Patrick Keenan, deceased, whose
portrait adorns this work, was born in the county of
Dublin, Ireland, in 1818. Immigrated to New Orleans,
La., in 1844, where he remained about three years,
including short stoppages at different points on the
Lower Mississippi river. Early in 1847 he came north
to Galena, Illinois, where he engaged in mining and
prospecting, also spending some time at Dubuque. Upon
first concluding to stop at Galena, he had returned
to New Orleans and brought up his sister and her
husband, R. Cassidy, to that place.

In the fall of 1847 he came into this county,
which was then inhabited only by the Indians;
selected a claim where the County Poor Farm now is,
and returned to Galena. The following year he again
came on, bringing his brother-in-law, Cassidy, with
him, settled on his claim and began to improve it. In
the spring of 1849, while out hunting for his cattle,
he found himself down on Paint Creek, in Jefferson
township, and being very favorably impressed with the
situation of the land on the creek, and the prairie
adjoining on the south, he concluded to abandon his
former claim and locate on this land in Jefferson
township; and having his ax with him, as was his
usual custom, he "blazed" a few trees so as
to readily find the place again, and upon returning
home immediately made preparations to remove to his
newly selected claim, which he did the same spring,
accompanied by his brother-in-law's family, and they
were the first settlers in the township. He laid
claim to nearly a section of land, and afterwards
purchased more in the south part of that township and
in Franklin Township. This same season he met with an
adventure one day, while down on the Yellow river,
that showed the metal of the man. Being alone and
unarmed, save with an ax, which he always carried to
mark his way, he was suddenly confronted by two large
black bears, one of which raised upon its hind feet
and advanced upon him. Although knowing nothing of
the habits of the animal at the time, Mr. K. stood
his ground, faced his bearship and brandished his ax,
and the bears seeing no evidence of fear on his part,
finally themselves became frightened and made off.
Mr. Keenan was married in July, 1854, to Miss
Catharine Scanlan, a native of Upper Canada, who was
born in 1836. Their children are: Richard F., Wm. M.,
Patrick H., Maggie A., Thomas. J., John A., Mary T.,
Charles L. and Clement G., having lost three, Johana,
Joseph and Albert J. Mr. Keenan died March 14, 1878,
honored by all who knew him. His remains were
deposited in the Cherry Mound cemetery, four
prominent clergymen assisting in the ceremonies,
which were very impressive, and were attended by a
large concourse of people from far and near. He was a
man of good judgment, firm and determined in
character, and throughout his residence in this
county he figured prominently as one of her most
influential citizens. He leaves an estate of 700
acres of the best land in the township, which is
carried on by Mrs. K., it being superintended by her
son Wm. They are introducing some very fine stock
upon the farm, having recently purchased three head
of yearlings past for $640. pg 507-508, portrait pg
George Kehr, liquor dealer,
Lansing, was born in New York City in 1854; came to
this Co. with his parents in 1860; married Katie
Luger, of Dubuque. He is a son of Peter Kehr, who is
a native of Germany. pg 507
John Kelly, P.O. Rossville, farmer;
son of Daniel and Sarah Kelly; born in 1839, in
Harrison Co., 0., where he remained till 1861, when
he was married to Miss Jane Lewis, and the same year
emigrated to Iowa, locating in Paint Creek township,
of this Co., from which place he came to his present
farm in 1863. He owns 200 acres of land, worth about
$7,000. They have seven children: Jessie, Ida, Orrie,
Louie, Esther, John and Benner; and have lost one
infant. pg 508
Wm. M. Kelly, Paint Creek Township,
was born in Harrison Co., Ohio, in 1833. In 1861 he
came to Iowa and settled in Linton Township In 1868
he removed to Rossville and engaged in the mercantile
business. Two years later he went to Mason City,
Iowa. In 1873 he returned to Rossville and again
engaged in the mercantile business, and continued
until 1878, when he located on his present farm. He
has a family of eight children, Levi, Daniel, Jessie,
Alice, Nettie, Mary, Martha, William H. and Fred. pg
Moritz Kerndt, born in Germany, in
1830; came to the U. S. in 1852; in 1856 settled at
Lansing, and has since been a member of the firm of
G. Kerndt & Bros. He has been connected with
banking since 1873, and is at present president of
the Bank of Lansing. He was married in 1863 to Miss
Mary Nimsgern. They have eight children. pg 507
Knudt Knudtson sec. 15, Makee
Township, P.O. Waukon, born in Norway in 1818,
emigrated to the U. S. in 1849, and in 1851 settled
on his present farm. He was married in 1852 to
Cornelia Framerson. The children living are Cornelia,
now Mrs. L. O. Storle, of Moorehead, Minn.; Anna, now
Mrs. Hans Johnson; Thomas and Charlie. pg 507
Rev. U.W. Koren, P.O. Decorah; astor
of the Lutheran church in Springfield twp., located
on Sec. 1; also has charge of three other churches in
the vicinity, the aggregate cost of the four churches
being $42,000 - his home church costing $17,000, with
a very fine parsonage costing over $5,000, and very
pleasantly situated in a grove about sixty rods from
the house. The Rev. Koren is also president of the
N.E.L. Synod, the ame being similar to the duties of
bishops of the M.E. church, his jurisdiction
extending over the territory west of the Mississippi
river to the Pacific ocean. The subject of this
sketch was born in Norway in 1826, and received a
calssical and theological education at the University
of Christiana, where he completed the course and was
ordained in 1853; and the same year, in answer to a
call from the Lutheran church of the northwest, he
immigrated to the U.S., coming direct to this Co. and
located, where he still resides, the country then
being very sparsely settled. He at once engaged in
establishing churches, and entered upon a general
missionary work which extended over the counties of
Clayton, Fayette, Chickasaw, Howard, Winneshiek and
Allamakee, Io., and Houston and Fillmore counties in
Minn., which area of territory now contains about
fifty churches and twenty pastorates. Rev. Koren was
largely instrumental in the establishing of the
commodious Lutheran college at Decorah; purchasing
the land upon which it is located, and otherwise
doing much toward securing the establishment of the
college. He was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth
Hysing, in Norway, on the 18th day of Aug., 1853;
their children are Ahlert H., Johan, Paul, Wilhelm,
Henriette, Carolina M., Elizabeth and Marie. pg.
602-603, Winneshiek co. biographies