updated 06/11/2017
Bits of Information from various newspapers 1970's |
Monroe County
News, February 2, 1970 C.C. Searls, Postville's railroad depot agent for the past 36 years, is retiring after 65 years with the Milwaukee railroad company. His father and grandfather were also railroad agents. ~Contributed by S. Ferrall |
Journal, July 15, 1970 New Albin News By Mrs. Clara Pohlman - Keith Eric, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kruse, returned home from the Caledonia hospital Tuesday where he was a patient since early this month. He received burns about the arms and head in an accident about home. - Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hink, Nancy and Robert James, came Saturday to visit with Mrs. Hink's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Dollar, Sr. Mrs. Hink is the former Joy Dollar. - Miss Jean Numann and brother, Kevin, left Saturday for their home in Yorkville, Ill., after a two-weeks visit with the Melvin Pohlman family. - Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schuttemeier of Denver, Colo., spent several days visiting relatives and friends in the New Albin and Lansing areas. - Mr. and Mrs. Versell Pohlman were Sunday evening callers at the Mrs. Ben Pohlman home. - The community was deeply shocked to learn of the passing of Alvin "Bud" Sires Sunday evening. - Mrs. Loretta Gruber of Waco, Texas returned to her home last Friday after spending the past months with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Gladys Bakewell and other relatives, the Earl Grubers, Harris Grubers and John F. Troendle family. - Master Daniel Meyer of Waukesha, Wisc., left Sunday for Caledonia, Minn., where he plans to stay a week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Goetzinger and family. He had been here visiting other grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Meyer. - Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Meyer, Craig and Cindy of Waukon, spent their vacation here with his parents, Mr. and MRs. Howard Meyer. ~Contributed by Errin Wilker |
Allamakee Journal,
August 26, 1970 - A son was born to the John Dunlevys. - Mrs. Jim Strub and Noeline are visiting relatives in Northern Ireland. - William Manderscheids funeral was held in Lansing. - A boy was born to the Jerry Sandrys of De Soto. - Marian Hammell and Charles Stendel were married at New Albin. - Rebecca Pottratz and Jack Marshall were married in New Albin. - Jill Cronin and William Maslowski exchanged marriage vows. - Bob Roeder left for service in the Army. - Mr. and Mrs. George Aschom are back from Canada, where George was a delegate at the Mississippi Parkway Commission meeting. - Rites were held in Waukon for Mrs. Frank Walsh. ~Contributed by Errin Wilker |
Looking back to
July, August, September and October 1970 -William MANDERSCHEIDs funeral was held in Lansing -Funeral services were held at St. Patricks in Waukon for Louis WILLIAMS. Pallbearers were R. J. KIBBY, E. C. SULLIVAN, Earl JONES, Leo McCABE, William CONNOR and Ambrose LINK. -Waukons Village Farm and Home Store will move to its new location a half mile south of Waukon. -Elizabeth DELANEYs (age 86) funeral was held at St. Patricks with burial in Hanover. -Last rites for Margeurite HOWE, 71, were held at St. Marys, Hanover. -Waukon relatives learned of the death of Ralph OMEARA. He died suddenly of a heart attack at Wheeling, Illinois, where he is a career Navy man. -Rites were held in Waukon for Mrs. Frank WALSH. ~see note at the bottom of the page |
Journal, November 4, 1970 -An open house for Mrs. Martin (Agnes) Conway was held at Wexford. She was 95. -Anna Thorp's funeral was held in Lansing. -Pfc. Martin Seeley is now stationed in Germany. -Norbert Aschom Jr. received the "Outstanding Young Man" award from the Prairie du Chien Jaycees. -A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bill. Boardman of Cincinnati. -George Lee Jr. is hunting big game in Montana. -Mrs. Clara Guider will move to Waukon. -Rev. and Mrs. Clyde Lee celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. -A home liturgy was celebrated at Nita May's in honor of her mother, Mrs. Fannie May, a shut-in. ~Contributed by Errin Wilker |
Looking back to
January & February 1971 -Rites were held for Andrew BRESNAHAM, 75 at St. Patricks. -Mike CONNOR Real Estate shows the MORITZ house for $7,500. -Last rites were held for Nora BYRNES, 88, at St. Marys Hanover. -A large crowd attended the Joe FERRING sale. -Herd cows brought up to $390; steer calves up to $190. John WOOD and Forest RYAN bought most of the cattle. ~see note at the bottom of the page |
Looking back to
March & April 1971 -Robert STILWELL died Tuesday of a heart attack. -Rites were held for Fred HANCOCK, 89, at St. Patricks. -Killed when their pickup went down an embankment north of Postville were Donald SNITKER, 42, and Donald EWING, 36. -Last rites were held for Bridget BYRNES, 88, who died in Caledonia. -Bill WELSH resigned as a rural mail carrier. -Dick DELANEY has been transferred from Alaska to Kellogg Airport at Battle Creek, Michigan. -Mrs. Alvina CROWLEY visited her daughter, Mrs. ALLWOOD and family in Colorado. ~see note at the bottom of the page |
Looking back to May
1971 -Louis HULL, 68, died at the Waukon Hospital. -Rites were held for Francis COLLINS, 67, at St. Patricks with burial at Hanover. -Services for Orlan GAVLE, 60, were held at Big Canoe. ~see note at the bottom of the page |
Monroe County
News, May 24 & May 31, 1971 -Elmer Sander, Postville, was recently awarded a plaque and certificate honoring his 38 years of service to the Postville Boy Scout organization. (24th) -William A. Kneeland, resident of the Postville state bank, was honored by the Iowa Bankers Assn. for his over 50 years of service in the banking business. Mr. Kneeland started in the Clermont bank in 1915 and has held various offices in the Iowa Bankers Association. (31st) ~contributed by S. Ferrall |
Looking back to
January 1972 -Rites were held at St. Patricks for William COLLINS. -Delton MOHWINKLE died of an apparent heart attack. -Rites were held in Chicago for Joseph QUILLIN. ~see note at the bottom of the page |
Looking back to
July and August 1972 -Approval was given by the Federal Communications Commission for sale of KNEI, Waukon, to Dave HOGENDORN by Ralph SWEENEY. -Mr. and Mrs. Leo TEELING of Dubuque were killed in a car crash in Dubuque. -Porky MEYER had the pleasure of a visit form his father, 91, who told him, This place is the closest you can get to Heaven, son. -Clare DUGGANS sold the S&D Café to Mr. and Mrs. William Clark. -Ben KELLEHERs funeral was held at Immaculate Conception. -Lois Ann LINK and Randall HAGER were married at St. Patricks. ~see note at the bottom of the page |
Looking back to
October and November 1972 Rites were held in Waukon for Mayor Robert WHITE, 51, and Robert KRUGER. -Funeral services were held in Waukon for Jessie Jay LANE. -Anna ZOLL has been appointed deputy director of the National Red Cross Blood Donor Program. ~see note at the bottom of the page |
Looking back to
January and February 1973 -Waukon deaths reported are Hershel STONE and Leonard RYAN. -Funeral services were held at Holy Ghost Church in Dubuque for Lucille BIBBY (KIBBY?) COLLINS, 65. -Mrs. Alice WILLIAMS will leave from Kansas City on a tour to Rome. -Rites were held at St. Patricks for Joseph OHARA and Robert REA, 82. -Rites were held at Hanover for Alfred HOWE, 78. -Rites were held at St. Patricks for Hazel WHALEN, 82. ~see note at the bottom of the page |
Looking back to May
and June 1973 -Funeral services were held for Victor ZOLL, 86, at St. Patricks in Waukon. -Funeral services were held at St. Patricks for Canice BYRNES, 48, with burial at Hanover. ~see note at the bottom of the page |
Looking back to
July and August 1973 -Mrs. Reuben HAGER received word of the death of her sister, Florence FAEGRE. -Funeral services were held for Edgar KIESAU in Waukon. -James OMEARA and son of Auckland, New Zealand, are guest of Mrs. Alvin CROWLEY of New Albin. ~see note at the bottom of the page |
Looking back to
December 1973 -Rites were held at St. Patricks, Waukon, for Bud PLEIN and Hazel KIBBY. ~see note at the bottom of the page |
Looking back to
January and February 1974 -Fr. KROCHESKIs funeral was held in Dubuque. Her served many parishes in the county. -Rites were held for Mrs. Ray SPINNER in Waukon. ~see note at the bottom of the page |
Looking back to
May, June and July 1974 -Last rites were held for Myril SULLIVAN and Mrs. Joe FAHEY at St. Patricks. -The R. J. KIBBYs enjoyed a trip to Mexico. -Mrs. Bob ANDERSONs funeral was held at St. Patricks. -Mrs. Art OBRIENs funeral was held at Lycurgus. -Rites were held at West Ridge for Harold ONEILL. ~see note at the bottom of the page |
Journal, August 21, 1974 -Mr. and Mrs. Tom Riehm and son Joey of Milford, Iowa spent the weekend with his uncle and wife, Mr and Mrs. Harold Riehm and sons. -Mrs. Stanley Buege returned home from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where she visited her sister, Mrs. Stacia Holter, and her son, Mike. Mrs. Buege accompanied her son, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Buege and family of Caledonia, Minn. All visited with the Holter and Dennis families. -Mr. and Mrs. James Benson and daughter, Mary Terese, of Elmhurst, Ill. spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mauss. -Miss Heather Valesh, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Keith Valesh of Oelwein, came Monday to spend a week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Valesh. -Mr. and Mrs. Emil Vonderohe of Illinois were recent guests at the home of brothers and sisters, coming to attend the St. John's (Wheatland) Mission Service on August 11. -Lance Corporal Darell John Olson of San Diego, Calif. spent from Wednesday until Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Versell Pohlman, his aunt and uncle. He went from New Albin to the Mabel, Minn. home, of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Olson. -Mrs. Pete Fink, Jody and Lori, visited at the Lennie Mellick home in Cedar Rapids from Monday until Thursday. -Mr. Irvin Meyer and Billy and Ruth Breitbach of Balltown, Iowa, and the Rev. Robert Levenhagen of Dyersville, Iowa, left last Sunday for Albuquerque, New Mexico, returning home Friday from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P. Meyer and family. -Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hosch, Joe and Jean of Pensacola, Fla., came Monday to visit his mother, Mrs. Inez Hosch. They came by way of Charles City, where they visited sisters and brothers of Mrs. Hosch. They returned to Charles City on Thursday, leaving from there to attend the wedding of their daughter, Mary Ann Hosch, to Dr. James A. Cerney at Pueblo, Colo. on August 22. Dr. Cerney is in the service. -Mr. John Crowley is a patient at the Lutheran Hospital in La Crosse. -Mr. and Mrs. James Dollar and Mickey, Judy and Sammy of St. Paul Park, Minn. spent Saturday as overnight guests at the home of his mother, Mrs. Vie Dollar. The James Dollar family met their daughter, Judy, in Des Moines after Judy had spent a week visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hink and family of Higgensville, Mo. The Hink family took her as far as Des Moines to meet her family. -Mr. and Mrs. Richard Oitzman of Caledonia, Minn. became the parents of a son on August 13. -Brayer Karl Amble, New Albin, was granted the Master of Science ini Elementary School Administration at Winona State (Minn.) College during the 1974 summer session. Vice President of academic affairs, Dr. Donald A. Warner presided at commencement. -Mr. Amble was one of 140 graduates who participated in the commencement exercises on August 17 at the college's Memorial Hall addition. ~Contributed by Errin Wilker |
Looking back to
September 1974 -Albert KIBBYs funeral was held in Waukon. -Joe PLADSENs funeral was held at Old East Pain Creek. -Mr. and Mrs. Ben QUILLIN celebrated their 25th anniversary. ~see note at the bottom of the page |
Looking back to
February and March 1975 -A former Hanover resident, Joseph BYRNES, 57, died at Nashua, Montana, after a short illness. His brother, Cyril BYRNES, attended the funeral. ~see note at the bottom of the page |
Allamakee Journal,
August 27, 1975 - Rites were held in Lake Tomahawk, Wis. for Mrs. Kenneth Spinner. - Cindy Hartong and Mark Mathis were married at the United Methodist Church. - Bob Wellendorf will coach and teach at Stacyville this year. - Joseph Hammell has joined the Von Arx law firm in Caledonia. - A boy was born to the Lawrence Mitchells. - Mrs. Kenneth OBrien attended an International Toastmistress meeting in Davenport. - Karen Bulman and John Kerndt Jr. were married in Waukon. - The Clarence Bulmans will observe their golden wedding anniversary. ~Contributed by Errin Wilker |
Allamakee Journal,
September 24, 1975 NEW ALBIN NEWS - Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Meyer of Caledonia, Minnesota, are the parents of a baby boy that was born on September 19. Mrs. Stanley Buege is helping to care for their children during the mother's stay in the hospital. She is the former Grace Buege. - Mrs. Gladys Webb was a recent patient at the St. Francis Hospital in La Crosse, Wisconsin. - Mr. and Mrs. Ray Zoll went to Des Moines to attend a meeting of the Professional Rights and Responsibilities Commission. While in Des Moines they visited with George Zoll and were overnight guests of the Gerald Kuehns in Earlham. - Rev. C. Kent Wever entered the Lutheran Hospital in La Crosse, Wisconsin, as a medical patient on Friday. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our friends, neighbors and relatives for the cards, money, flowers and other acts of kindness at the time of our recent sorrow, the death of Charles King. Our thanks especially to Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Larson for cooking dinner and to the employees of the Lansing Company for their memorials -Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fink CARD OF THANKS I Would like to express my thanks to all who visited me and sent cards in expression of their concern while I was a patient in Lutheran Hospital - Rev. Clyde Lee CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my thanks to everyone who visited me, and also thank you for the cards and flowers while I was a patient at the St. Francis Hospital -Mrs. Gladys Webb ~Contributed by Errin Wilker |
Looking back to
September and October 1975 -Kenneth HAMMELs funeral was held in Waukon. -Waukon deaths were Clem KELLY, 76, and Clem HOWES, 71 -Rites were held in Hanover for Tom Burke, 85. ~see note at the bottom of the page |
Looking back to
January 1976 -Funeral services for Jack Breshnahan, 50, of Clinton were held Tuesday, Jan. 6, at 11 a.m. in St. Patricks Church, Waukon. Breshnahan died suddenly at his home in Clinton. -Funeral services for Mrs. Reber (Lois Lane) Breshnahan and her son Randall Francis, 17, of Rossville were held Monday, Jan. 19, at 11 a.m. in St. Patricks Catholic Church in Waukon. They died Thursday, Jan. 15, as a result of an automobile accident south of Waukon. -Waukon relatives received word of the death of Joe Murphy, 58, which occurred in Chicago. ~see note at the bottom of the page |
Looking back to
February 1976 -Rites were held at St. Patricks for Laura Breshnahan, 86 who died Feb. 7. -Rites were held in Cedar Rapids for Ray Frankland, 73. ~see note at the bottom of the page |
Looking back to
April & May 1976 -A former resident John Quillin, 75, died in Chicago; the funeral service was at St. Marys, Hanover. -Mrs. Carl (Lucille) Link died suddenly April 30, burial from St. Patricks. -Other Waukon deaths: Bert Marsden, 86, and Francis Handy INTLEKOFER, 56, and Celia BURKE, 83. -Rites were held in New Albin for Alvin Crowley, 64, who passed away May 26. ~see note at the bottom of the page |
Journal, June 9, 1976 LANSING NEWS -Mrs. Kathryn McCabe and son John of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hurm of Portland, Ore., and Charles Hurm of rural DeSoto were Lansing callers on relatives and friends last Thursday and Friday. They visited the Cyril and Harold Hurm families as well as Miss Rose Hurm on different occasions. Mrs. McCabe has had the Journal ever since leaving here 47 years ago. It has been a few years since she last visited Lansing. -Charles Smith was taken to the Lutheran Hospital in La Crosse Sunday afternoon after receiving injuries to his back as a result of a motorcycle accident near Stoddard, Wis. He was riding, with Ralph and Bill Bartels and Donald Leppert when his bike went out of control. -Shirley Weipert of Freeport, Illinois came for Memorial Day weekend and spent the following week vacationing with her mother, Mrs. Florence Weipert, and relatives. On Wednesday she and her two daughters visited her son, Francis Weipert, and family of McGregor. Betty and Sue Weipert returned with them for a visit of a few days in Lansing. -Father Ray Bohrer of Mason City, and his brother, William, of Milwaukee, Wis., were brief county visitors on Tuesday of last week calling on relatives and friends hereabouts. After visiting their sister, Mrs. Bill Curran and family in Lafayette they stopped to see Mr. Eugene Brennan and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steffen. -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bechtel of Cedar Rapids spent the holiday weekend with their daughters, Mesdames Roger Kruger and Ray Rick and families of the Waukon vicinity while visiting other relatives and friends in Allamakee County. Both have especially good jobs with the Cedar Rapids school district and in a couple of years are eligible for retirement. While here they got together with Frank's old buddy, Harold Fritz and wife. ~Contributed by Errin Wilker ........ there's lots more!!! continue reading this issue of the Allamakee Journal ..... |
Journal, July 7, 1976 LANSING NEWS -Mr. Erwin Gruber returned to his Lansing home on Second St. Saturday after spending about two months at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Bob Mefferd, and family of Marion. -Mr. and Mrs. Bill "Buckshot" Sandry and sons Billy and Bruce returned to their Davenport home Monday, having spent the holiday weekend with home folks, the Odean Sandry family. While out fishing Sunday, they caught a good mess of bluegills and three turtles on pole and line, the turtle catch being a local record, we think, for an angling trip. Sixteen year old Billy is now the regular first baseman on the Davenport high school baseball team. -Mike Karnik, left early last week for Houma, La., where he will be employed as a diver for the Santa Fe Co., a firm that lays oil lines. Mike was first in his class at the Divers Institute of Technology in Seattle, Wash., from which he graduated on June 25. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Karnik. -Joe Dunlevy accompanied his daughter, Colleen, to Wausau, Wis. on June 27, and he will be a guest at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Bob (Mary Jo) Hartwig, and family for a short time before visiting Colleen in Ann Arbor, Michigan later this summer. -The Dick Roeder family of Rockford, Ill. drove over and spent the weekend with Lansing relatives, the Howard Revoirs and the Bob Roeder family. -Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bell of Columbus Junction, Iowa visited at the home of her folks, Mr. and Mrs. John Pete Spinner, over the long holiday weekend. ~Contributed by Errin Wilker ........ there's lots more!!! continue reading this issue of the Allamakee Journal ..... |
Journal, July 14, 1976 LANSING NEWS -Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Dani of Janesville, Wis., are spending the week at the James Keenan and J.T. Calahan homes. -Mrs. Frances Early is recovering from cataract surgery she had recently at a La Crosse hospital. She is living at present time at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lawrence "Dutch" Protsman and family. -Ann Murphy of Cedar Rapids visited her mother, Mrs. Marie Murphy, over the weekend. -Mrs. Ellen Hanley entered the St. Francis hospital on Tuesday of last week and underwent surgery for cataract. -Lansing's George Bishop harvested ripe tomatoes from his garden already this summer. -John Manning and Mike Garrity of Racine, Wis. spent a couple of days visiting John's parents, the Cyril Mannings, this past week. -Kari and Mike Long, children of Mr. and Mrs. Kieth Long of Omaha, Nebraska, are staying with their grandparents, the M.W. Longs, this week. Kieth and his wife plan to come during the weekend and take the kids back after the Bicentennial. -Mr. and Mrs. John Dunlevy and David and Martha were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Brayer Amble and family last Thursday afternoon at a picnic on a sandbar near Victory, Wisconsin. -Gary McKee caught a sunfish that weighed one pound and two ounces a couple of weeks ago. That's a huge sunfish, as any fisherman will tell you. -Hot weather has been the rule in Lansing for the past couple of weeks. Kern Kelleher reports that on Saturday his thermometer registered 100 degrees in the shade during the afternoon. Ray Schobert had 98 degrees at his home. ~Contributed by Errin Wilker ........ there's lots more!!! continue reading this issue of the Allamakee Journal ..... |
La Crosse
Tribune, La Crosse, WI, hand-dated
1977 Last of 10 in Family Ends Tribune Delivery, By Alden Solovy - A 14-year dynasty has come to an end. In October, the last of the 10 children of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mauss, New Albin, stopped delivering the La Crosse Tribune. Bob began carrying the Tribune in 1963. He handed down the newspaper route to brother Ed. And so it went, in order: Ed to Vic, then Frank, then Dan, then Paul, then Ellen, then Rose, then Joan, and then Jean. "When they got old enough to quit, they just handed it down to the next in line," said Joan of her brothers and sisters. "It just kept going like that." Joan, who is 15, began delivering papers in 1971. She was 1 when Bob began deliveries. Joan said she doesn't remember a time when someone in her family wasn't delivering the Tribune. When sister Rosethe eighth carrierdelivered the paper, the route was divided in half. Up until then, the Mauss children delivered for the whole city. Rose then shared the city's Tribune deliveries with another carrier. Once Rose gave up delivering the paper, Jean and Joan took over. Jean, 13, was born a year after the Mauss Tribune carrying began. Jean and Joan shared Rose's delivery route. "We didn't know how to split the money up," said Joan, who began delivering when she was 9. "Joan carried more papers so she thought she should get more money," said Jean, who started delivering when she was 7. Because of the arguments about dividing up the collections, the route was split in 1975 so that Joan and Jean would each have their own territories. According to Joan, they both ended up making the same amount of money. Jean said that there were some other complications that arose. "On cold nights, Mom and Dad took us out to deliver the paper in the car," she said. According to Jean, when one of them had something else to do, the other would take the paper route. "We'd pay each other to take it," she said. She said this caused more arguments as "some papers were heavier than others." However, 50 to 75 cents for a route was the going rate for paying a sister to substitute, she said. Yet, she said, it was more expensive to find a substitute outside of the family. An outsider usually cost them $1 a day when the family would go on vacation. Joan said that her quarter-routeafter she divided Rose's route with Jeantook her 20 to 30 minutes nightly. According to Jean, the delivery time would depend "on how many people you ran into on the way to talk to." She said it took 20 minutes if she didn't stop to talk to anyone, and 45 minutes if she did. Both Joan and Jean said they liked delivering the Tribune. However, Jean said she "liked it better in the summer." In October they stopped delivering the paper to have more time for other activities. And 14 years of Mauss family Tribune came to an end. ~Contributed by Errin Wilker |
Looking back to
March 1977 -Rites were held in Waukon for Frank HAUSMAN. -Rites were held at Lycurgus for Frank WELCH. ~see note at the bottom of the page |
Looking back to
November & December 1977 -Rites were held for Norris GAVLE, 69, at Big Canoe Lutheran Church. -Waukon deaths were Kathryn ZOLL, Anna FOLSUM, Harry FITZGERALD, 83, and Emmet AOLL, 84. ~see note at the bottom of the page |
Allamakee Journal,
Lansing, February 1, 1978 New Albin News by Mrs. Earl Mitchell -Visitors at the Velma Mack home during the weekend included Mr. and Mrs. Burton Feuerhelm of Lansing and Randy Bernetz and family of Waukon. -Visitors at the Bernard Mauss home on Sunday were the Jim Sanchez family of La Crosse and the Jim Wellendorf family of A Lansing. -A. daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Benesh (nee Esther Mitchell) of Cedar Rapids on Monday, Jan. 30. Grandparent honors go to Jim Mitchell of New Albin. The little girl joins a brother, Darek, and a sister, Tanna, at home. -An ice skating party was held at- the New Albin Landing on Sunday afternoon, January 29. Hot chocolate and coffee were served to those present courtesy of the Community Club. The ice was cleared by Larry Donahue and Jim Carroll and the chocolate was kept hot by Karen Darling. Gil Beeler, Howard Fitzpatrick, Floyd Pottratz, Jug Darling, Ray Whalen, and Albert Fruechte along with Gary Thomas and Earl Mitchell served as fire tenders while Sara Smerud held the post of "Advisor Extrordinaire." The Community Club plans to have another skating party soon. -A potluck dinner was held at the Velma Mack home in honor of the 19th birthdays of her daughters, Miss Donna Fink and Mrs. Diane Feuerhelm. Mike Finks birthday was also celebrated. The cakes were baked by Mrs. Sherry Mellick. Present for the day were: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Colsch and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lennie Mellick and family, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Fink and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Feuerhelm and Melissa, Joe, John, Mike and Donna Fink, Sue De Munck, Sally Schneider and Sally and Luke Smerud. The New Albin Senior Citizens met at 6:30, Friday, January 27 for their pot luck and business meeting. There were thirty-four members present. Gladys Dresselhaus asked the blessing and after a delicious meal, our meeting was called to order by Gladys Dresselhaus and our new officers were installed. Nick Strub, president, and Esther Dee, vice president, presided. We gave our outgoing president a vote of thanks. Secretary and treasurer reports were read and approved as read. Our December and January birthdays were Marion Weymiller, Alice Hurley, Ruth Meyer, Esther Schroeder, Hilda Beardmore, Leonard Moore, Marie Richards and Gladys Dee. We sang the birthday song for them. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Strub celebrated their wedding anniversary, and we were all treated to cake their daughter had made for them. We sang the Anniversary Song for them. Congratulations! ln the hospital are Hilda Hammell, Vince Waters, and Mr. and Mrs. Bellon, who were in a car accident. We all signed cards to send them, and also to Mrs. Clayton Grahlman. We welcomed seven new members. They were Alvin and Edna Renk, Albert and Martha Vonderohe, Marie Vonderohe, Ruth Meyer and Ed Meyer. Motion was made and seconded to buy a card table. Bingo prizes were awarded to Mariam Weymiller, who received high, and Margareta Mendenhall, who received second, mens high went to Alvin Renk, with second to Frank Weymiller. In euchre mens high went to Alfred Meyer with second to Bill Hammell, ladies high was won by Esther Schroeder, and second by Bernice Wild. Door prize was won by Gladys Dresselhaus. Our next recreational meeting will be February 10th with pot luck dinner at 12 oclock followed by bingo and cards in the afternoon. Our next pot luck and business meeting will be February 24th, with a pot luck supper at 6:30, followed by our business meeting. -Helen Luttchens, Secretary ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Looking back to
January & February 1978 -Roger and Arlyn PLADSEN bought the Mark MAUSS auto agency. -Rites were held at Waukon for a former Hanover resident George OHARE. -The former Curt NORDHEIM farms were sold at an opera house auction, bringing $1,653 per acre. -Lois LINK HAGER, 25, died on Tuesday, June 6*, in the LaCrosse Lutheran Hospital where she had been taken after being injured in a one-car accident 10 miles east of Waukon. Also killed in that crash was 27-year-old Dennis LOGAN of Waterloo. -A former resident, Thomas MAHONEY, 83, died in Dubuque. ~* The heading says January and February 1978, but the entry says June 6 not sure where the mistake is. Also, see note at the bottom of the page |
Allamakee Journal,
Lansing, April 1978 Mrs. Edwin (Coletta) Meyer of New Albin is the lucky winner of $1,000 in the "Let's Go to the Races" program at New Albin IGA, sponsored by the area IGA stores, Peter Hartley, owner of the New Albin store, announced Monday. Pictured is Mrs. Meyer handing Hartley the winning $1,000 ticket. ![]() ~Contributed by Errin Wilker |
Waukon Standard,
February 1979 Gladys Sires Entertains Cousins - Gladys Sires entertained her cousins at a potluck dinner in her home Tuesday, Jan. 30. Present were Mrs. Elmer Middendorf of Caledonia, MN, Mrs. Joe Crowley and Mrs. Lillian Sires, both of New Albin, Mrs. Pondo May and Mrs. Clayton Grahlman of Clayton, Mrs. Pearl Ehde of Frankville, Mrs. Dervin Rocksvold of Prairie du Chien, WI, and Mrs. Claude Grahlman, Mrs. Norman Rosendahl and Mrs. Lorraine Britain, all of Waukon. The women also helped celebrate the January birthdays of Mrs. Middendorf, Mrs. Lillian Sires, Mrs. Pondo May and Mrs. Lorraine Britain. Cousins who could not be present for the occasion, but also had January birthdays, were Mrs. Lowell Britain of Lincoln, NE, Mrs. Roberta Kannenberg of Cassopolis, MI and Mrs. Albert Pokorny of Havanna, IL. ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Looking back to
February 1979 -Rites were held at Sat. Marys Hanover for John E. McCORMICK. ~see note at the bottom of the page |
Allamakee Journal,
Lansing, March 1979 -Tully Retiring - Lansing postmaster Bill Tully, who assumed duties in October of 1967, will retire this week on Friday. Tully followed Frank Riser as postmaster at Lansing. Named acting temporary postmaster here is Craig Spilde of Decorah -A district court order issued by Judge Peter Van Metre last week in the matter of the estate of late William Peterson of Waukon, based on a hearing on the first report of the executor, contains the information that the sale of Peterson's household items this spring, which included many antiques, netted $107,571 before expenses. ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Allamakee Journal,
Lansing, May 1979 Kerry L. Darling of the Allamakee County Sheriffs Department graduated from the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy at 1:30 p.m., Friday, April 27, 1979. Deputy Darling was one of thirty-three law enforcement officers from across the state enrolled in the law enforcement Academys 59th Basic Training School, according to John F. Callaghan, Director of the Academy. The school is eight weeks in length and covers such areas as human relations, firearms and other skills training, criminal, motor vehicle and other aspects of the law, accident investigation, etc., for a total of 360 hours of required training. ~Contributed by Errin Wilker |
Allamakee Journal,
Lansing, June 1979 -H & S Cousin Club Met June 19 -The H & S Cousin Club met Tuesday, June 19, at the home of Jenny Grahlman in Waukon. A noon luncheon was served followed by a social afternoon. Those attending were: Ruby Middendorf of Caledonia, Mae Crowley of New Albin, Sylvia May and Emerald Grahlman of Clayton, Pearl Ehde of Frankville, Goldie Rocksvold of Prairie du Chien, Celia McKeown of Boring, Oregon, Beryl Porkorny of Savanna, Ill., and Gladys Sires, Lorraine Britain and Alpha Rosendahl of Waukon. Guests included June Behrend of Waukon, Janice Kurth of Luana, Clayton Grahlman of Clayton and Susan Sommermeyer, Eric and Jon of New Albin. The next meeting will be held in the month of August at the home of Ruby Middendorf of Caledonia. Unable to attend were Mrs. Roberta Kannenberg of Cassopolis, Michigan, Mrs. Lowell Britain of Lincoln, Neb. and Mrs. Lillian Sires and Mrs. Forrest Sires of New Albin. -Lansing Senior Citizens entertained the Senior Citizens of New Albin on Tuesday, June 12. Thirty-five guests from New Albin were on hand. Sixteen tables played cards. Bingo was also played and lunch was served. At cards, ladies high went to Esther Schroeder and Alvina Crowley, the low to Martha Vonderohe. Mens high went to Nick Strub and Gottlieb Bellon, the low to George Hammell, Sr. At bingo, high went to Margareta Mendenhal and Mariam Weymiller, the low to Gladys Dee. Mrs. Alvin Renk, Emma Krueger and Hilda Beardmore won door prizes. ~Contributed by Errin Wilker |
Allamakee Journal,
Lansing, August 1979 Capt. and Mrs. Mike Hogan and children Matthew and Sarah, from Yakota Air Force Base, Japan, arrived in Lansing on August 6 to spend part of their leave at the home of their parents, the Laurel Hegys. They were accompanied by Kelli Finn. The following week Dr. and Mrs. William Finn and son Mike of Cedar Rapids came to join the families. While here everyone enjoyed the fishing and beauty on the Mississippi River. The children were delighted with even the little fish they caught. A Hogan reunion potluck supper on Mt. Hosmer was enjoyed by the Theodore Hogans, Floyd Hogans, Fred Hogans, Ron Hogans, Robert Teffs, Ducky Hartman, Mike Hogans, William Finns and Laurel Hegys. Another family gathering was held in the United Methodist Fellowship Hall. The potluck supper was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rayhurn and sons Ricky and Dean of Onalaska, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hegy and sons Joe and Jason of Treampealeau, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Duehkel, Holmen, Wis.; Capt. and Mrs. Mike Hogan and children, Matt and Sarah, Japan; Dr. and Mrs. William Finn and children, Kelli and Mike, Cedar Rapids; and Mr. and Mrs. Laurel Hegy, Lansing. An outing to the House on the Rock was another highlight for Capt. Hogans family. Kelli Finn and the Hegys accompanied them. August 17 came all too quickly, and Mike, Diane, Sarah and Matt left for Cedar Rapids with the Fr. Finn family. Capt. Hogan and family visited there with his sisters family for a couple of days and then left by plane to return to his duties in Japan for another year. ~Contributed by Errin Wilker |
Allamakee Journal,
Lansing, November 1979 The piano students of Karen Lee presented a recital on Sunday, November 11, at the New Albin Methodist Church. The students played two solo pieces each and teamed up for duet selections. Following the recital, refreshments were served in the church. Those who performed were: Karen and Kelli Kernan, Dawn Mooney and Sharon Haefner of Lansing; and Janet, Pam and Sue Ann Breeser, Beth and Shelly Colsch, Kim and Lori Dresselhaus, Diane and Mary Fitzpatrick, John and Maria Moore, Mary and Melanie Moore, Kristi Moore, Joel Sires, Dee Dee Vickery and Linda and Lisa Welper of New Albin. ~Contributed by Errin Wilker |
Allamakee Journal,
Lansing, December 1979 -On Saturday night, December 1, Lillian Sires was the guest of honor at a Retirement Party held at the home of Cleon and Iris Sires. Members of the bridge club were in attendance. Lil has completed many years of service at the post office here, and she received many complimentary cards and gifts and best wishes for much happiness in her retirement years. Euchre furnished the nights entertainment, with mens high going to Bob Kester and the low to Walt Breeser. Ladies high went to Norma Fruechte and the low to Dolores Hartley. Phyllis Breeser received the traveling prize. A late potluck lunch was served. Those attending besides the guest of honor and host and hostess were Pete and Dolores Hartley, Gilman and Joan Meyer, Albert and Norma Fruechte, Bob and Shirley Bulman; Bernet and Gladys Richards, Bob and Maxine Kester, Leonard and Phyllis Heiderscheit, Walt and Phyllis Breeser and Dorothy Visger. -The New Albin Senior Citizens held their Christmas party Friday, December 14. There were forty present, including our guests, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burke. We were entertained by the Boy Scouts, under the leadership of Linda Sires. They put on a Christmas program, which was complete with Santa Claus, reindeer and his elves. Our thanks again to those wonderful boys and their leader. The remainder of the afternoon was spent playing Euchre and other games. Euchre prizes were won as follows: high, Bernice Wild and Leonard Moore; second high, Esther Schroeder and Alvin Renk; in other games, winners were Mariam and Frank Weymiller, Gladys and Leonard Dee; Marie Vonderohe won the guest prize. Christmas gifts were exchanged. A beautiful decorated cake was furnished by Leonard Moore, who was celebrating a birthday December 16. The cake was served along with the delicious lunch by Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Renk and Laura Reinke. The next potluck and business meeting will be Friday, December 28, at 6:30 p.m. ~Contributed by Errin Wilker |
Looking back to
December 1979 -Rites were held at St. Marys, Hanover, for Lucille BURKE, 84. ~see note at the bottom of the page |
Allamakee Journal,
hand-dated 1979 - Glen and Marge Wendel of Lansing recently purchased and took over the operation of the Pines Motel and Restaurant in Harpers Ferry. The Wendels bought the business from Ray Omdahl of Prairie du Chien, Wis. - Clancys Supper Club in Lansing has been sold to Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson, with the Wilsons planning to take over operation of the dining facility on June 19. The Wilsons operated the Landmark Inn on highway No. 9 for about three years. J.W. Underwood handled the real estate transaction. - Capt. Michael Hogan, son of Mrs. Laurel Hegy of Lansing, has been chosen as Junior Officer of the Quarter for the first quarter in 1979. Capt. Hogan is Directorate of Plans and Requirements, Deputy Chief of Staff Personnel, Headquarters; 5th Air Force. He is responsible for headquarters management and supervision of Morale, Welfare and Recreation programs and related activities. Capt. Hogan is presently enrolled in the Air Command and Staff College Seminar Program, and during this quarter twice served as seminar leader and arranged the class program to include guest speakers. He is also involved with the Youth Sports Program at the Air Force base. He is stationed in Yokota, Japan. -Mr. and Mrs. Peter Colsch of rural New Albin returned October 4 after spending the past month with their son, Major Gary Colsch, and family, who live at Hahn Air Force base in Germany. Gary and family took his parents on a tour of Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Austria, the Netherlands and Germany. ~Contributed by Errin Wilker |
Herald, unknown date Winter of 1979 ........ Which Was Worse -- 1936 or 1979? by Maxine DeGarmo Weather has made more news stories this winter than most of us can recall. The stories our parents and grandparents excited our imagination with, have become a reality. Were those words used to describe 1979? No, they were penned by the late Bill Klingbell, publisher of the Postville Herald, in 1936. Headlines then read. "Iowa In Grip Of Worst Winter In 117 Years" and "Traffic Tied Up By Drifted Snow". Headlines not unlike those of 1979. Statisticians have been making comparisons between the two winters because of their severity. We thought it might be interesting to review the winter of 1936 as it affected the Postville area. In searching the newspaper files of that year, we found that the primary concern was the supply of coal. Though many area towns found their supplies depleted, Postville did not, thanks to the local suppliers, the Farmers Store and Hall Roberts' Son. As early as December 21, 1935, old man winter hit a solar plexus blow as hard to take as one of Joe Louis' knockout drops, according to Mr. Klingbeil, when 11 degrees below zero, accompanied by a strong northwest gale helped drive the fearful cold right through to the marrow. (Now we call it chill factor.) Nevertheless, Shafer Cole and Harold Meland loaded a sled with blankets and provisions and took boy scouts on an outing near the Old Stone House, where they cut their own firewood on a 20 below morning. And a pot of coffee, when set off the fire, froze solid in 50 minutes. From that time until the issue of February 27, weekly official thermometer readings, kept by J. M. Thoma, never recorded morning temperatures above zero and once it was 30 below. Like 1979, snow accompanied the cold. January 22 was reported by the Des Moines Weather Bureau as the coldest day in Iowa since 1912 with snow drifts reported to be hard as cement. Mail carriers had several enforced holidays. Schools were closed, meetings of organizations cancelled (sic), even church services on three Sundays. (In 1979, Postville's rural carriers have missed one delivery, however, that is not to say what will happen when the snow melts and the frost goes out of the roads.) Days that school was held, attendance dropped 33 and one-third per cent and there were many cases of frozen faces and ears. Janitor Charley Ohloff kept all the rooms piping hot and Supt. Carroll arranged for hot lunches to be served pupils at noon by the domestic science department. One day when school dismissed early, a group of Postville businessmen took their cars to school and took the pupils home. Fayette county had about 1000 cords of wood for those on relief in the vicinity of Oelwein, but some of the needy protested when they found they had to saw it themselves. The cold wave kept the crew of WPA workers, (if you don't know what those letters mean, ask your parents) who were crushing and hauling rock on the road west of Postville, at home. Drifts prevented the men getting to the quarry for several days. It was even too cold to put up ice, though it was wonderful for making it. Bill Stockman and his icemakers were laid off for several days. Postville Street Commissioner, Wm. H. Hein, reported hauling over a hundred loads of snow off the business district. One Monday, seven teams attached to bobsleds were in Postville. Six farmers found hitching posts to tie teams to on the south side of the Busy Bee Cafe and the other was tied on the south side of Luhman and Sanders store. Every storage garage in town was packed with cars brought in by townspeople to be kept where they wouldn't freeze up and burst. Regarding the cold, Mr. Klingbeil reports, "We are getting so used to the temperatures way down the line that when it hits zero many parents have to flog their children to keep them from taking off their shoes and going barefoot." Mr. K. was also moved to make a plea for the installation of telephones in rural schools after many instances of children being marooned in school houses. Others were marooned during those trying days. Ed Overland, attending a Jamesway convention in Des Moines was forced to stay extra days because orders were issued to let highways remain blocked while opening the roads to the coal mines. Gertrude Sanders, Carolyn Campbell, Catherine Staadt and Ellen Miller were marooned in Chicago. Marjory Deering's birthday party for classmates turned into a slumber party after a blizzard hit. At Des Moines, Cedar Rapids and Waterloo the coliseums were kept open for those who had no fuel to keep warm. If they had no transportation, policemen provided it. Many churches also provided shelter. At one point in Iowa, two carloads of hogs on a stock train froze to death. Even down in Washington D. C. everything was tied up with 16 inches of snow and congress had to adjourn. Getting along locally without mail for several days gave people of today a chance to enjoy the solitude the old timers used to have quite frequently in the good old days and they didn't have any radio to tune in either to relieve the monotony. Along the Postville-Gunder road, 35 farmers with scoop shovels, working from Saturday noon until midnight and again Sunday, helped the county snow plow open that highway. In front of the Lawrence Welzel place they found an auto buried under the snow. Mr. and Mrs. Ed McNeil, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Meyer and Mrs. Ethel Meyer served the plow crew and farmers with a warm Sunday dinner. Even cold weather and drifted roads however, didn't deter dancers from driving 50 miles to shake a leg to the Jan Garber orchestra at Oelwein. Braving the winter elements were, Mr. and Mrs. Arno Schutte, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Casten, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schultz, Harlan Wegner, Milda Jones, Charles Beucher, Bob Kelleher, Ed Kozelka and Anna Mae Schultz. At the John Martens place west of the creamery, it was reported drifts were so high that those people could step off their porch and walk on top of 25 ft. high drifts clear over the top of the poultry house. Frank Hangartner had a busy afternoon and evening during one blizzard pulling stalled motorists on highway 18 between his place and the John Dyke farm north of him. Foreman Frank Severn reported that the local state highway garage was kept busy repairing snowplows. The cold seemed to have made the working parts quite brittle and breakdowns were frequent. Out in Ludlow, farmers hitched four teams to a V-shaped snow plow made of heavy planks and with ten men shoveling, worked two miles through deep drifts only to learn that the county plow had broken down and could not open the road. By the time the plow was available, the road they had opened was drifted shut again. But on the philosophical note, the comment was made that hundreds of gallons of gas had been saved. That snow removal was mighty costly for the railroads, may be judged by the expense of the Milwaukee on the Postville section of approximately 12 miles. Checks for February arrived for the snow shovelers which, of course, included some extra workers, and the checks totaled the sum of $369. 04. (That's not just one check, you know, that's for everybody.) Even as things change, they remain the same, and so it came to pass that one March day, Charles F. Reincke, proprietor of the Commercial Hotel, saw a robin in the city park across the street. ~contributed by Mary Durr from from her mother's scrapbook collection. |
*This clipping is from the Lansing
Journal "Looking Back" collection of the late
Harold Devitt. The contributor wrote: "These were
given to me, so I don't know when they ran as "Looking
Back" items. I still am not certain who typed these pages,
but I think it should be noted that many of the entries are just
little snippets that somebody chose to type up. Im sure the
original paper has more information on some of these