W. H. Carithers, P. O. Myron,
farmer, sec. 10, owns a farm of 600 acres. He was
born in Washington, W. Va., in 1824, where he
remained till 1851, when he came to Iowa and
purchased a part of his present farm, and the same
year was married to Miss Elizabeth Smith, daughter of
Reuben Smith, deceased, and located on his farm. Mr.
Smith was one of the early pioneers, having come to
this county in 1849, and located about one mile east
from Mr. Carithers' place. He died in August 1881,
leaving a large circle of friends to mourn his loss.
Mr. Carithers has, by strict economy and industry,
become the owner of one of the best farms in his
township. They have three children, Jennie, Mary and
Carrie. pg 480
T. L. Carrolls, one of the
proprietors of the Village Creek woolen mills, was
born in Pennsylvania in 1851, was reared in the
mercantile business, and came west in 1870; engaged
in his present business in 1871, his father at that
time being one of the firm of Howard, Carrolls &
Ratcliffe. Mr. Carrolls has the management of the
mills, which manufacture fine grades of woolen, such
as blankets, yarns, flannels and cashmeres, and
employs fifteen operatives. Mr. C. was appointed
postmaster in 1879. He married Miss Nellie E. Howard
in 1873; they have three children, Door, Ray and Rex.
pg 482
Henry Carter, merchant, firm of
Dougherty & Carter, dealers in boots and shoes
and gents' furnishing goods. The subject of this
sketch emigrated from Germany, where he was born in
1849, to the U. S. in 1870. He came direct to
Allamakee Co., and worked at farming until 1878, at
which time in partnership with M. W. Eaton, he
engaged in the boot and shoe business, which they
continued until June 1881, under the firm name of
Carter & Eaton. During this time the firm also
owned a one-half interest in an elevator. In June
1881, Mr. Carter exchanged his interest in the
elevator for his partner's interest in the boot and
shoe business, associated J. F. Dougherty as partner,
and has since continued as Dougherty & Carter. He
was married May 5, 1881, to Miss Louisa Luedeking. pg
Andrew Christianson, sec. 15, P. O.
Village Creek, farmer, was born in Norway, Dec. 30,
1826; received a thorough education in his native
language preparing him for teaching, in which he
engaged some years before coming to the U. S., in
1857. He located in Dane Co., Wisconsin, where he
taught school one year, after which he came to
Allamakee county, Ia.; taught school the first two
years, then turned his attention to farming; located
on his present farm in 1870, which contains 160
acres, valued at $3,500. He married Miss Maggie Olson
in Dec. 1859; they have ten children; Betsy M., Olof
C., Thea. B., Louisa J., Albert L., Tilda A.,
Caroline O., Wm. T., Carl A. and Ida E.; and have
lost two: Adolph and Albert. Mr. C. has served his
township as trustee and collector, and is a member of
the Lutheran Church. pg 480
E. N. Clark, Postville, farmer, sec.
21; owns 420 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre;
son of M. D. and Delilah Clark; was born in Wayne
Co., N. Y., in 1838, his parents emigrating to
Saginaw, Mich., in 1841, engaging in the lumbering
business till in 1848, when they moved to Linn Co.,
Io. At the breaking out of the rebellion, in June
1861, he enlisted in Co. A, 6th Ia. Inf., serving
till the close of the war. He participated in the
battles at Pittsburg Landing, Black River and the
siege and capture of Vicksburg; returned home in
1865, soon after moving to Delaware Co., Iowa, having
secured a government contract for a mail and state
route between Postville and Dyersville, which he run
four years; after which he moved to this county. Mr.
Clark was first married to Miss Martha Reed, in 1860,
by whom he had four children: Mary D., Elmer C.,
Ulysses G and Minnie C. His wife died in 1869, and he
was again married to Mrs. Lucy Clark, widow of J. W.
Clark, and daughter of Calvin Dresser, in 1871. His
wife has three children by her first marriage:
Franklin, Charles and Clavin D. Mr. C. is a member of
the A.O.U.W. pg 481
John T. Clark, Attorney, Postville,
is a native of Madison Co., N. Y., being born in
1811; received his early education in the common
schools; followed agricultural pursuits till 1843,
commenced reading law under the preceptorship of
Timothy Jenkins, of Oneida Co., N. Y., and
subsequently with Thos. Flandreau of that same
county, where he was admitted to the bar in 1851. In
the fall of 1853 he emigrated to Iowa, locating in
Waukon, there being but two frame dwellings, he
building the third. He remained there following his
profession until Dec., 1859, when he removed to
Decorah and established a law office in company with
his son, Orlando J. Clark. While there he was
extensively interested in real estate at Fort
Atkinson, owning 160 acres of land upon which most of
the town was platted. In 1874 he returned to Waukon
where he remained till in June 1880, he came to
Postville and opened a law office. Mr. Clark was
married to Miss Elizabeth Balkeslee, of N.Y., in
1833. His children are Orlando J., now a practicing
attorney of Decorah, Frederick M., Charles B., Sarah
E., Emma, Adelbert J., Alvin and Florence. All his
sons served their country during the war of the
rebellion. Mr. Clark served as one of the delegates
in the Constitutional Convention of 1857 at Iowa
City, also as Prosecuting Attorney for Allamakee Co.
for several years. pg 481-482
H. Clauson, P. O. Dorchester,
farmer, sec. 17; owns 180 acres valued at $25 per
acre; was born Dec 6, 1843, in Norway, came to the U.
S. with his parents in 1854, and in 1862 enlisted in
Co. B. 16th U. S. I.; participated in the battles of
Stone River, Chickamauga, Lookout Mountain, Mission
Ridge, and other engagements. He married Christy
Mathiason, Dec. 22, 1865; they have five children,
Mary, John E., Clara, Oscar and Martin, and have lost
by death seven children. Mr. Clauson is a member of
the Lutheran Church, and has acceptably filled
various positions of public trust. pg 482-483
A.E. Colegrove, miller and farmer,
Fairview Township; born in Tompkins County, New York,
in 1830, reared in the milling business, and in 1860
moved to Iowa, and engaged in his present business at
Bunker Hill, now called Ion. In 1862 he enlisted in
Company I, 27th Iowa Volunteers; at the close of the
war he returned to his present location.
Unfortunately, he is nearly blind, having left the
service in that condition. His home is pleasantly
situated on the Yellow River, 10 miles northwest of
McGregor, Iowa. pg 482
J. R. Conway, P. O. Rossville,
farmer, sec. 29; born July 17, 1820 in County
Roscommon, Ireland. In 1843 he was married to Miss
Rose Gordon, and the same year immigrated to the
United States locating in Baltimore, Md., where he
remained till 1847; then removed to Cincinnati, O.,
and engaged on board a Lower Mississippi steamer as
deck-hand; afterwards filling different stations up
to second mate; which position he occupied during the
terrible cholera scourge in 1849. He was then running
up Red River, often going on shore between stations
to bury the dead, who were mostly Negroes, sometimes
eight or ten in one grave. In 1850 he moved his
family to Dubuque, and came to Allamakee Co.; and
located the S. E. 1/4 of Sec. 29, of his present
farm. In December of the same year he moved his
family on to it, and commenced improving. For the
first four years thereafter he was engaged on the
Upper Mississippi river, running up as far as Fort
Snelling, during the summers, and spending the
winters at home. Served as first mate part of the
time. Mr. Conway has, by energy, industry and
economy, added to his first tract of land, till he
now has 500 acres well improved, and one of the best
farms in the township. His children are: Dornnick,
John, James, William, Owen, Mary A., Ellen and Rose.
They have lost one son, Matthew M. pg 480-481
Ezekiel E. Cooley was born in
Victory, Cayuga county, New York, Jan. 12, 1827. He
received an academic education, and at the age of 17
commenced teaching school, which occupation he
followed five years. In 1847 he emigrated to
Kentucky, where he taught, and read law with Judge
Trimble, and was admitted to the bar in 1849. He
returned to New York, and from there emigrated to
Decorah in October, 1854, where he has ever since
continued the practice of his profession, with an
exception of one year spent in the army. In 1857 he
was elected member of the first Legislature, under
the new State constitution, and served with marked
ability. He was appointed postmaster at Decorah in
1861, and held the office until he resigned, in 1863.
In September, 1864, President Lincoln appointed him
commissary of subsistence, with the rank of Captain
of cavalry. He was brevetted Major for meritorious
conduct, and was honorably discharged in November,
1865. In 1868 and 1870 he was warmly supported by the
Republicans of his county for the nomination to
Congress, but the other counties of his district
carried the majority for his competitor. Mr. Cooley
was married at Dubuque, in 1856, to Miss Jane M.
Rhodes, then of that city. IN the legal profession
Mr. Cooley has few peers in Northern Iowa, and few
have made themselves a better public and private
record. He has ever had the interest of his city and
county at heart, and has been identified with many of
the enterprises that have proved beneficial to the
community in which he has so long resided.
In the latter part of 1879 Mr. Cooley was appointed
by Governor Gear to the position of District Judge of
the Tenth Judicial District, consisting of
Winneshiek, Howard, Chickasaw, Fayette, Clayton and
Allamakee counties, to fill the vacancy caused by the
resignation of Judge Reuben Noble. In NOvember, 1880,
he was elected to the same position for the regular
term of two years. He has a beautiful home, an
unusually fine library, and his social and domestic
relations are of the pleasantest. He has two sons,
the elder of whom, C.M. Cooley, is married to the
daughter of Rev. H.B. Woodworth, for a number of
years pastor of the Congregational Church in Decorah,
and now lives in Dakota. Previous to his election as
Judge, Mr. Cooley was elected to and discharged the
office of Mayor of Decorah for two successive terms,
with honor to himself and credit to the city.
(Winneshiek co. section, pg 198-199; portrait, pg
341, note that E.E. Cooley has another lengthly bio
in the book, on pgs 561-563).

H.S. Cooper, P. O. Waukon, farmer,
sec. 21, was born in Franklin Co., Vermont, in 1824.
His father, Martin Cooper, moved into Addison Co. in
1826, where the subject of this sketch was raised. In
1849 he immigrated to this county, purchasing from
the Government 360 acres of land in this township,
there then being but three or four families in the
township all of whom had come in the same year. There
were at that time but very few settlers in any of the
adjoining townships the people having to endure many
hardships and privations always incident to the
settling of a new country. He was married to Miss
Eliza Gilvert in 1852, by whom he had eight children,
Franklin, Martin, Mary, Orpha, Winfield, Augusta,
Edwin and George. He was again married to Mrs. Hannah
M. Pratt, whose maiden name was Geesey. Her first
husband served his country during the rebellion in
Co. A, 27th Iowa inf., till the close of the war,
returning home, but soon after dying in 1865. Mr.
Cooper owns a farm of 440 acres, well improved and
one of the best farms in the township. pg 482