bridges that were a little shaky."
August 25, 1953, after nearly thirty three months as a
Prisoner of War, John crossed the DMZ (Demilitarized
Zone) into South Korea and was once again a free man.
"We went through some processing after we got to
South Korea," hecontinued. "Then we sailed back
to the States on a ship that had been ahospital during
WWII. In San Francisco we had physicals. I had diarrhea
for a while, and my eyes were bad due to malnutrition,
but they eventually got better."
John was discharged as a Corporal November 26, 1953. He
farmed with his father for a few years after he returned
from Korea. In 1961, he went to work as a lock and dam
operator in Guttenberg and retired after 25 yearsthere.
John and his wife Carol (Meyer), a native of Melrose, WI,
met at the Avalon Ballroom in LaCrosse, WI. They were
married July 3, 1956, and had their wedding Dance at the
Avalon. Last year they celebrated their 50th wedding
anniversary. The Ryans have eight children, eight
grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren, with one on
the way Carol said.
~published 2007; contributed by Dan Zoll,
Nov. 2022 for Allamakee co. IAGenWeb
Obituary * Gravestone
Wuennecke, Edgar - U.S. Army

Edgar Wuennecke was born in New Albin,
Iowa, on the 14th of October 1928. He grew up and worked
on the farm of his parents, John and Ella Wuennecke. The
farm was located 1 mile east of the Wheatland Church.
Edgar and his brother, Armin, now of Waukon, both went to
the Wheatland school. Edgar continued to work on his
parents and neighbor's farms until he was drafted into
the Army on June 1, 1953. On that day, eight Allamakee
County residents left Waukon for Camp Crowder, Missouri,
where they were officially inducted into the Army. On
June 10, the inductees were conveyed to Fort Leonardwood,
Missouri, for six weeks of basic training, and six weeks
of engineer training.
On October 26, 1953, Edgar and the others were flown to
Stoneman, California, where they prepared to embark for
overseas duty. A large contingent of Army personnel
loaded onto the transport ship, USNS General John
Pope. The ride over was uneventful except for the
death of an Iowa soldier who died of spinal meningitis.
Edgar noted that this event caused a great deal of
consternation to all concerned because this disease can
be highly contagious, and in those times was often fatal.
In a ship packed with soldiers and crew confined in
relatively small compartments, Edgar and the others felt
that the potential for disaster was clearly present.
Fortunately, no other cases were reported.
The troop ship landed in Sasebo, Japan. From Sasebo, the
engineers were taken to the Japanese island of Ita Jima
for six more weeks of engineer training. Edgar said he
really enjoyed his stay there because the barracks and
eating facilities were first rate. They used the same
facilities the Japanese military had used before and
during WWII.
On February 9, 1954, his engineer class was ordered to
Inchon, Korea, and assigned to the 1343rd Engineer
Battalion. A short time later he was transferred to the
633rd Light Equipment Engineer Company where he was a
quarry man for his entire Korean tour.
When asked what he remembers most about Korea in that
post-war time frame, Edgar say, "It reeked. The
small towns had no sanitary facilities, so human waste
and garbage ran down open gutters in the streets. Human
waste was also used on crops for fertilizer." He
said he never did see Seoul or any other larger towns,
just the small towns and countryside near the quarry
Edgar spent his entire Korean tour living in tents. He
said there were about eight men to a tent, and they were
very hot in the summer and very cold in the winter.
Of his work on the crushers, Edgar said it wasn't such a
bad job because they had a lot of help from the Koreans.
"One of the Koreans could speak passable
English," he said, "so he was made the boss and
he told the other workers what to do."
Edgar feels good about his service in Korea.
"Although some GI's showed a bad side to Koreans,
most treated them well and tried to help them. They hired
young boys to keep the tent areas clean and to shine
their boots. "Our purpose for being there was to
repair roads damaged during the war," Edgar said,
"and the rock we crushed contributed greatly toward
to mission. Our engineer company also built an elementary
school next to our camp. Built of stone and mortar, it
was called 'The Friendship School.' On special days such
as Thanksgiving and Christmas, our company would put on a
big feed for the local children."
Although the war in Korea had recently ended, things were
not yet back to normal. Edgar remembers the nighttime
trips to the quarry site alone in the back of a 2-1/2 ton
cargo truck which was driving in blackout conditions.
Other uncomfortable time were when he was assigned to
stand guard duty on the gravel crushers alone at night.
"This was not long after the last cease fire,"
he said, "and you couldn't tell a South Korean from
a North Korean by looking or talking to them."
In March of 1955, Edgar returned to Inchon, where he
boarded the troopship USNS Marine Phoenix for
the trip home. On the return trip the seas were rough and
many were seasick. He said the chaplain had a very
difficult time serving communion on Good Friday.
The troopship landed in Seattle, Washington. From there
Edgar went to Fort Carson, Colorado, where he received
his discharge with the rank of sergeant on April 20,
1955. Edgar spent 1 year, 5 months and 14 days at sea or
overseas. Over a yer of that time was spent in Korea. For
his service, Edgar was awarded the National Defense
Medal, the United Nations Service Medal, the Korean
Service Medal, and the Army Good Conduct Medal.
Edgar returned to Allamakee County where he married
Shirley Meyer. They purchased the City Meat Market in New
Albin in February of 1958, and have worked there ever
since. They have two children, a daughter Angela Strong,
and a son, Alan, both of whom reside in New Albin.
~Allamakee Journal, 2001;
contributed by Errin Wilker for Allamakee co. IAGenWeb
Obituary & Gravestone