Willard Bacon, P. O. Village Creek,
farmer, sec. 22; son of John and Betsey Bacon; born
in Orange Co., Vt.; learned the carpenter and
joiner's trade in early life; went to Massachusetts
in 1843, where he engaged in house building for three
years; then engaged in railroad bridge building for
several different companies, and was for six years in
the employ of the N. Y. & H. H. R. R. Co. In 1855
he came to Allamakee Co., Iowa, and purchased his
present farm of 140 acres, at the head of one of the
branches of Village Creek, it being mostly bottom
land, and very productive, and upon which he has good
buildings, pleasantly situated and sheltered from the
winds. Mr. B. was married to Miss Harriet Poore, of
Vermont. They have three children: Idelia, whose
husband's name is Aldrich; Wilhimena and Hattie. pg
John Bakewell (deceased), whose
portrait appears elsewhere, was born in
Worcestershire, England, in 1820. When he was
thirty-four years of age he immigrated to America.
The first year he spent in the eastern portion of the
U. S., and then came to Illinois, where he lived
until January, 1850, when he came to Allamakee Co.,
immediately procured lands and engaged in farming,
which he continued until the time of his death, which
occurred April 29, 1879.

His first year in Allamakee was a rather
unfortunate one, as he lost the greater part of his
stock by their straying away the first winter, and he
was unable to recover them until the following fall;
but by hard work and good management he became one of
the wealthiest farmers of Allamakee Co., and highly
respected by all who knew him. He married Sara A.
Hunt the same year he left England. She was also born
in England. They have seven children, who have all
reached maturity, and who are well situated,
financially. pg 469-470, portrait pg 669
H. T. Ballman, P. B. Postville;
farmer, sec. 8; owns a farm of 270 acres, valued at
$25 per acre. He was born in Muskingum Co., Ohio, in
1835, his parents emigrating to this county in 1855,
remaining here till their death. His father died in
1870, and mother in 1874. Mr. B. was married to Miss
Adaline V. Minert in 1859. She was born in Indiana.
Their children are Benjamin F., Emma L., Daniel G.,
Lillie E., Henry S., Jennie A. and Harry B. They have
lost two, Alice L., and Charles E. He is a member of
the M. E. church. pg 474
Charles Barnard, proprietor Waukon
Nursery. This well-known gentleman was born on the
Isle of Wight, and on the farm now occupied by Queen
Victoria's summer residence; but when he was about
eighteen months old his parents (Thomas and Mary
Barnard) emigrated to the U. S. and settled on
Wheeling Island, in the Ohio River. Here Thos.
Barnard started a nursery, and soon commenced
teaching his son the rudiments of fruit growing.
About 15 years subsequently the family removed to
Belmont Co., Ohio, and then run a market garden for
the city of Wheeling. Here the subject of this
sketch, in 1845, was married to Miss M. Balderston,
who died in 1856, leaving three children, Mary G.,
now Mrs. W. R. Hanscom, of Monona Co., Ia.; Emma J.,
now Mrs. R. O. Manson, of Sibley, Ia., and Chas. O.,
of Monona Co., Ia. In 1857 Mr. Barnard was married to
Narcissa P. Newport, and in 1865 removed to Iowa and
settled in Waukon, where he at once engaged in the
nursery business. In 1869 he married Deborah D.
Spaulding. Mr. B. having spent his entire life in
growing trees and fruit, is one of the best posted
men to be found in his line of business. He is what
may be called a strictly practical man. His views
differ greatly from most nurserymen, but his success
proves that his judgment is in the main correct. He
does not believe in pruning trees, and to
substantiate his belief he can show many trees in his
nursery, which have been allowed to grow according to
the dictates of nature's laws. He has a Concord grape
vine planted in 1863, but which for two years was
trampled down by cattle, since which time it has been
cared for by Mr. B., and although it has never been
touched by a pruning knife, or fertilized, it now has
five branches, each forty feet in length. It has
stood the weather at 44 degrees below zero, and for a
number of years has grown from 200 to 1,000 pounds of
grapes annually. He now has about twenty-five acres
of nursery, and the largest stock of fruit and
ornamental trees in this section. pg 472-473
T. H. Barnes, M. D., a pioneer
physician of 1855, is a native of the Buckeye State,
where he was born in 1832. He was reared on a farm
until the age of 20, when he turned his attention to
medicine, graduating at the Iowa State University in
1855, He then settled in Allamakee Co., and has since
been a citizen of said county, with the exception of
a few months, when he resided in Clayton Co.

In 1861 he organized Co. K, 5th Iowa, which was
the first company of Allamakee Co.; and in July 1861,
Co. K, 1st Cav., with which he served until Dec. 16,
1864, when he resigned on account of physical
disability, and was mustered out with the rank of
captain. He then returned to Waukon, and has since
continued his profession. He has also spent some time
and considerable money in experimental farming. In
1881 he built the first silo for the State of Iowa,
which he has proved a success. He has also
represented his district in the legislature one term.
Dr. Barnes was married in 1854 to Miss Julia A. Orr,
who died in 1859, leaving one daughter. In 1862 he
married Marion E. Ferris, and now has one son and two
daughters. pg 471-472
John C. Barr, P. O. Box Waukon,
farmer, Hanover township, owns 400 acres of land in
sec. 22. He was born near Glasgow, Scotland, in
January 1816; came to the U. S. in 1850, stopping at
Dubuque, Iowa, where he was engaged in mining until
the spring of 1856, when he moved to his present
farm. He was married Dec. 13, 1838, to Miss Katie
Allen, who died Feb. 24, 1881. He has four children
living, James M., Samuel S., Robert and Mary A., and
has lost by death four, Thompson, Elon, Jennette and
Catharine. Mr. B. is a member of the M. E. Church. pg
Englehart Bartheld, P. O. Lansing;
farmer, sec. 2; son of Henry and Elizabeth Bartheld,
born February 18, 1833, in Germany; emigrated to the
U. S. in 1853, stopping with friends at Cleveland,
Ohio; worked at the carpenter and joiner business. In
1855 he came to Allamakee Co., still continuing to
work at his trade most of the time. He married Miss
Elizabeth Englehorn in 1858; she was also a native of
Germany. He purchased his present farm in 1859, and
moved onto it in 1861. He now owns 200 acres, well
improved and conveniently and pleasantly located. Mr.
Bartheld's children are Julius, Lizzy, Katie, Fred
and Englehart. He has served as assessor and trustee
of his township several years, and to the entire
satisfaction of his many friends. He is a member of
the A.O.U.W. pg 479
John M. Barthell, farmer, sec. 19,
Makee township; P. O. Waukon; a pioneer of Winneshiek
Co., and at present one of the most prominent farmers
of Allamakee Co. He was born in Germany in 1830,
emigrated to the U. S. in 1848, and lived in
Rensellaer Co., N. Y., until 1851. He then came to
Iowa and settled in Glenwood township, Winneshiek Co.
In 1856 he was married to Miss Martha Page. He then
continued farming in said county until 1866, since
which he has resided in Allamakee Co., and now owns
over one thousand acres of land. The children are
Sarah, John and Johnathan (the two latter being
twins), Anna, (now Mrs. Louis Steinbach), Charley,
George, Michael, Minnie and Bennie. pg 472
F. Barthold, Village Creek, born in
Germany in 1828, came to America in 1847, and settled
in Ohio; thence to Iowa in 1854, settling in Linton
Township, moved to Lafayette Township in 1859, and
located at Village Creek. Mr. B. has held the office
of Justice of the Peace for fifteen years. In 1852 he
married Miss Summermann, of Cleveland, O.; they have
six children living. pg 470
E. B. Bascomb, proprietor of livery
and feed barn, was born in Newport N. H. in 1833. He
came to Iowa in April, 1855, and located at Lansing,
and was engaged in contracting and building until the
breaking out of the rebellion, when he enlisted in
Co. K, 5th Iowa Infantry, being the first man to
enlist from Lansing. He was in a number of battles,
some of the prominent ones being Booneville, Island
No. 10, New Madrid, Corinth, siege of Corinth, Iuka,
Fort Gibson, battle of Vicksburg, Mission Ridge and
others. He served until the close of the war, and
returned to Lansing and embarked in the lumber trade.
He sold his business in 1871 to his partner, Mr. S.
O. Smith, and for some time there after was
contracting with the railroad company. He has since
been in various businesses, buying and selling grain
and livestock, and for several years was a dealer in
drugs and medicines. In 881 he purchased his present
stock of livery of Huffschmidt and continues to
manage the same. He married in 1855 Miss Mary Rogers,
who was born in Goshen, N. H.; they have two
children, Mary E. and Ada. pg 478-479
Samuel Baumann, P. O., Lansing, was
born in Switzerland in 1828, came to America in 1851
and settled in Lansing, and is now engaged in farming
and burning lime. He married Christine Sideler in
1858, and they have twelve children. pg 470
L. O. Bearce, dealer in harness,
etc., is one of the early pioneers and prominent
businessmen. He was born in Maine in 1840, and in
1852 came to Allamakee Co., and lived on a farm until
fourteen years of age, when he commenced work at the
shoemaker's trade. This he followed three years, when
he turned his attention to harness making. In 1864 he
formed a partnership with G. H. McClasky, and has
since been engaged in the manufacture and sale of
harness, saddles, etc., being associated with several
different partners at different intervals until
January, 1882, since which time he has conducted the
business alone. Mr. Bearce was married in 1871 to
Miss Fannie E. Hall, of Evansville, Ind. They have
two children, Leslie R. and Roger. pg 471
L. M. Bearce, Clerk of the Courts,
was born in Maine in 1837. He removed from there to
Massachusetts, thence in 1852 to Iowa, and settled
near Waukon in this county. He subsequently engaged
in the mercantile business in Waukon. In 1880 he was
elected to his present position. He married Maria
Israel, a native of Pennsylvania. They have two
children, a son and a daughter. pg 473
Jeptha Beebe, post office, Waukon;
farmer, section 8; son of Hezekiah and Sarah Beebe;
born in Chemung County, New York. His parents moved
to La Grange County, Indiana, in 1837. In 1850 he
emigrated to Crawford County, Wisconsin, where he
engaged in lumbering till in 1853, he came to
Allamakee County, Iowa, locating at Waterville, and
purchased the corn cracker mill of Riley Ellis, to
which he added a saw mill the same year. His brother,
N. A. Beebe, built a gristmill in 1854. Soon after it
was completed, he became a partner in the gristmill
with his brother, but soon sold his interest to Mr.
J. Spooner, continuing the sawmill till the fall of
1857, when he sold out his brother, N. A. Beebe, and
purchased a farm two miles and a half west of
Rossville. Soon after he engaged as contractor of a
stage line, from Prairie du Chien, Wisconisn, to
Chatfield, Minnesota. The route being discontinued in
1858 by order of James Buchanan, through the
Postmaster General, which left him with a large
amount of stage property on his hands which he then
took to Kansas, and securing another stage line soon
after traded his interest for a steam saw mill, some
fifteen miles south from the Topeka, which took fire
and was burned in 1860 with quite an amount of lumber
and logs, all being a total loss. He re-built the
mill and sold to other parties, and came back to
Allamakee County and rented the saw mill at
Waterville one year; then rented a farm near
Rossville for one year, and then bought a saw mill on
the Yellow River, which he ran till 1867, then sold
out and turned his attention to farming. In the
spring of 1869 he purchased his present farm. Mr. B.,
upon his return from Kansas to this county, found
himself $3,700 in debt, all of which he has paid. He
was married to Miss Mary A. Coffman, in 1854. She was
also a native of Pennsylvania. They have six
children: William E., Henry H., Leon E., Laura M.,
Edith A. and Edna E., and have lost two-Lottie S. and
Alden S. Mr. Beebe has served as Justice of the Peace
in his township and is a Greenbacker in politics. pg
John C. Beedy, P. O. Waukon, farmer,
sec. 13; owns 80 acres of land, valued at $40 per
acre. He was born in 1835 in Piscataquis Co., Me. In
1850 he went to Natic, Mass., where he commenced
learning the shoemaker's trade, continuing about a
year, after which he was engaged on the sea in
vessels doing a coast trade up as far as Nova Scotia,
during summers, and at his trade during winters. In
1857 he immigrated to Iowa and located in Makee
Township, this county, and in 1862 came on to his
present farm. He married Miss Angie Gaslin, of Maine,
in 1857. She died in 1876, leaving him with a family
of seven children. The children are: Arthur, Leroy,
Edgar, Angie, Cora, Nellie and Albert. He was again
married to Mary Ryan, 1878, by whom he has three
children: Lizzie, John and William. He is a member of
the I.O.O.F. pg 476
N. J. Beedy, mayor of Postville, was
born in New York in 1826; learned the carpenter and
joiner trade in early life, emigrated to Winnebago
Co., Ill., in 1850, and in 1852 to Allamakee Co.,
Ia., engaging in farming and working at his trade. In
1865 he came to Postville and engaged in the grain
and produce business till the spring of 1881, when he
retired from active business. He has served as
councilman, and is now serving his second term as
mayor and county supervisor. He married Mary E.
Barnes, of New York, in 1850. She died in 1867. He
was again married to Lucy Hall, also a native of New
York, in Nov. 1869. He has three children by his
first marriage, Fred, Ida M. and Carrie F., and one
by his second marriage, Mabel. He is a member of the
A.O.U.W. pg 474-475
C.D. Beeman is known by all as one
of the leading businessmen of Allamakee County. He
established his present business in November, 1874,
erected his large and commodious store building
(which is located in the west part of Waukon) in 1879
at a cost of $5,000, and now carries a stock of
general merchandise to the amount of $18,000. Mr. B.
Was born in Madison Co., Vermont, in 1827, came to
Allamakee Co. in 1849, and settled in Jefferson
Township, where he was engaged in farming until he
engaged in his present business. Oct. 6, 1853, he
married Sarah A. Martindale, a native of New
Hampshire. The children are C. M., C. A., Irvin, Fred
L., and Bertha. pg 471
Peter Beiber, farmer, sec. 29,
Makee; P. O. Waukon; a native of France, born
November 3, 1835, emigrated with his parents to the
U. S. in 1854. He first lived at Freeport, Ill.,
eleven months, then came to Allamakee Co., and
settled in Center Township Here he worked at the
blacksmith trade for several years, and Dec. 26,
1865, was married to Sophia Krumme. In 1868 he
purchased a farm and commenced tilling the soil;
removed to his present farm in 1874. The children are
Sophia, Lena, Emma, Katie, Peter and Philip. pg 470
Hilton Belden, blacksmith, was born
in Wyoming Co., N. Y., in 1829. At the age of
thirteen he commenced work at his trade with his
father. In 1853 he was married to Miss Mary Quick. In
1856 he came west, and after residing two years in
Fillmore Co., Minn., came in 1858 to Waukon. He
followed farming three years, when he again resumed
his trade, and has since continued the same. The
children are Florence, Cora, Kate and Julia. pg 470
Henry Bensch, carpenter and builder,
was born in Prussia in 1832, came to America in 1852
and settled in Galena, Illinois, where he remained
until 1855. He then removed to Lansing and since then
has been engaged in the above business. He has been a
member of the County Board three years, and has also
been overseer of the poor for the past ten years. He
married Lena Fry, of Guttenburg, Germany; they have
eight children, Julia, Henry G., John, Edward,
Charles, Emma, Matilda, Mary. pg 478
H. J. Bentley, dealer in jewelry,
watches, clocks, etc., was born in Freeport,
Illinois, in 1853. He came to this county in 1858
with his father (Jas. Bentley, whose biography
appears elsewhere). He married Jennie Reed, a native
of New York. They have one son. pg 473
H. J. Bentley, dealer in jewelry,
watches, clocks, etc., was born in Freeport,
Illinois, in 1853. He came to this county in 1858
with his father (Jas. Bentley, whose biography
appears elsewhere). He married Jennie Reed, a native
of New York. They have one son.pg 473
James Bentley, one of the oldest
resident preachers, was born in England in 1816,
emigrated to the U. S. in 1842, and soon entered
Jubilee College, near Peoria, where he was ordained
as an Episcopal minister in 1847. His first parish
was at Warsaw, Ill. In the spring of 1857 he came to
Iowa and located in Allamakee Co. He was the first
preacher at Lansing. In 1859 he founded the Waukon
parish, of which he had charge for many years. Rev.
Bentley has been for a number of years in the employ
of the American S. S. Union, first as district agent,
then as State agent of Iowa, and afterwards as State
agent for Kansas. He is at present
missionary-at-large in Allamakee Co. He was married
in 1850 to Miss Cox, and they have two children,
Henry J., of Waukon, and William C., of New York
City. pg 472
A. Bernatz & Bros., proprietors
Evergreen Flouring Mils, Ft. Atkinson. A. Bernatz,
the senior member of the firm, is a native of
Germany, and Geo. Bernatz, the junior member, of this
county. Their parents came to the U.S. in 1849 and
settled in Rochester, N.Y.; came to Prairie du Chien
in 1852 and to McGregor in 1855, and engaged in the
brewery business, which they sold and went to
Smithfield, Allamakee County, and bought the flouring
mills; from there they came to this county, bought
the Addicken flouring mills, on the Canoe River,
northeast of Decorah, and run the same two years;
then bought the Riceford mills at Houston, Minn.,
also built a mill in Fillmore County, Minn., known as
the Newburg mills, and the same year built the Chaska
flouring mills, near Minneapolis. They sold their
Minnesota mills and came to this place in 1875; had
bought the Evergreen mills in the fall of 1874, and
have conducted the same ever since under the firm
name of M. Bernatz & Son, until the fall of 1882,
then under the above name. The mill is 40X50 feet,
three stories and basement, situated on Turkey River;
is fitted as a merchant mill and does merchant work
only; has a capacity of 125 barrels; is fitted with
five run of buhrs, one set of rollers, bran duster,
purifier, and all the necessary machinery for a
first-class mill, and gives employment to five men,
besides the proprietors and cooopers. It is probably
the only mill in northern Iowa that runs steadily the
year round as an exclusively merchant mill. Power is
given with four Leffel water wheels, equal to
100-horse power. pg 560, Winneshiek co. biographies
John Beucher, farmer, section 5,
P.O. Ridgeway; owns 170 acres of land valued at $25
per acre; was born in Germany in 1833; is the third
son of Joseph and Catherine Beucher. At the age of 21
he left Germany, came to America, and settled in
Galena, Ill. After a residence there of some years,
he came to Io., and located in Allamakee Co., but in
1876 came to Winneshiek Co., and bought a farm in
Lincoln tp., where he has resided since. He was
married in 1860 to Miss Anna Werhan, a native of
Germany, and has seven children, Julius, Henrietta,
Emma, Netta, Mary, John and William. pg 656, misc.
Winneshiek co. bios
M. Beucher, Postville, dealer in
hardware, stoves and tin ware, also proprietor of
billiard hall; born in 1830 in Germany, emigrated to
the U. S. in Aug. 1854, and located in Allamakee Co.,
following farming for nine years, after which he
engaged in his present business. He married Miss
Louisa Koevenig, a native of Germany, in 1861; they
have one son, Joseph. Mr. B. is a member of the A.F.
& A.M. and A.O.U.W. pg 474
Charles C. Blumm, post office,
Rossville, dealer in general merchandise and
manufacturer of harness, and was born in Germany,
April 29th, 1848, near the River Rhine. His parents
immigrated to the United States in 1850, stopping at
Toledo, Ohio, where his father died of cholera in
1854. The following year, in 1855, the family came to
this county, locating at Rossville. In 1865, he went
to Prairie du Chien and engaged to learn the harness
maker's trade, working at that till the latter part
of 1866, when he returned to Rossville and opened a
harness shop, continuing but a short time, when he
closed out his business and spent about a year
traveling and working at journey work. He returned to
Rossville and purchased the homestead of his mother
and again opened a harness shop, soon after adding
groceries, and, in 1873, dry goods. In December 1876,
he formed a co-partnership with Jas. M. Ross, adding
drugs, which continued till February 1880, when he
purchased Mr. Ross' interest. He was married to Miss
Mary Sencebaugh, May 30th, 1875. She was a native of
West Virginia. Their children are Charles A. and
Daisy P. They have lost one son, Robert H. Mr. Blumm
is a member of the I.O.O.F. pg 475
Philip Bockfinger, part proprietor
of wagon and carriage factory, was born in
Froechweiler Alsace, Germany, in 1831. He learned the
trade of wagon maker in Niederbron, and in 1852, came
to America, and his first location was in Cincinnati,
Ohio; thence to Galena, Ills., and in 1856 he came to
Lansing and established his present business in
company with Mr. Boeckemeier. They are extensive
manufacturers of wagons, plows, etc., the business
amounting to about $50,000 annually. They employ
about thirty men. Mr. B. was married to Magdalana
Wetzel, also of Germany; they have seven children. pg
Edward Boeckh, was born in Baden,
Germany, in 1827. He came to the U. S. in 1848, and
settled in New York, where he lived until 1854, he
then removed to Dubuque, and in 1857, came to
Lansing. In 1868 he erected a large foundry and
machine shop, of which he has been a part owner. He
married Paulina Kemdt, also of Germany; they have
five children, Louisa, Herman, Julius, Edward and
Mina. Mr. B. has been alderman five years, and is at
present a member of the school board. pg 478
D. H. Bowen, M. D. This promising
young physician was born in Green Co., Wis., in 1850.
His youth was spent in rural life, during which time
he received an academic education, also taught
school, and at the age of 22 turned his attention to
the study of medicine, first reading with Dr. R.
Broughton, of Brodhead. He subsequently entered the
Rush Medical College, where he graduated in February
1876. He then came to Allamakee Co., where he
practiced until 1880; then attended a course of
lectures, and in the fall of said year came to
Waukon, and has since been in partnership with Dr. J.
B. Mattoon. Dr. Bowen was married in February 1877,
to Miss Hettie Burns. They have one child, Albert
Sidney. pg 470-471
J. D. Brennan, merchant, Village
Creek, is a native of Allamakee Co., and son of
Eugene Brennan, one of the old settlers of the
township. Mr. B. was born in 1855, received a good
education, and taught school until engaging in his
present business in 1882. In July of the same year,
D. J., a younger brother, became a partner in the
business. Mr. Brennan was married in 1880 to Miss
Mary J. Mooney, of Lafayette Township, they have one
son, Eugene. pg 470
James Briar, P. O. Box Rossville;
farmer, sec. 27; son of James and Margaret Briar;
born in Onondaga Co., N. Y., in 1839, where he
remained till, in 1855, he came to Iowa, stopping in
the northern part of this township. In August 1862,
he enlisted in Co. A, 27th Ia. Inf., participating in
most of the battles in which the company was engaged,
till the close of the war. He then returned home, and
was married the same year to Miss Sarah Gates. She
was born in Decatur Co., Ind.; they have seven
children: Wm. H., Samuel D., Joseph A., Julia A.,
James E., Charles S. and Delia M., and have lost one
daughter, Eliza. Mr. B. moved to his present farm of
160 acres in 1876. It is a good farm, well improved,
with good buildings upon it, and worth $40 per acre.
pg 476
Theodore Brockhausen, was born in
Detmold, Prencedom Lippe, Germany, in 1833. He came
to the U. S. in 1851, and in 1854, settled at
Lansing, and has since been a member of the firm of
Nielander & Brockhausen. During the severe winter
of 1856 he was mail carrier from Lansing to Prairie
du Chien, and from Lansing to Portland Prairie. He
was married in 1863 to Miss Mary Schierholz. pg 478
George H. Bryant, County Treasurer,
was born in Otsego County, N.Y., in 1837, came west
in 1863, and located in Lansing, and for five years
was employed as a clerk. He subsequently engaged in
the boot and shoe trade, which he continued until
elected to his present position. He married Martha
Dennis, a native of Indiana. They have one son and
three daughters. pg 473
James Bryson, of Jefferson Township,
was born in Perthshire, Scotland, August 1802. Has
always been a prominent man wherever he lived. Was an
elder in the Presbyterian Church in Scotland, as also
in Connecticut, where he located, after four years in
Canada. In his native country his occupation was
running a linen factory, and after coming to America
was overseer of woolen mills. Settled in Paint Creek
Township in 1850, where he held various township
offices, and represented that and Jefferson Township
in the Board of Supervisors at different times. Was
the first representative from Allamakee Co. in the
State Legislature. He was a man of firm and just
character, and in his prime took an active part in
reforms. Was a strong Abolitionist, and a personal
friend of John B. Gough and others. In 1824 he
married Miss Margaret Scott, who died in 1873, at
Rossville. She was of an exceedingly good family, had
received a very liberal education, and was a
remarkable woman. When they came to this country they
had four children living: Elizabeth (now dead),
Isabel, John S. and Jane. Four children were born
after reaching this country: William, died before the
war; James, of Chicago; Alexander, of Ackley; and
Margaret, who married John Henderson. James and
Alexander were in Co. I, 27th Regt. Io. Vols. pg 477
John S. Bryson, farmer, sec. 17,
born in Dundee, Scotland, in 1831, and was brought to
Canada West in 1836 by his parents who removed to
Connecticut in 1840, but returned east to York State,
whence they came to Iowa in 1850, and located here on
the 11th day of May of that year; and on the 15th of
the same month John assisted in breaking the first
sod in what is now Paint Creek township, where he now
owns 240 acres. Later in the summer the first
gristmill in Allamakee Co.-A simple corn-cracker-was
put in about four miles below Mr. Bryson's place, and
he run this most of the time during the first eight
months. At the first election of Township Officers in
April 1853, Mr. Bryson was elected constable, and has
since served four years as township clerk. Was also
secretary of his school district for some time; and
has enjoyed the confidence and esteem of his
neighbors to such a degree that he has at various
times been appointed to such trusts as administrator
of estates, guardian, trustee, etc. Mr. Bryson was
one of the real pioneers of Paint Creek Township, and
has been closely identified with its history. Mr.
Bryson was married Jan. 11, 1865, to Miss Tilde O.
Rema, a native of Norway, whose family settled in
this township the same year with the Brysons. They
have five children, Margaret S., Tilde L., James, Ida
G. and John R. pg 477-478
Michael Buggy, the junior member of
the firm, Holahan & Buggy, was born in Ireland in
1840, came to the U.S. in 1854, and lived at New
Haven, Conn., until 1862, during which time he
learned the blacksmith trade. He then came to Iowa
and resided at Decorah until 1864, since which time
he has resided at Waukon. He was married in February
1862, to Miss Mary Ann O'Neil, then of Waukon, but a
native of Boston, Mass. They have six children: Mary
A., John F., Richard, James, Willie and Michael. His
religion is the Roman Catholic. pg 502
Richard Buggy, blacksmith, is a
native of Ireland; born in 1841; came with his
parents to the U. S. in 1854, and settled at New
Haven, Conn., where he learned his trade, and in
1866, he came to Iowa and settled at Waukon, but
subsequently traveled over a great part of the west
and northwest. He was also in the employ of Holohan
& Buggy for several years. In September 1877, he
opened his present business and has since been doing
a blacksmith, wagon and general repair works. He has
eight children, Nellie, Maria, Richard, Edwin, John,
Charlie, Eliza and Michael. His religion is Roman
Catholic. pg 479
W. N. Burdick, editor and publisher
of Review, was born in New York in 1837, and
in 1839 his parents immigrated to Kane Co., Ill.;
thence to West Union, Fayette Co., Iowa in 1852,
where he followed farming till 1856, when he engaged
in a printing office at Decorah, and subsequently at
Cresco for a short time, when he again resumed
farming for two years, and then engaged in the
mercantile business. He served as postmaster at
Cresco nearly seven years. In 1873 he purchased an
interest in the Winneshiek Register, at Decorah, and
soon after the whole interest. In 1875 he sold out
and purchased the Review, at Postville. He married
Amy E. Halsted in 1860. She was born in Ohio. They
have three children, Edward L., Albert E. and Arthur
S. They have lost two sons. pg 474
J. H. Burhans, of the firm of
Burhans Bros., proprietors of the Burlington House,
Postville, was born in 1831, in Otsego Co., N. Y.;
emigrated with parents to Rock County, Wisconsin in
1845, from there to Ossian, Winneshiek Co., Iowa in
1855, and in April, 1857, moved to Clayton Co., the
roads being blocked with snow, it having been a very
severe winter. In the fall of 1862 he enlisted in Co.
L, 6th Iowa. Cavalry. Their operations were confined
to the northwest, protecting the frontier from the
Indians. He was discharged in October 1865, returned
home, and was mostly engaged working at his trade,
carpenter and joiner. In 1876 he came to Postville,
still following his trade. In the winter of 1882 he
purchased the Burlington House in company with his
brother, J. W. Burhans. He married Sarah A. D. ----,
a native of Connecticut, in 1854; they have one son;
John D. Mr. Burhans is a member of the Masonic Order.
pg 473-474
James W. Burhans, of the firm of
Burhans Brothers, proprietors of the Burlington
House, Postville, was born in Nov., 1824, in New
York, came to Rock County, Wisconsin, in 1845,
remaining till 1865, when he returned to New York,
and in 1868 moved to Camden, Missouri, where he
engaged in farming six years; after which, in company
with a brother, he engaged in general merchandising.
In the winter of 1882 he came to Postville and
engaged as above. He married Miss Mary M. Davis, of
New York, in 1848. She died in Missouri in 1873,
leaving one daughter Ella E. pg 473
W. H. Burtis, retired farmer, post
office, Waukon; farmer, section 8; son of Henry and
Mary Burtis; was born October 11, 1825, in the
district of Prince Edwards, Canada. He learned the
shoemaker's trade in early life, at which he worked
principally, till 1847, when he came to Kenosha,
Wisconsin, where he worked at his trade during the
winters, and farmed during the summer. In the fall of
1859, he went to Lake County, Illinois, where he
remained till 1868, when he came to Allamakee County,
Iowa, stopping in Ludlow township till 1876, he came
to Rossville, where he now resides. He was married to
Miss Louisa Ross, October 5, 1869. She is a sister of
O. A. Ross, and was born in Pennsylvania. Mr. Burtis
owns a farm of 120 acres three miles from Rossville,
also seven acres within the village of Rossville; his
wife also owns a farm of 80 acres some three miles
from Rossville. pg 475
Fred A. Burton, grain buyer, born in
Rhode Island in 1851, came to Iowa and to Makee
Township in 1854, and became a resident in Waukon in
1868. Mr. Burton was engaged for several years in
buying grain in the markets at Lansing and Postville
in this county, and in DeSoto, Wis., as well as at
his home in Waukon. In September 1880 he assumed
charge of A. & T. McMichael's grain elevator at
Waterville, where he has since been constantly
employed. pg 478
Wm. Burton (deceased), farmer, was
born in Rhode Island in 1813. Came to Makee township
in 1853, and bought a farm of 80 acres on Makee
Ridge, 3 1/2 miles from Waukon. The following year he
brought on his family, comprising the following
children: Theodore W., Lewis, and Fred A., the two
latter of whom are now living. In 1868 he became a
resident of Waukon, where he remained until his
death, 1879. Mr. Burton was married in 1837 to Miss
Marcella Nicholas, who was born in Rhode Island in
1815, and still resides in Waukon. pg 470
Jacob Butz, farmer, owns 120 acres
of land, valued at $20 per acre; was born in Indiana
in 1856, and is a son of Theobolt Butz; came west in
1866, and settled in this tp. He married Emma
Reinhardt, who was born in Allamakee Co. They have
one child, Edward. pg 551, Winneshiek co.
biographies, note: the township is not given