Ferdinand & Herman Gaunitz.
Gaunitz Bros., grocers, Lansing. Herman, the elder
brother, was born in Saxony, Germany, in 1848; in
1850 he came with his parents to America, and they
first located in Indiana. In 1856, he removed to Iowa
and settled in this county. Mr. Gaunitz. was employed
as clerk for about twelve years previous to engaging
in business here. Ferdinand, the junior member of the
above firm, was born in Indiana in 1852, and was
raised on a farm near Lansing. In May 1882, he came
to town and engaged in trade in company with his
brother. pg 494
L.M. Getchell is known by all who
have patronized him to be a first-class barber, who,
with his assistant, has arranged the toilets of the
people of Waukon since 1877. He was born in the state
of Maine, in 1854, and came with his parents to
Buchanan County, Iowa, in 1863; received an academic
education, and led a mercantile life until July 1877,
at which time he came to Waukon and engaged in his
present business. On the 17th day of August 1880, he
was united in matrimony to Miss May E. Dean, daughter
of Judge George M. Dean, of Waukon, and has one
child, Clarence. pg 493
E.B. Gibbs, the gentlemanly station
and express agent at Waukon, was born in the Buckeye
State, in 1856. In 1866, the family removed to
Illinois, and in 1873 to Iowa, first stopping at
Specht's Ferry one year, then removing to Harpers'
Ferry, Allamakee county. Here the subject of this
sketch followed railroading until the completion of
the W. & M. R. R., since which time he has had
charge of the station at Waukon. He was married in
1875 to Miss Mila Zimmerman, of Potosi, Wis.; they
have three children, Evy, Ella and Ruth. Mr. Gibbs is
a member of the A.F.& A.M. pg 493
C.W. Giesen, dealer in lumber,
doors, sah, blinds, etc., was born in Prussia in
1848; came to America in 1854 with his parents and
settled in Rossville, Allamakee County, Iowa. In 1865
he moved to Conover and engaged in general
merchandise and lumber business; remained there until
1874, then came to Calmar and established his present
business. Mr. G. is th epresent mayor of Calmar, and
has been a town trustee several times. He married
Annie C. Huber, a native of this county. She is a
daughter of F.J. Huber. They have three sons, Henry
J., Frank H. and Charles W. pg 586, Winneshiek co.
John Gilbert, P.O. Myron, farmer,
sec. 27; owns 83 acres of land, valued at $30 per
acre; son of William and Catharine Gilbert; was born
in McHenry Co., Ill., in 1845. His parents moved to
this county in 1856, locating in Union Prairie
township; returned to Illinois in 1860, remained till
1863 and then came back and located in this township,
where they still reside, i.e., father and stepmother,
his mother having died in Illinois in 1849. Mr.
Gilbert was married to Miss Celia Cochran Oct. 18,
1871. She was born in Wisconsin. Their children are
Frank W., George A. and Arthur J. They lost one
daughter, Ruth. Mr. Gilbert is a member of the
Presbyterian Church. pg 492
John Gilchrist, P.O. French Creek,
French Creek Township, see. 34; son of John and Sarah
Robinson Gilchrist; owns 212 acres of land valued at
825 per acre; was born in Ohio Co., Va., in 1820. In
early life he learned the trade of bookbinding at
Wheeling, W. Va., and from 1841: to 1844 was engaged
in the distributing department of the Wheeling post
office. He next engaged in the grocery business, in
which he principally remained until 1861, when he
again entered the post office, remaining until the
fall of 1864, when he came to his present farm. He
was also in the postal service during the
administration of President Polk. He married
Elizabeth Singleton, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth
Singleton, April 15, 1847. Both of her parents are
still living, her father having served in the war of
1812 under Capt. McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Gilchrist. have
two children, John J. and Thomas, and have lost one
daughter, Sarah E., who died Aug. 2, 1870. Mr. G. has
served as Justice of the Peace of his township, and
is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Himself and
Mr. Ratcliffe were the founders of the Presbyterian
Church in this neighborhood. The church edifice was
built in 1872, the society having been organized in
1858 by Rev. Joseph Adams and the present pastor,
Rev. W. M. Robinson. pg 494-495
Matthew Glynn, one of the oldest and
most respected citizens of Linton township, is a
native of County Kildare, Ireland; came to America in
1849, and settled in New York; thence to Iowa, and
settled on his present farm. Mr. Glynn was for some
time a teacher in Ireland as well as in this country.
His family consists of himself, wife, and two sons.
pg 494
L.W. Goodrich, farmer, sec. 33, P.O.
Myron; owns 204 acres of land, valued at $25 per
acre; son of Peter and Sarah Goodrich, was born in
Chautauqua Co., N.Y., in 1824. His parents emigrated
to Cook Co., Ill., in 1836, locating twenty miles
from Chicago, which contained but three or four
stores at that time. In 1839 the family moved into
Kane Co., where his mother died in 1848. In 1852 he
immigrated to Allamakee County, Iowa, locating on the
farm upon which he still lives. He was married to
Miss Susie A. Merriew in 1850. She is a native of
Canada; they have four children, Lophelia, Stephen
F., Ady J. and Henry L. Mr. Goodrich's father lives
with him, and is well advanced in years, being in his
87th year. He served under Gen. Scott in the war of
1812, and was at the battle of Lundy's Lane. Mr. G.
is a member of the A. F. & A. M., and has served
his township as trustee several years. pg 492
A. Gordon, farmer, P.O. Postville,
owns a farm of 167 acres, 1 1/2 miles from Postville,
worth $50 per acre. He was born in Canada in 1836,
where he remained till 1856, when he came west,
traveling through several of the western and southern
states during the period from 1856 to 1861, when he
located on his present farm. He was married to Nancy
Hardin in 1860. She was born in Morgan Co., Ohio.
They have eight children, Charles F., James A., Ellen
M., Lizza A., Katie, Robert B., Fred E. and Jessie
G., and have lost one daughter, Hattie H. pg 492
Judge C.T. Granger stands
conspicuous as a self-made man. His ancestors on his
father's side were of English descent, and his mother
was a native of N.Y. He was born in Monroe Co., of
the Empire State, in 1835. In 1837 the family removed
to Ohio, where a few years subsequently the mother
died, leaving four children of whom C. T. is the
youngest. In 1848 the family removed to Ill., where
young Granger helped till the soil and received a few
weeks schooling. In 1854 he was married to Miss Sarah
H. Warner, came to Allamakee Co., and the following
winter taught school in Franklin Township. The next
winter he formed a partnership with Mr. Gilson, for
the purpose of erecting a saw mill near the present
site of the Forest Mills, but before the mill was
completed he sold his interest to his partner and
returned to Illinois, engaged in farming, which he
followed about two years. He then turned his
attention to the study of law, which he pursued by
borrowing books: also taught school. In the spring of
1860 he again came to Allamakee Co., entered the law
office of Hatch & Wilber, of Waukon, and in a few
months was admitted to the bar. He then removed to
Mitchell Co., but as there was but little law
business at that time, he again resumed teaching.

In June 1862, his wife died, and in August, 1862,
he enlisted in Co. K, 27th Iowa, of which he was
chosen captain and served as such until mustered out
of service August 8, 1865. He then returned to
Mitchell Co., but in a few months, at the request of
Mr. Hatch, his preceptor, he came to Waukon and was a
member of the law firm of Hatch & Granger until
Jan. l, 1869, at which date he was appointed District
Attorney, vice L. O. Hatch, resigned: and served as
such four years, during which time, in the fall of
1872, he was elected Judge of the Circuit Court, and
is now serving his third term. On the 1st day of
February, 1880, in partnership with L. W. Hersey and
G. W. Stoddard, he organized the Waukon Bank, and has
since been President of the same. His public career
shows that he is held highly in the estimation of all
who know him, and therefore his character requires no
comment. Judge Granger is a member of the A. F. &
A. M., at Waukon, and a member of the chapter at
Lansing. He married his present wife, Miss Anna
Maxwell, April 15, 1868, and has two children, Ula A.
and Rollo S.
pgs 491-492, portrait pg 187
The second Circuit Judge was C.T. Granger, of Waukon,
Allamakee County, who came upon the bench at the
opening of the year 1873, for a term of four years.
He was re-elected in the fall of 1876 for a second
term, and agin in 1880 for a third term, in which he
is now serving. pg 205, Winneshiek co. section
H. G. Grattan, P.O. Waukon, farmer,
sec. 10; owns a farm of 270 acres, pleasantly
situated, and with first class improvements; is a son
of Amos and Abbey Grattan; was born in Oswego Co.,
N.Y., in 1826, his parents emigrating to Wisconsin in
1835, entering a claim of land upon which the city of
Kenosha was subsequently located. At the age of 13 he
engaged in the office of Kenosha Telegraph, then
published by Sholes Bros., pioneer publishers, in
whose employ he continued some four years, after
which he went to Janesville, Wis., in 1845, and
became identified with the Janesville Gazette till
1848, when he established the Freeport Journal,
continuing the publication till 1852. He then went to
Mr. Carroll and established the Carroll Co.
Republican, and was afterwards connected with the
Sterling Gazette. In 1853 he discontinued his
connection in the newspaper business and engaged as
salesman for John S. Wright in the agricultural
implement business, which he continued till 1861,
when he engaged as traveling salesman and collector
for C. H. McCormick & Co., in whose employ he
continued sixteen years, although moving his family
to this county in 1865 and locating on his present
farm. He also run the implement business in Waukon
some four years. Mr. G. has been married three times,
his first marriage being to Miss Jane Frank, of
Wisconsin, in 1847, who died in 1849; his second in
1850 to Phoebe J. Tisdel, of Illinois, who died in
1865. In 1866 he was married to Mrs. Rosena Russell.
By his first wife he has one son, Marion T; by his
second wife, Orlando T. and Mary, having lost one
daughter, Jane; and by his present wife he has two
children, John and Decorah. Mr. G. was postmaster of
the Ludlow post office some twelve years, the office
now being discontinued. He is at present one of the
trustees of the Agricultural College, also a member
of the A. F. & A. M. pg 492-493
Alfred Green, farmer, P.O.
Dorchester; was born May 10th, 1810, Washington, New
York; moved to Pennsylvania in 1835. In 1853 he came
to Waterloo Township, this county; thence to Houston
County, Minn., where he remained until 1869, when he
returned to this county. He married Hannah Winder, in
1842, and has seven children living, Levi N., Etiza,
Olive, Mary, Harriet, James and Etnily. They have
lost two by death, Phoebe and Joseph. pg 495
E. S. Green, wagon maker, was born
in N.Y., in 1819, resided in the State until 1855. He
then removed to Ill., and in 1856 to Iowa, lived in
Winneshiek county seven years, then in Fayette county
until 1872, since which time he has been in the
employ of Holahan & Buggy, of Waukon. He was
married in 1844: to Miss L. Stowell, a native of N.Y.
The children living are Lydia E., now Mrs. Edwin A.
Kreamer, of West Union, and Charles M. pg 494
Rev. Levi N. Green, pastor of the M.
E. Church at New Albion, Iowa, was born Jan. 1, 1843,
in Crawford Co., Pa. He came to Iowa in 1853,
locating in this Co. In 1861 he enlisted in Co. H.
9th Iowa Infantry, and in 1864 again enlisted as a
veteran. In 1872 he purchased his present farm of 385
acres in Hanover Township He was married Oct. 6,
1874, to Alice Buhnan, a native of Union City
township They have three children, Marinn E., Emma
G., and an infant. Rev. Green was admitted to the
conference this year, and assumed his charge at New
Albion. pg 495
Isaac Greer, was born in the State
of Ohio in 1829; came to Iowa in 1853, and first
settled in Linn County. In 1856 he came to Waukon,
and in 1857 purchased land in Ludlow Township, where
he followed farming about eight years, after which he
returned to Waukon and was engaged in mercantile life
until 1882, in he spring of which year he engaged in
drilling wells. He was married in 1851 to Miss A. C.
Hatch. The children living are Edwin, Leander and
Vesta. Mr. Greet is a member of the A.F. & A.M.,
A.O.U.W.. and V.A.S. pg 493
Theo. Groezinger, was born in
Germany, November 26, 1833. He first located in Ohio,
thence in 1855 to Dubuque, In 1861 he enlisted in the
United States service, serving four months; he
re-enlisted in Company B, 27th Iowa, as first
lieutenant, served one year and was discharged on
account of physical disability. He then engaged in
the hardware business in company with John Ruth,
which he continued about two years. He again went to
Dubuque, where he remained seven years, since which
time he has been in Lansing, insuring and collecting.
He married Louise Schultz; they have seven children,
Theodore, Emma, Frederick, Herman, Nanny, Gustave and
Elsie. pg 494