Wm. J. OBrien,
formerly of New Albin but now a restaurant man at
Decorah, was married in that city to Miss Olga T. Hanson.
~Allamakee Journal & Lansing Mirror, October
22, 1930, Looking Backward column (1905) - contributed by
Ann Krumme |

Miss Metha Wendel, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Wendel of Lansing, became the bride
of John R. O'Daniels, son of Mrs. Lou O'Daniels of
Minneapolis at a ceremony performed at Cedar Falls today
at one o;clock. The Reverend J. Kraft officiated at
the services which were held at the parsonage of the
Evangelical church. Miss Wendel chose the 34th wedding
anniversary of her father and mother for her
marriage. Reverend Kraft also officiated at the
wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Wendel. The attendants were Miss
Ruth Lien of Spring Grove, Friend of the bride, and
Alfred Wendel, cousin of the bride. The bride was attired
in a wine colored transparent velvet gown with
accessories to match and carried a bouquet of Johanna
Hill roses. The bride's maid wore a brown crepe dress
with matching accessories. Following the ceremony a
wedding dinner was served by friends at Cedar Falls to
immediate relatives of the bridal party. After a wedding
trip through Iowa, visiting relatives and friends, the
couple will make their home in Waukon. The bride is a
graduate of Lansing High School with the class of
1928. The groom attended school in Minneapolis and
has been employed at the Harold Bender farm in French
Creek. Both young people are well known and have the best
wishes of a host of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wendel
accompanied the couple to Cedar Falls and happily
observed their own anniversary. ~Waukon Republican
and Standard, Sept. 14, 1938 -contributed by Janet
Koozer; niece of the couple |
Married. At the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harris, on Tuesday
evening, Oct. 29th, 1901, occurred the marriage of Miss
Edna Harris to Fred J. Oehring, Rev. Pollard officiating.
The wedding was at 7 o'clock in the evening and only
relatives of the contracting parties were present. The
bride is a highly respected young lady who has always
lived with her parents in this community. The groom is
the son of Mrs. Oehring of this city and at present is
holding a good position with a jewelry firm in Hurley,
Wis., where they will make their future home. We extend
our congratulations. ~Postville Review, November 1, 1901
- contributed by S. Ferrall |
July 7, 1951 -
Elizabeth Keppler and George Oelberg - Place: Washington,
D.C. ~Allamakee Journal, July 18, 1951
-contributed by Errin Wilker |
Married, Tuesday, at Lansing
Catholic church, by Father Haxmeier, James OLeary,
prominent young attorney of Janesville, Wis., and Mrs.
Mary E. Brennan of Village Creek. The attendants were
Miss Mary Mooney and John F. Doherty of LaCrosse. A big
reception was held at Columbia Hall, Village Creek. ~Allamakee
Journal & Lansing Mirror, Oct 29, 1930 in the
Looking Backward Thirty-Five Years Ago column (1895) -
contributed by Ann Krumme |

Mr. Halvor K. Olson &
Miss Thorbjorg Bondal. Married January 15, 1890 at
Lansing, Iowa ~original marriage certificate
(click image to enlarge it) -contributed by Margie
At the home of Mrs. A. N.
Harvey in this city on Monday, July 17th, occurred the
marriage of her daughter, Lucille Grace, to Lloyd A.
Olson of Bangor, Wis., the Rev. J. A. Saathoff, pastor of
the Postville Community church, performing the ceremony
in the presence of the immediate family. They were
attended by Miss Blanche Harvey, sister of the bride, and
Wayne Harvey, a friend of the groom. After a short
wedding trip through Wisconsin they will return to
Postville until November 1st, after which they will be
"at home" on the farm of the groom's father
near Bangor, Wis.- Postville Herald, Friday,
July 20, 1922 -contributor: Reid R. Johnson |
Martha Marie Torfin (Hanover
twp) Waukon to Bent Olson (Bjornstad) Apr. 8,1876. Double
ceremony at Big Canoe Lutheran Church with John Torfin to
Hannah Olson. ~source not given; contributed by Duane
Torfin |
We acknowledge the receipt
of a very neat card announcing the marriage of our
friend, John O'NEIL, of Decorah, to Miss Bertha POLLITT,
the happy event taking place at Minneapolis on Wednesday
of this week. ~Postville Review, October 26, 1895 -
contributed by S. Ferrall |
DecorahOn Monday Miss
Irene May Anderson; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bennie
Anderson, and Norman M. Onsager, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Onsager, Waukon, were married here by Rev. Alfred
Bredesen, pastor of Glenwood Lutheran church. They were
attended by Miss Edith V. Anderson and Oscar, H. Onsager.
Their home will be near Decorah. ~Waterloo Daily
Courier, February 5, 1945 - contributed by Cindy
Lovell |
Miss Aretta Kuehne, youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Kuehne of Rossville, and
Albert Opfer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Opfer of Waukon,
were married at 2 oclock Wednesday afternoon at the
home of the Rev. Paul Krebs in Waukon, says the Journal.~County
News, Postville Herald, May 3, 1928 -
contributed by Aubrie Monroe |
Last Wednesday took place
the marriage of two popular Waukon people, Miss Sophia
Narum and John L. Opfer. ~Allamakee Journal,
November 12, 1905 ~contributed by Ann Krumme |
- ORR |
St. Valentine's Day,
Wednesday, February 14, 1917, the farm home of Mr. and
Mrs. Darius Orr, a mile north of Postville, was the scene
of a very pretty wedding when their eldest daughter, Miss
Ethel, was united in marriage with Mr. George L. Opper,
son of Mr. and Mrs.. J. C. Opper, of Riverside, Ill. The
happy couple will make their home in Riverside, Ill.,
where the Review joins their many friends in wishing them
an abundance of all the good things in life.- Postville
Review, Friday, Feb. 16, 1917 -contributor: Reid R.
Johnson |
Waukon Marriage vows
were exchanged Saturday at 10 in St. Marys church,
Hanover, by Leona Franzen, daughter of Leo Franzen of
Rushford, Minn., and the late Mrs. Franzen, and Frances
ORegan, son of the Maurice ORegans. Maureen
ORegan and Doris Panos of Rushford were maid of
honor and bridesmaid, respectively. Kenneth Panos was
best man and Thomas ORegan groomsmen. Dinner was
served at a Decorah café, followed by a reception in the
Community hall there. The bride completed a nurses
training course at St. Marys hospital, Rochester,
Minn. this year. The couple will live on a farm near
Rushford. ~Cedar Rapids Gazette, October 6, 1958
-contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich |
Waukon In a ceremony
Saturday at 10:30 in St. Patricks Catholic church,
Miss Suzanne Hart became the bride of Dr. Thomas J.
ORegan. The Rev. Joseph Slepicka officiated before
an altar decorated with white gladiolus and yellow roses.
Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hart and
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice ORegan. The brides
Empire gown sheath gown was fashioned of crepe and
Spanish lace. Her headpiece was a floor-length lace
mantilla and her flowers were Amazon lilies. Mrs. Maurice
Hart, matron of honor, and Mrs. Robert Cross of Chicago,
bridesmatron wore mint green Empire gowns of silk brocade
and crepe. Their headpieces were brocade bows and they
carried single long stemmed yellow roses. Maurice Hart,
brother of the bride, served as best man and groomsman
was Timothy ORegan, Chicago. Ushers were Bill Hart,
brother of the bride, Philip Liddiard, Francis
ORegan and Richard Stark. The brides mother
wore a blue silk suit and the bridegrooms mother
chose an aqua suit. The ceremony was followed by a
luncheon given at the Waukon Country club, after which
the couple left for San Francisco, where they will live
while Dr. ORegan takes his internship. The bride is
a graduate of the College of St. Teresa, at Wilnona,
Minn. Her husband graduated from Loras college and
Marquette University medical school in Milwaukee.
~Cedar Rapids Gazette, 28 June 28, 1966 -
contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich |
Before an alter setting of
baskets of gladiolus, Miss Mary Rita Mooney became the
bride of Joseph ORegan of Chicago at 10 a.m. in the
Immaculate Conception church. The Rev. A. White read the
service. Mrs. James Mooney, soloist was accompanied by
Mrs. Henry Wagner, organist. The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mooney of Lansing and Mr.
ORegan is the son of Mrs. James ORegan of
Chicago and the late Mr. ORegan. Fashioned in
ballerina length of rose point lace and tulle, the
brides gown had a Sabrina neckline and long tapered
sleeves. A crown of seed pears and sequiins held her
fingertip veil. She carried white orchids on a white
prayer book. Gowns of blue velvet with matching
headdresses were worn by Mrs. Vincent Mooney of LaCrosse,
Wis., matron of honor and Mrs. Keith Fahey, bridesmatron.
Their bouquets were of pink carnations and white mums.
Mr. Mooney was best man and Leo Palen of Oelwein was
groomsman Ralph Lyons, James Mooney and Cyril Mooney
seated the guests. One hundred fifty guests were
entertained at a noon luncheon in the parish hall. A
reception followed the luncheon. Mrs. ORegan
attended Teachers college at Winona, Minn., and taught in
the rural school here before being employed in the office
of the Allamakee county superintendent of schools in
Waukon. Mr. ORegan was graduated from the
University of San Francisco and received his law degree
from the Ralbau Law School of San Diego, Calif. He is
assistant counsel in the Chicago office of the Health
Insurance Association of America. Following a wedding
trip to Miami and Cuba the couple will make their home in
Chicago. ~Cedar Rapids Gazette, October 26, 1956
-contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich |
The wedding of Ellison Orr
and Mrs. Eva Cook occurred last Saturday evening at
Waukon, Rev. Van Nice officiating. ~Postville Review,
Friday, April 12, 1918 -contributor: Reid R. Johnson |

MARRIED. At the residence of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. HARRIS, on Nov
26th, 1889, by Rev. J.O. THRUSH, Mr. Darius ORR and Miss
Bertha J. HARRIS, all of Post twp. [....a lengthly and
detailed account of the wedding followed] ~Postville
Review, November 30, 1889 - contributed by S. Ferrall --
The scan of their marriage certificate was contributed
by John Orr. Click to view a larger version in a new
MARRIED. At the residence of
the bride's parents, Nov. 2nd, by Rev. L.B. HIX, Mr.
Ellison ORR and Miss Belle MAKEPEACE. Sometimes in
writing a wedding notice we feel a reluctance, and would
fain that the task were not ours, because we almost know
that the "match" is illy assorted, and that
happiness cannot result; but in this case there is quiet
satisfaction, because we feel that both parties have done
well, as they richly deserve. Those who have read the
Review well know our appreciation of Mr. ORR. In all our
experience we never have met a young man who more nearly
fills our ideal of a modern representative young man, and
we freely predict that he has a future before him of
honor and usefulness upon the bright page of which there
will never be found a stain. We have no acquaintance with
the bride, but we know her family and that satisfies us
that she is worthy of the manly heart and hand that she
has won. Both families are old residents of this section
and no stand higher in the community. That a kind
Providence may smile upon this union and crown it with
peace, is the universal wish, and none can be more
sincere than ours. ~Postville Review, November 5, 1881 -
contributed by S. Ferrall |
MARRIED. At the residence of
the bride's mother on Tuesday evening, Dec. 18th, 1883,
by Rev. H.E. WARNER, Mr. Frank M. ORR and Miss Emma
TOPLIFF. ~Postville Review, December 22, 1883 -
contributed by S. Ferrall |
MARRIED - We had the
pleasure, Monday, at DeSoto, of seeing a couple from this
city united in the holy bonds of padlock. Mr. Helwig Ort
was married to Miss Dora Schroeder, by 'Squire Hinds.
Several fun loving ladies and gentlemen of Lansing
accompanied the happy pair across the river and had a
jolly time. The party returned to the home of the bride
in this city, where a splendid dinner was served and a
pleasant afternoon spent. We wish the newly married a
long and happy life. ~North Iowa Journal,
Tuesday, June 3, 1873; pg 3 ~contributed by S. Ferrall
[DeSoto, WI] |
Peter Ostman and Carrie
Walkeen, marriage certificate issued. ~Waukon Standard,
April 22, 1869 - contributed by Bob Hoy |
Waukon, Ia., Jan 3 - Miss
Martha Barthell, daughter of Mrs. Luella Barthell of this
city, and Clifford Overguard, of Bismarck, N.D., were
married at Minneapolis Monday, according to word received
here. The bride is a graduate of the Waukon high school,
West Suburban hospital of Chicago, and later completed
her training in the Chicago School of Civics and
Philanthropy. For the past eight years she has been
school nurse at Taylorville, Ill., and resigned this
position now to accept one of supervising nurse in the
state deparment of health at Bismarck, N.D. Mr. and Mrs.
Overguard, after this week's visit with relatives in
Minneapolis, will be at home to their friends in
Bismarck, N.D. ~Telegraph-Herald and Times-Journal,
Dubuque, Jan 3, 1930 - from S. Ferrall |
At the residence of the
bride's mother, near Hardin, Iowa, Oct. 23d, 1895, Mr.
Clarence H. OWEN and Miss Louise C. MILLER, Rev. E.
HARPER officiating. Both the bride and groom are well
known by the community, and are among our most highly
respected citizens. They will at once go to housekeeping
northeast of Ossian and will carry the best wishes of a
host of friends. ~Postville Review, October 26, 1895 -
contributed by S. Ferrall |