Biography Board - Post, search or
browse biographies from sources other than the
specific collections. The board bios are also
A-H * I-Z

& Resources -County, Iowa &
general research guides. Lots of Information that
will give you an edge-up on your family research.
- Family reunions often named relatives who lived
in other places
Records Collection - photos, school
histories and more
Registry -Make a connection with
others who are also researching your families!
Everything on this website has been contributed
by volunteers. A heartfelt thank-you to our
volunteers for their gifts of time. Contributions
are always welcome and transcribed data is always
needed to grow this site. What do you have to
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Search this
website ... but don't
rely entirely on the search engine, browsing the
records can reap hidden rewards!
Clicking on one of the general topics
in the menu to the left, will take you to more
specific menus.
Allamakee co.
Many of the records on this website
have been transcribed from very old, hard to read
records or have been translated from another
language. Be creative when entering
a surname into the search or browse the records
looking for your ancestor. Search for your ancestor
"John Doe" and "Doe, John" or try
initials for first names. Also, old records often
used shortened versions of names, ie: Thos., Jos.,
Wm. for Thomas, Joseph & William. Women often
went by nicknames, ie: Etta for Henrietta, Minnie for
Wilhelmina, etc. The search looks for exactly
what you put in the box.
The FreeFind search does not
include the query, biography & obituary boards,
but each of these boards has a search engine. Board search tips &
A note from Sharyl...
Please use the Query Board. I'll reply to your
query if I can help. As much as I'd love to be able
to assist everyone with their research, I'm not able
to because I don't live in or near Allamakee county.
Be sure to check neighboring
counties for your ancestors:

Server space for Allamakee co. is made possible by
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coordinator, it's easy, and I do respond! Submissions
can be made by email
attachments, or posted on the Document Board where the postings
will be moved to the appropriate place on this

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Our Leadership Team 2024-2025:
- Lynn Diemer-Mathews, State Coordinator
- Jennie Williams Pahls, Asst. State Coordinator
- Linda Zieman, Immediate Past State Coordinator

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