“Frederick Meisenheimer, born in Germany in 1846, passed away in 1915. His wife Margaret Dora Hoebner was born in Germany in 1849, and died in 1917. They were married in 1871 and had ten children: John, Fred, Marx, Anna, George, Edward, Frank, Margaret, Mary and Henry. “Fred Meisenheimer, deceased, was among the worthy citizens that Germany has furnished to Adair County. He was born in that country September 21, 1846, a son of Jacob and Elizabeth (Grorosat) Meisenheimer, both of whom were natives of Germany. They came to American in 1865 and continued their journey across the continent as far as Bureau County, IL. Subsequently they removed to Henry county IL where the mother passed away, and in 1868, the father came to Adair County, IA where he remained until his death, which occurred in 1887. Fred Meisenheimer was one of a family of ten children, but only one of the number is now living. He was a youth of eighteen years when the family came to the new world, and he remained with his father until he attained his majority, after which he started out in farm work on his own account by renting land in Bureau county, IL, where he remained for three years. In1875 he came to Adair County, IA where he purchased a farm and continued to make his home thereon until his death, which occurred June 25, 1915. His first purchase comprised on hundred and twenty acres on section 27, Summerset Township. With characteristic energy he began the further development and improvement of his land and he added to the place many fine buildings, which include large barns and outbuildings thoroughly ample to meet all the requirements of stock-raising and also provide shelter for his grain. He worked diligently and persistently and being able to secure fair prices for his crops, he added to his income from time to time and eventually was able to purchase other land. He added to his regional holdings until he became the owner of two hundred and eighty acres of valuable farm land, much of which is devoted to the production for the cereals best adapted to soil and climate. He also made a specialty of raising and feeding stock and had good grades of stock upon his place. In 1870 Mr. Meisenheimer was united in marriage to Miss Margaret D. Heapner, who was born in Germany and came to the United States in 1868. Her parents, George and Anna (Sash) Heapner, were also natives of Germany and never left that county. Mr. and Mrs. Meisenheimer became parents of ten children: John, who follows farming Adair County; Fred, Mary A, who is deceased; Anna B, at home, JG; Edward E; Frank A; Maggie, Marx; and Henry W. Both Mr. and Mrs. Meisenheimer were reared in the Lutheran faith. After studying the political situation of the country he endorsed the principles of the democratic party and continued one of its stanch advocates. He filled the office of township trustee for seven years and was also school director for several years. Mr. Meiseheimer deserved much credit for what he accomplished. When he started out for himself he was in debt, but he soon managed to discharge his financial obligations and worked his way steadily upward. He early realized that industry is sure foundation upon which to build prosperity and he worked earnestly and unfalteringly year after year until his labors were crowned with a most comfortable competence and he was numbered among the substantial farmers of his community.” submitted by Anglea Jameson | 