Allamakee Co. Compiled Marriages J |
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Marriages are arranged with the grooms surname first.
JACKSON - CASSIDY | MARRIED - On Sunday last, by
Father Jacoby, Mr. Charles Jackson was married to Miss
Mary Ann Cassidy. ~North Iowa Journal, Wednesday, November 26, 1873; pg 3 ~contributed by S. Ferrall |
JACKSON - PRATT | The marriage
of Mr. M.S. Jackson, son of the late George S. Jackson of
Harpers Ferry, and Miss Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.
W. Pratt, will take place Monday evening of next week.
~Waukon Standard, May 4, 1905, pg. 5 -- -- The marriage of Mr. Milan S. Jackson and Miss Mary, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pratt was consumated Monday evening, the service being performed at the Odd Fellow's hall, for when the Rebekkahs, of which the bride is an active member, heard of the approaching event, they begged that they might be allowed the privilege of serving supper, and requested that the service take place at the hall in order that all might attend. When the request had been granted, the Rebkkahs bent all their energies to making it a most pleasant occasion and succeeded beyond their fondest hopes. The hall was beautifully decorated with plants and flowers and with three arches at the front of the hall, in the middle one of which was suspended a wedding bell of white flowers. At half past eight to the strains of Mendelsshon's beautiful wedding march rendered by the Greenleaf Orchestra, the bridal party appeared, the officiating minister, Rev. R. L. Van Nice, leading, followed by the groomsman and bride's maid, Mr. Bert Dickson and Miss Myrtle Barthell. Then came four little girls, Grace Murphy, Nannie Raymond, Lillian Melerkord and Florence Herman who scattered flowers in the path of the bride and groom who followed. After the marriage ceremony which was very impressive, the young couple were showered with congratulations and good wishes. Dainty refreshments were served and a pleasant social time enjoyed. A large number of gifts were presented. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson left Tuesday morning for their home which is to be at Oran in Fayette county where Mr. Jackson is telegraph operator and station agent. The bride who was born and has lived all her life in Waukon is known as a capable young woman, possessing all the qualifications of a good housewife and Mr. Jackson may be assured he has won a kind, helpful life companion. The groom, the son of the late George S. Jackson, comes highly recommended from his old home at Harpers Ferry where he spent all his younger life. The best wishes of many friends follow them to the new home they are about to establish. ~Waukon Standard May 11, 1905, pg. 1 - both articles contributed by Nancy J. Geitgey |
JACOBIA - THYNE | Jacobia-Thyne. Homer D. Jacobia of this city had been acting a little strangely of late, but hardly anybody thought anything serious would come of it until the news was passed around that he had "went, gone and done it." At any rate on Tuesday, Sept., 3, 1912, he was married at Strawberry Point, Iowa, to a Miss Isabel Thyne, one of the splendid young ladies of that locality. They will be"at home" after Oct. 1st in the ?. M. Sanders residence in Postville, where a host of friends will join in extending them all sorts of well wishes. ~Postville Review, September 6, 1912- contributed by S. Ferrall |
Waukon- The marriage of Miss
Charlotte Busness, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Holger
Busness of Waterville, and Richard Jacobson of Cedar
Rapids took place at 2:30 p.m. Sunday in the East Paint
Creek Lutheran Church near Waterville. The bridegroom's
parents were the late Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Jacobson of
Waterville. The Rev. Walter C. Gullixon read the double
ring service; Mrs. Floyd Larson of Waukon was the
organist and the soloist was Alan Hagen. The bride, given
in marriage by her father, chose her cousin, Mrs. Hilmen
Christianson, as matron of honor. Other attendants were
Miss Marion Jacobson, sister of the bridegroom, and Mrs.
Leona Ness of Waukon. Marvard McLean of Osage was best
man and the groomsmen were Herbert Hedstrom of Courtland,
Kan., and Theodore Thorsen. Colleen Kelly and John
Herman, cousins of the bride, were the flower girl and
ring bearer. Willard Leiran and Robert Gronna seated the
guests. Following the ceremony, a reception was held in
the church parlors. Both Mr. and Mrs. Jacobson are graduates of the Waterville High School. Mrs. Jacobson has been employed as bookkeeper at the Farmers and Merchants Bank in Waterville. Her husband was graduated from Luther College in Decorah, served with the U. S. Air Force and attended the University of Iowa. He is now employed by WMT-TV. The new Mr. and Mrs. Jacobson will live in Marion, Ia. ~Dubuque Telegraph Herald, August 20, 1957 (included the photo) -from Reid R. Johnson |
JACOBSON - McNAMEE | Gustave Jacobson and bride, nee Miss Lillian McNamee, arrived here Friday from Waterloo, where they were married at the home of the bride's parents, and are now enjoying a visit with father Jacobson's family. The newly wedded couple are well known and esteemed by their many friends here for their good traits. Both were born and reared here and resided here up to a few years since. The bride is an accomplished young lady while the groom is a fine young man holding a good position with the B.C. & N. R.R., which he has gained by energy and industry. we, with hosts of friends, extend congratulations and wish for him and his handsome bride a happy and prosperous matrimonial journey through life. ~Allamakee Journal, Village Creek news column, June 28, 1899 ~contributed by S. Ferrall |
JACOBSON - PREMESBERGER | Waukon- The marriage of Miss Marjorie Premesberger and Manuel R. Jacobson took place here Monday, the ceremony being performed by Justice Louis T. Hermanson. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kosbau of Waukon witnessed the ceremony. A wedding dinner was served at the Jacobson home after which the newlyweds left by car for a week's trip to the lakes. The bride was born and raised at La Crosse. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ingeman Jacobson of Paint Creek township. He was graduated from the Waterville school and from the Wisconsin Business college at La Crosse. Since then he has been employed as a traveling salesman out of La Crosse. The new home will be made at La Crosse. ~Dubuque Telegraph Herald, Tue., July 28, 1936 -from Reid R. Johnson |
JACOBSON - VALENTINE | Waukon- James O. Jacobson and Betty Jane Valentine, La Crosse, were married at noon April 16 by the Rev. O. J. H. Preus at St. John's Lutheran church. They were accompanied by Gregory J. Adams and Arlene Jacobson. ~La Crosse Tribune, April 21, 1949 -from Reid R. Johnson |
JAMES - DEERING | Married. At the residence of J. HUGHES, in Postville on Nov. 17th, 1888, by Wm. SHEPHERD, Esq., Mr. Richard N. JAMES and Miss Minnie DEERING. ~Postville Review, November 24, 1888 - contributed by S. Ferrall |
JAMISON - BURGESS | MARRIED. At the residence of the bride's parents in Luana, Iowa, on Wednesday evening Oct. 19th by Rev. J. DOLPH; Mr. John L. JAMISON and Miss Linnie L. BURGESS. ~Postville Review, October 22, 1881 - contributed by S. Ferrall |
JANES - BULLOCK | A neat card informs us that Warren W. Janes and Mary M. Bullock were married at Madison, S.D., Feb. 5th. The many acquaintances and friends of the bride here will wish them much joy and prosperity. ~Postville Review, Sat., Feb. 14, 1891 - contributor: Reid Johnson |
JANSEN - OLSON | This time it is Peter
Jansen, and a mighty good boy he is, too, that has jumped
out of single blessedness into double cussedness, as
Artemus Ward would say. He was married at DeSoto, on
Monday last by Esquire Hinds, to Miss Christine Olson, a
very nice and amiable young lady who has resided for some
time in this city. ~North Iowa Journal, Wednesday, November 5, 1873; pg 3 ~contributed by S. Ferrall |
JEFFERSON - HAYS | At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hays in this city, at 10 a.m. this morning took place the marriage of their daughter, Miss Lillian and John Horace Jefferson of Chicago. Rev. Vannice performed the ceremony in the presence of the relatives and a few intimate friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson departed on the noon train for a visit with the groom’s relatives in Michigan and afterward will be at home in Chicago. The bride was born and reared in Waukon and is a young lady of many accomplishments and estimable qualities. The groom, of course, is a stranger to us, but the fact that he is the choice of his fair bride is a sufficient recommendation. The Journal joins the many friends in extending congratulations. ~Allamakee Journal, June 4, 1902 (Waukon news column) - contributed by Ann Krumme |
JEGLUM - REMA | On Feb. 14 at Morganfield, KY., Miss. Emeline Rema, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Rema, Waukon, and James Jeglum, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Jeglum, Waterville, were married by Reverend Oscar T. Nichols, pastor of the Methodist Church. They will reside on the Jeglum farm. ~Waterloo Daily Courier, Waterloo, Iowa, Friday, February 27, 1942 - contributed by Reid R. Johnson |
JEMISON - BROWNELL | Miss Emily BROWNELL, daughter of Wm. BROWNELL of Waukon, and Dave JEMISON were married Wednesday. ~Postville Review, March 8, 1890 - contributed by S. Ferrall |
JERALD - DICKSON | MARRIED. At the home of the bride, on Thursday evening April 16th, by the Rev. Will W. CARLTON, of Strawberry Point, Mr. Daniel A. JERALD, of Postville, and Miss Nettie J. DICKSON, of Strawberry Point, Iowa. ~Postville Review, April 25, 1891 - contributed by S. Ferrall |
JOHNSON - ALEXANDER | Married. In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Jan 4th, at the residence of and by Rev. J.H. NIBLOCK, Mr. James H. JOHNSON, of Burlington and Miss Ella ALEXANDER of Monona, Iowa. Mr. JOHNSON is well and favorably known in Postville, where he has resided for years, until within the past two or three years, since which time he has been a commercial traveler for prominent wholesale houses in Burlington, where his headquarters now are. ~Postville Review, January 8, 1881 -contributed by S. Ferrall |
JOHNSON - BERG | Waukon - The marriage of Miss Norma Berg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Berg, farmers of Franklin township, and Roger Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Johnson, of Post township, took place at the Baptist parsonage here Saturday afternoon. The Rev. L.D. Eaton, pastor, officiated. Miss Delores Johnson, sister of the bridegroom, and Sydney Berg, the bride's cousin, were the attendants. A wedding dinner was served at the Johnson home, followed by a reception at Rossville. The bride is a graduate of Waukon High School, and last year attended Junior College here. The bridegroom was educated in the rural schools and since graduation has been employed on farms. The new home will be made on a farm near Postville. ~Dubuque Telegraph-Herald, Tuesday evening edition, August 8, 1944 - from S. Ferrall |
JOHNSON - CLARK | The marriage of Miss Lisle
Marie Clark, daughter of Mrs. Hattie Clark of this city,
and Mr. Bernard Theodore Johnson of Elon, took place at
the Presbyterian parsonage this morning at 10 o'clock,
Rev. Van Nice officiating. After a wedding trip to
Waterloo and other points, the young couple will settle
down to the home life on the farm of the groom's father,
Hans Johnson near Elon. The bride is one of Waukon's
popular young ladies, and a wide circle of friends wish
her unbounded happiness in her wedded relations. ~The Democrat, Waukon, Iowa; December 26, 1917 ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
JOHNSON - DAVIS | Married. Mr. James JOHNSON to Miss Nellie E. DAVIS in Postville on May 10th, 1880 at the residence of and by Rev. R. LAUGHLIN. Both Parties are of Myron, Iowa. ~Postville Review, May 15, 1880 - contributed by S. Ferrall |
JOHNSON - GUIDER | Wednesday, at Wexford parsonage, Father Laffan officiating, took place the marriage of Mr. Carl Johnson and Miss Agnes Guider, popular young people of Lafayettte township. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, May 1, 1929 in the Looking Back to 1904 column - contributed by Ann Krumme |
JOHNSON - HENDERSON | The following item taken from a Cresco paper, will be interesting to her friends here. Miss HENDERSON was with her relative here, Miss Josephine DURNO, the most of the winter: "Married - At the residence of the bride's parents, February 27, 1895, by the Rev. J.H. BOGGESS, Alton R. JOHNSON, of Lime Springs and Miss Augusta HENDERSON of Cresco." ~Postville Review, March 9, 1895 - contributed by S. Ferrall |
JOHNSON - PEDERSON | Miss Rhoda June Pederson, daughter of John Pederson, and Delver Johnson, son of Mrs. Ralph Leppert of Forest Mills, were married Monday afternoon, Feb. 17th, at Waukon. The new home will be made with his other and step-father, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Leppert. The bride’s many Waterville friends wish her much happiness. ~Allamakee Journal, February 19, 1941, Waterville column ~contributed by Ann Krumme |
JOHNSON - McRELL | Lansing, Ia., Dec 11 - The marriage of Miss Evelyn McRell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McRell of Minneapolis, and Roland Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson of Lansing, took place on Tuesday in Minneapolis, the Rev. Raymond Grand of the Simpson M.E. Church performing the ceremony. The new home will be made in Minneapolis, where the bridegroom is employed. ~Dubuque Telegraph-Herald and Times-Journal, Friday, Dec. 11, 1931 - contributed by S. Ferrall |
JOHNSON - MORGAN | A beautiful marriage ceremony was solemnized at Immaculate Conception Church, Charles City, Iowa, Tuesday, Jan. 2nd, by the Very Rev. T. Rooney, when Marietta, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.B. Morgan, New Albin, became the bride of Wm. R. Johnson, Son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Johnson, of Lansing. The attendants were Peggy Ann Morgan of Kansas City, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morgan of New Albin. The bride's attire was an aquamarine gown with feathered hat to match and brown accessories; her only adornments were a corsage of roses and a string of Adrian pearls, a gift of the groom. The maid of honor wore a grey, applique trimmed gown, with a brown corde straw hat and accessories to match. The groom and best man wore suits of brown. Mrs. Clell Scott, former schoolmate of the bride, sang thru the entire ceremony, while Sister M. Mildred furnished the nuptial music. Among the many selections sang were "Ave Marie" and "On This Day." A wedding breakfast was served at the St. Charles Hotel for the bridal couple and immediate families and Father Rooney and his assistant, Fr. Walter. After the breakfast the bride and groom left on a short wedding trip to Chicago. On their return Friday evening a dance was held in their honor at the Dreamland Ballroom, New Albin. Despite the extreme cold weather and icy roads a large crowd enjoyed several hours of dancing to the music of Beardmore's Orchestra. The bride has been employed several years at Kansas City, Mo., and lately in Charles City, Ia. The groom is a progressive young farmer of Lafayette township. The young couple are among our most popular and well known young people and they have a host of friends who wish them a lifetime of success and happiness. ~undated clipping - contributed by Errin Wilker |
JOHNSON - NELSON | H. Johnson has secured a housekeeper, being married to Mrs. Hans Nelson this week. The aged couple are enjoying their honeymoon at their brick residence here. ~Allamakee Journal, Village Creek news column, June 28, 1899 ~contributed by S. Ferrall |
JOHNSON - NOONAN | The marriage of Miss Sadie Noonan and Mr. Barney Johnson took place at I. C. Catholic church in Lansing, Monday. They will live in Viroqua, Wis. ~Allamakee Journal & Lansing Mirror, Oct 29, 1930 in the Looking Backward Thirty-Five Years Ago column (1895) - contributed by Ann Krumme |
JOHNSON - THORSTENSEN | Ole Johnson and Hilda Thorstensen, married April 15, 1885 by Minister H.A. Heartman at East Church. Johnson age 32, farmer, son of Johannes Olsen (SVEEN/SWAIN) and Helen Halvorsdatter, born in Land, Norway. Thorstensen age 19, daughter of John Thorstensen (UGLUM), Bronyl Hafdorsdatter, born in Salbo, Norway. Witnesses were Petter Rime and Ole Rime. ~Marriage license and certificate - contributed by Susan Kenyon |
JOHNSON - BRESNAHAN | Jeffery Allen Peter Johnson (son of Robert & Jane Johnson, born Omaha, Nebraska) to Marcia Marie Bresnahan (daughter of Raymond & Fern Bresnahan, born Waukon, Iowa) on October 6, 1972 at St. Patrick's in Waukon, Iowa by Father Purtell. ~from the 'Bresnahan Family Bible'- contributed by Lori Bresnahan |
JOHNSON - ROSE | Miss Jeanette Rose and LaVern Johnson exchanged wedding vows Saturday in the Little Brown Church at Nashua, with the Rev. Glenn Utterback officiating at the 2 p.m. ceremony. The couple was attended by Mrs. John Jarms of Postville and Curtis Gilbertson of Waukon. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arbie Rose of Postville and a graduate of Postville high school and the Waterloo School of Beauty Culture. She has been employed in Althea’s Beauty Shop at Waukon. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Johnson of Waukon, served four years with the Air Force and is employed by the Marhoefer Packing Plant in Postville, where the new home will be made. ~Allamakee Journal, Wed., Aug. 20, 1958 -contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich |
JOHNSON - STORLA | Married Sept. 27, at the
residence of Rev. Van Nice, Mr. Bernhart M. Johnson and
Miss Thora Storla, both of Waterville. The couple were
attended by Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wendel, the latter a sister
of the bride. The ring ceremony was used. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, October 3, 1928 - contributed by Ann Krumme |
JONES - GALLAGHER | A very pretty wedding took place at the Hanover church Tuesday, where were united by Rev. D.J. Slattery of Dubuque, who assisted Fr. McCullough. Miss Anastasia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gallagher, and Mr. John E. Jones, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones. Mrs. Joe Gallagher played the wedding march. The attendants were the bride's sister Maud and cousin, Patrick Gallagher. The bride's dress of white satin, wreath and veil, were enhanced by the beautiful gold rosary beads, the gift of the groom. After a visit to Wisconsin they will return to Hanover. The groom is an employe of the Council Bluffs Remedy company. ~LaCrosse Tribune, Waukon News column, February 25, 1914 - contributed by S. Ferrall |
JORDAN - PETERSON | Clarence Jordan, St. Paul, Minn., son of R.F. Jordan of this place, and Miss Esther Peterson, also of St. Paul, were married Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, with the Rev. Dechkman performing the single ring ceremony. They were attended by the former’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jordan, also of St. Paul. The bride wore a pink silk jersey street length dress with white accessories and a corsage of pink and white roses. Her attendant wore an aqua two piece sharkskin suit with white accessories and a corsage of pink roses. The bridegroom wore a dark brown suit. The new home will be made in St. Paul, Mr. Jordan and bride came Monday evening for a few days visit with his father and other relatives and friends. They have the best wishes of “Snide’s” many friends for a long and happy married life. ~New Albin newspaper clipping, unknown date, ca1940's - contributor: Errin Wilker |
JOYCE - HOLDEN | MARRIED - In Alamakee Co., Iowa, Oct 11, Mr. John Joyce to Miss Clarissa Holden. ~The Weekly North Iowa Times, December 23, 1857, pg 2 - from S. Ferrall |
JUNGE - GRONNA | Waterville, Ia. - The marriage of Miss Norma Gronna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Gronna, farmers of near Waterville, and Warren Junge, of Davenport, took place at the East Paint Creek Church Sunday evening. The double ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. J.B. Unseth, pastor. The bride was given in marriage by her father and had as her attendants her two sisters, Miss Dorothy Gronna, of Ames, Ia., and Mrs. James Ryan of Davenport, and the bridegroom's sister, Miss Charlotte Junge, of Davenport. Ushers were John Junge, the groom's father, and Clarence Leikvold, of Decorah, Miss Selma Leikvold, of Decorah. Miss Selma Leikvold and Mrs. Clarence Leikvold sang. A buffet luncheon was served at the bride's home after the ceremony. the bride is a graduate of Waterville High School and Bethany College, Mankato, Minn. She has been employed in a Davenport bank for some time, but spent the past year in Tacoma, Wash., where she was an instructor in a public school. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Junge, of Davenport. He is a graduate of Davenport High School and of the State University of Iowa. He has just completed boot training at Farragut, Idaho. The bride will join her husband after he is assigned to a station. ~Dubuque Telegraph-Herald, Thursday evening edition, June 8, 1944 - from S. Ferrall |