Zalmona "German" Presbyterian Church gives
thanks for turning 150 years old
by Dorothy "Dottie" Winke
Shout for joy to the
Lord, all the earth,
Worship the Lord with gladness; come before
him with joyful songs.
Know that the Lord is God.
It is he who made us, and we are his; we are
his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his
courts with praise; give thanks to him and
praise his name.
For the Lord is good and his love endures
forever; his faithfulness continues through
all generations." ~ Psalm 100
As the parishioners of the Zalmona Presbyterian
Church of Ludlow, Waukon, Iowa prepare to celebrate
150 years as a congregation, they look back at the
many blessings the congregation has received during
the church's history.
A missionary who visited German immigrant families in
Eastern Iowa in 1852 reported their "spiritual
and moral condition" to be at a "low
Ebb." ("Ebb" in German actually means,
low tide.) But these determined pioneers, who endured
great hardships to claim their piece of virgin soil,
had not abandoned their religious heritage.
From a study of the religious lives of members of
this congregation, much is learned of the attitude of
their pioneer fathers toward church life 150 years
ago. In those early days the people had to walk long
distances to church, but they were happy to do so,
coming with their hymn books under their arms as they
formerly had done in Germany. Later those who could
afford it, used their oxen to make the journey to
church. Old timers often used to enjoy telling of
their journeys afoot, comparing their experiences
with later days when horses and buggies, and even
later automobiles came into use.
In addition to the regular church services, these
pioneer fathers and mothers frequently held religious
meetings in their private homes, for they loved God's
word, and in their home groups found pleasure in the
study and meditation of His teachings.
August 11, 1856, 14 men and women formed what was
then called the German Presbyterian Church, also
known as "the Church of Waukon," under the
leadership of Rev. Adrian Van Vliet, who four years
earlier had established the school for pastors that
later became the "University of Dubuque".
When the church was organized in 1856, it made it the
second oldest church in Allamakee County, the third
oldest German Presbyterian Church in Iowa, and one of
the oldest churches in the synod of which it was a
member, including a number of "prairie
states." This was stated in the "Waukon
Republican and Standard" August 5, 1936
newspaper, where it also stated that the "Ludlow
Congregation Once Was the Largest in German
Presbyterian Synod".
In April 1865, Zalmona German Presbyterian Church
still belonged to the "German Reformed Church
Synod", but also recorded in the minutes of the
General Assembly of the "Presbyterian Church
Synod". In 1870, the "General Synod of the
German Reformed Church" revised its liturgical
practices to such an extent that January 24, 1870 the
Zalmona congregation unanimously rejected the change
and joined the "Presbyterian Church Synod".
Today, in 2006, Zalmona Presbyterian Church belongs
to the "Presbyterian Church USA Synod" and
the "John Knox Presbytery".
Even though the church was organized in 1856 with
very few members (14 in 1856) - of whom Simon,
Conrad, and August Helming were very active, it
increased very rapidly, and in 1882 the number of
active members was 233, and the Sunday School
membership (including adults) was between 200 and
It was also found in this author's research, that the
first location of the German Presbyterian Church was
in Waukon. In 1860, a frame church was built on block
13, Delafield's addition, northeast of the college
grounds, approximately where the Allamakee Community
School District Bus Barn stands today. In 1864, a
division of the church occurred, those living east of
Waukon organized themselves in the German Reformed
Church and built a place of worship there (Ebenezer
Church), and the German Presbyterian Church (Zalmona
Church) moved to Ludlow.
The first church, built in Ludlow by the members and
under the administration of Rev. Solomon Elliker in
1864-1865, is what later became used as a Parochial
German Summer School, or what is referred to now as
the "University of Ludlow". The author's
grandfather, Ben Winke, remembers when "The
University" had both pews and school desks in
it. This first church, being small, was quickly
outgrown and replaced by the second church, a 50 by
36 foot frame building, erected in 1871. It was under
Rev. Henry Knell's pastorate that this second church
was erected. It no longer stands, but the third
church, built in 1899, serves to this day. A
Christian Education wing was added in the early
1960's, completing the structure as it stands today
in 2006.

Zalmona Presbyterian church, Ludlow - ca1899
The original manse was built at the time the
Zalmona congregation moved to Ludlow, with a second
brick home erected in 1888, to which a large new
kitchen was added in 1908. The brick manse still
stands today, although there was a new manse
constructed in 1971, just west of the church. Zalmona
was under the pastorate of Rev. Edward Hancock and
Margaret during this time.
The history of the Zalmona congregation is linked
inseparably with the growth and development of Iowa,
especially the northeastern portion, including
Allamakee County. The congregation, according to
history, is made up largely of immigrants from
Lippe-Detmold, Germany, and has been in existence
nearly as long as Allamakee County. In 1847, the
first of these immigrants, 150 in number, left their
homeland, and after a long and difficult journey,
reached Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Their destination from the outset was Iowa, but they
were influenced by land agents to remain in
Wisconsin, where they founded Lipper Colony, which
since has become well known through the Reformed
Mission House near Sheboygan, Wisconsin. However, one
branch of the colony was transplanted to Iowa, near
Waukon, and this colony rapidly grew in strength
through reinforcements from Wisconsin and further
immigration from Germany.
Rev. Adrian Van Vliet organized these new Americans
into a congregation August 11, 1856 and Rev. J.
Renskers served the congregation until 1864. Since
1856 there have been 25 pastors, with the newest
addition being Pastor Tom Buresh in 2006 as the 26th
pastor. Being a country church and also associated so
closely to the "University of Dubuque"
Seminary, the church has received a great deal of
pastors right out of seminary.
It was also noted that, when Rev. M.C. Buettell came
in June, 1895, German school, then in progress, was
being conducted by Will Krieger, a student from
Dubuque Seminary. In the following years, each spring
German School was conducted by Dubuque Seminary
students Hecker, Agena, Kramer and others. They
stayed at the manse during the usual six-week course.
Needless to say, the congregation members feel
blessed by the guidance they have had over the years
by the pastors that God supplied for the Zalmona
Presbyterian Church.
Some interesting names found while researching were,
the first ten children baptized into the Zalmona
congregation: Simon Henrich Helming, June 1, 1857;
Karl Friederich Helming, June 25, 1857; Sophie Emma
Helming, January 12, 1858; Simon Friederich Helming,
December 25, 1858; Marie Sophie Hager, June 12, 1859;
George August Helming, September 11, 1859; Anna
Karolina Helming, September 9, 1860; Louisa Charlotte
Ludeking, September 23, 1860; and Julius Alexander
Helming, March 31, 1861.
The first ten couples associated with Zalmona who
were married were: Friedrich Haeger and Wilhelmina
Helming, July 8, 1858; August Simonsmeier and
Wilhelmina Haeger, October 31, 1860; Henrich Wieneke
and Louisa Dalpsmeier, May 3, 1861; Conrad Sandermann
and Caroline Haeger, April 2, 1862; August Helming
and Mina Siekmeier, April 7, 1865; Henrich Selberg
and Mina Greiber, July 21, 1865; Bernhardt Deiter and
Mina Molthaup, October 6, 1865; Rev. Salomon Elliker
and Dorothea Langjahn, December 20, 1865; Herman
Reutkenmeier and Charlotte Boeger, January 17, 1867;
Jacob Rupp and Maria Nagel, August 3, 1867.
The author is very proud and honored to know that, of
these first ten couples married at Zalmona, she has
two sets of great, great grandparents from the Winke
and Selberg side, whom are her forefathers. Henrich
Wieneke (Henry Winkie) and Louisa Dalpsmeier (Louisa
Dolphman), May 3, 1861, would be her dad's (Richard
"Butch" Winke) father (or her grandfather)
Ben Winke's grandparents on his father's side; while
Henrich (Henry) Selberg and Mina (Wilhelmina)
Greiber, July 21, 1865, would be her dad's (Richard
"Butch") mother (or her grandmother) Amy
Winke's grandparents on her father's side.
Zalmona should be very proud of its heritage and
members; many of whom are very dedicated and their
contributions and talents are blessings. It is also
quite astonishing the number of members, as well as
families, some of which are the sixth and seventh
generations worshipping in the church of their
Several other interesting facts about Zalmona remain
to be told. From the beginning, the church never went
into debt; and at all times the members of the
congregation have liberally supported missionary
causes; Rev. F. Zissler served two terms; from 1856
until December 1936 the only language spoken in
Church was German; in January 1937, it was voted to
conduct the morning service in the American language
each last Sunday of the month and in 1939 the
American language was used three Sundays a month;
during church service men sat on the west side of the
church, women and children sat on the east side, and
younger married couples sat together in the middle -
Mary Kay Winke remembers the sermon at the end of
Rev. H. Johnson's pastorate
for the congregation to reconsider this arrangement
when the next pastor came to Zalmona; Fourth of July
Celebrations - first at the Hager Woods, later at
Picnic Woods and now, at the Salem UCC Church;
although the "Presbyterian Church USA" had
granted permission for women to be Elders as early as
1932, it was not until 1972 that two women were
elected - these two women were Harriet Snitker and
Delores Van Horn; Zalmona was the "mother
church" to both Bethlehem Presbyterian Church
and Salem United Church of Christ; and in 2006 there
was a major remodeling project for the kitchen in the
The congregation at Zalmona Presbyterian Church has
been very busy, and is proud to be getting ready for
its 150th Sesquicentennial Anniversary. The community
is invited to join in the celebration of giving
thanks. Special events are planned and some former
pastors will be visiting and speaking during the
The celebrating begins this Saturday, Aug. 12 at 2
p.m. and continues until fireworks in the evening.
Some of the activities include reminiscing, cemetery
walk, picnic style supper, games for the youngsters
and an evening program where the past pastors will
talk about "Zalmona Memories". The Sunday
morning, Aug. 13 activities will begin at 10:30 a.m.
with Dr. Bullock, President of the "University
of Dubuque", as the main speaker. There will be
a catered dinner at noon followed by an afternoon
program of music.
The Zalmona congregation is very proud of its
forefathers and the history of the church, and so has
created a "150th Sesquicentennial Anniversary
Booklet" with loads of history and photos. A
Christmas Ornament has also been designed
commemorating such a special event as the
"Zalmona Presbyterian Church's 150th
Anniversary". Both of these items will be for
sale at this weekend's anniversary celebration or by
contacting Mary Kay Winke at [deleted].
The congregation members thank their loving God, Lord
Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit for guiding not only
their forefathers and the reverends/pastors who
guided them through all the years, but also the more
recent members, near and far, for the rich history of
members who have stayed and who have also gone out
from Allamakee County to many states and parts of the
country but still think of Zalmona Presbyterian
Church, Waukon, Iowa as their home church - first
enjoyed and appreciated as this quiet, white country
church on the hill comfortably situated among the
prosperous farms of Ludlow Township. God Bless All.
~ Waukon Standard news
article from the 08/09/2006 issue, written by by
Dorothy "Dottie" Winke