William W. Pardee, P.O. Rossville,
proprietor of hotel; was born in Herkimer Co., N.Y.,
in 1817, remaining in his native Co. till after his
marriage, which occurred in 1837, to Miss Mary C.
Phillips, also a native of same county; moved to
Rome, N.Y. in 1838, and to Crawford Co., Pa., in
1839, where he remained till in 1854 he emigrated to
Dane Co., Wis., and from there to Rossville in 1862,
purchasing the hotel property which he still owns.
They have four children living, Bela B., Emma,
Josephine, and Corlin; lost two sons, Marcus J. and
William J., who lost their lives in the defense of
their country during the late Rebellion. The first
was a member of Co. A., 28 Wis. Infantry, and was
killed at the battle of Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862; the
latter was a member of Co. I., 27th Io. Infantry, and
was killed at the battle of Pleasant Hill, La., April
9, 1864. pg 521
J. W. Patterson, P.O. Postville;
farmer, sec. 21; owns 285 acres of land, valued at
$35 per acre; was born in Morgan county, Ohio, in
1826, where he remained till the spring of 1854, when
he came to this county, locating on his present farm,
it then being raw land, with no markets nearer than
the Mississippi River. He was married to Miss
Caroline E. Patton, of Ohio, in 1849; they have five
children, Olive T., Mary A., William C., Lyman L. and
Cynthia J. Mr. P. is a member of the A.F. & A.M.,
also of the Congregational Church. pg 522
William Patterson, a native of
Canada, was born in July 1843. He learned the mason
trade, and in 1864 came to the U.S., first stopping
in Mich., where he was married to Miss Ann Jordan. In
1865 he removed to Wisconsin, and in 1866 to Clayton
Co., Iowa. Here he followed farming till 1877, at
which time he came to Allamakee Co., and acted as
superintendent of piling for the bridges of the W.
& M. railroad. He has three children, Margaret
J., Hannah H. and George. pg 520
Hon. Charles Paulk, whose portrait
appears in this work, is a farmer in sec. 28, P.O.
Waukon; one of the early settlers and prominent men;
is a native of Vermont, and was born July 19, 1809.
He was reared in St. Lawrence Co., N.Y., where he
received an academic education. In 1830 he entered
the freshman class of Middleburg College, Vt., and
graduated in 1834. He then taught in a classical and
mathematical school at Genevia, N.Y. Subsequently
taught in Monroe Co., also studied law, and in 1837
was admitted to the bar. He then followed the legal
profession until 1850, when he was attacked with the
California gold fever, and so spent two years on the
Pacific slope. On his return from California he came
to Iowa and soon located where he now resides.

He was a member of the Legislature in 1860-61,
again in 1863, and in the fall of 1865 was elected to
the State Senate. He was married in 1841 to Miss
Harriet Leach, who died in July 1856, leaving two
children. In Nov., 1857, he was again married to Miss
Elle Conover. Politically, he is a Democrat. pg 525,
portrait pg 301
James Perry, agent B., C.R. & N.
R.R. Co. at Postville, was born at Manchester,
England, in 1836, his parents emigrating to the
United States in 1842, locating at Milwaukee, Wis.,
where they remained till 1854, when they located on a
farm in Waukesha County, he remaining with them till
the spring of 1862, when he went to Grand Rapids,
Michigan, in August of the same year enlisted in Co.
A, 6th Mich. Cavalry, serving three years and
participating in many battles, among which were the
Battle of the Wilderness, Five Forks, Appomattox
Court House, and Gettysburg. He was discharged in
August, 1865, after which, during the same year, he
came to Postville, Iowa, and engaged as clerk in the
office of the M. & W. R.R. Company, now the
C.,M.& St. P., where he remained till, in 1877,
he took charge of the office of the B.O.R.& N.
Railroad Company. He was married to Sophia Stephens,
a native of Scotland, in 1869, and has three
children, M. J., Edgar J. and J. William. Mr. P. is a
member of the Masonic order, and also the A.O.U.W. pg
S.C. Perry, farmer, P.O. Postville;
owns a farm of 215 acres valued at $30 per acre; was
born in Windom County, Conn, in 1828, where he lived
till 1855, when he started for the west, first
stopping in Houston County, Minnesota, and came to
Allamakee County in 1865. He was married to Miss Mary
Tryon in 1860. She was born in Wyoming County, New
York. They have four children, Timothy, Retta, Ella
and Edith, and have lost two, Martha and Henry. p.
Holver Peterson, blacksmith, was
born in Norway in 1841; learned the blacksmith's
trade, and in 1869 emigrated to the U.S., first
stopping at Lansing, but two months subsequently,
moved to Waukon. Here he worked at his trade for C.
F. Newell, until 1873, when he formed a partnership
with H. Simonsen, as Simonsen & Peterson. Mr.
Peterson was married in July 1869, to Miss C. Olsen.
They have four children living, Willie, Adolph, Lena
and Herman. pg 520
John A. Peterson, sec. 20, P.O.
Elon, farmer; born January 21, 1836; emigrated to the
United States in 1851, stopping at Boston, working at
shoemaking during the winters and fishing for
mackerel during the summer. In 1857, he came to Rock
Island, Ill., about the time of the Mormon massacre
at Mountain Meadow, which caused quite an excitement.
The government was enlisting soldiers for the regular
army, to go out there, and he enlisted in Co. D. 6th
U. S. Inf., and started by overland for Utah, where
they stopped for a short time, soon pushing on to
Benicia Barracks, Cal., remaining but a short time,
when they were ordered to Mendocino, as headquarters
for scouting expeditions against the Indians. During
some of those excursions, and while in battle he was
severely wounded by an Indian arrow, which pierced
his left breast and entered the lungs. Upon falling,
he pulled the arrow from his body, the blood
following in a stream. He soon became unconscious,
and was picked up for dead by his comrades after the
battle, but finding him yet alive, they carried him
to camp, when by kind care and nursing he finally
recovered. But being disabled so as to be unfit for
duty, he was discharged in August 1860, at Rock
Island, Ill. He then went to Chicago, where he had
friends, and was married there in June, 1861, to Miss
Anna S. Olson, immediately starting for Allamakee
County. At first he worked at his trade, but on
account of his wound he was compelled to discontinue
it. He then purchased 40 acres of land and commenced
farming. In the spring of 1864 he enlisted in Co. B,
27th Inf., Io. Vol., went south and participated in
the battle of Tupelo, Miss., which proving too hard
for him, he was sent to the hospital at Memphis, and
afterwards to Jefferson Barracks, Mo., and to
Davenport in May, 1864, and discharged. He then moved
to Webster County, Iowa, remaining about a year, when
he sold out and returned to Center Township,
purchasing his present farm of 177 and one-half
acres, which is now worth about $4,000. Mr. P. has
served as trustee of the township, and is at present
serving his 11th year as justice of the peace. His
children are Matilda C., Joshua A., Joel A., Huldah
E., Alma O. and Jonathan A.; he has lost two
children, John A. and Ogden O. Mr. P. is a member of
the Baptist Church. pg 523-524
John F. Pitt, P.O. Waukon, farmer
and gardener, sec. 25; is a descendant of Sir William
Pitt, and was born in Bristol, England, August 27th,
1828. His father, Richard Pitt, was foreman in a soap
and candle factory at Bristol, but died when the
subject of this sketch was a small boy, his mother's
death having preceded the father's some years, thus
leaving John F. to be cared for by his grandfather
Pitt. At the early age of eight years he was
apprenticed in a soap and candle factory, in which
business he was engaged during his minority, and
principally till 1855, when he emigrated to the U.S.,
locating on section 5, of Union Prairie township In
1858 he sold most of his farm, retaining only 30
acres, valued at $3,000, which he uses for gardening
purposes. In 1862 Mr. P. enlisted in Co. F., 6th Iowa
Cavalry, the regiment being employed in the defense
of the frontier in the northwest. He participated in
the battle of Whetstone Hills, against the Indians;
served two years in quartermaster's department, one
winter at Davenport and one in Sioux City; was
discharged in 1865. Mr. P. was first married in
England, to Miss Celia Parker, in 1847. She died in
1879, and he was again married to Mrs. Mary Grayson,
March 28, 1880. He has one daughter by his first
marriage, Elizabeth A., now Cummings. pg 521-522
Felix H. Plank, section 36, P.O.
Waukon; owns a farm of 160 acres, valued at $50 per
acre; son of Jacob and Elizabeth Plank; was born in
Carroll Co., Indiana, in 1848; his parents came to
this Co. in 1854, locating on the land upon which he
now lives, his father having left the farm in 1863
and moved into Waukon, where he still resides. F. H.
is one of six children, the five others being Levi
W., Anna, Rena Alice, and Vashti, five having
deceased--John, Daniel, Florence, Finis and Walter.
F. H. was married to Miss Mary Robertson in 1874. She
was born in Prince Edwards Islands. They have four
children, D.G., Charles L., Lyle J., and Howard L.
Mrs. P. is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church. Mr. P. is republican in politics. pg 521
N. Plemling, dealer in clothing,
boots, shoes and gent's furnishing goods, was born in
Luxembourg Nov., 1854; emigrated to the U. S. in
1875; lived at LaCrosse, Wis., until July, 1876, at
which time he came to Waukon and commenced as
merchant tailor. In March 1879, he added a stock of
clothing and continued until Sept. 1881, when he
removed to his present location, added boots and
shoes and carries a stock of about $13,000. He was
married at LaCrosse, Wis., April 26, 1875, to Miss
Mary Marson, a native of Luxumbourg. The children are
Josephene, Emmel and Bertha. His religion is Roman
Catholic. pg 520
H. H. Pope was born in County
Waterford, Ireland, in 1833. When he was a young man
he took charge of a vessel belonging to his father.
During his term of office he visited all the
prominent seaports of Europe. The vessel of which he
was in charge was lost near the island of Anticosta
in St. Lawrence River. He then went back to Ireland,
stayed a year and a half, and in 1852 came to America
and settled in Allamakee County. In 1861 he enlisted
in Co. K, 5th Io. Vol., remained in the service a
year and three months, and was discharged on account
of an old gunshot wound received in Italy in 1848;
returned to this county and was engaged in carriage
painting. In 1880 he went back to Ireland to settle
the estate of his father. He now owns a large farm
near Village Creek, devoted to raising fine stock. He
married Narsessia Thompson in 1864. They have four
children, Elizabeth, Thomas, Phillip and Frederick.
pg 525-526
Zeruih Post, a native of Jefferson
Co., N.Y., was born in 1807. Her maiden name was
Stevenson. She was married to Joel N. Post in 1831;
he was a native of Vt. In 1836 they immigrated to
Green Bay, Wis., remaining there till the summer of
1838, when they again started westward in a canoe
down the Wisconsin River, being two weeks before they
landed at Prairie du Chien. They located in Clayton
Co., Io. In 1840 Mr. Post was selected by Gen. Brooks
to take charge of a station known as the Half-Way
House, on the military road between Prairie du Chien
and Fort Atkinson, they first locating about one mile
east from where she now lives. Subsequently Gen.
Sumner granted them a permit to relocate where the
town of Postville now stands. At that time their
nearest neighbor was twelve miles east, where the
town of Monona now stands, Fort Atkinson being 24
miles west, that being the place where the Indians
received their supplies from the Government. Their
only neighbors from 1840 to 1848 were the Indians,
who were removed during the latter year. In 1849 the
post office was established and called Postville, Mr.
Post being commissioned as postmaster, but before the
commission arrived Mr. Post died, leaving the duties
of the post office to Mrs. Post's brother. After the
death of her husband Mrs. Post purchased from the
Government 480 acres of land, the same being the land
upon which they had located and partly improved, the
town of Postville being located upon part of it. Mrs.
Post has five children living: Joel N., now in
Dakota; Mary Switzer, now in California; Margaret
Sherwood, now in Minnesota; Lydia LaCook, in
Colorado, and Lucy Roll, of Postville, but soon to
leave for Montana. She lost one son, John S., who
died while in the service of his country during the
late rebellion. pg 522
James Powers, of the firm of P. B.
Manning & Co., dealers in agricultural
implements, was born in Ireland in 1847, came to
America in 1849 with his parents, and settled in
Kentucky, where they remained seven years, and then
came to Taylor township, this Co., where the subject
of this sketch was raised. He was married to
Catharine Collins, a native of N. H.; they have three
children, John, Edmund and Mary. pg 525
S. S. Powers, attorney, Postville;
born in the state of New York in 1836; commenced the
study of law under the Hon. W. L. Sessions, of
Chautauqua County, N.Y., in 1857, and afterwards
attended the Cleveland Law School, where he graduated
in 1860, and the same year moved to Newton County,
Ind., commencing the practice of his profession. In
1862 he came to Clayton Co., Io., and the following
year to Hardin, Allamakee Co. In the spring of 1870
he came to Postville, where he still resides
following his profession, his practice being
principally in this and three adjoining counties. He
married Miss Helen Farrand, January 2, 1859; they
have four children: Loren M., who is now attending
the law department of the State University at Iowa
City; Velma C., Grace H. and La Rue R. Mr. P. has
served as mayor of Postville; also as W. M. of the
Masonic Lodge eight years, is a member of the
A.O.U.W., I.O.O.F. and the Methodist Episcopal
Church. pg 523
Azel Pratt (deceased), carpenter and
builder; was born at Hebron, Maine, in 1810. Came to
this Co. in 1850 and opened a farm on Makee Ridge,
where he built a little log cabin, a portion of which
was occupied by his brother; Lemuel, from which to
retail the first small lot of store goods ever
brought to Makee township In 1856 he removed to
Waukon where he continued to reside until his death,
Feb. 19, 1881. He became a member of the Baptist
church at nineteen years of age; was one of the
leaders in organizing a church at Waukon, and lived
an active life in the faith. "Deacon Pratt"
was one of the influential citizens, and a tireless
worker, early and late. He was a charter member and
first treasurer of the "Old Settlers'
Association," organized in 1879. Mr. Pratt
married Mary Hersey in 1833. She was born in 1814 and
died in 1881, preceding her husband to the grave by
only thirteen days, and was a most exemplary
Christian woman. They had seven children, Noah H.,
Marcellus H., Willie, Richmond G., Emory W., Ella I.,
and James L. All of whom are living, except Willie,
who died young. pg 520
James L. Pratt is a native of Makee
township, where he was born in 1856, near Waukon,
which town has ever since been his home. He learned
the carpenter's trade with his father, Azel Pratt. In
1873 he learned the printing trade at Postville,
which he has followed most of the time since. Was
foreman of the Waukon Democrat office for nearly
three years, until May, 1882. Has been superintendent
of the Baptist Sunday School, since July 1880. Mr.
Pratt was married March 31, 1880, to Miss Edith F.
Wedgwood, daughter of Rev. J. M. Wedgwood, of
Rossville, and has one child, Ada Mary. pg 521
N. H. Pratt, carpenter, a pioneer of
1850, was born in Md. in 1834. In 1850 with his
parents, Azel and Mary Pratt, four brothers and one
sister, he came to Allamakee Co., and settled on sec.
18, Makee township In 1854 he spent about six months
at St. Anthony's Falls; then returned to Makee and
continued farming until 1860. He then went to Ill.,
and in 1862 enlisted in Co. I, 95th Ill. Inf. Vol.,
and served until the close of the war, when he was
mustered out as 2d Lieut of the 48th U. S. colored
troops; since which time he has been at Waukon. From
1871 to 1878 he was engaged in the furniture
business. He was married in Oct. 1856 to Miss Abbie
F. Brayton. The children are Estella and Katie. Mr.
Pratt is a member of the A.F. & A.M., I.O.O.F.
and A.O.U.W. pg 525
A. R. Prescott, P.M. Postville; born
in Maine in 1834, his parents immigrated to Winnebago
Co., Ill, in 1846, and in the spring of 1852, he came
to Allamakee Co., Iowa, his parents following in the
fall. He engaged as clerk in a general store at
McGregor in 1853; in 1854 in a surveying expedition
in Minn., and in 1855 went to Floyd Co., Iowa, where
he was elected County Surveyor in 1856. He followed
teaching and surveying till in 1861, when he enlisted
in Co. I of an engineer regiment of Missouri
Volunteers; was conductor of the gun car train on the
Memphis and Charleston and Mobile and Ohio Railroads
eighteen months; was mustered out in 1864 as 2d
Lieut. returned to Allamakee Co., and farmed for two
years; then came to Postville and engaged in the
hardware business; sold out in 1879; was appointed
postmaster 1877; has served as County Surveyor one
term, and as deputy twelve years; was also a
candidate for representative in 1873; married Lydia
A. Easton, of N. Y., Nov. 1, 1865; they have three
children, Mael, Sarah H. and Alba R.; have lost one
daughter, Theodosia. pg 524