Asa W. Adams, oldest resident
photographer in Winneshiek Co. The subject of this
sketch was born in Ohio in 1842. He was left
motherless when but a small boy, and in 1853 he came
with his father to Io., and lived with him in
Allamakeee Co., until he was 21 years of age. He then
learned the art of photography at McGregor, and in
1865 located in Decorah, and has since been the
leading photographer. In 1866 he married Miss Emma J.
Fuller; they have three children, Leila A., Jennie
and Willie. pg. 548, Winneshiek co. biographies
Dudley W. Adams, horticulturist, was
born in Winchendon, Mass., November 30, 1831. His
father was a lumberman and lost his life from an
accident in the woods when the son was but four years
old. His mother gave him a careful home training and
an ordinary district schooling, with the addition of
an academic course before maturity, which he assisted
to secure by intervals of teaching. With the
attainment of his majority came the development of a
malady all too common in that region, and a severe
cough admonished him to leave his native state and
the dangers of its climate. Accordingly, one day in
September, 1853, he might have been seen (had there
been any in the country as witnesses) "hoofing
it" from the port of Lansing eighteen miles to
the capitol of Allamakee County in company with L. T.
Woodcock. Reaching the upland near Adams' present
residence, the pilgrims ran across Scott Shattuck and
Tom Minard cutting a road through the hazel-brush,
and upon inquiring the way to Waukon they were
directed to cast their eyes to the westward where two
log huts were in sight and informed that these
constituted the object of their pilgrimage. One of
these huts was the pioneer residence of Geo.
Shattuck, and the other the "seat of
justice" of Allamakee County. As might have been
expected of young men in their circumstances they
were somewhat taken aback, and doubtless showed it;
but going bravely to work they at once began
preparations for the erection of a frame store and
dwelling, which is now the National House on Main
street. The lumber was all oak and was hauled from
Smith's mill on Yellow River, where it was sawed out
by Austin Smith. A stock of goods was opened in this
building the same fall. The first sale of merchandise
in Waukon, was by Mr. Adams, a pair of boots to Ezra
Reed, Jr., from the stock while it lay in Scott
Shattuck's new frame hotel (now George Mauch's
residence) awaiting the completion of the store. He
also took out the first letter form the first mail
received at Waukon, it being one he himself had
written while east after the goods, addressed to his
partner, Mr. Woodcock. Meanwhile Mr. Adams had taken
up 200 acres of government land, of which he still
owns 120, forty acres of which are now occupied with
orchards in bearing. From 1853 the growth of the
community was rapid, and Mr. Adams found many ways in
which to occupy his time to advantage, and proved
himself a most valuable acquisition to the pioneer
settlement. His services as surveyor were sought far
and wide, and two years later he was made assessor,
continuing to serve as much by successive re-election
for about ten years. In 1854 he was also chosen as
President of the County Agricultural Society,
organized in 1853, and nearly all the time from that
day to this has been connected with the society in
one capacity or another. In the fall of 1854 also, in
company with Ed. Whitney, he began the erection of
the first and only steam saw mill here, which was
completed the following spring and continued in
successful operation for many years. It was burned
down in '56 or '57, after which he disposed of his
interest therein, although the mill was re-built.

In 1856 Mr. Adams entered upon the work of
horticulture, in which he always found great
pleasure, and in after years the "Iron Clad
Nursery" of Waukon became famous for its success
where others failed. There were ten or fifteen other
nurseries started in Allamakee County at about this
time, not one of which proved profitable, and all
were abandoned amid the almost universal opinion that
fruit could not be grown in northern Iowa. During the
20 years that he continued in this business, however,
Mr. Adams established the fact beyond a doubt that it
can be very successful, with judicious selection and
proper management, and points with just pride to his
achievements in this direction under the adverse
circumstances of climate and public opinion. For
instance, in 1871, at an exhibition of the State
Horticultural Society (of which, by the way, he was
for five years the Secretary), he took the sweepstake
prize, with one hundred varieties, for the best and
largest display of apples. Again, at the State Fair
in 1879, he took the sweepstakes with 172 varieties
of apples. About 1858, Mr. Adams was chosen chairman
of the County Board of Equalization. Again, in '65 or
'66, he accepted an appointment to a place on the
Board of County Supervisors, to fill a vacancy, not
without reluctance, however, as at that time there
was the thankless task to undertake of building up
the county finances, which were in a very bad way,
county warrants at that time selling at only 45 per
cent. The board was evenly divided politically, and
to complicate matters and add to the responsibility
of the situation it was also divided and equally on
the then strongly local feeling between Lansing and
Waukon on the county seat question. Upon the
expiration of his short term Mr. Adams was elected to
represent his township as a member, two years later,
was again selected as chairman, without a dissenting
vote. It is but justice to add that during these
times he represented the interests of his
constituents in local matters most successfully; and
it was not long ere careful management and economy
restored the full credit of the county, which has
ever since been maintained. In 1869 the first brick
block in Waukon was erected, Mr. Adams being a part
owner in this, as in the first frame store in the
village. Together with his neighbors, in 1869, Mr.
Adams effected the organization of Waukon Grange,
Patrons of Husbandry, the third in the state. He
discharged the duties of Master, Overseer, Lecturer,
and Secretary of this organization in 1872, he was
elected Master of that for a term of two years, in
the middle of which he was made Master of the State
Grange, then comprising over one thousand members
representing eight hundred subordinate granges which
he had organized, a fact which serves to illustrate
the energy and zeal of the man who was called upon to
preside over the national body. At that time there
were but about 1,200 subordinate granges in the
United States, but at the expiration of his term of
three years there were nearly 23,000 granges spread
over nearly all the States and Territories. His
industry and tact are still further exemplified in
his persistent advocacy of the establishment of rail
communication with the outside world for Waukon, by
the Paint Creek route; his active participation in
the organization of the company; and, upon his
election as its president in 1875, his energetic
propulsion of the work to a successful realization of
the hopes of the community during the twenty years
preceding. Of late years Mr. Adams has passed his
winters in a home he has established in sunny
Florida, where he made his first purchase of land in
1875. In January 1876, he re-engaged in his favorite
occupation of horticulture in his winter home by
setting out a small grove of orange trees. Now he is
the fortunate possessor of about a thousand acres in
that state, of which 37 acres are in orange grove.
Mr. Adams was married Jan. 31, 1856, to Miss Hannah
Huestis, who has been able to co-labor in his
horticultural avocations, and an associate in his
honors, having occupied the position of Ceres in the
National and State Granges, as well as various
offices in the gift of her home subordinate grange.
p. 467-469, portrait pg 391
R. J. Alexander was born in Linn
Co., Iowa in 1852. Subsequently the family removed to
Cedar Co. He was educated at Cornell College, and in
1876 commenced mercantile life as clerk, and
continued as such until 1879, when he formed the
partnership with Mr. Armstrong. pg. 465
Charles Amann, proprietor Germania
House, was born in Germany in 1849, and came to
America in 1872, and settled in Troy, N.Y. In 1875 he
came to Lansing and engaged in brewing until 1882,
when he engaged in his present business. He married
Carrie Christ, also a native of Germany; they have
three children, Ernest, Eugene and Lena. pg. 467
Andrew E. Ammundson, P.O. Elon;
farmer, sec. 4; son of Erick and Cornelia Ammundson;
born in 1847 in Norway. His parents emigrated to the
U.S. in 1851, locating in Rock Co., Wis. In the fall
of 1853 they came to this county, locating in Center
Township, where they still reside. Mr. Ammundson was
married to Miss Agnes Schaugor in 1873. She was born
in Lafayette County, Wis.; they have two children,
Gundy Maud and Anna A. Mr. Ammundson has served his
township as secretary of school board, sub-director,
etc. He is a member of the Lutheran church. pg. 466
N. J. Amquest, son of P. J. and
Cecelia Amquest, was born in 1859, received a good
common school education, and in 1878 commenced
mercantile life as a clerk for C. D. Buman, whom he
served until December 1881, subsequently clerked for
L. Clark. pg. 465
P. J. Amquest (deceased) was a
native of Stockholm, Sweden, who emigrated to the
U.S. in 1856, and settled in Makee township,
Allamakee County, where he worked at the tailor trade
up to the time of his death, which took place in
December, 1863. He left a wife and four children. pg.
A. T. Anderson, P.O. Dalby; farmer,
sec. 2; son of Thomas and Ambjor Anderson, was born
in this Co. in 1851, was reared on his father's farm
with the exception of the time he attended school and
was engaged in teaching. He was some three years in
attendance at the Lutheran College, Decorah. He
married Miss Oline Smeby in June 1877. She was also
born in this county. They have two children, Olaf and
Theodore. Mr. Anderson owns a farm of 158 1/2 acres,
valued at $35 per acre. He is the present township
clerk, which office he has filled seven years, and is
a member of the Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran
church. pg. 466
Andrew Anderson, P.O. Elon; farmer,
sec. 33; son of Andrew and Christine Anderson; born
in 1824 in Sweden, emigrated to the U.S. in 1853,
locating in Rock Island County, Illinois, till the
fall of 1854, when he came to Allamakee County, Iowa,
locating on the farm he still owns, now containing
176 acres, well improved and worth $4,000. He married
Miss Sophia Palmgren in 1859, she was also a native
of Sweden. They have four children, John A., Peter
A., Mary S. and Samuel C. He is a member of the
Baptist Church. pg 465
Ole G. Anderson, P.O. Elon; farmer,
sec. 29, brother of Andrew Anderson, born in Sweden,
July 12, 1832. His mother died when he was but a boy,
and in 1854 himself and father came to America and
located in this township, where his father died in
1872. During the late rebellion he enlisted in Co. B,
27th Iowa Inf. in March 1864, the company being
immediately taken to the front, where they
participated in the battle of Nashville, Tenn., and
Fort Blakely, Ala., they being about the closing up
of the war. In the fall of 1865 he was transferred to
the 12th Infantry, Co. B, and discharged in January
1866, at Davenport. He married Miss Betsy Eastman,
August 10, 1867; they have but one son, David, having
lost six children, five of whom died in the spring of
1882, from diphtheria, August I., Clara E., Amy E.,
Effie G., Bertie M., Huldah having died previously.
Mr. Anderson owns a farm of 182 acres, worth $25 per
acre. He is a member of the Baptist Church. pg
Thomas Anderson, P.O. Dalby; farmer
sec 12; owns 440 acres of land, valued at $25 per
acre. He was born Dec. 15, 1820, in Norway. In early
life he learned the tailor's trade, at which he
worked mostly till he came to the U.S., which was in
the spring of 1846, locating in Rock Co., Wis., where
he was married in May, 1850, to Miss Emily
Christianson, and the same year came to Allamakee
Co., Iowa, locating on a part of his present farm, he
being one of the earliest settlers of the township
His children are Andrew T., Knudt, Lena and Mary. He
has lost three, Christian, Betsey and Sarah. Mr. A.
has served as trustee of his township several terms,
and is a member of the Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran
church. pg 466
Charles Arklay, P.O. Waukon; farmer,
sec. 34; owns 120 acres of land, valued at $40 per
acre. He was born in Fifeshire, Scotland, in 1815;
learned the carpenter and joiner's trade in early
life, which business he followed for many years. He
was married to Miss Emily Murray, in 1841, and in
1851 they emigrated to the U.S., stopping in New York
City till 1859, when he came to this county and
purchased the farm upon which he still resides. His
children are William, Emily and Margaret. Mr. Arklay
is a member of the Presbyterian Church. pg 466-467
Levi Armstrong was born in Kentucky,
January 1849. In 1864 the family removed to Linn Co.,
Iowa, where the subject of this sketch received a
good education at Cornell College. He commenced
mercantile life by clerking, which he followed until
March 1879, when he engaged in his present business.
He was married in April 1875, to Anna McLaury, and
now has two children, Nettie and Edwin. pg 465