At the residence of the
bride's mother in Postville. On Tuesday, Feb. 21st, by
Rev. Bockelman, Mr. Fred Dahms and Miss Lizzie Kluss. The
Review extends its heartiest congratulations.
May happiness and prosperity be theirs through life. ~Postville
Review, Fri., 10 Feb. 1899. ~contributor: Reid R.
Johnson |
Married. At the residence of
the bride's parents on June 6th, 1889 by Rev. W.H.
McCUSKEY, of Frankville; Mr. Morton H. DAINS of Ludlow,
Allamakee Co. Io, and Miss Emma A. PACKARD of Frankville,
Iowa. The newly married pair after taking in the
soldier's encampment at West Union, settled down for the
present until their own house is finished, in a house
belonging to Mr. DAINS' aunt, near his mother's
residence. ~Postville Review, August 17, 1889 -
contributor: S. Ferrall |
June 3, 1941;
Ruth Cahalan and Leo Daman; St. Pius Church, Cherry Mound
~Allamakee Journal, June 11, 1941
-contributor: Errin Wilker |
Marriage of
Ellen Agnes (Nellie) Clarke and Amos Edward Daman:
This is to certify that Amos Edward Daman and Helen
Clarke were lawfully married on the 12 day of August 1912
According to the rite of the Roman Catholic Church and in
conformity with the laws of the state of Iowa Rev.
Michael Sheehan officiating, in the presence of William
Garin and Gabrielle Merrill Witnesses, as appears from
the marriage register of this church. Dated September 23,
1988. Rev. Duane Raftis, Pastor.
~Marriage certificate from St. Ann - St. Joseph church in
Harpers Ferry - contributor: Jody Howard |
Married -On
the 5th inst., by Rev R Ricker, Mr Francis E. DAVIDSON to
Miss Elizabeth MINERT. ~Waukon Standard, April 22,
1869 - contributor: Bob Hoy |
Married by
Reverend H.W. Singer at the Methodist parsonage [in
Waukon] Monday, Russell Davidson of Onalaska [Wisconsin]
and Miss Barbara Showers of La Crosse. They were attended
by Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hanson. ~Waukon Republican and
Standard, May 24, 1933 - contributor: S. Ferrall |
Alert! Groom surname
-- --
Miss Angela Higgins, Red Cross recreation worker the past
year at the Camp McCoy station hospital, and Capt. Thomas
Davien, dental surgeon at Billy Mitchell Field,
Milwaukee, formerly of Camp McCoy, were married Saturday
morning in the hospital chapel at Camp McCoy, Chaplain
Francis G. Zwilling officiated. The only attendants were
Mrs. Mary M. Glass, another Red Cross recreation worker
at Camp McCoy, and Capt. Herman S. Benz, of the Ft.
Sheridan station hospital. Mrs. Davien has resigned from
the Red Cross and will reside with her husband near
Mitchell Field. A native of New Albin, Ia., she chose for
her wedding a moss green suit with gold accessories and a
corsage of yellow roses. Capt. Davien, whose home is in
Boston, Mass., served overseas at Guadalcanal and New
Caledonia. He has been in the army five years. ~Wisconsin
State Journal, Feb 27, 1945 - contributor: S.
-- --
Miss Angela Higgins, daughter of Mrs. Dennis Higgins of
New Albin, became the bride of Capt. Thomas F. Davin,
U.S.D.C., son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Davin of Boston,
Mass., at 9 o'clock Saturday morning, Feb. 24th, at the
hospital chapel, Camp McCoy, Wis. Chaplain Francis G.
Zwilling performed the marriage ceremony and was
celebrant of the Nuptial Mass. The bride had chosen a
soft olive green dressmakers suit, with felt toque of the
same shade, and a cream costume blouse. Her flowers were
yellow tea roses. Mrs. Mary M. Glass, A.R.C. recreational
director, the bride's only attendant, was attired in a
gray wool suit with a matching accessories. She wore with
her ensemble white roses. Capt. Davin had as best man
Capt. Herman S. Benz of Fort Sheridan, Ill., station
hospital. After a wedding trip the newlyweds will be at
home in Milwaukee, Wis., where Capt. Davin has been
assigned as dental surgeon at the Billy Mitchell Field.
He is a graduate of Boston College and Tufts Dental
School of Boston, and served overseas with the famed
American Division in Guadalcanal and New Caledonia. Mrs.
Davin is a graduate of Clarke College, Dubuque, Iowa, and
for the past two years was staff recreational worker with
the American Red Cross. New Albin relatives and friends
extend congratulations and best wishes to Capt. and Mrs.
Davin. ~undated clipping - contributor: Errin Wilker |
A large crowd
attended the shower and dance at the Dave Stafford home
Saturday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Orrie Davis who
were married Wednesday, May 17th. Congratulations! ~Waukon
Republican and Standard, May 24, 1933 - contributor:
S. Ferrall
Note: Her name was Hazel Evelyn Bodeen & his
name was Orrie Otis Davis - added by Carylon Osborn
Viuhkola (04/22/2012) |
Mr. Cerns Ora
Davis and Miss Gladys Marie Flack, of Waterville, were
married Wednesay, May 17, 1933, at the home of Reverend
R.L. Van Nice. They will make their home near
Waterville. ~Waukon Republican and Standard, May
24,1933 - contributor: Errin Wilker |
Married. By Rev. LAUGHRAN at
his residence in Waukon, Sept. 8th, 1880, Mr. John DAVIS,
of Myron, and Mrs. Dr. A.D. HOWES, of Delphos, Kansas. ~Postville
Review, Sept. 25, 1880 - contributor: S. Ferrall |
Married. At Waukon, July
8th, by Rev. R. Smith, Mr. JAMES C. DAVIS, of Patch
Grove, Wis., and Miss NETTIE R. VAUGHN, of Linton twp. ~Postville
Review, July 10, 1884 - contributor: S. Ferrall |
Married. At the
Congregational parsonage in this city on Thursday evening
last, the Rev. L.W. Wiltberger spake the words that
joined in holy wedlock Mr. Ralph C. Davis and Miss Marie
L. Wegner, a twain of Postville's best known and most
highly respected young people. Following the ceremony the
happy couple were spirited away in a car to McGregor
where they took the night train for Des Moines on a brief
honeymoon trip. Both these young people are so well and
favorably known in Postville and surrounding country as
to make any encomiums we might offer wholly superfluous.
Mr. and Mrs. Davis will settle down to housekeeping in
the Mrs. Simpson residence, where the Herald
hopes they may live long and prosper. ~Postville
Herald, July 2, 1920 - contributor: S. Ferrall |
On Monday evening, Oct.
16th, in the presence of a few relatives and close
friends, Mr. James E. Daws and Mrs. Zelma Dawson-Estey,
both of this city, were united in marriage, Esquire Wm.
Shepherd doing the nuptual knoting with his customary
neatness and dispatch. The event occurred in the rooms in
the rear of the Hanks Jewelry store, where Mr. and Mrs.
Daws at once settled down to housekeeping. We
congratulate. ~Postville Review, Fri., 20 Oct.
1905. ~contributor: Reid R. Johnson |
Married. At the residence of
the bride's mother in Postville on October 19th, 1875, by
Rev. C.A. MARSHALL, Mr. H.P. DAWES to Miss Sarah LASSEY.
~Postville Review, October 20, 1875 -
contributor: S. Ferrall |
Rural School Teacher Weds E.
Dawson at Calvary Evangelical Church - A double ring
wedding ceremony took place at the Calvary Evangelical
Church Sunday morning at 11:30 a.m. when Miss Gretchen
Gruber became the bride of Everett Dawson. Rev. DeWitt
Stauffer performed the ceremony. The bride was attired in
an ankle length gown of white satin, with a finger tip
veil. She carried a bouquet of white carnations and white
sweet peas. The bridesmaid, Miss Arlene Dee; wore a pink
ankle-length dress with white accessories. She carried a
bouquet of yellow cassias and sweet peas. The groom and
best man wore dark suits and wore white carnations in
their lapels. After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was
served to 30 guests, consisting of the immediate families
and other relatives and friends. It was held at the home
of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gruber.
The tables were decorated in pink and white. The bride is
graduate of the Lansing Public High School and has been
since teaching the rural schools. The couple will make
their home in Lafayette township, where Mr. Dawson
recently purchased a farm. ~Waukon Republican &
Standard, Feb. 26, 1941 - from Errin Wilker |
Married. At the residence of
E.H. PRIOR, in this city, on Wednesday, May 16th, 1894,
at 1 o'clock, p.m. Mr. Charles A. DAYTON, of Oelwein and
Miss Nellie, daughter of Mr. John PRIOR, of Postville.
The couple took the 4:45 train for Oelwein, their future
home, and a host of friends wish that their cup of
happiness and prosperity may be filled to overflowing.
The Review extends congratulations and wishes them
well. ~Postville Review, May 19, 1894 -
contributor: S. Ferrall |
Nelson Deal and Taca Dobson
were married at the residence of the pastor, on Dec. 21,
1879 by Rev. R. Laughlin. Both parties from Post twp.
~likely Postville Review - contributor: S.
Ferrall |
Waukon- Zion
Evangelical and Reformed church provided the setting
Saturday for the marriage of Miss Carol Stock, daughter
of the Earl W. Stocks, to Donald L. Dee, son of the
Leonard Dees of Lansing. The ceremony was performed at
7:30 by the Rev. William E. Odenbach. Mrs. Richard Binder
of Davenport attended her sister as matron of honor and
bridesmaids were Mrs. Francis Garrett of Lansing and Miss
Margery Flage of Waukon. Attending the bridegroom was
Lawrence Reinke of Albia, best man, and Dale Hartong and
Kenneth Leppert, both of Lansing. Richard Binder, Robert
Stock, Robert Leppert and Curtis Gramlich, ushers. A
reception was given in the Fellowship hall. The bride
attended the American Institute of Commerce in Davenport
and has been employed by the Veterans Memorial hospital.
Mr. Dee farms with his father. ~Cedar Rapids Gazette;
March 15, 1959 - contributor: Diana Henry Diedrich |
Lansing, Ia., Feb. 5 -
Attorney and Mrs. Frank May of Lansing have announced the
marriage of their only daughter, Marie Elizabeth, to
Herbert Dehli, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dehli of
Lafayette township, the ceremony having taken place in
Caledonia, Minn., on Sept. 15, 1931. Mrs. Dehli is a
member of the firm of May & May, attorneys at
Lansing, and her husband is a medical student at Iowa
City. Upon the completion of his school work he will do
intern work at Lutheran hospital in La Crosse, Wis. ~Telegraph-Herald
and Times-Journal, Dubuque, Iowa, Friday evening
edition, February 5, 1932 - from S. Ferrall |
Married. On the 25th inst.,
at Ossian, Mr. E. DEILY and Miss Lillie McNAMARA by Rev.
L. P. MATHEWS. ~Postville Review, January 27,
1877 - contributor: Mary Durr |
Wilhelm Dell
and Bertha Meyer, married November 29, 1889 by Pastor
John Gass. ~St. Paul Lutheran Church records -
contributor: Steven W. Bareis |
Miss Janet Marti of
Davenport and daughter of Mrs. Esther Marti and the
late Willard Marti, became the bride of Mr. Kenneth DeMay
of Moline, Ill. and son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeMay of
Annawan, Ill. at one o'clock Saturday at Immaculate
Conception Church in Lansing with the Rt. Rev Msgr. Henry
Scharphoff officiating. Attendants were the groom's
sister, Miss Carol DeMay as maid of honor, the bride's
sister, Mrs. Donald Andre and Miss Marion Cousins as
bridesmaids. Mr. Daniel DeMay served his brother as best
man and groomsmen were Mr. Donald Andre and Mr. Francis
Schaefer. Given in marriage by her grandfather,
Mr. Ben Decker of Church. The bride's gown was of
Chantilly type lace and bridal tulle over net and satin.
The fitted bodice had scalloped sabrina neckline with
irredescent trim and long fitted sleeves. The full
bouffant skirt of lace featured alternating tiers of
rufled lace and tulle extending to a chapel train. A
fingertip veil was held in place by a crown of sequins
and rhinestones. Her flowers were a white orchid on a
white Bible and streamers of stephanotis. The bridesmaids
wore cocktail length dresses of mist blue irredescent
satin. The elongated fitted bodice had bateau neckline,
cap sleeves and wide crushed cummerbunds of silver satin
caught by a satin rose at center front and full shirred
skirt. There blush veils were held by a plateau hat edged
in nylon ruffles and their flowers were garland bouquets
of bronze mums. The bride's mother wore blue and the
groom's mother a blue print and each used black
accessories. Following the ceremony a reception
was held for 150 relatives and friends in the city hall
with Mrs. Everett Dawson as dining room hostess. Miss
Mary Vorheis of Davenport had charge of the guest
book and Mrs. Lloyd Schneider of Waukon cut the cake.
Tables were decorated with fall flowers. In the evening
the happy couple left on a wedding trip to Chicago.
The bride is a graduate of the Lansing high school
and the American Institute of Commerce in Davenport and
at present employed as a bookkeeper at the Crescent
Electric Supply Company there. Her husband is a graduate
of the Annawan high school and at present employed as a
Expeditor at the John Deere Mallable Works in East
Moline, Ill. ~newspaper clipping, undated -
contributor: Ellen Lott [note: if you know the date of
this wedding please contact the Allamakee co. coordinator
so it can be added to this marriage] |
Mr. Michael Demmer of
Sheldon and Miss Margaret Roerkohl of Dorchester were
married Tuesday morning at the Dorchester Catholic
church, Rev. Father Sheehy officiating. The bride was
attended by Miss Julia Demmer, a sister of the groom. Mr.
William Roerkohl, a brother of the bride was best man.
Following the ceremonies at the church a reception was
held at the home of the bride's mother. The bride is a
daughter of Mrs. Theodore Roerkohl and sister of Messrs.
Joseph, Theo. and Henry Roerkohl of this city. she is a
very popular young woman in her home community where her
many graces, her pleasing personality and her womanly
worth are known. She does not come to Caledonia as a
stranger, having visited her brothers here on several
occasions and formed acquaintance with a number of our
young people who will be pleased and delighted to welcome
her coming as one of us. The groom is a son of Mr. and
Mrs .John Demmer of this city. He is an industrous young
man of sterling character. They will reside on the Demmer
farm in Sheldon which the groom recently bought from his
father. ~Caledonia Argus; Caledonia, MN; Friday,
June 4, 1915 ~contributed by S. Ferrall |
Wednesday evening, May 24,
at seven oclock, took place the marriage of Edward
C. Depping and Miss Sarah Elizabeth Steffen at the
residence of the brides parents in Ludlow. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. Gaenge of the German
church. Only the relatives of the contracting parties and
a few intimate friends were present. The young couple are
among the most popular and highly respected people of
Ludlow and have the best wishes of their many friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Depping will be at home on their farm after
June 15th. -contributed by Joy Moore |
Douglass Deremore, of
Waukon, was married to Miss Lucy Egan, of Dubuque, on
Wednesday morning. They have gone east on a tour and will
be at home in Waukon, Sept. 1st. ~Postville Review,
Fri., 22 July 1898 - contributor: Reid R. Johnson |
Deremo of Elon and Miss White of Yellow River were
married last Thursday in Waukon by C. S. Stilwell. In the
evening Thayles parents invited a large number of young
people in and dancing, music and games were indulged in
and a splendid time was had until a late hour next
morning. We join in wishing the newly wedded couple much
happiness in the future. ~Waukon Standard, March
6, 1890 - contributor: Mary Durr; note: this article was
sent to my mother by Evelyn Rudolf. Evelyn is connected
to the White-Ewing genealogy and says Miss White is
Charles W. White's daughter. |
- CLAY |
Miss Charlene Marie Clay, became the bride of
David Harold Deters, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Deters of
Waukon, Saturday at United Methodist church. The Rev.
Walter Dimmlich performed the 2:30 ceremony. The bride,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Clay, wore a gown of
knit lace styled with a jewel neckline, full sleeves and
an A-line skirt with a chapel-length train. Her
elbow-length veil was caught to a Camelot cap of matching
lace and her flowers were a colonial arrangement of
Tropicana roses. Maid of honor was Marlene Clay, twin
sister of the bride. Also attending were; Mrs. Bill Iwen,
sister of the bridegroom and Miss Jane Hanselman. Their
Empire gowns were in apple green and white and featured
jewel necklines and puff sleeves. Each carried a single
yellow rose. The bridegroom was served by his twin
brother, Michael Deters, as best man, Ron Clay, brother
of the bride, and Bill Goettsch. Guests were seated by
Mr. Iwen, Jim Wilson and Bill Sibley. Flower girl and
ringbearer were Lisa and Bryan Iwen. A reception was
given in the church social rooms with Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Haas, Oelwein, as hosts. On return from a wedding
trip to northern Minnesota, the newlyweds will reside in
Iowa City where Mr. Deters will work on his PH. D. degree
and serve as a teaching assistant at the University of
Iowa. He attended Dubuque Theological seminary. His bride
attended the U. of I. and has been employed by the
Winneshiek County Memorial hospital in Decorah.
~Cedar Rapids Gazette, June 10, 1973
contributor: Diana Henry Diedrich |
Ia.--The marriage of Miss Melva Henderson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Henderson, and Howard Dickson, son of
Mrs. Roy Dickson, Waukon, was solemnized Sunday at Forest
Mills church. They will reside on a farm near Waukon.~Waterloo
Daily Courier 2 Jan. 1942 P 6 C 7 - from LeeAnn |
Married- At Milwaukee, Wis.,
Jan. 3rd, 1899, Gustav Dietsch and Ida Scherf. We wish to
extend our most hearty congratulations to Bro. Dietsch
and his bride. Mr. Dietsch is the editor and proprietor
of the German paper here, the Volksblatt, and is a No. 1
good fellow. The bride is a niece of Wm. Schultz, and
came from Hamburg, Germany, last May. May peace and
prosperity crown their lives in the coming time. ~Postville
Review, Fri., 6 Jan. 1899. ~contributor: Reid R.
Johnson |
A big
Norwegian wedding took place February 13, 1897 in
Waterloo Township, the high contracting parties being
Martin Dille and Miss Clara Clauson. ~Allamakee Journal, Lansing, Iowa - contributor: Errin
Wilker |
Joseph Dixon
and Miss Stacia Fitzgerald, both of Hanover, were married
May 31, by Father McCullough. They left on a honeymoon
trip to the Omaha Trans-Mississippi Exposition. ~Allamakee
Journal, June 1898, Lansing, Iowa - contributor: Errin
Wilker |
Wm. Dixon
married Catherine McNerney Feb. 8,1875 in Dorchester,
Allamakee co. ~no source given - contributor: Mary Kay
Gleisner |
Oliver Dixon
married Katherine Sulllivan Oct. 20,1903 in Wexford,
Allamakee co. ~no source given -contributor: Mary Kay
Gleisner |
At 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday,
November 14, St. Paul's Lutheran church of this city was
the scene of a pretty autumnal wedding, when Miss Marie
Garten of this city was united in the holy bonds of
matrimony with Mr. Oscar Dizmang of Pittsburg, Kansas.
Promptly at the appointed hour as the great church organ
pealed forth the tender strains of the Lohengrin Bridal
Chorus, Mrs. Clara Garten presiding, the bridal party
marched up the central aisle of the church to the altar,
where they were met by the bride's father, Dr. R. B.
Garten, pastor of the church, who in his usual impressive
manner spake the words that made them man and wife; soft
music being rendered throughout the service. The matron
of honor was the bride's sister, Mrs. O. G. Bachimont,
while Mr. O. G. Bachimont, a brotherinlaw of the bride,
officiated as best man. Following the ceremony the bridal
party passed out of the church to the strains of
Mendelssohn's Wedding March, played as a recessional, and
repaired to the home of the bride's parents. The bride
was attired in a dress of black tulip silk crepe, with
hat and shoes to match, and wore a corsage of roses and
lilies of the valley. The bride's attendant wore a dress
of wine color velvet and wore a shoulder corsage. The
groom was attired in a suit of dark blue. Shortly after
the ceremony the bridal party repaired to The Pines, the
famous hostlery at Giard, where an elaborate wedding
feast was served. Immediately following the dinner Mr.
and Mrs. Dizmang left for Pittsburg, Kansas, where the
the groom is professor of economics at the Kansas State
Teachers College, and that city will be their future
home. The bride chose this date as her wedding day
because it marked the fortieth wedding anniversary of her
parents. The bride is a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. R. B.
Garten of this city and is a charming young lady of
education and refinement, who for a number of years past
has been engaged in teaching in Indiana. The out of town
guests present at the wedding were Mrs. John Kirk
Dizmang, of Kansas, mother of the groom; Mr. and Mrs. J.
Klutz, brotherinlaw and sister of the groom, and John
Klutz Jr., of Franklin Grove, Illinois; Mr. and Mrs. O.
G. Bachimont of Madison, Wisconsin, and Mrs. Anna
Bachimont of DeKalb, Illinois. The Herald joins
with the many friends of these fine christian young
people in the hope that their lives may be abundantly
blessed with health, happiness and prosperity. ~Postville
Herald, Thur., Nov. 15, 1934 - contributor: Reid R.
Johnson |
MARRIED - December 30th, by
Rev. J.R. Cameron, Mr. Saul Dobson and Miss L.D. Bates,
all of Allamakee Co. ~Weekly North Iowa
Times (McGregor), Wednesday, January 5, 1859; pg 2
~contributed by S. Ferrall |
Waukon--- At the Cathedral
in St. Paul, Minn., Monday, Miss. Pearl Drew, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Drew, Waukon, and Sergt. Jerry Dodge,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dodge, Sioux Falls, S.D., were
united in marriage. The groom is a graduate of the
University of Minnesota and is stationed at Fort
Snelling. Mr. and Mrs. Dodge will reside in St. Paul. ~Waterloo
Daily Courier, Waterloo, Iowa, Friday, February 27,
1942 - contributor: Reid R. Johnson |
On Feb. 8th, 1882 at the
residence of the bride's father near Postville, by the
Rev. C.S. Newhall, Mr. Joel Dodge, of Jasper Co., to Miss
Asenath Kerr of Postville. ~Postville Review,
Feb. 11, 1882 - contributor: S. Ferrall |
Married. At the residence of
the bride's mother, Mrs. Barbara Kerr, in this city, on
Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 10, 1904, Miss Alice Kerr to
Mr. Joel Dodge, of Newton, Iowa, Rev. T.M. Higginbotham
officiating. Alice, the bride, is the last star in the
galaxy of the Kerr girls -- five in number -- who have
all proved faithful to their pledges made in marriage
vows. This community will miss her when she goes in due
time to her new home, her relatives will miss her, and
the Congregational church and Sunday School will sadly
miss the "ever faithful" Alice more than all.
The bridegroom who is a brother of Mrs. John Mott of this
city, is a wealthy farmer and a man of sterling worth of
character, and quite up to President Roosevelt's ideal of
what an American citizen ought to be, and it speaks well
for a man who can in time return to the same family in
the choice of a mate and be well received. ~Postville
Review, Fri., Feb 19, 1904 - from Reid R. Johnson.
Note: Joel Dodge had previously married Alice's sister,
Asenath, after his first wife (Sarah Gage) died. After
Asenath's death Alice became his 3rd wife. |
L-R: Mabel Doehler,
Adolph Mathis, Annie Paulson, William Doehler, Otto
Intlekofer, Dora Mathis
Mr. William
Doehler, of Village Creek, and Miss Annie Paulson, of
this city, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at
the Catholic Church yesterday morning at 9 oclock.
Father Brady tied the knot that made them one before a
Nuptial High Mass and they were attended by two couples,
Mr. Otto Intlekofer and Miss Dora Mathis and Mr. Adolph
Mathis and Miss Mabel Doehler. The attendants save Mr.
Intlekofer were the grooms nieces and nephew. The
bride was becomingly gowned in pale blue, carrying white
flowers, and looked most charming. The bridesmaids were
attired in white costumes and the men wore the
conventional black, making altogether one of the
prettiest wedding parties that ever graced Immaculate
Conception Church. After the ceremony the happy couple
repaired to the home on North Second Street, where
congratulations were extended and a most bounty full
dinner partaken of by relatives and a few intimate
friends. The bride is a most amiable and sensible young
lady, possessed of good qualities of head and heart and
will make a loving helpmate for the husband of her
choice. The groom is a young business man of excellent
character, being associated with his brother Gus, in the
milling business, and we believe well worthy the woman he
has chosen to love and protect. They will make their home
at Village Creek where the best wishes of a host of
friends, the Journal included, accompany them.
~Allamakee Journal, Febuary 4, 1903 - contributor:
Sharon Stendel Pratt (granddaughter-in-law of Annie's
sister, Ella Paulson Pratt), photo from the collection of
Melvina Klier, grand niece of Mr. Doehler |
Lansing friends have
received cards announcing the marriage in Chicago on
Saturday, Feb. 15, of Miss Mary Margaret Guilfoil and Mr.
Russell Edward Doherty. The brides parents are Mr.
and Mrs. Dwight Dudley Guilfoil and the latter will be
remembered as a former Lansing girl, Miss Margaret
Gilroy. The young people will reside in Chicago, and this
paper joins old friends of the mother in congratulations
and best wishes. ~Allamakee Journal, February
19, 1941, Lansing Locals column ~contributor: Ann Krumme |
Donelan and Esther Dungan (Duncan) married March 31,
1981, by Pastor Thomas Boilson at Wexford Catholic
Church. ~Certificate of Marriage - contributor: Jean M.
Perez |
St. Patricks Catholic church provided the setting
Saturday at 10:30 for the marriage of Miss Mary Ann
Mettille and James Donlan, son of the Raymond Donlans of
Ridgeway. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Joseph
J. Slepicka. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mettille, chose an A-line gown of organza and lace styled
with a square neckline, elbow-length sleeves and a chapel
train. A floral, headpiece held her elbow-length veil and
her flowers were orchids and stephanotis in a cascade
bouquet. Miss Nancy Donlan, sister of the bridegroom
served as maid of honor and Miss Cathy Werner was
bridesmaid. They wore Empire gowns of blue with lace
bodices and crepe skirts and carried bouquets of
gladiolus. Francis Mettille, brother of the bride; was
best man and Clem Donlan was groomsman. John Colsch and
Joseph OConnor ushered. A dinner and reception were
given in the church parlors. Upon return from a trip to
Canada, the couple will be at home in Waterloo. Mrs.
Donlan, a graduate of the St. Joseph Mercy school of
nursing in Dubuque, has employed by the Waukon Veterans
hospital. Her husband works for the John Deere Co.
~Cedar Rapids Gazette; August 7, 1967 -contributor:
Diana Henry Diedrich |
We are told that John DOOLAN
and Carrie BEUCHER were united in matrimony at the
Catholic church, Clermont, Wednesday. ~Postville
Review, Dec 11, 1886 - contributor: S. Ferrall |
Last Saturday evening at the
Methodist parsonage in this city, Rev. George Woodall
officiating, occurred the marriage of Henry J. Dotseth to
Clara Topel. The attendants were Miss Vivian Alm,
bridesmaid, and the groomsman was Ralph Topel, brother of
the bride. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Topel of Postville, and an employee of the Ole Dotseth
Bakery, says the Decorah Public Opinion. The Groom is a
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Dotseth, and is one of the city's
well known bakers, being employed at his brother John's
West End Bakery. The couple departed Saturday evening to
visit the bride's parents in Postville and relatives and
friends in Waukon.-Decorah Public Opinion;
re-printed in the Postville Herald, August 3,
1922 (Condensed from a longer write-up) -contributor:
Reid R. Johnson |
Hugh DOUGHERTY took a wife
in the comely Miss Lizzie PHALEN, of Postville. ~Postville
Review, Waukon items column, January 26, 1884 -
contributor: S. Ferrall |
McCroden (dau of Michael McCroden and Elizabeth Waldron)
m Michael H. Dougherty 23 Sep 1890. ~St. Mary's church
records (Lycurgus), currently being held at the
Immaculate Conception rectory in Lansing - contributor:
Kathy Ward |
Married. Mr. C.M. DOUGLAS to
Miss Ellen SANDERS, both of Postville. They were united
Wednesday morning, September 4th, by Rev. GARRISON. Mr.
and Mrs. DOUGLAS have the best wishes of their numerous
friends in Postville. ~Postville Review, October
1, 1873 - contributor: S. Ferrall |
David Wilson Douglass Jr. and Adeline Demanault Ewing
were united in marriage on January 11, 1867. He was born
in Scotland, and is a son of David and Catherine
Douglass. Adeline was born in Perry county, Indiana, and
is a daughter of James B. Ewing & Elizabeth French.
~contributor: Russell Topel |
At the Congregational
parsonage, by Rev. S. W. Pollard, Tuesday, January 18,
Thomas Dowling, of Rossville, and Matilda A. Nagle, of
Luana. ~Postville Review, Sat. January 21, 1898
- contributor: Reid Johnson |
Wednesday, April 27, 1904,
at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.
T. Phipps of Thompsons Corner, occurred the marriage of
Grace M. Phipps, to Louis Drake of Elon. ~Allamakee
Journal and Lansing Mirror, May 1, 1929 in the
Looking Back to 1904 column - contributor: Ann Krumme |
Miss Matilda Schmoeckle and
Louis Dresselhaus of Dorchester, Iowa, were married
Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's mother. Rev.
W.J. Schulze of the Salem Lutheran church read the
service. The bridesmaids were Miss Laura Schmoeckle and
Miss Ida Dresselhaus, and Albert G. Secker and Albert
Schmoeckle attended the bridegroom. Mr. and Mrs.
Dresselhaus will reside at Dorchester, Iowa.
~Minneapolis Journal, November 19, 1905; pg 10
(Suburban: Stillwater column) ~contributed by S. Ferrall |
A quiet June wedding was
celebrated at the Methodist parsonage in Waukon on
Thursday last when Miss Felicia Palmer became the bride
of Lawrence Dresser of Postville. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. H. E. Temple and was witnessed by the
immediate families. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Palmer. The groom is the son of Mrs. John
Dresser. The couple will reside on the Dresser farm
northwest of Postville. ~Postville Herald, June
12, 1930 -contributor: Reid R. Johnson (transcriber has
condensed the write-up from a longer article) |
Married. In Monona, Sept.
27th, 1892, at the home of the bride, Mr. Wilbur C.
DRESSER and Miss Anna PENNEKE. ~Postville Review,
October 1, 1892 - contributor: S. Ferrall |
Waukon, Ia., Oct. 22 - Miss
Luella Kilpatrick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
Kilpatrick of Union Prairie, and James Drew, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Drew, residents of Winneshiek county, were
married at St. John the Baptist's church at West Ridge
Tuesday morning at 8:30 o'clock. The ceremony was
performed before a nuptial mass celebrated by the pastor,
Rev. J.F. McCaffrey. Attendants were Miss Lewine Drew and
Earl Kilpatrick, brother and sister of the couple.
Following the ceremony the bridal party and immediate
relatives were served dinner at the home of the bride's
parents, and in the evening a reception was held at the
West Ridge hall, where dancing was held. At midnight
luncheon was also served. The couple received numerous
gifts for their home, which will be made after a
honeymoon spent in the west. ~Telegraph-Herald and
Times-Journal, Dubuque, Iowa, Wednesday evening
edition, October 22, 1930 |
One of the very pretty
nuptual knottings it has been the good fortune of the
editor and wife to attend occurred Dec. 2nd at the
homestead of Mr. and Mrs. F. Dresser. A goodly number of
relatives and a few immediate friends were gathered to
witness the marriage of Leonard P. Dresser and Miss Anna
Rekow, both of Post township. Alma Dresser played the
wedding march and Rev. Paulson, of Luana, performed the
ceremony. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss
Helen Rekow and Miss Cora Dresser. The groom was attended
by his brother, Charles Dresser, and Otto Rekow. After
the ceremony and congratulations the guests partook of a
most elaborate and sumptuous wedding dinner. Leonard and
Anna will settle down to housekeeping on the old farm. ~Postville
Review, Fri. December 4, 1903 -contributor: Reid R.
Johnson - note: transcription condensed from full
write-up |
At the home of the bride, in
Postville, on Saturday, Feb. 23rd, 1889, by Rev. W.
Lease, Mr. Theodore H. Drawes and Miss Dora B. Jones, all
of this city. ~Postville Review, Sat., 2 March
1889. ~contributor: Reid R. Johnson |
Married. At the residence of
the bride's parents, in Post township, at 12 o'clock
noon, of Feb. 9th, 1898, by Rev. J.Q. DICKENSHEETS, Mr.
A.A. DRESSER and Miss Maria L. SWENSON, all of Post
township. Both of the contracting parties have lived all
their lives near Postville, and are favorably known to
all. The groom is the only son of Alonzo DRESSER,
residing a half mile north of town, and the bride is the
daughter of E. SWENSON, Esq., residing at Bethel.
Invitations were extended to relatives of both families
and a few particular friends, about forty in all.
~Postville Review, February 11, 1898 -
contributor: S. Ferrall |
The marriage of Miss Luella,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kilpatrick of Union Prairie
township and James, son of Mrs. And Mrs. Frank Drew of
Winneshiek county, took place yesterday morning at the
West Ridge Catholic church, the pastor, Rev. Father J. F.
McCaffrey, officiating at the ceremony and celebrating a
nuptial mass. ~Allamakee Journal & Lansing Mirror,
October 22, 1930 - contributor: Ann Krumme |
E. J. Drew of Decorah and
Mary Ryan were married at West Ridge on Nov. 3rd by
Father Slattery. ~Allamakee Journal, November
17, 1915 ~contributor: Ann Krumme |
vows spoken at St. Peter's in New Albin
St. Peter's United Church of Christ, New Albin, was the
setting for the October 11, 1986 wedding at 3 p.m. in
which Kimberly Lea Weymiller and Gregg Alan Driscoll
exchanged vows. Rev. Milton J. Kading officiated. Parents
of the couple are Ron and Lois Weymiller and Tom and
Helen Driscoll. The bride was attended by Joann Perez of
Cedar Rapids, who was matron of honor, and bridesmaids
Debby Crane of New Albin" Sherry Weymiller of La
Crosse, Wis., and Wanda Gordon of Toledo. The groom was
attended by Todd Van Nest of St. Louis, Mo., who was best
man, and groomsmen were Brian Driscoll of Cedar Rapids,
Robert Turnis of Marion and Todd Weymiller of New Albin.
Ushers were Tom Crane of New Albin and Gary Driscoll of
Cedar Rapids. The bride wore a white satin gown trimmed
with silk venise lace and beaded chantilly. It featured
long lace bishop sleeves, a lace collar on a high neck,
English net yoke and a semi-cathedral train of
chantilly lace. Elizabeth Crane was flower girl.
Ringbearers were Jason Crane of New Albin and Dustin
Rhodes of Marion. Jane Staggemeyer was organist.
Vocalists were Trish Bulman, Collette Kasten and Colleen
Becker. Following the ceremony a reception was held at
the Opera House in Waukon, with Bonnie and Doug Weymiller
and Robert and Mary Staggemeyer hosting. Audrey Leppert
and Donna Dresselhaus were in charge of the guestbook.
Linda Sires and Shirley Bulman cut the cake. Waitresses
were Lori Dresselhaus, Jennifer Staggemeyer, Jeanette
Waters, Janet and Sheryl Vonderohe. Orpha Weymiller and
Joyce Vonderohe poured coffee. The bride is a 1979
graduate of Kee High School and a 1983 graduate of North
Iowa Area Community College. The groom graduated from
Marion High School in 1981. The couple are making their
home in Marshalltown. The groom is employed by Drugtown
Drug Stores in that city. The bride is a registered nurse
at St. Luke's hospital in Cedar Rapids. ~newspaper
clipping from my grandma's scrapbook - contributor: Errin
Wilker (not related to bride & groom) |
MARRIED - At Wexford, Iowa,
Nov. 22d, by Father Walsh, Mr. Jones Duncan to Miss Mary
Woods. ~The Weekly North Iowa Times, December
23, 1857, pg 2 - from S. Ferrall |
The marriage of Mr. D.V.
DUNNING, son of Harrison DUNNING, and Miss Jane LYTLE,
daughter of Matthew Lytle, took place at the residence of
the bride's parents, near Luana, on Wednesday, Feb. 17th,
at 11 o'clock. The ceremony was performed by Rev.
S.FISHER, of Luana. Upwards of 125 guests were present
and partook of an excellent dinner furnished for the
occasion. One noticable feature of the gathering was the
unusual representation of ages. Around the same table
where sat the blushing bride and groom were three
grandmas of the happy couple, also the great aunt and
uncle of the groom. It is seldom that hoary age and
beautiful youth are thus permitted to mingle in such
festivities. Those present from a distance were: Mr. and
Mrs. BRANCH and O.D. OATHOUT, of Elkader; Mother JAMISON,
of Waukon; Mr. and Mrs. T.C. HALL, of Edgerton, Wis.; Mr.
and Mrs. WARNER and Mr. and Mrs. HARRIS, of Postville;
Miss FONDA, of Stacyville, and Mr. and Mrs. HOWARD, of
Monona. Presents also came from Jennie and Ivy LYTLE, of
Mt. Vernon; Mr. and Mrs. HOLLIDAY, Fairbault, Minn.; and
Mrs. W.L. SNYDER, Toledo, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. DUNNING
intend after a short wedding trip to settle on the old
OATHOUT homestead, where they will begin married life. ~Postville
Review, February 20, 1886 - contributor: S. Ferrall |
Henry DUNNING and Miss
Mattie PEARSON, of Hardin, were united in the holy bonds
of matrimony, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. G.W. PEARSON, on Saturday evening of last week, Rev.
ACKERMAN, of Luana, officiating. The Review
extends congratulations and wishes the happy pair long
life and happiness. ~Postville Review, March 18,
1893 - contributor: S. Ferrall |
Mrs. Laura Angell is in
receipt of an announcement of the marriage at Minot,
N.D., on Dec. 30th, of Charles F. Dupuis and a Miss Effie
J. Morrissey. Charley was a Milwaukee telegraph operator
here years ago, and those on earth who remember this
genial gentleman, will extend sincerest well wishes. They
will be "at home" Temple, N.D. until Feb. 1st.
~Postville Review, Jan 9, 1914 - contributor: S.
Ferrall |
Charles F. Dupuis and
Estella Tripp were married last Friday evening in
Postville at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. A.
Tripp. The parties are all of Postville. They will occupy
a portion of J.H. Sander's residence north of the
Congregational church. ~Postville Review, May
23, 1885 - contributor: S. Ferrall |
Married. At the residence of
the brides parents, in Belvidere, Ill. Sept, 13th, 1883,
by the Rev. J. COKEN, John DURNO to Miss Lucinda E.
ESTELL. ~Postville Review, September 22, 1883 -
contributor: S. Ferrall |
Married. At the residence of
the bride's parents, in Ossian, Iowa, on Wednesday,
February 9th, 1898, by Rev. S.W. POLLARD, Mr. Wm. E.
DURNO and Miss Elizabeth LUKENBILL, all of Postville.
Both the contracting parties are well and favorably known
in this community, having grown to man and womanhood in
our midst, and that their path in this holy union may be
strewn with sunshine instead of shadow, and that health,
wealth and prosperity may be with you through all the
coming time is the worst the Review would wish
you, and a host of friends will join us in it. Mr. and
Mrs. Durno will begin housekeeping at once in the John
MOIR residence, corner of Military and Post streets which
has already been elegantly refitted and furnished. ~Postville
Review, February 11, 1898 - contributor: S. Ferrall |
A very pretty wedding,
simple in its arrangements, but withal a delighful and
impressive nuptial event, was that of Miss Birdie M.
Platt and Edwin Pearl Durno, of Postville, Iowa, who
united their fortunes in the sacred ties of marriage at
the residence of the brides mother, Mrs. Mary Platt, 18
W. Fourteenth street, Monday evening -- says the Dubuque
Times. The nuptials were solemnized in the presence
of their relatives only, the bride and groom being
unattended. The Rev. Hugh D. [?Atchison] of St. Luke's
Methodist Episcopal church, spoke the words which joined
the happy couple together for life. The congratulations
and best wishes of all present were tendered at he
conclusion of the ceremony. The colors of the nuptials
were pink and white and htis scheme was carried
throughout the decorations. The parlors were profuse in
American Beauties, carnations and maiden hair ferns. the
table in the dining room was most tastefully decorated
with carnations and ferns and from the table to the
chandelier were festooned bands of pink and white, making
a pretty effect. Exquisite refreshments were served by
Boldt. the bride was very pretty in her gown of blue silk
crepe with trimmings of panne velvet to match and rainbow
chiffon and embroidered applique. She carried American
beauty roses. The bride is the second daughter of Mrs.
Mary Platt and of the late I.M. Platt, who for many years
was one of Dubuque's leading business men and most highly
respected citizens. she was born and reared in Dubuque
and is a young woman of sweet disposition and charming
manner. The groom is well known in this city, which was
his home for nine years, during which time he was with
the firm Christman & Healey. He is a young man of the
highest character and manly qualities. Both young people
have a wide acquaintanceship and are held in inestimable
esteem by all their friends. If it were necessary this
fact was attested by the many beautiful and costly
remembrances received by the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Durno
departed on the Milwaukee for Postville, where Mr.
[wrinkle in paper] hardware firm of [wrinkle ?Durno]
& Nicolay. They will make that city their future
home. The guests from out of the city were Mr. and Mrs.
George L. Durno, parents of the groom, of Springville,
Iowa; Mrs. G.C. Sumerfield, sister of the bride, and
daughter, Miriam, Miss Carrie Witkowsky, Miss Pauline
Harris and Mark Platt, brother of the bride, all of
Chicago. [remainder cut off] ~Postville Review,
March 20, 1903 - contributor: S. Ferrall |
Waukon, Ia., Nov. 4.
Special: The marriage of Miss Caroline Miller, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Miller, and Clarence Duval, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duval, both of Ludlow Township was
celebrated Monday at the home of the brides
parents, the double ring ceremony being performed by Rev.
Klosterbooer of the Ludlow Church assisted by Rev. De
Buhr of the Salem Reformed Church in Ludlow. The new home
will be made on the Fred Duval farm recently purchased of
the Ferdinand Hilmer estate. ~Dubuque Telegraph
Herald, November 4, 1931 -contributor: Cheryl L.
Moonen |
William Duwe and Nora Volker
Ellenbolt, local residents, were married last Wednesday,
December 07, at a ceremony performed at the bridegroom's
home at four o'clock in the afternoon, the Rev. F. R.
Ludwig, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran church,
officiating. ~Postville Herald, Postville, Iowa,
December 15, 1938 -contributor: Reid R. Johnson |
Margie Boleyn, youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Boleyn, and Cile Dyke of
Postville were married Wednesday, Sept. 8, at West Union
by J. P. Riley, Justice of the Peace. The bride's mother
and sister, Helena, witnessed the ceremony. They are
living with her parents at the present time. - Elgin
Echo. ~Postville Herald, Thursday,
September 30, 1937 - contributor: Reid R. Johnson |