Lansing Iowa Dec 17th '77 A. B. Foster & Wife
Dear Children I received your letter dated Oct 19th Last
Saturday the 9 of Dec. it appears you directed it rong. I
live at Rosehill Center Township but my address is still
Lansing. This will account for its delay. My helth is
good with the exception of my left eye which is blind.
The familey is well at present----Frank's Picture I got.
But would like to have it large Size to Frame. I am glad
you sent your Childrens names and ages so as I can record
them. I am verry glad your crops are good. Ours are
tolerable. It appears you raised 85 bushel ? wheat than I
did. I had 274 bus of Oats & 163 of Rye & Stalk ?
over one thousand bushels of corn. I have got 200 stocks
to husk yet. we have had 2 weeks good sunshiney weather
But muddy.
Now Dear Daughter I will answer your epistol by saying
that it is impossible at present grant your request at
present we owe some on our farm yet that must be paid
before pleasure, as soon as I can see any way clear I
shall if alive and well make you a visite. I have got
from the New York home ade cociety a smart boy 15 years
Old that saves me many a weary step. He is able to handle
a team well which will be a great help in seeding time
next spring. Now Alfred dont wate for me to write as I am
old and feable and so Dear Children, with ? I must leave
you in the Loveing hands of the Lord.
Your Affectionate Father
J.W. Foster
p.s. I have 20 hogs ? this fall

John W. Foster
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