are no longer accepted for posting on this
page. Please use the new query board:

If you sent in a query prior to 2002, please repost on the new board.
Archived 2003 Queries
I am researching the Evens family. Specifically, Isaac Joseph
Evens (1806- 1872) and Esther Evens (1811-1894). They are both buried
in the Campbell Cemetery. Have photos of the gravestones. Their daughter
Susan Evens married my gggg grandfather, Andrew Perry. Esther was married
to a Miller, Maybe first name Charles.
Date: January 27, 2003
Contact: Jane Mach macjane@msn.com
I am looking for anyone with connections to a Johnston Green,
possibly lived or had relations in Adair County, Iowa.
Date: January 15, 2003
Contact: William Johnson Green bgreen7619@aol.com
I'm desperately hoping to find information on my 2nd Great Grandparents,
and possibly their parents. My grandmother, who just turned 88
in November, has never known anything about her family beyond the
information I have here. According to her, Osman Baker Brown was
born 11 May 1856/1858 in Piedmont County, OH and died in 1905 in
Orient, Adair County, IA. His wife, Martha
"Mattie" Ellen Wilkins (Wilkinson?) was born 26 Apr 1856/1858
in Guernsey County, OH and died 4 May 1943 in Orient, Adair County,
IA. I'm fairly certain that Mattie was buried in Orient Cemetery
on 6 May 1943, but don't know for sure where Osman is buried. Osman
and Mattie Brown had a total of 11 children (Worthy Dell-my
great grandfather, Mary Lena, Elsie Mae, Nellie Pearl, Anna Maude,
Carrie Victoria, Birdie Bell, Hazelle Lillian, Verna Gladys, Ralph
Roscoe & Ronald Dale.) Worthy Dell BROWN also had a child that
I believe was born & died in Orient (in a fire), Beulah May
(1903-1906). His remaining children came with the family to Idaho,
where only 2 survive. I have searched 100's or maybe even 1000's
of websites, trying to find information on my 2nd Great Grandparents,
and hopefully their ancestors, with no further results. My Grandmother
has said for years that she would like to know this information
before she dies, and it is driving me crazy trying to find out!
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
Date: January 1, 2003
Contact: Michelle Haskell mhaskell@cableone.net
2002 Queries
Elijah J. Sackett & wife Malinda Sackett were listed
in the 1880 census as living at Grove, Adair Co., IA, ages 71 & 70
respectively. Am looking for proof of death in obituaries, death notices,
or cemetery records in 1880's or early 1890's.
Date: December 31, 2002
Contact: Mary Anne Falk falkma@execpc.com
William Strater and Nuna Van Borkum married in Adair
County IA in 1881. I am looking for any information on where they
might have lived and what happened to them. I understand they were
Date: December 28, 2002
Contact: Michael Arterburn marterburn@beatricene.com
Looking for info on Arnburg's,(Arenberg, Arenburg), Jackman's,
and Isaac's in Adair Co., Adair Ia. All or most are buried in Sunnyhill
Cemt. in Adair. Have not been abla to find them in census (state
or fed.) or land records, can anybody help out there?
Date: December 28, 2002
Contact: Shirlene K. Davis falstar5151@yahoo.com
I am looking for information concerning the foreclosure on the
farm and nursing home owned by the Parsons. This occured
in the 1954 - 1956 timeline. I would appreciate any information
or memories on this at all.
Date: December 6, 2002
Contact: [no name given] mlohr@Allied-oil.com
I have great-grandparents named W.H. Shearer and Perlette StJohn.
An Iowa marriages database states that W.(William) H. Shearer
and Perlettie Stjohn married in Adair County on Dec. 8, 1888.
Looking for information on the town of marriage, places of
birth of Shearer and Stjohn and on the names and ages of the
parents of Shearer and Stjohn. Thank you very much.
Date: October 27, 2002
Contact: Nancy Mason mason022@tc.umn.edu
Looking for ancesters and descendants of William Henry Launder,
b 2-6-1823, d 3-22-1896 in Orient. Looking for info on marriage
between Willis Johnson Launder and Jennifer L. Williams in
Orient, IA, in 1877. Jennifer may be the daughter of Martha
Date: October 25, 2002
Contact: Barbara Grandfield & Jennifer Heston heston@citlink.net
I am looking for the information on the families of Jesse Doan's
children. Jesse lived at the time of his passing with Amanda
Nichols near Greenfield, Adair county, Iowa, he departed
on 19 March 1892 and is buried in the Orient Cemetery.
His children Milton S. Doan, Perthena Etmire
Lee, Elizabeth McClure, Isaac Doane,
Sarah Hoag, Amanda Nichols, and Rachel ???,
One of his daughters was married to a Singer (maybe
Rachel). I am the great grandaughter of Isaac S. Doan.
Any or all information on these children or Isaac or Jesse
families would be greatly appreciated. I am especially
looking for gravesites and obituaries.
Date: October 2, 2002
Contact: Kira Rickabaugh mutterkira@hotmail.com
I am looking for information on my great great grandparents
who lived in Casey, Walnut Township, Adair County. They
were Michael Shannon and Catherine or Kate (Lyons)
Shannon. I believe Michael had a cousin named Patrick
married to Margaret who also lived in the area. Michael
was born in 1846 and Patrick in 1854. Michael and Patrick
came from Roscommon Co., Ireland. Michael died on Oct
16, 1919 and is buried in St. Joseph's cemetery. I am
looking for information on his wife Catherine and their
kids Thomas (born 6/15/77) and Mary. I believe Michael's
parents names were Thomas and Bridget, but they stayed
in Ireland. And also if Patrick had any children. They
were Catholic but I don't know what the name of the church
is that they would have belonged to. Thank you.
Date: September 24, 2002
Contact: Shannon Guillen robandshannon@msn.com
I am interested in knowing if a Homer Cloid Fusselman and
family are in the 1920 Census Records for Adair Co.:
Homer Cloid - head; Estella Mae - wife; Vera Ione -
dau, b. 1919 in Adair Co. Bridgewater, IA. Thank you
for your time and effort.
Date: September 23, 2002
Contact: Trecia Griffin TGrif93021@aol.com
I am looking for info about George Klingensmith.
I believe that he was married in Adair Co. on 5-29-1880
to Lura or Laura Jones. If you find a copy of this
marriage lic. I would like to know if I would be
able to come and print off a copy.
Date: August 17, 2002
Contact: Tim Klingensmith Timklink67@Hotmail.com
Looking for information on McEvoys--buried
Calvary Cemetery (RC)Adair County-Section B. (These
McEvoys are originally from Ballymagreehan, No.
Ireland and Sunderland/Durham,England). This family
had a farm in Stuart on the Guthrie County side
of Stuart (Last family owner was James McEvoy).
The cemetery is in the Adair County side of Stuart.
This submitter visited this cemetery on July 29,
Tombstone 1 -- Lawrence and Ann McEvoy (inscription
reads Lawrence 1834-1927 Anna 1846-1943) Lawrence
Jr. 1886-1910
Tombstone 2 -- Dennis V. and Mildred C. McEvoy (Dennis
1887-1986; Mildred 1893-1990) (back of tombstone
reads parents of James Dennis and Mary)
Tombstone 3 -- Leo J. and Ann McEvoy; Leo,
Cpl USArmy WWI 1917-1918; March 24, 1893-April
17, 1975; Ann 1846-1943.
Census Information on this family in Iowa: 1900
Census - Brighton Township, Cass Co, Iowa, ED 38,
7 June 1900; 1920 Census - Somerset? Street, Stuart
City, Stuart Township, Guthrie Co, Iowa, ED NO
63, Sheet No. 5B, 29 January 1920 Lincoln Township,
Adair Co, Iowa, ED 11, 15 January 1920; 1930 census
- Lincoln Township, Cass Co, Iowa. page 1 and page
Lawrence McEvoy was my great-great uncle. My mother:
Elizabeth McEvoy Brennan lived in No. Ireland 1910-1926
died Chicago 1977. My grandmother: Elizabeth McEvoy
McEvoy born Sunderland England, lived Ballymagreehan,
Northern Ireland until 1925. Died Chicago October
1959. She was married to Peter McEvoy of Durham
England, Ballymagreehan NI and Chicago.
Date: August 3, 2002
Contact: Nancy Brennan jbfour@mindspring.com
I am looking for information about Nellie Largent
Keating who died on November 10, 1931 and
Johannah Shay Largent who died on January
31, 1948. Both were buried in the Sunny Hill
Cemetary in Adair, Iowa. Johannah is my paternal
great grandmother. I am particularly interested
in the given names of her parents. Thanks for
your help!
Date: July 26, 2002
Contact: Lynn DeFino ljdefino@msn.com
I found in the 1900 census that my g.g grandfather,
Elmer H. Bickford, b. Nov. 1863 and
his wife, Ella M. Bickford (maiden-Samples),
b. Jan. 1870, and their daughter, Estel or
Ethel, b. Jan. 1890 lived in Adair County in
1900. Can you help me with any other information
on any of these families.
Date: July 13, 2002
Contact: Timothy Scott Palmer tsprrdad@msn.com
I am looking for information about the parents
of Fred Finck (Bn. 1860- D.1923).
In 1890 he married Sophia Tilk. Both immigrated
from Germany and lived in the Fontanelle
area. I would like information about their
respective parents, siblings, etc. I believe
they had seven sons and one daughter. Sons
are: John, Peter, Fred, Henry, William, Emil,
and Albert. Albert Finck was my grandfather.
Date: July 8, 2002
Contact: Susan Ellingson Jeffvoice@mchsi.com
Any information for Don Walsworth.
I know he was born in Greenfield and married
to Julia Schenkelberger who was born in
Hiawatha, KS. They had 3 sons (William,
Ed and Don, jr.) Don was born in July 1908
and that is all I have.
Date: June 21, 2002
Contact: Doris M. Way dmmway@aol.com
I have information on Harry Brown's
wife, Eva Slezak. This was the
subject of a query dated March 29, 2001
from amyandjay1@home.com (no name given).
The e-mail address is no longer a valid.
If Amy or Jay will contact me, I can
tell them about Eva. I would like to
know more about Harry & Eva's children;
I only have the name of a son, Loren.
Date: June 20, 2002
Contact: Ed Susank susank02@comcast.net
My great grandfather was Anthony Lamiller,
he had 40 acres in Adair county, Eureka
twp. He is suppose to be buried in
Adair county, and was married to Francis
Griffith in the 1850 census, Can anyone
tell me when he purchased his property,
and where he came from before he came
to Adair county? Thank you.
Date: June 12, 2002
Contact: Lauretta Yates laurettay@inter-linc.net
I am looking for information about
my great uncle, Boyd Hubbard,
a Dentist who is believed to have
lived in Adair, Iowa in 1912 and
is in the census there for 1920.
His wife was Hattie Belle Vaughn.
They were married in Stuart in Guthrie
Co. IA in 1897. I am looking for
any information about when they moved
to Adair and when they left. I am
also looking for their children's
birth dates : Paul, Doris, and Boyd
Jr. (believed born in Adair in 1912).
Thank you for any help.
Date: May 30, 2002
Contact: Eleanor Macke emacke@marshall.k12.il.us
I received a copy of my grandfathers
obit. In the obit--7-7-1958-- it
said Alvah C Culver lived
in Greenfield and was a barber
and when he married Esther Emma Wilson 6-11-1914
that shortly after they moved to
Creston and they lived there untill
their deaths. What I was wanting
to know is if their first son Raymond
LeRoy was born in Greenfield and
were they married in Greenfield?
I am unable to locate Esther Emma
Wilson's parents. I know she had
a brother named Oscar Wilson and
two sisters named Bertha Wilson and
Blanche Wilson. Did they
live in Greenfield or around? I
know Esthers birthdate but not
place or parents. 6-25-1897.
Also Alvahs brother Roy Culver lived
in Greenfield and died there so
I assume that at one time maybe
there parents Dalby Rosecrans Culver and
Mary Eldora Conard lived there
along with another brother of Alvah--Clinton
and also a sister Blanche Culver.
In 1896 Dalby died, where I don't
know and Mary remarried to a Daniel
W Combs. At Alvahs death only mention
was Mary lived in Winterset. I
do know that Dalby and Mary were
married in Corning but I am having
hard time tracing and connecting
the whole family. I dont even know
where Mary and Daniel married could
it have been around Greenfield?
since Dalby would have died when
Alvah was about 4. and since Roy
still lived in Greenfield and Alvah
lived there until at least 1919
when my dad was born as I know
then they lived in Creston. Clinton
married a Blanche and lived in
Peru, Blanch married a James Cary
and lived in Tipton, and Roy married
a Zae and stayed in Greenfield,
at the time of Alvahs death.
I also had an aunt --Francis Louise Culver
Thompson who lived in Greenfield
(Alvahs daughter) and her family,
Eugene Thompson of which
I found they both are gone I would
guess with in the last 10 years?
They had 2 sons --Eugene (Gene)
and Guy does any one know where
they are? The 2 boys went to school
in Greenfield and just guessing
would be in their 50's now.
Any info or help you can give me
would be great!!
Date: May 20, 2002
Contact: Karen Culver DeVore lkdevore@iowatelecom.net
I am looking for some information on my great aunt, Frances V. Shriner,
born about 1855 in Fairfield, ,Jefferson Co, IA. She was married to John
S. Caviness in 1879 in Fairfield Iowa and at some point they moved
to Greenfield, Adair Co, Iowa. I would like to know when they moved there,
if she was a school teacher, if they had any children. They both died in
Greenfield, Frances in 1938 and John in 1931, would like to know if they
are buried there. Thank you very much.
Date: May 10, 2002
Contact: Bill Shriner Shrigeni@aol.com
We are looking for five siblings that moved from Kane Co, IL to Adair Co,
Iowa during 1866-1880. They are Orrin Drake, Elias L. Drake,
Ruth (Drake) Dennis, David Drake and Albert Drake.
They are the sons and daughter of Aaron and Eunice (Lyman) Drake.
According to the 1880 Census, the siblings lived in Summersett, Prussia
and Fontanelle Townships. If you have any information on them, especially
cemetery tombstone information, please contact us. We are also looking
for Aaron's final resting place, currently unknown. We're willing to share
information on their parents and other ancestors. Thanks for your help.
Date: April 17, 2002
Contact: Paul & Emily Weil weilfamily@tbcnet.com
Looking for any information about Cecil A. and Mattie Boggs [nee
Best?] Jamison. I don't know if this was a first or second marriage of
Mattie Boggs Best. Cecil and Mattie were married somewhere in Adair County
in April of 1894. Would like to know the town/place of their marriage,
names of the parents of Mattie Best, age of bride and groom, etc. I have
information about the Jamison family I can share with anyone who is interested.
Date: April 16, 2002
Contact: Susan Rezek rezek1021@myexcel.com
I'm looking for anything to do with the john Carlson family.
John's son William is my grandfather.
Date: April 3, 2002
Contact: Sandy Johannsen sandyjo@iowatelecom.net
I am looking for more information, especially parents and place of
birth, for Francis Marion Brown. I have him married to Emma Lehman with
children, Bessie, Clayton, Elsie, Frankie, Nettie, Albert Vernon,
Gertie, Arthur. They were born in the 1870-1880's in Adair Co., IA.
Albert Vernon married Ida Martha Warrant.
Date: March 30, 2002
Contact: Lisa Martin martinlm@chartermi.net
I am searching for any Powers family from Adair County.
John and Margaret Powers lived in Stuart in 1900, thier
children were: William, Earl, Pearl, Bert and Bertha. The other
Powers family lived in Prussia Twp; Francis and Louisa Powers,
thier children were: Milan, Elmer, Harry, Asa?, and Daniel. They
were in Prussia Twp in the 1880 census and I can't find any of
them after that. Thank you for your help.
Date: March 29, 2002
Contact: Connie Powers-Leonard cony53@aol.com
I am looking for information about John T and Mary (Moyer/Meyers) Salsbury.
Mary Salsbury died about 1879-80, possibly in Adair Co. Her Widowed
husband, John T Salsbury, and her son, Orville, was found in
the 1880 Iowa census in Bear Grove, Guthrie Co., IA. Another
son, Clyde Salsbury may have been born in Adair or Guthrie Co.
Any information about Mary Salsbury痴 death or burial would be
greatly appreciated.
Date: March 26, 2002
Contact: Kathleen Webb kwebb@seanet.com
I am looking for any information on Sophie (Heintz) Endres.
Sophie was a daughter of Henri and Julie Heintz from
Amana, Iowa. She married an Endres and lived in Greenfield,
Iowa. She had a son, Archie Endres. This is about all
I know about Sophie and would like to know who her descendents
were. Her brother, Henry Heintz was my great grandfather.
Date: March 25, 2002
Contact: Vivian Eichel veichel@tusco.net
I知 looking for Mary Gertrude Gregory who I believe
married Adam Brant. Mary Gregory was born 12 Nov 1856
in Tippecanoe Co., Ind. She was the dau. of William D. Gregory
and Anna Elizabeth Bartmess. The new 1880 index shows an
Adam Brant with wife Mary G. in 1880 Fontanelle, Adair Co,
Iowa. There are two children: William J. and Ramer W. Brant.
Does anyone know more about this couple?
Date: March 8, 2002
Contact: Kathleen Rizer RizerK@erinet.com
I am looking for information on my family. Grandmother:
Maude Lena Law, born 1892, in Fontanelle, Adair
Co, Iowa. Her parents: Samuel Dyer Law, born 1853
and married in 1881 to Anna Mary Swisher (b. 1864).
They were married in the Lee Township of Adair Co, Iowa.
Anna Swisher died in Canby, Adair Co, Iowa in 1901. Anna
Swisher's father, Jacob Swisher died in 1899 in
Stuart, Adair Co, Iowa. Samuel Law's father, James Dyer Law died
in 1890 in Canby. I am trying to find teh parents of Jacob Swisher.
In addition, I am trying to find newspaper articles, pictures,
information about Samuel Law and Anna Swisher. Thank you
for any help.
Date: March 5, 2002
Contact: Christy Schultz superanty@pacific.net
I have found the names of Eliza Hurlburt, James
H. Hurlbert/Hulbert and Arthur L. Hulbert listed
in Adair County cemetery listings. I am looking for more
information on these people. I am hoping to find a connection
to a George Hurlburt/Hulbert that married S.L. Eighmy
in Taylor County, Iowa in 1869. George was born in New
York around 1840.
Date: March 2, 2002
Contact: Earline Hulbert (email no longer valid)
A marriage license is listed for James Anthony and
Julia Ann Vanvoltinbury in Adair County, Dec 28, 1876.
My great-grandfather is James Anthony. I am trying
to determine if this is my relative. If so, it would
be his second marriage. There is also a record of James
Anthony's death in 1879. He was buried in the Fontanelle
Cemetery, Fontanelle, Iowa. The birth date is listed
as 1801. This would be consistent with the information
I have on my great grandfather. If anyone has any information
to confirm that he is my relative, I would greatly
appreciate the help.
Date: February 27, 2002
Contact: Susan Hoskins hoskins@xmission.com
I would like to find out information of the Hoadley families.
My birth father's name was George Raymond Hoadley born
October 25,1927 in Adiar Co Iowa. Their ancestors owned
a century farm. Also I would like some information
on the Hoadley School. My father was killed in a truck
accident in Adiar County Iowa in October 28,1961. Any
information on the Hoadley families would be greatly
Date: February 16, 2002
Contact: Margaret Hoadley-Storms MSThunderstorm@aol.com
I am looking for information on Alllen W. Comstock and
Eva Olsen. I found that they where married in
1888 in Adair Co, Iowa. They are my great-grandfather/grandmother.
I've hit a dead end I know my granddad was born in
Nebraska, and they (Allen and Eva) ended up in Pawhuska,
OK. Thank you for any information.
Date: February 14, 2002
Contact: Esther Sowards estrasow@yahoo.com
I am looking for any information of a Edward F. Farrell.
He was born Sept. 16,1925. His parents were Michael
Christopher Farrell, and Kathleen Patricia (Grace)
Farrell. He was raised in Adair, IA, as all of the
Farrell family. He died in Sept. 1968, Any information
about him or the family would greatly be appreciated.
Date: February 5, 2002
Contact: Jacqueline Bernauer www.Bondgirl2k2@aol.com
Does anyone have a record of a child about 10-11 years
of age, son of Dr. Franklin Thompson DeWitt having
an accident on a pony which caused his death near Fontanelle
before or around 1900? Trying to find information about
this family and believe they were in area then. Any
information would be appreciated.
Date: January 29, 2002
Contact: Dorothy Craft dorothy08@msn.com
I am searching for Elmer Mason Brown who was
married in Greenfield, Adair County June 21, 1893 to
Nancy Violetta Platt. Any information on this
family would be very much appreciated.
Date: January 22, 2002
Contact: Judy Chastain chastain@iowatelecom.net |